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Kill... KILL...
Rosalyn woke up to this noise, and looked around, up at the ceiling, she couldn't see anything, so she looked down again.
She jumped out of her skin at-
"Dobby! What're you doing here?"
"Rosalyn Potter should have listened to Dobby, Rosalyn Potter, should have gone home when she missed the train."
"It was you," Rosalyn realised. "You stopped the barrier from letting Harry, Ron and me through."
"Indeed," Dobby said regretfully.
"You almost got us expelled," Rosalyn hissed at the house elf.
"At least you would be away from school, Miss, Rosalyn Potter must go home. Dobby thought his bludger would be enough to make Rosalyn Potter see that!"
"Your bludger? You made that bludger chase after me?" Said Rosalyn angrily.
"Dobby feels most aggrieved, Miss, Dobby had to iron his hands," he showed Rosalyn his heavily bandaged hands, and if she wasn't so angry, she might have felt sorry for the elf, but she was, so she didn't give any thought to his pain.
"You better clear off before my bones come back Dobby, or I might strangle you."
Dobby gave a cry and jumped off the bed. Rosalyn climbed out herself and began to follow him round the bed.
"Dobby is used to death threats, Miss, Dobby gets them five times a day at home," Dobby was making no effort to stay quiet.
Rosalyn suddenly asked, "I don't suppose you're going to tell me why you're trying to kill me?"
"Not kill you, Miss, never kill you," Dobby retreated further round the bed and Rosalyn, never taking her eyes off the house elf, followed him. "Dobby remembers what it was like before Rosalyn and Harry Potter triumphed over he who must not be named, we house elves were treated like vermin, of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin."
He started to sob, and clutched his burnt hands to his eyes. He blew his carrot-like nose on his pillowcase and Rosalyn sighed.
"Why do you were that thing Dobby?"
"This, Miss, t'is a mark of the house elf enslavement, Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes-"
There was suddenly as sound of footsteps down the corridor, and Dobby jumped onto the bed and whisper-yelled. "Listen, listen! Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts, Rosalyn Potter must not stay here, not now that history is about to repeat itself!"
Rosalyn's eyes narrowed, "repeat itself, you mean this has happened before?"
Right then, Dobby did a Hagrid, covering his hands with his bandaged hands. "Oh, oh! I shouldn't've said that!" He took the bottle of skelegrow and started hitting himself with it, shouting. "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"
Rosalyn fought with him to get the bottle out his hands, and when she did, she put it back on her bedside table, seriously worried about the noise they were making. But that didn't stop her asking.
"Tell me Dobby, when did this happen before, who's doing it now?"
"Dobby cannot say, Miss. Dobby only wants Rosalyn Potter to be safe."
"No Dobby, tell me, who is it?"
But just like before, the house elf clicked his fingers and vanished from hers. Rosalyn wanted to know more, but those plans were put paid to when she saw shadows coming along the corridor, she hastened to lie down and hit the bed as she heard voices and several people entered the hospital wing.
"Put him here."
"Lay him down!"
She heard a body being lifted onto a bed and opened her eyes a sliver to see McGonagall, Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey around a body. Rosalyn knew at once by the camera and small figure that it was Colin Creevey.
"What happened?" Rosalyn heard Madame Pomfrey say.
"There had been another attack," Dumbledore said softly.
"You know- I think- I think he's been petrified," McGonagall. "Perhaps her managed to take a picture of his attack." Of course, Colin took that camera everywhere.
She saw them dimly taking the camera out of Colin's frozen hands. Dumbledore took it and opened it, inside, the film was all burned and a smoke cloud rose out of it, the teachers gasped.
"What does this mean, Albus?" McGonagall was worried.
"It means, our students are in great danger," Dumbledore said gravely.
"What shall we tell the staff?"
"The truth, that Hogwarts is no longer safe, it is as we feared, Minerva, the chamber of secrets has been opened, again."
Rosalyn gave a sharp gasp, and tuned out the conversation and them going back out of the wing, she couldn't believe that the Chamber had been opened before, but was going to find out how it was happening now.
The next day, Rosalyn met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were starting brewing the potion, and told them everything she had learned last night.
"Again, you mean, the chamber of secrets has been opened before?" Asked a curious Hermione.
"Yes," Rosalyn said testily.
"Of course!" said Ron, as if he had just cured all disease. "Lucius Malfoy must have done it when he was at school, and now he's told Draco how to do it!"
Hermione shook a phial of something and added it to the cauldron. "Maybe, but we'll have to wait for the polyjuice potion to know for sure."
"Enlighten me," Ron asked, brows knitted together. "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?"
Hermione and Rosalyn looked at each other and snickered, "no," Rosalyn answered, as if it was obvious.
"No one ever comes in here," Hermione continued.
"Why?" Ron was still clueless.
"Moaning Myrtle," Rosalyn and Hermione said in unison.
"Moaning Myrtle," the girls repeated, as said ghost, pigtails and all, decided to float out of a cubicle.
"Who's Moaning-"
"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" She shrieked, and floated up to the top of the sinks. "I wouldn't expect you to know me! Who would want to know ugle, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle?"
Ron, and now Harry as well, said nothing, and Rosalyn hid a snigger that sent her over the edge, she gave a long wail and flew into the toilet she had been in before, showering the cubicle's walls with water.
"She's a little sensitive," was all Hermione said, and then she slapped Rosalyn's arm because the laughter was getting out of hand.
There had been a poster about a duelling club for on the notice board in all the common rooms, and Rosalyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione had decided to go, they entered the great hall at the set time for second years and saw that there was a long, thin platform stretching all the way up it, there were many more second years there, and the four of them got places at the front of the mob that was forming near the platform.
Rosalyn went beside this boy that quickly introduced himself. "I'm Justin Finch-Fletchly, nice to meet you, I would ask you your name, but I already know it," he laughed, and Rosalyn smiled. A few people away from them, Neville was watching in envy. Why couldn't his talks with Rosalyn be like that?
"Rosalyn Potter," she played along and shook his hand.
"Who do you think's teaching us?" Hermione asked Rosalyn excitedly.
"As long as it's not-"
But Rosalyn had spoken too soon, because Professor Lockhart had stepped out of a small room and onto the platform. Justin quickly said. "He is something isn't he?" He seemed not to have heard Rosalyn's disgust. She sighed.
"Gather round, gather round!" He yelled to the mass of students surrounding him. "Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?" Rosalyn rolled her eyes. "Excellent, now, in light of the recent events, Professor Dumbledore has given me permission to start this little duelling club, to train you all up, in case you ever need to defend yourselves, like I myself have done on countless occasions."
Rosalyn said in a carrying whisper. "Yeah, and I'm Minister for Magic."
That got many laughs, and Lockhart, who hadn't heard what Rosalyn had said, seemed to think the students were laughing at him, so he took offense.
"Laugh if you will! But see how you feel when you have to encounter a werewolf, or a yeti that tries to eat you until you train it, and you've never-"
"No, and you've never done that stuff either," Rosalyn interrupted.
Lockhart went quite red, but he distracted himself by taking off his cloak and throwing it into the crowd. A group of girls took great pride in taking it in their hands and Rosalyn even saw one of them smelling it, she wrinkled her nose in disgust and turned back to her idiot teacher.
"Let me introduce my assistant for tonight, Professor Snape!"
Everyone, Rosalyn included, bent forward to see Snape, greasy hair, black cloak and sneering expression all passed, walked onto the platform. Lockhart saw this as another opportunity to show off.
"But I don't want you all to worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him. Never fear."
And so Snape and Lockhart approached each other, Snape had a look of pure loathing on his face, and Lockhart appeared worried. They whipped their wands out in front of their faces, and swiftly removed them. Bowing to each other, they turned on their heels and walked in opposite directions, stopping when they were about 10 metres apart. Lockhart posed with his wand pointing at the potions master, and Snape raised his above his head.
"One," Lockhart started. "Two... Three."
Snape did not hesitate. "Expelliarmus!"
Lockhart looked terrified as the spell hit him in the face, he was blasted backwards, his wand thrown out of his hand with gusto. Snape was satisfied.
Hermione was fussing next to Rosalyn. "D'you think he's alright?"
"Who cares?" Rosalyn, Harry and Ron all said back, grinning.
Lockhart, on the other end of the spectrum, was getting up, determined to cover up his so obvious cluelessness.
"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do, and it would have only been to easy if I had wanted to stop you."
Rosalyn was outraged at how the students just believed him, because to her, Harry and Ron, it was completely plain. Lockhart didn't know how to duel.
Snape thought so as well. "Perhaps it would be prudent to teach the students how to block unfriendly spells?"
Lockhart swallowed nervously. "An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape - er- let's have a volunteer pair, er Potter! Weasley! How about you?"
Harry pushed Rosalyn forward before she could offer him, so she started to move, and so did Ron, before Snape made an intervention.
"One of two things will happen if you do that. Either Mr Weasley will send Miss Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox, or, the more likely of the two, Miss Potter will destroy Mr Weasley before he has a chance to utter the spell."
Rosalyn took a double take as Snape spoke again. "Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps?" He shrugged and Rosalyn's lip curled.
Draco Malfoy stepped up to the platform and so did Rosalyn, she got a. "Good luck, Potter," from Lockhart, but didn't say anything to the old fraud in return.
She faced Malfoy, both of them bristling with an intense hatred for each other, they stopped when they were about a metre apart, as Lockhart and Snape had been.
"Wands at the ready!"
Rosalyn and Draco whipped their wands infront of their faces.
"Scared Potter?" Malfoy asked, a snide smirk on his face.
"No," Rosalyn shrugged. "But you're pissing your pants."
They took their wands away and walked back, posing with their wands ready to strike. Lockhart seemed to have picked up on their mutual loathing because he quickly uttered a warning.
"On the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent, disarm only! We don't want any accidents here. One, two, thr-"
"Evertae Stathrum!" Draco yelled, and Rosalyn was blasted backwards so she did some flips in mid air before landing hard on the ground. Draco smiled and many Slytherins laughed and jeered. Rosalyn grit her teeth and got up off the ground, ignoring Lockhart, she fired a spell at Malfoy.
Malfoy twirled in the air and landed with a thump. Snape grabbed his robes and forced him back on his feet, making him fire at Rosalyn again.
Lockhart was in panic. "I said disarm only!"
But Draco had already started saying the incantation. "Serpensortia!"
A dirty great snake appeared from the end of his wand and slithered towards the female Potter twin. Rosalyn lost her readied pose and stood up she walked a pace towards the snake.
"Don't move Potter, I'll get rid of if for you," Snape strode towards her.
"Allow me Professor Snape," Lockhart stepped up. "Filate ascendarae!"
The snake flew up in the air but never actually disappeared, it just reached its highest point and came down.
Rosalyn involuntarily stepped forward and said. "Stop going for Justin, stop it..."
It advanced and Rosalyn continued. "He doesn't deserve it..."
It cocked its head and turned to her. "Stop it..." She shook her head.
"Vipera Evanesca."
Snape vanished the serpent and Rosalyn blinked, Justin, however, far from thanking her for saving him, said. "What are you playing at?"
Rosalyn looked at Lockhart, his expression was wary, and then at Snape, who was puzzled, confused, and then at her three best friends. Hermione and Ron seemed to have been telling Harry something, they looked at her, half scared, half pitying.
So Rosalyn stood there, confused as to why her own friends would be frightened of her.
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