
It was a normal regular Friday night for Eliza and Bucky. It's the usual night where they order takeout okay they do it not really never night. It's just when the two are too lazy to cook anything, okay now that they think of it, yeah it's sorta every night.

"Anything interesting happen at school?" Bucky asks as the two are sharing a pizza, and Eliza shrugs her shoulders.

"Not really, but what is new in this world." Eliza says that making Bucky smile at his daughter as she's is a little ray of happiness, as he's totally grumpy when Eliza isn't around. He's all happy, when she is around, Sam just calls the two of them weird.

"You're totally right on that Liza." Bucky says as he takes a drink of his soda, and the said daughter does the same. They do a lot of things in sync, sometimes they don't even realize they are doing it until Sam or Caleb say something about it.

Romanoff and Belova household

Adaline is reading a book. Not just any book, but a Russian book. She's bored when she's reading a Russian book. Her mom and aunt are doing their typical pity arguments over Yelena taking Nat's favorite sweatshirt and legging.

"As long as there's no blood and dead bodies, go right ahead." Adaline shouts without taking a single glance out of her book, as the two sisters are in the kitchen doing their typical banter.

"Stop taking my stuff." Natasha scolds her sister, as the blonde smirks.

"I was going to give it back." Yelena reasons to her older sister, and the redhead scoffs.

"When would that be?" Nat says, crossing her arms at her sister.

"Okay, when you put it that way." Yelena says with a little smirk tugging the corner of her lips.

"I was right." Nat says making the blonde pout a little.

"Are you done being children? If so, thank Jesus." The voice of Adaline echoes in the house, as she's only one room over from the two of them as for once this entire evening she looks up from her book.

"Why does she drink coffee at 8:00 at night?" Yelena asks as Nat shrugs her shoulders at her sister, before she walks away.

"Uh, because I never sleep." Adaline says to her aunt, as she gets up and goes to the kitchen and makes more coffee.

Wilson household

Tallulah and Caleb are finishing up with their homework that they had gotten that day. Sam is watching the news and sees a news segment about a robbery in Switzerland. There were these masked people running away with the money, and the man watching said news rolls his eyes.

"If you are going to rob a bank, don't run away." Sam argues with the TV causing the two to laugh.

"Who are you talking to?" Caleb asks, as he doesn't look up from his history book, as Tallulah doesn't look up from her english.

"Just arguing with the TV." Sam says as the two teenagers go back doing their homework, and or reading for their homework.

"Okay, so you've officially gone crazy?" Tallulah asks and Sam turns over to the girl and gives her a look which makes her grin as she doesn't look up from her book.

"Hush Lula." Sam says and the girl snickers and Sam turns his attention back to the news.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Tallulah says as she gets up and refills her glass of water, as Sam waves his hand at her, and she smirks.

"Read your english." Caleb says as Tallulah glares at the boy and he grins at her, as his head is down.

Sam gets up with his phone in hand and Tallulah looks up and she sees that Sam is gone, as she gets up with Caleb in tow and the two follow him and stop by his bedroom door, which is now closed. The two teenagers put their ears against the door as they listen to the conversation.

"Hey Buck and El." They heard Sam say, they couldn't hear what Bucky or either Eliza was saying.

"We have to go to Germany so meet me at the airport tomorrow morning. I'll explain then bye." Sam says again, before the man could open the door the two teenagers literally dashed to where they were.

Romanoff and Belova household

Yelena fell asleep in her bedroom, Natasha fell asleep on her bed and Adaline was definitely not asleep, that's for sure.

She got a text from Sam as it was almost eleven thirty at night. Ada doesn't really sleep at night, as she's more of a night owl, but the message that she had received from the one and only Sam Wilson, makes her groan.

She has to wake up early, and this girl literally hates waking up early, as she doesn't see the point of waking up early. It's too early for her liking and she hates it with a burning passion.

Sam: be up at 8:30 and meet me at the airport

Little Lena: k

The next morning

Bucky and Eliza weren't overly thrilled to be waking up this early. It's too early for the two of them, especially on Saturday. It's supposed to be a lazy Saturday were the two of them literally don't do anything but watch a movie and stuff their faces with food, and then sleep on Sunday.

Not going to a different country, that's in a different part of the world, and that she's going to be leaving the comfort of her home and her blanket. She's really close to her blankie as she got said blankie when she was a baby. She definitely hates this and they haven't even left yet.

"He better have a good reason to do this." Eliza says splitting her burrito with her father as he happily took it and ate it having the same thoughts as his daughter.

"Yeah he better." Bucky says with a mouth full of his half of the burrito, and Sam turns to see the two of them and he smirks.

"Hey burritos." Sam calls the two Barnes' come into view and Tallulah tries not to snicker at Sam's comment.

"ShUt Up." Eliza says with a mouth full of her burrito, as Bucky gives him a look.

"Okay, okay no need to get violent. Just a hello." Sam says to the girl, as she rolls her eyes at him.

"Why we here." Bucky says as Eliza takes another bite of her burrito as she nods her head at her father, as she swallows her bite of her burrito.

"Good question, Buck." Sam says as Buck gives him a look which he only smirks.

"Okay so what's the big deal of us being here?" A new voice says echoing in the hangar, and everyone turns to see Adeline, Nat and a blonde who Tallulah confirmed to be Yelena Belova.

"Thank you for asking." Sam says as now the gang is here, and half of them want to get this thing over with and they just got here.

"We have to go to Germany to kick some ass of a terrorist group called the Flag Smashers." Caleb says, grabbing his phone and showing everyone the picture. "This guy has connections with rebel organizations all over eastern and central Europe and he's too strong." Caleb says explaining as Nat nods her head, as Adeline and Yelena are confused about what's happening.

"That's a terrible name." Adeline mutters as her aunt Yelena couldn't help but agree with the girl.

"Now redwing traced them to a building, somewhere outside of Munich, so that's where we are going." Sam says to the gang.

"So we are wasting our time and life, just so that you can go to Germany, when we could've been in bed watching the Bachelor." Adeline snaps at the black man.

"Well we don't trust redwing!" Bucky argues with Eliza beside him.

"Hold on a minute you don't have to trust redwing. But I'm gonna go see if he's right because I have a feeling they might be part of the big three." Sam argues with Bucky, who is confused on what the 'big three is'.

"Okay children, let's all be nice there are children here." Nat says butting into the little argument of Sam and Bucky.

"It's not like I've heard words before." Adeline says to her mother and the said mother glared at her daughter which she just smirked.

"What big three?" Bucky asks as Eliza shakes her head as she finishes her burrito.

"Androids, aliens and wizards." Adeline says using her fingers to count them.

"There's no such thing as wizards." Bucky says as Eliza rolls her eyes a little.

"Dr. Strange is a sorcerer." Eliza says as Sam interrupts her.

"A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat." Sam and Tallulah say as Caleb nods his head, as Eliza and Bucky have the same matching expression on their faces.

"The incredibly annoying guy and his weird daughter in front of me with the staring problems." Sam says as he walks away leaving Bucky, Eliza, Nat, Yelena and Adeline.

"We're coming with you." Bucky and Eliza say to Sam.

"No you're not!" Sam yells back, to the group behind him.

"Too late we already are!" Adeline yells back, as she grabs her gun and clicks the safety off with a smile on her face.

On the plane

Eliza, and Bucky were sitting on one side and Sam was sitting with Adeline, as she walked over to his side, and sat beside him which didn't mind. Sam and Bucky were having a staring contest, and Eliza was bored as she was playing a game on her phone.

"One minute til drop off, Sam." Torres says as the two girls nod their heads, at the young man without looking up.

"Can't yall just blink." Adeline says, rolling her eyes at seeing Bucky and Sam having the staring contest, as it was getting annoying.

"Nope." Sam says as he and Bucky leaned forward a little and then Sam got up as did Bucky, leaving his daughter and she pouted a little as she was comfortable using her Dad's metal arm as a pillow.

"So what is the plan?" Bucky asks Sam as he got his goggles and he turns to face Bucky putting his earpiece in his ear, and he doesn't say anything.

"He has a plan but he won't tell you." Tallulah says as she and Caleb suit up, in their matching blue suits, as they wanted to match. Bucky muttered a few choice words under his breath as Eliza rolled her eyes at Tallulah.

"Great, so everyone is going to die. Sounds peachy." Eliza says as Bucky has a tiny grin on his face.

"Yeah I'm not dying." Bucky says as Caleb couldn't help but agree with the ex winter soldier.

"Yeah, you're banned from that department, pops." Eliza says without hesitation and Bucky gives her a small smile.

"30 seconds!" Torres yells at them.

"Enjoy your ride Buck and Lizzie." Sam says to Bucky and Eliza as the girl rolls her eyes at what Sam had just called her father.

"He doesn't like being called that." Eliza says butting in as she puts her hair in a braid, as a braid works for her when she's wearing her suit. ".....and don't you dare call me that ever again."

"Why not. That's what Steve called you two." Sam says arguing with Eliza.

"Steve knew us longer, and Steve had a plan." Eliza says finalizing the argument they are having at the moment.

"15 seconds to drop." Torres yells at the group.

"I have a plan." Sam says as Caleb and Tallulah walk to the shaft window.

"Really? Oh please do tell." Eliza says, but her question goes unanswered as Sam, Tallulah and Caleb jump out of the plane, leaving Torres, Eliza, Bucky, Nat, Yelena and Adeline.

"I really do hate him, and this is WHY!" Adeline yells as she too jumps out of the plane, as Eliza growls a little at her, and she goes to lunge at the girl but she's already out of the plane.

"Okay Line, hate is a very strong word." Nat says with a smirk on her face as Adeline thumped her mother's forehead, with a small huff.

"TRAITOR!" Eliza yells at the girl who is already out of the plane, and she turns to the two sisters.

"Please tell me that you two have a plan." Eliza says sweetly to the two but they could still sense the anger in her voice.

"Sorry...." Nat says sheepishly as Eliza stomps a little as she walks to the shaft window.

"God I hate people today!" Eliza says as she too jumps out of the shaft window, leaving Bucky with the sisters.

"She's fine....right." Yelena says with a small smirk but also a little scared look on her face as Nat told her a while back that Eliza has a temper.

" long as she doesn't murder Sam, we'll be good." Nat says as Bucky too grabs a gun, and also a knife and puts them in his holster.

"That might be too late." Bucky says to them.

Bucky ripped off his sleeve and tossed it to the ground and Natasha and Yelena walked beside Bucky watching him. The two have parachutes, and the two sisters jump out of the plane before they press a button and they start floating.

The father of said pissed daughter jumped out of the plane, and he kept hitting trees, branches, etc. Then he fell to the ground, he stayed on the ground, then an all familiar whizzing sound and it didn't take long to realize what it was. Red wing.

"I have all of that on camera. Ya know that." Sam says through redwing, and Bucky groans.

"Get that out of my face Sam, or I'll break it." Bucky says groaning a little more, as a shadow caught Bucky's attention and saw that it was Eliza.

"Okay, what are you doing on the ground?" Eliza says as she walks up to her father with a confused look on her face of why he's on the ground.

"Your pop fell on the ground, when he jumped out of the plane." Sam says talking through redwing, which makes Eliza snicker at her father. She helps him back up to his feet.

"We need to get to the warehouse." Sam says to the two, and within minutes the two get to the warehouse.

"Where are these fuckers." Adeline says, as Tallulah and Caleb are behind Sam. Nat and Yelena took off their parachutes.

"They took a hostage." Eliza says as she leans on a post with her arms crossed.

"Well that's a bummer." Yelena says as Adeline shakes her head a little at her Aunt's comment, but it ends with a smile.

The group go to Germany, and Eliza hears her father and Sam talking but she could honestly care less. Eliza, Tallulah and Adeline are finding information about the Flag Smashers in the meantime, as the two men catch up to the three girls, and before anyone could say anything there were two trucks speeding past them.

"That's them." Tallulah says to the group, and they dash towards it, and Eliza, and Adeline get their guns to shoot anyone.

Eliza and Tallulah jumped and opened a door, and walked into the back of the truck. They both felt another presence and it definitely wasn't anyone else in the group. They saw this girl and they knew that it was a hostage, and the two girls lowered their weapon not wanting to scare the hostage anymore than she probably already is.

"Girls, how is it looking?" Bucky's voice can be heard on the other side of their earpiece.

"Found the hostage." Tallulah replies and the hostage continues to look at the other two girls.

"We're not going to hurt you." Tallulah says to the hostage who looks like a redhead in her late teens.

"You okay?" Eliza asks the girl as she has a smile on her face and before Eliza or Tallulah could say anything they got kicked in the stomach.

Bucky, Sam, Nat, Yelena and Adeline are fighting the Flag Smashers and Eliza and Tallulah land on a window of the other truck and Eliza's hand was holding onto the top of the truck, while her other hand was holding Tallulah.

"Shit/Fuck!" Eliza and Tallulah both exclaimed and they saw the girl putting on a mask, and the two girls grew confused at the sight of it. Eliza felt herself getting grabbed by one of the Flag Smasher people and they lifted her and Tallulah forcefully.

The girl jumped to the truck that Eliza and Tallulah were hanging on for dear life, and the redhead grabs redwing and breaks it in half with her knee, and Eliza and Tallulah both smirk at seeing that.

"We always wanted to do that." Tallulah and Eliza say in unison as Eliza got punched in the face again, and she and Tallulah couldn't do anything even if they wanted to.

"Dad, little help if you love me." Eliza says dramatically to her father and Sam.

Sam is flying in his suit, and kicks the girl that kicked Eliza and Tallulah. The two started fighting, throwing punches and kicks to each other.

Eliza and Tallulah kick the men and one of them lets her go, Eliza grabs her knife and stabs the man and Tallulah kicks him and he falls off the truck. Nat and Yelena use their batons, and the men that they were fighting fall off the truck. Then there was a shield and a man in a suit showed up, and this shocked Eliza, Tallulah and Caleb.

Caleb was having fun by teleporting, confusing his guy that he was tricking and then the man grabbed his throat in a tight grip.

"Okay bad idea." Caleb rasps out as Tallulah uses her electric powers and shocks the man that was holding Caleb by the throat. The boy she sees as a brother falls to the ground but gets up successfully.

"Eliza. Sam. John Walker. Captain America!" The man in the suit and Eliza kicks the other man that held her from doing anything and he falls off the truck.

She wants to know how the hell this guy knows her name, is her question.

"There was only one Captain America sir, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't sound like that!" Eliza and Tallulah yell at the man.

"Looks like you guys could use some help." John says ignoring the two girls' remarks and they roll their eyes. John and the redhead continue fighting each other and throwing punches and kicks.

John went to throw the shield but Bucky caught it and gave the shield back to John. Bucky kicks one of the guys and he almost falls off the truck, and Sam, Eliza, Tallulah and Bucky start fighting the other guys and Nat shoots them and kicks them off the truck.

Eliza fell but she used all the muscle that she had in her body to keep her balance, and possibly got run over by the truck. One of the Flag Smashers kicks her arm, to try to make her fall, but Bucky aims his gun at the man and he falls.

"That little girl kicked your ass!" Sam yells as he wears a massive grin.

In one foul swoop Sam sweeps under the cars and tackles Eliza straight out midair, smacking into the hard earth as the two of them tumble and roll. Still on top of the truck, Adeline, Nat, Yelena, Tallulah, Caleb and Bucky their mouths are slightly parted.

The last five remaining Flag Smashers each fight with the five remaining Avengers. Nat makes a wild swing with her baton but a soldier grabs her thrown fist, and wrenches it painfully to the side, and then slams a boot straight into her stomach. But before she could fall off the truck Yelena was far enough and grabbed her sister's hand and started to pull her up. The man that kicked her sister, also kicked Yelena making her and Nat fall off the truck and onto the ground with a loud crack.

Bucky, Tallulah and Caleb remained on the truck finishing getting their asses beat but also trying not to fall off the truck, which almost happened to Caleb but Tallulah caught him before he even had the chance of falling.

"Stop falling!!' Tallulah says as she uses her gun to shoot the remaining flag smashers and they fall off the truck.

Nat and Yelena both groan as they try to get up, and they both roll on their stomach and shake the dizziness from their heads. Their hair falls on their faces and they both huff, blowing it from her eyes in annoyance.

Painfully propping themselves up, they force themselves into a jog back down the road until she can spot Sam and Eliza having rolled on top of each other in the middle of the pretty meadow.

They also see Bucky, Tallulah and Caleb also going in that direction also, Tallulah is covered in dirt, and Caleb's legs feel like jello, but he's managed to keep on walking. As it doesn't really hurt that much.

"Okay you two stop hugging!!" Yelena says to them.

Eliza and Sam both glare at the blonde girl, and all the blonde did was just smirk, as Bucky helps Eliza back to her feet.


"Sorry about your robotic thing?" Yelena says as that's what she calls Redwing.

"He's not a robot!" Sam snaps at the blonde as she has a smirk on her face.

Eliza walks between her father and Sam, with Nat walking behind the trio with her sister next to her and Tallulah, Caleb and Adeline are behind the two sisters.

Eliza has her right hand deep in her pocket and her left hand is holding her father's hand to calm him down. It was working to some extent, he was calm, he just didn't want to say anything. The said father lets out a tiny sigh of relief of feeling his daughter's touching his knuckles. After they formed back into the fearsome group, they had no choice but to just make their way to the airstrip to meet Torres. It's a much longer walk than any of them were expected.

Everyone is kind in their own conversations, as Adeline, Nat and Yelena are telling Tallulah and Caleb about the whole thing of blowing up the Red Room. Mostly because Nat is still wearing the jacket that her sister gave her to her, and that her red hair has blonde in the middle of it in the braid.

"I have the ball if you want it." Eliza says as she slings off the big backpack that has the 'fun toys in it. It mostly consists of weapons, and another little backpack that has an extra pair of clothes for her and Bucky and some water, and some snacks. Also, then you got a stress ball that Steve had given Eliza so long ago that she had forgotten that she even had it, until Bucky had mentioned it.

"Ya." Bucky says as Eliza digs in her pocket and then feels for the white ball that has glitter on it. Steve thought it looked cute as Eliza has a small obsession with glitter and that one of her favorite colors is white.

After Eliza handed her father the stress ball, she put the smaller backpack back inside the bigger one, and put it back on her back. Within seconds in Bucky's metal arm he starts squeezing it letting out his anger on the ball.

"Eli do me a favor and tell me what's going on in that cyborg brain of his." Sam says trying to cheer her up, she can definitely tell. As her father would sometimes do it to her also. Eliza cracks a smile at her father as he deadpans. "It's computing."

"You know, what? I can actually see it!" Sam chuckles, bumping the daughter of the man that's squeezing the ball in the side slightly. "I can see the gears turning. Oh they're malfunctioning, shutting down. Yep, they're on fire."

"We need to figure out where the serum is coming from." Eliza says cutting the other five out of their conversation as Yelena was practically explaining the time where Adeline had almost sacrificed herself just so that Yelena could escape. Everyone turned their attention to Eliza, well the five of them did.

"Yeah." Nat agrees, as her voice is growing sharp at the situation as both Adeline and Yelena agree also with their mother and sister.

"And how in the hell after eight years are there eight super soldiers on the loose?" Caleb says butting into the conversation, that is happening. But before anyone could say anything the infamous voice of John Walker interrupts.

With a honk of a horn in a green military truck suddenly pulls ahead of them and glides to a stop. The annoying Captain America wannabe, John Walker and his partner who has bad taste in friends sits in the back of the truck grinning back at them.

"So." John Walker starts opening the back door for them to hop in. "That didn't go as planned huh?"

The group started walking without sparing him a singular glance.

"Okay, let's keep going." Walker says as he awkwardly shuts the back door once again and the truck keeps rolling alongside them. "Look at least we know what we're up against now, huh? And we're pretty sure it's one of the Big Three, so..."

"Aliens, androids, or wizards?" Sam says with a deadfaced smile on his face.

"It's not a fucking thing Jesus Christ!" Eliza yells harsher than she intends, making Tallulah and Caleb accidentally bump into Natasha and Yelena. As they never heard Eliza like that before.

"All right, well." Walker says sighing and shrugs his shoulders. "Then we gotta work together."

"I would rather loose my father again on a mother fucking train in the Swiss Alps, and me never seeing him again. Than ever working with you!" Eliza snaps again, as Bucky and Yelena both have a firm grip on both of Eliza's arms before she could possibly lunge and yeah.

"That's not happening." Bucky replies flatly without taking his eyes off of his daughter.

Walker didn't give up. "I think we stand a much better chance if we all just--"

"Just 'cause you carry that mother fucking goddamn shield doesn't mean you're fucking Captain America!" Eliza snaps again at Walker and Bucky and Yelena both squeeze each of her hands to calm her down.

"Look I've done the work, okay?" Walker says, defending himself, as Eliza lets out a growl.

"Have you ever jumped on top of a grenade?" Bucky says bitterly, to Walker.

"Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It's a thing I do with my helmet, it's a reinfornced helmet--" Walker says but then he gets interrupted by an angry Eliza who wants to murder him.

"I think we can manage twenty miles. Thank you have a nice day." Eliza says sarcastically, as Bucky held her to his chest, knowing exactly what she would do.

"I insist. Please." Walker says begging them, and with a bit more grumbling and growling they eventually seat themselves into the back of the truck. There was shockingly enough room for all of them except for Eliza who is stuck in between her father and Sam with his arm, digging into her ribs.

She doesn't mind being close to her father but this is starting to be too much for him. It feels like she's being squished into a crowd.

"Okay." Walker says, sounding seriously, as if he's in charge as Tallulah and Caleb both roll their eyes at this. "So, we've got eight supersoldiers, on a bulk supply run...Why?"

"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the Blip. Maybe they're just trying to help?" Sam says knowing that Bucky, Eliza, and the rest of the gang refused to say anything and it's been five minutes going on six.

"Then they have a funny way of showing it." Tallulah grumbles under her breath. Bucky grabs Eliza and puts her on his knee so she's not getting squished. When she's secure on his knee, he has his metal arm around her stomach to keep her in place.

"That serum doesn't exactly have a great track record." Walker's eyes dart between Bucky and Eliza as they both have the super soldier serum. "No offense."

Eliza and Adeline's expressions turn cold and hard, that deadly look that is mentally saying, 'shut up before I choke you'. Walker begins to look a bit uncomfortable under the stare coming from the two girls.

"Are we making you uncomfortable, sorry about that." Tallulah sasses to Walker, as Bucky and the rest of the adults and Caleb smirk at the girl but they all stay silent.

"Why are they involved in something like this anyway? Shouldn't they of all people be away from stuff like this now?" Walker says, narrowing his eyes as they darted to the two girls.

Something violent stirs in Bucky's ocean blue eyes. "Talk about my daughter again, and you won't like it."

Sam blinks, Eliza smirks, Hoskins awkwardly whistles, and the rest of the gang look away, in different directions.

"Okay need to get violent. Just a simple question. Geez." Walker says as Adeline grazes her fingers to her hollister, and she gets one of her throwing knives out of the hollister, and that makes Walker shut up at least for now.

Adeline keeps her throwing knife in her hand; Eliza almost slides off of her father's knee as they go over a bump but he repositions her and he has his chin on top of her head, to calm the both of them down.

"How'd you track 'em here? The Flag Smashers?" Sam asks either Walker or Hoskins.

"Uh no." Hoskins says almost apologetic, awkwardly squinting and scratching the back of his neck. "We didn't track them, we tracked you, uh, through redwing."

Adeline tilts her head a little to the side, as she doesn't mind Hoskins, although he definitely has a bad taste in friends.

"You hacked my tech?!" Sam says clearly angry at what was said, as Natasha shakes her head with a grin.

"Sorry it's not exactly hacking. It's government property." Walker chimes in, chuckling a little, motioning towards him with a pleased smirk. "Kind of government."

Before Eliza could possibly slaughter Walker, Bucky swiftly snares her throwing knife and hands it to Sam, and he keeps it in his other hand much to her dismay.

"Do they always stare like that?" Walker says, as neither Bucky or Eliza look away.

"You get used to it." Sam says defensively.

"Okay look." Walker clears his throat and eventually. "You know, things have gotten kind of uh..."

"Chaotic." Hoskins offers with an assured nod.

"Yeah. The GRC, they're doing the best they can do to get things up and possibly running smoothly, post Blip."

"Reactivating, citizenship, and social security, healthcare. Basically just managing resources for the refugees who were displaced by the return."

"The Global Repatriation Councill does all that. I get it." Sam cuts in with a sturdy voice.

"So why exactly are you two here?" Adeline grumbled underneath her breath.

"Well they provide the resources and we keep things stable. Violent revolutionaries aren't usually good for anyone's cause." Walker says and his partner nods agreeing with him.

"Usually said by the people with the resources." Sam points out glancing at Eliza and Bucky's way.

"We have a lot of resources. If you guys, if you joined up with us we could--"

"No." Adeline's voice is stern, leaving no room for an argument.

"I got mad respect for all of y'all. But you were getting your asses kicked 'til we showed up. Especially the girls over here." Hoskins says and that stirs something in Bucky.

"Stop the car!" Bucky roars, before anyone has the chance to say anything.

Before the truck has fully even rolled to a stop, he hops out before turning around and setting his hands on Eliza's hips to help her out after him.

After Eliza gets out, the rest of the gang also gets out along with Sam, as none of them say anything, as they turn their backs on Walker and with that they walk away.

"If I hear another thing out of his mouth I swear to God I will rip his throat out." Eliza grumbles under her breath and Sam and Bucky both exchange glances before Bucky says.

"Liza please don't." Bucky says calmly to his daughter and she doesn't even turn around to face her father.

"You would too. Wouldn't you?" Eliza tells her father and when he doesn't respond. "That's what I thought." Eliza says to her father as she walks a little faster than the group.

"She's okay, right?" Tallulah asks Bucky or anyone really.

"No. She's not." Sam says to the girl.


As of December 21, 2022. I have gone back to re-edit and fix any grammical errors and also add some things. Feel free to comment any other errors and spelling.


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