π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… π‘‡π‘Šπ‘‚ β˜† 6

Rosalyn and Harry had got up groggy, being shaken awake by a quidditch team member. Oliver, Fred and George had gone to get Harry, and Angelina and Katie, Rosalyn's fellow chasers, had gone to get her. Once they were awake, the Potter twins changed into their quidditch robes.

They had marched downstairs with their brooms over their shoulders, Rosalyn and Harry had their Nimbus 2000's. Wood was now talking to them as they walked across the lawn to get to the quidditch pitch.

"I spent the whole summer devising a new quidditch plan. We're going to train longer, harder, and- what the- I don't believe it!"

Rosalyn saw what he was talking about immediately. The Slytherin team were walking across the grass, undoubtedly to the same place as the Gryffindors were going.

"Where d'you think you're going, Flint?"

"Quidditch practice," was the Slytherin captain's reply.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Wood said defiantly.

"Easy, Wood, I've got a note," Flint pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket, Wood took it and read it aloud.

"I, Professor S. Snape, hereby give the permission to practice owing to the need to train their new seeker. You've got a new seeker, who?" Wood asked as Hermione and Ron hurried over, concerned for the team.

Meanwhile, the Slytherins moved aside to reveal-

"Malfoy?" Rosalyn said in shock and disgust.

"That's right," the blonde haired ferret said. "And that's not all that's new this year."

That was when Rosalyn and the rest of the team noticed the brooms.

"Nimbus 2001's!" Ron said in admiration, for the brooms of course, not the Slytherin team. "How d'you get those?"

"A gift from Draco's father," Flint said, eyes glittering.

"See, unlike, some people, Weasley, my father can afford the best," Rosalyn gave Draco a hard stare, which he completely ignored.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor ten had to buy their way in," Hermione said, finding the words Rosalyn was looking for. "They all got in on pure talent."

The snakes looked scandalised. Rosalyn was about to shut their mouths even further when Draco said something unforgivable.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood," he spat.

That word, mudblood, started the chaos.

Wood started yelling, Angelina and Katie started to shout; Fred and George had to be held back because they were trying to jump on Malfoy at that moment, Harry was stood, confused at what was happening, and Rosalyn-

"You absolute GIT!" She yelled at Malfoy.

Ron, however, was beside himself.

"You'll pay for that one Malfoy," he said, drawing his wand. "Eat slugs!"

But the wand backfired, and the spell did as well, so Ron went shooting backwards into a flash of green-blue light. Rosalyn, Harry, Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindor team rushed over to where he was, lying on the ground a couple of metres away. The Slytherins stayed where they were, laughing their heads off.

"Are you okay, Ron?" Hermione asked worriedly, Ron sat up. His face was pale with a green tinge, and he looked like he was going to be sick. "Say something!"

Ron said something with slugs, as he vomited one on the grass. The people around them let out sounds of disgust but a familiar click of a camera was heard also.

"Wow, can you turn him around, Rosalyn?"

"No, Colin get out the way!" Rosalyn burst out, picking Ron up, Hermione helped and they managed to get him up.

"We'll take him to Hagrid's," Rosalyn suggested. "He'll know what to do!"

But, before they left, she walked straight up to Draco Malfoy and put her want underneath his chin.

"Right, listen to me," she said threateningly. "You ever call Hermione or any muggle-born that again and my fist will be connecting to your nose, got it?"

Malfoy, who's eyes were wide, nodded slightly.

Rosalyn smirked. "That's what I thought."

Then she ran off after her friends to Hagrid's.

They quickly got to their giant friend's hut, more slugs coming out of Ron's mouth on the way. Hagrid helped alot, bringing Ron a bucket.

"This calls for specialist equipment," he joked, swinging the bucket onto Ron's knee. "Nothin' to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid." Ron spat out some more slugs, "better out than in, so, who was he tryin' to curse anyway?"

Malfoy," Harry said regretfully. "He called Hermione a- I don't know exactly what it means."

Rosalyn did know, but she didn't want to say. Hermione got up and walked away, to the other end of the cabin, Rosalyn knew she didn't want anyone to see her, her eyes were teary, and she had her arms tightly crossed.

"He called me a mudblood."

Hagrid gasped. "He did not!"

"What's a mudblood?" Harry was confused.

Hermione whipped her head round. "It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's muggle born, someone who had muggle parents, someone like me." she leaned back against the table. "It's not a term one usually hears in civilised conversation."

"See Harry, there's some wizarding families, like the Malfoy's, who think they're better than everyone else because they're what you call 'pure blood.' " Hagrid sighed, the last two words he said were said sarcastically.

"That's horrible!" Harry said, his eyes wide.

Ron vomited a particularly large slug, and said, "it's disgusting," in a sick voice.

"And it's codswallop," Hagrid said. "Dirty blood, there isn't a wizard today that isn't half-blood or less. More to the point, they're yet teh think of a spell that out Hermione can't do." Hermione smiled slightly, through her glistening eyes as Hagrid took her hand in his dustbin lid ones. "Don' you think on it Hermione, don' you think on it fer one minute, eh?"

Hermione was smiling alot more than slightly now. Harry, Rosalyn and Ron looked at eachother in satisfaction. Hagrid could cheer anyone up.


Detention with Lockhart. Seriously?

At lunch, Harry, Ron and Rosalyn had been told what their detentions would consist of. Ron was cleaning trophies with Filch, Harry was helping McGonagall untransfigure a project gone wrong, and Rosalyn, well, she was with Lockhart, answering his fanmail. Apparently, he hadn't taken her insults seriously. The three of them all felt like they'd been misplaced.

"I could do your job," said Harry miserably. "I've had loads of practice with the Dursley's, honestly, McGonagall'll have me in for ages..."

"And I'd do yours," Rosalyn sighed, looking at Harry, "I like transfiguration, and McGonagall likes me, but Lockhart, he'll be a nightmare..."

But no matter how much the moaned and groaned, they couldn't get out of it, so the three of them said bye to Hermione at their designated time, then separated themselves.

Rosalyn went to Lockhart's office, and winced as she knocked and heard him speaking on the other side. "Is that Rosalyn, come in, my dear, come in!"

She went in, and was greeted with Lockhart at a desk surrounded by envelopes and letters.

"You're going to help me answer my fanmail, right?" Lockhart asked, Rosalyn rolled her eyes.

"Yes, that's why I'm here, and trust me, it wasn't by choice..."

He ignored this, or just didn't hear.

"You can address the envelopes!" He said excitedly, she rolled her eyes as he continued. "The first one's to Gladys Gludgeon, bless her - huge fan of mine..."

After that they sat in silence, except from Lockhart's sudden interruptions like, "fame's a fickle friend, Rosalyn," or, "Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that." So Rosalyn got used to her dull and repetitive task pretty quickly.

Just when she thought it was time to leave, just when she thought the misery was over, a voice cut through the silence, the voice was bone chilling and venomous, and Rosalyn knew it was speaking to her.

Come... Come to me... Let me rip you... Let me tear you... Let me kill you...

Rosalyn jumped violently and said. "What!?" loudly. Apparently Lockhart had been speaking.

"I know! Six solid weeks atop the bestseller list, it broke all the records there are!"

"No, no, it's not that- it's that voice!"

Lockhart chuckled. "Dear, dear, Rosalyn, what are you talking about? Maybe you're getting drowsy, and no wonder - great Scott look at the time! We've been here almost four hours!"

But Rosalyn wasn't listening. She had jumped off her seat and walked up to the wall where she put her ear. Lockhart looked at her weirdly.

He said, "you can go, Rosalyn, I've already kept you here long enough..."

So she left, and, whilst walking along the corridor, heard it again.

Let me kill you... Kill... Kill...

Rosalyn moved along the wall faster and faster, she didn't know what was making the sound, but she knew it was going to kill.

Kill... Kill...

"Rosalyn!" Hermione, Ron and Harry stood in front of her, each looking more worried than the next.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Her brother asked.

"That voice..." Rosalyn replied.

"Voice, what voice?" Hermione was worried.

"I heard it first in Lockhart's office, but he was a great help, and then I heard it again just..." She heard a hissing sound and something that sounded like... slithering. "It's moving closer, I think it's going to kill!"


"Rosalyn, wait!"

"Don't go so fast!"

The four of them ran down the corridor at top speed. Rosalyn came out onto a corridor that was slippy, she skidded and only just managed to make it on her feet. Harry, Hermione and Ron came out after her. It took Rosalyn a second to figure out why it was slippy, there was water all over the floor.

Their feet squelched as they walked along the corridor. Rosalyn was looking for something, just something, a clue.

And she got one. In the middle of the corridor, spiders were walking in a line, out the window. It was like they were evacuating.

"Strange, I've never seen spiders act like that before," Rosalyn thought aloud.

"Don't like spiders," Ron said, Rosalyn sniggered because she knew why.

She looked down to hide her smile and laughter, but saw something in the reflection, and once again became solemn. "What's that?"

The four of them all had eyes on the reflection, and all looked up, written on the wall was a message, written in blood red ink.


Hermione read it, then said, wrinkling her nose. "It's written in blood."

But Rosalyn, again, had turned her attention to something else. An animal was hanging by the tail to a bracket on the wall, after another look, Rosalyn realised that the animal was a cat, and that it was Mrs Norris.

And that was when the whole school decided to turn up. They flooded round the corners and all saw Rosalyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione at the heart of the scene. They all read the message and looked at the quartet menacingly. Perfect, thought Rosalyn, now the whole school thinks we've murdered Mrs Norris.

"Enemies of the heir beware?" Draco Malfoy read from the message, "You'll be next mudbloods!"

"Oh, I said it," Rosalyn snarled, remembering what she had promised Malfoy.

So she walked right up to him and curled her fist.

"I told you not to CALL ANYONE THAT!" She shouted, punching him square in the face.

"Urgh!" Malfoy grunted, falling back into Pansy Parkinson, who was standing behind him. He then focused his eyes on Rosalyn. "I'll get you for that, Potter!"

"Oh, I'd like to see you try," Rosalyn muttered, heading back to her friends just as the teachers came round the corner.

"Rosie..." Ron was looking gleeful. "That was... that..."

Rosalyn shrugged. "He deserved it."

Ron and Harry looked absolutely amazed.

"What's going on 'ere?" Filch, suddenly shouted, oh great, Rosalyn realised. He was going to blame them.

"Come on, make way, wake way!" When he saw Rosalyn he spat. "Potter," at her but suddenly got a whole load interested in her as he saw his cat.

"Mrs Norris?" He turned to Rosalyn. "You've murdered my cat."

"No, no," Rosalyn breathed.

"I'll kill ya! I'LL KILL YA!"

"Argus!" Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, Flitwick and, annoyingly, Lockhart, were hurrying past the students, all shocked to see the message and the cat.

"Everyone will proceed to their house dormitories immediately," Dumbledore instructed, the quartet tried to go with them, but their headmaster said otherwise. "Everyone except... you four."

Filch was being stupid and muttering punishments for killing his cat, but Dumbledore said. "She's not dead Argus, but petrified."

Lockhart was having a look at the cat. "Ah! So unlucky I wasn't there, I know just the counter-curse that could've spared her."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Rosalyn smirked.

Lockhart mumbled. "Well- I- I mean-"

"Enough, Rosalyn," Dumbledore interrupted. "Argus, how she has been petrified I cannot say."

"Ask her, it's her that's done it, look what she wrote on the wall!" Filch pointed an accusatory finger at Rosalyn.

"That's not true, Sir, I swear! I never touched Mrs Norris!"


"If I might, headmaster, perhaps Potter and her friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." Snape's silky voice intervened, Rosalyn couldn't believe her ears, Snape was defending them?

But she knew it was too good to be true.

"However, the circumstances as suspicious, I for one, don't remember seeing Potter at dinner."

"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus, Rosalyn was with me, helping me answer my fanmail," Lockhart told Snape, who's lip curled.

"That's why Harry, Ron and I went looking for her, Professors," said Hermione slowly, trying to catch up with the lie she was going to have to tell. "We just found her when she said- when she said-"

"When I said I wasn't hungry," Rosalyn quickly put in, she didn't know why, but she didn't want the teachers to know about the voice. "We were heading back to he common room when we found Mrs Norris."

"Innocent until proven guilty," Dumbledore said, as if that settled the matter.

"My cat, has been petrified!" Filch said. "I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus," Dumbledore said softly, Rosalyn remembered the properties of the mandrake. "As I understand it, Professor Sprout has a very healthy growth of mandrakes, and when they have grown, they will be boiled up into a potion which will cure Mrs Norris. And in the meantime, I strongly recommend caution, to all."

Rosalyn looked at her friends, and they looked back, they didn't know what had happened tonight, but they did know that it was a warning.

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