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The war ended two days after he woke up. He had to be outside to sign the treaty. He had to be carried there by Cortéz then be put immediately back to bed, where he threw up and wheezed as François held him.
After the war, he was allowed to be sent to France with his aunt in hopes of brightening his spirits. François stayed with him. He felt a bit better, although still too weak to get out of bed. He didn't let anybody see his face. He didn't even look at it. He covered it with a blanket. He didn't eat enough, which made him dizzy.
"François," Annie said to him as Lloyd was in the other room. "I'm worried about him..."
"Me too. He wants to see our families before going into treatment, but I don't want him feeling this miserable."
"He spoke to me last night. He said that he feels like an eyesore. He says he feels like a burden." She wiped a tear from her eye. "I told him he wasn't and how handsome he looks, but he still feels upset. Could you try to speak to him?"
François patted her shoulder. "I will."
A/N: (in the middle of a chapter π€§) This is from personal experience during physical and mental trauma from a car accident. It may not come out right, but hey, it's my experience.
(Lloyd's POV)
I looked horrible. Absolutely horrible. I told Auntie Annie, and she's worried for me. François hasn't left my side, dad had a damn heart attack because of me, I'm just a burden. Would things be easier if I died?
"Lloydie, darling, you want to talk?" He knocked. I covered my face with the blanket and turned to the wall before he came in. I didn't want him seeing me so freakish.
I felt him rubbing my back softly. It hurt, but I enjoyed it. "Lloyd, can I see your face?"
"Can I ask why?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Sometimes, he isn't the brightest.
"I don't think you're ugly." He's lying. He had to be. "Please don't cry."
"I'm not..." I was. I'm such a crybaby.
I felt his hand on my head. "Why do you think you look bad?"
"Because I look weird! I want the way I looked before back! When I was healthier and looked beautiful!"
"But you are beautiful! Your hair is like snow, you know how much I love snow?" I couldn't help but smile. "And your eyes are so unique, I've never seen purple eyes before! It makes you look like Elizabeth Taylor!"
I laughed. I always had the fattest crush on her. She kinda looks like François a bit, they have the same facial structure. He leaned closer to me. I knew he wanted to see me, and now I wanted to show him.
"Franny, do you still want to see my face?"
He sounded really excited. "Yes!"
I moved the blanket from me. It was the first time I saw his face since the accident as well. I aged him. He had visible gray hair and bags under his eyes. I couldn't read his face. We just stared at each other. He started to cry. I started to cry too. I thought damn, am I really that grisly looking?
"You're so magnificent." He held me like I was a diamond. "I've never seen anyone so beautiful." I never felt so loved. "You're beautiful, you really are."
We kissed. I really like it when we kiss. I like how soft and plump his lips are. I like how close he holds me to him and how he strokes my face when we kiss. I can't believe I'm his first (and hopefully only) partner. He's so romantic.
"I love you so much." He whispered to me as he kissed my body. It hurt a bit each time. "I love you so much. I'm grateful you're alive."
"I am too." Ehhh. "I'm grateful you're alive too."
"Can I show you something?"
I was going to get my cane, but François picked me up. I loved that, but I told him to mind his shoulder. It was much better, but it was still injured. He said it didn't matter and carried me all the way downstairs to the piano. I remembered how excited I was when Aunt Annie gave me the black piano for my ninth birthday. It was the most expensive gift she ever got me. I played it all night and the day after without stopping.
We sat together by it. "Uh, I've been practicing."
"You have?"
"Yeah, when you were in Germany. It reminds me of you." He was just perfect.
"Aww, babyboy." I kissed his face. I love how red he turns when I do.
He kissed me before playing a few notes. "So, I heard this new song called Cigarettes Out A Window. Practiced it and I think you'll like it."
He told me before he never sang because he thinks it makes him sound girlish, but girl, his voice was deeper than mine! He sounded like an angel, even if he got a few keys wrong. I just stared at him, I love the way he looks when he sings.
"You sound awesome, François! Your voice is so manly!" He grinned and side-eyed me. "It's deeper than mine!"
"Hmm, let's try singing together!"
"Oh my gosh, yes! Do you know Micheal Jackson?"
"Of course!" We really are soulmates!
We sang Beat It, laughing when he got keys wrong. By the end, we just kept laughing and laughing. I absolutely adore the sound of his laugh. It's not too loud. It's so deep and rich, like chocolate. He's perfect.
(Nobody's POV, third person)
Five days before Christmas, they went to François' house. Everyone was excited to see him. His grandparents tried being hard with Lloyd, but that quickly stopped when he gave them both flowers. François' grandfather loved flowers.
François was most worried about how Marcel was going to react. He was in a more than happy mood, but he was so shy around new people. It's mostly because most people don't know sign language and expect him to talk. When Fran and his grandparents were in the kitchen talking, the two others were in Marcel's room.
Marcel didn't really know what to do at first, until Lloyd started signing, "So, what do you want to do?"
His eyes lit up. Finally, someone knew! They played FNAF. Lloyd almost fell off the bed at the jumpscare. "AHH, THE FOX!" They could be heard laughing from the other room, where the older ones were talking.
"They seem to be getting along." His grandfather, Pierre, said. "That's always a good thing."
"I was super worried about that, but I think they'll be friends." They heard them laughing again.
His grandmother, Rose, sat down. "So tell me, do you see this relationship going far?"
"Actually, yes. You don't understand how perfect he is. He's kind, he's super smart, and if you're worried about it, he's rich now. He's no gold digger." He laughed. "He's absolutely beautiful. He knows how to play piano and he has a wonderful singing voice. I think he's the one."
"That's sweet, but can I ask a question? How come he doesn't look like the pictures you sent us? Catfish?"
He told them what the doctors said and his family history of it. They were impressed and surprised. They didn't find Lloyd ugly in the slightest. It was just a big jump from before. "And please," he said at the end. "don't ask him about it. He's still very upset about it. He thinks he's ugly. But he's going into treatment in a few days for his health, mental and physical."
"We won't, we promise."
He kept telling them more stuff about him. They both raised their eyebrow. "He sounds great, but y'know, me and Rosie have to talk to him."
"Oh ok-"
"Without you there." François's heart dropped. "We won't be mean. We just really want to know him personally."
"O-oh, ok."
He walked into Marcel's room, where the two were laughing over embarrassing memories of François. It warmed his heart to see them getting along.
"Hey, Franny." Lloyd got up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Me and this big guy-" Marcel grinned and flexed his nonexistent muscles. "-were just talking about...video games! Isn't that right?" He nodded, holding in his laughter.
"They want to talk to you."
Marcel's brown eyes got big as Lloyd smiled nervously at the two anxious brothers. "I got this."
The two watched as Lloyd walked to the dining room. François hugged Marcel and sighed. "I'm scared, girl!"
The other just rolled his eyes. Everything would be fine.
"Hello, Lloyd." Pierre gave him a stronge handshake. "Please, take a seat. We have so much to talk about."
He studied them. Rose looked a lot like François with a soft smile and bright eyes. He instantly liked her. Pierre was tall and muscular. He actually looked pretty cool, especially with his gray mohawk and tattoos on his big arms. He wasn't scared, though. His father could tower over him.
"So, are you aware of François' transition?" Rose glared at him. Pierre bit his lip.
"Yes, sir." He tried to make his voice sound strong, but he knew they heard how weak he was. "He told me. It doesn't matter what he identifies as, I love him all the same." He blushed, they would understand. "It actually brought us closer. I experience similar struggles." They both glanced at each other in surprise.
"If you don't mind us asking, how so?"
"Well, I do identify as Non-binary. And, I'm intersex." They looked puzzled. "It means that I'm a biological guy, but I happen to be born with female bones, and I have female parts, including a female private part." That came off so easily even he was surprised.
They both softened up, he could see it in their faces. "Oh, we weren't expecting that." Rose cleared her throat. "We're sorry if we made you uncomfortable by asking. It's just that our biggest fear for him is someone getting close to him, and when they find out, they abandon him."
"Or," Rose felt Pierre wrap his arm around her. "someone dating him only because he's transgender. There's people out there who only see him as a fetish."
"I get it, I experience it. I'll never do that to him. It brings us together on a level I've never experienced. And don't worry, you didn't make me uncomfortable. If anything, my parents are going to ask him the same thing."
They both smiled. "That's alright, we're happy that your parents also understand."
They asked him more questions. His favorite color, what he believes in, what he does, and they liked all the answers. They especially liked the fact he was also Jewish, they're old-fashioned like that.
"We really like you, Lloyd." All three had the biggest smiles on their faces. "I hope you feel better after your treatment, and we'll love to see you when you get back."
"Thank you so much. I'll love to come visit."
Back in Vagu, Christmas wasn't the same again. This time, Haruki and Sarah were able to come. Ho was pleased to see them and gave them kisses, although Haruki would never admit he missed it. Beom and Marie were somber, both feeling ill and depressed. It made them happy to see Luna again. She grew up so much from the last time they saw her.
Everyone had Lloyd in mind. They saw pictures of him. He looked different, but he was still family. Luna said he looked like a superhero. He was their hero. And their hero was still sick. During prayer, someone knocked on the door. Clara opened the door and gasped.
"Shhh." Lloyd put a finger to his lips. "We got you guys presents."
"Ok, come in." François came in first with all the presents. He looked like Santa.
They snuck in the house while everyone eyes were closed. The couple sat in the living room. Lloyd smiled. It looked just the same. His piano was by the lit up tree. The plants were still there. Even the curtains stayed the same.
"It's very nice." François held his hand as he spoke quietly. "How do you feel?"
"Excited, but also scared. It's been three years."
"They'll be happy to see you, I promise." They hugged, both a bit anxious.
Clara brought Sarah in first. She cried and rushed to hug him. Lloyd couldn't hold in his tears.
"You're ok!" She whispered as she kissed his head.
"I'm so happy to see you again!"
Clara and the other passed, "I'm the partner" glances before she went to get Luna. She told her daughter to be quiet or else she'll ruin the surprise. She climbed on Lloyd's lap, kissing his face.
"Look, Lunie, I got you a present!" Lloyd passed her a box. She opened and hugged his neck when she saw the Barbie.
Susu came next. She cried the most. He looked so ill, so different. But he was here. He was alive.
"We're both blondes now!" He chuckled through tears.
"It suits us!"
"Auntie, Lloydie back! He brought Fran!" François shyly waved at her.
"Are you two..."
"Yeah, we are." Lloyd held his hand. "I know it's very sudden, but under the circumstances-"
"You're here!" Haruki hugged him and Luna, tearing up. "This is the best Christmas ever!"
Sarah picked Luna up. "Baby, go get Uncle Valentino. Don't tell him what for."
The child came back a few seconds later, holding the shocked Valentino's hand. Lloyd stared up.
"I'm sorry, Val-" he was already in his big brother's embrace. Sarah started crying just watching them.
"I missed you so much." Valentino was in tears. "I thought I'll never see you again."
"We're together now, we all are." Haruki came over and hugged them.
Valentino looked over at the redhead. "Who's this?"
"That's François." He blushed. "My boyfriend."
Valentino raised his eyebrow as the other got up to shake his hand. "Um-"
"Ah, get over here!" He was embraced as well. "He told us all about you, but we didn't know you two were dating!"
"It's kinda a funny story..."
"Anyone's better than Mulligan." They all laughed.
They all decided on what to do next. First, Lloyd hugged his uncle. Ho hadn't aged a day and was welcomed back with a cup of tea. Then, Sarah told his parents to pose for a picture with Luna. The young girl distracted them by telling them some little kid nonsense so Lloyd could sneak behind them.
"Alright, 3...2..."
"Cheese!" Luna and Lloyd exclaimed at the same time. The couple spun their heads around and bursted into tears.
Marie got up and bent down to hold him. Lloyd melted. He forgot how safe he felt in her embrace. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed through tears. "My baby boy!" She stroked his white hair, kissing it.
He looked down at his father. He was covering his mouth, dumbfounded. Lloyd rushed to give him his presents.
"Father," he spoke in Korean. Everyone quietly watched. "I bring you my sword, my gun, my cover." He put them all on his lap. "I give you my metals." He nervously put all his sliver and gold metals around his neck. Beom still wasn't saying anything. Lloyd, with much difficulty, bowed to his feet. "And this," he opened a tiny box. "my purple heart." He put in his big hands, closing them. "They're your pride now. It's for you."
Everyone, even his mother, watched on. Lloyd's hands were sweating. Beom rose, took off all the metals, put the other things on his chair, and bent to his knees to hug him as tight and close as he possibly could.
"My pride," he looked into his weeping son's eyes as he spoke slowly and shakily. "is you."
They hugged, both crying. Nobody had a dry eye, not even Ho. Haruki hugged his father, whispering that he loved him. Marie bent down to hug her boys.
Beom stood up after a few minutes, and so did the other two. He put the heart on Lloyd's shirt and bowed deeply for him. Susu and François were blubbering at the scene as they hugged each other.
"Daddy, I love you."
His father looked at him again. Warm tears made his old face shine. "My dear son." He saluted him. "My general." Lloyd saluted him back. He was then picked up and held. He felt his father's chubby body shaking with each deep sob. He hugged his neck, his tears hitting his shirt. "My Lloyd is home."
The family were finally enjoying themselves. They each got a gift and all of them gave Lloyd gifts. Everyone welcomed François and thanked him for taking care of him. They told them funny stories from the past years. Laughter filled the once empty house.
As Haruki was showing everyone pictures from Japan, François had the talk with the parents in the kitchen. He was absolutely terrified of them. They were freakishly tall and looked as cold as ice.
"DauphinΓ©, are you aware of our son's condition?" It was a bit hard to understand his father's accent.
"Yes, Sergeant Doh. He told me himself. I, too, have a problem with my gender."
"Like how?" He was pleased to hear Marie's French voice.
"I'm transgender, ma'am. Female to Male, I had my surgeries and everything. We both understand the struggles, and we know how people could be." His voice was shaking, but he was able to control it.
He saw their faces light up a bit. "Thank you for telling us, DauphinΓ©. With his last boyfriend, he was abused. He was hit and screamed at. Are those your intentions?"
They saw the hurt and shocked expression on his face. They almost felt bad for asking. "Absolutely not, sir. He never told me that. He only said how Mulligan would get angry and call him mean things once in a while." Beom looked down. "Believe me, I don't ever want to hurt him. I want him to be treated with the respect he deserves. I want us to be happy together. I want to take care of him in any way needed. He's been through so much. I'll never hurt him more than he's already been hurt."
Marie smiled at him. "Thank you. He told us a lot about you, so there really isn't much to ask. We just need to make sure he won't get hurt again."
"Of course, ma'am. I understand."
Beom didn't dare smile but gave his blessing to date. François had the stupidest smile on his face and thanked maybe a million times as he shook his hand.
"Beom, I think he's a sweet young man." She said to him as she saw him and Lloyd playing with Luna.
Beom sighed and hugged her. "You know how I am."
That night, Lloyd slept in his parents' bed. François was given Lloyd's old bed, no way they're sharing a bed with Beom around.
"Lloyd, you can't imagine how happy we are that you're back." His mother kissed his forehead. "And we're so proud of you for deciding to get treatment."
"Will you be upset when I leave?"
His father had his arms around him. "We'll miss you, but this time we know you'll be coming back." His throat got tight.
"I'll come back to you, I swear."
His mother was fast asleep, she hadn't slept well in three years. "Lloyd, I'm sorry about that day, the day you left."
"I'm sorry too, I really overreacted."
"I think we both did." His father stroked his hair. He really liked the new look. "I'm sorry for not protecting you."
"You couldn't have. The war, well, y'know how bad it is." He nodded. "I thought about you a lot.
"Sometimes, I saw you in the stars. I heard you in the wind. I felt you in the sun." Beom stroked his cheek. "You were always with me, but at the same time, you weren't."
Choking up, Lloyd smiled at him. "Now we're together."
His father held him closer to him. "Yes. I love you."
"I love you too."
A/N: Happy Holidays! Guys, the war is over! There'll be no more war stories, but it'll be mentioned here and there. The next is Lloyd's treatment and then fluff. Thank you for reading. Enjoy Christmas if you celebrate!
SNOW QUEEN- Edmund Dulac
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