Violet Kingdom
A few moons after their weddings...
"You have raised him well." Shinka smiled up at her husband.
"Not just me, both of us. We have raised him well. He would not have become the strong young man he is without his mother's admonishing and keen eye. You have raised him right. He is almost ready for the position of king of the Green kingdom." Violet appreciated his wife.
"You see Violet, at first I thought this would be hard..."
"What would be hard?"
"Raising my boy with the knowledge that I will have to let him go some day." Violet listened on carefully, "I think it has something to do with the fact that my father prepared me earlier for this."
"I have a strong urge that it has more to do with responsibility and your position as the eldest daughter to the Green family. It is engrained in you to do the right thing."
"You are right. I know Craven will make a wise king." She watched the twenty-year-old fencing off his opponent as he pinned him to the ground in mortal combat. His father had been the one to train him how to fight. He had done a great job.
She, as the mother had focused on indoctrinating him in the ways of the Green kingdom. She told him tales of his grandfather, Pink-White and his great grandparents, Terese and Bingy-White.
"He is ready."
"Yes, he is." She replied forlornly.
"It will take some getting used to not having him around but we shall manage."
"I know. For the love of my father and my home, we shall take on this responsibility together."
"Together." Her husband affirmed.
"I have come to think of the Violet kingdom as my second home. I feel at peace here, mostly here with you."
"You are my home Shinka. You are it for me."
"I love you."
"I love you too." Violet held her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them.
"Dad, did you see what I did there?" Their son, Craven called out.
"I sure did. You did a jolly good thing. I am so proud of you."
Shinka watched the two talk and thought to herself, he will do fine. He is a strong boy. I am proud of him.
"Alright boys, let's go get you cleaned up Craven Violet. It is almost time for dinner."
"Mom..." he panted from the exertion, "I still want to do some more fighting. I promise just one more fight and I will be done."
"What did we say about a good gentleman?"
"A good gentleman knows how to create boundaries and time limits on himself." He bowed his head in defeat.
Shinka tousled his already messy hair and said, "Now that is a good boy. Let's go now, shall we?"
His father said nothing the whole time when it came to managing discipline and such related matters, he let his wife take it into her hands. She was good at it. Boys will be boys.
Taking a shower will never be something they jump so easily to. Shinka pushed for what she wanted and she always got it. Always. He smiled.
You heard the woman. There is no backing out of this one champ. He looked at his son's defeated expression and shook his head.
Morning sun rays were streaming in through the translucent curtain drapes as Silver peppered Shinja's body with kisses that morning. She was still growing used to the lulling sensation created by the castle's sway on the silver clouds beneath it every morning. The sensation always made her drift back to sleep effortlessly. It was a sweet bewitching feeling.
She opened up to her husband like a flower in full bloom this time. The shy little bird was now a fully engaged queen. The two of them had knowledge of their bodies, their connection had grown stronger over the short lifetime that Shinja had existed as queen over his heart. She never shied away anymore. Instead she drew herself from under the white silky sheets closer to him exposing herself in the morning rays.
He grinned and held her close when they had a knock on the door. Silver buried his head in the curve of her neck and a knock came at the door.
"Busy." Silver said, his voice muffled by it being caught in the delicious crook of his wife's neck. He kept at the task at hand. Whoever it was at the door, knocked again. "I am going knock his head in."
"You will do no such thing." Shinja giggled as she reprimanded her husband.
"I swear to the birds I will." He was sure that Quad was the one at the door-only he had the audacity to keep at the door despite being told off.
"How do you even know who's at the door?"
"I just do. Only Quad has the guts for such an intrusion."
As the king's second-in-command, he had privileges which privileges Silver regretted giving him especially right now. It was at times like this that he wanted a change of favorite servant. Otherwise, he liked Quad-he would never admit to him that he loved him like a brother-not now though.
"I just wanted to tell her majesty that the banquet has been set." Quad's voice came through the thick wooden door of their bedroom.
He would deal with him later for interrupting such a fine moment. I swear on all the singing magnolias at the gates, you are going to pay for this. He grunted as he lifted his head, he did not let her go.
"I do not recall anything to do with a banquet." He grumbled and looked at his wife with a questioning look asking her to explain what was going on.
She tried to look as blank as he did but her smile gave her away. His disgruntled expression was too adorable for her too keep a straight face. She could not even if she tried. He tickled her some more until she gave in the details of what was happening.
"It-it-was-supposed-to-be-a-surprise," she struggled to let out in a rush through gusts of laughter escaping her pink lips. "But...I sort of overslept," nearly choking on laughter. "There you have it. Happy now that you have ruined the surprise? You tickling monster." Her small hands pushed at his chest in vain, he held her in place.
Her failed attempts at trying to push him away were hilarious to Silver this was hilarious. He laughed uncontrollably. As Shinja watched him, her smile too widened. His smile was the most amazing sight to behold. His teeth, the whitest she had ever seen. He got up and went into the bathroom, Shinja gingerly got off the bed and joined him.
After refreshing, Silver wore a royal blue velvet trouser, a flowered shirt and yellow slip-ons, whereas Shinja wore a flowered dress, crescent earrings and bright wedges. Their banquet was one for two, no servants were included. It reminded Shinja of their picnic in the Secret Garden. They sat at the shores of a waterfall whose water was as clear as rock water.
"Shinja, do you mind if we go for a swim?"
"Oh, honey I would not mind," she grimaced, hesitated, "but I don't know how to swim." She looked up at him warily.
"How silly of me! You had told me about that before. It slipped my mind. I am sorry Shi...."
She put a finger on his lips to silence him.
"It's alright, no need for you to apologize, my love. It's okay."
She stared at her charm book that peeped through her bag, longingly wishing that it had spells for those who could not swim. She had never stopped being puerile and Silver knew that.
"At least we can go and just play at the shores." He was not one to quit.
"You are no quitter husband."
"Not where you are concerned."
"Alright then, I guess this is the right moment to tell you that..." she paused when she noticed the creasing on Silver's forehead, "What is it husband?"
"You worry me Shinja. Is it bad news that you have for me?" he asked warily.
"I understand where you are coming from Silver. I am sorry that each time I have had something important to tell you, it has ended in me being weird, standing you up or even running away. I promise that you will have none of that from now on."
"You did not answer my question love, is it bad news?" he asked again and averted his eyes to the waterfall. Shinja worried her lower lip.
It is your fault he is like this. I know. I know it is going to change once he hears what news it is I have for him. I think so too. Good, have a little faith in me, will you? Alright, alright. Whatever you say ma'am.
"Silver," she called him, "Look at me." He turned really slow, so slowly, Shinja felt like it was a lifetime before he really looked at her. "It is not bad news that I have for you. Far from it."
"You are serious about that?"
"Yes I am."
"Alright then, tell me what it is love."
"I am with child. Our child." Silver was struck dumb. "Silver, are you okay?"
He answered by lifting her off the floor and jumping the waters close to the edge of the waterfall. Shinja had not anticipated the move so she sputtered a few waters sprinkled out of her mouth into his face. He had her in his arms. She did not worry about drowning from her lack of any swimming skills whatsoever. She trusted him. He kissed her.
"Thank you." He spoke after a while.
"For what?" she asked perplexed.
"For giving me the best news ever." His eyes glowed with adoration as they danced in his sockets.
She kissed him back and on top of his lips, she mouthed, "No, thank you."
There was so much he had given her. A home. Understanding. Patience... and among all these the greatest one of them all being the love he so freely gave her.
All that Silver possessed, she possessed and she was happy.
Their son Isobel Silver was a born a few months later. He was the splitting image of his father, silver hair but instead of his father's gray eyes, he took Shinja's black eyes. Flower-bender and Benji, Shinja's mare and Silver's stallion respectively gave birth to a foal.
Isobel's parents gifted it to him at his birth. Two years into his growth, one day as Isobel was playing in the flower garden, his foal stumbled right there with him. The toddler touched its mane and mumbled Tr-o-ti.
His parents watched their exchange and that is how the horse got its name, Troti.
This is a bonus chapter in thanks for the 2k reads. Y'all are so awesome.
To my awesome readers, thank you very much.
All of you are just the absolute best. Thank you again❤️💕
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