ππΈπ΄π πππ β 17
Rosalyn's feet splashed on the ground as she bolted away. She vaguely heard Riddle say something in parseltongue, and then heard. "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter! It only obeys me!"
Rosalyn didn't care. She ran for the exit but then had a sudden thought, Ginny! She tried to stop but the floor was slippy and she skidded to the ground, her body colliding with the hard stone floor. The basilisk towered over her, but she didn't look at it, she looked up when she heard another cry of the same bird. Fawkes was back.
Rosalyn looked at him until he flew above her, onto the basilisk's face, if it could be called so, and did something, she didn't know, she couldn't look, but in her periferall vision, she saw drops of blood fall the the ground. She looked up at the shadow on the roof and saw Fawkes flapping about on the giant serpent, but she wondered what was happening.
A few seconds later, Riddle gave her the answer. "Your bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you!"
Rosalyn looked up because the basilisk was supposedly blinded, and saw Fawkes rush away. She silently thanked him again and then jumped up, knowing she had to flee.
The basilisk's head was flailing and Rosalyn took this as a time to run, but the snake's period of agony didn't last long, as its head snapped into its usual place and Rosalyn took off.
She turned down a tunnel with a low ceiling and the basilisk slithered after her. It burst through stone and when Rosalyn entered an even smaller tunnel, it was just small enough to fit.
Rosalyn was desperately trying not to make a noise as she splashed down the enclosed space, she reached a turn-off and went down it, but it was only a small place and it had bars at the end of it. She rattled them and tried to move them, but it didn't work, she peeked out the end of the turn-off and saw the basilisk, looking for fresh meat.
She backed up as her opponent turned the corner. The basilisk couldn't see Rosalyn, pushing herself up against the bars in fright, but if she made one noise, she would be killed.
The serpent opened its mouth, and Rosalyn saw a bucketful of saliva and those teeth, those horrible teeth that had deadly poison in them. Rosalyn knew that just a second's contact with those fangs and she was gone.
She had to distract it, and she very thankfully found a small rock near her hand, she gripped it and threw it, it wasn't hard, but it made a noise and that was what she needed, the basilisk turned its head, then slowly made its way towards where the sound had been.
Rosalyn watched all of the slimy, scaly body go past the tunnel, and then she ran back towards the main part of the chamber, where Tom was standing over Ginny. She knelt beside her and felt her temperature, it had dropped tremendously.
"Yes Potter, the process is nearly complete," Tom Riddle said smugly. "In a few moments Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return. Very. Much. Alive."
Rosalyn was about to reply, but it was cut off by a great roar and crash behind her. She jerked around and saw the basilisk, blood red eyes, flailing around, and angry, very angry.
Fear consumed Rosalyn. Frozen on the ground where she was, she looked around desperately for something to defend herself against the monster. She spotted the hat, but her eye picked up something inside it, something that wasn't there before. It was a ruby encrusted hilt of a sword.
Without thinking, Rosalyn grabbed the hilt and pulled the sword out of the hat. It was silver, crafted beautifully and had a lethal, sharp point on the end of it. She held it up, and, even though she had no prior weapon practice, she suddenly felt like she could use the sword, like it was hers.
The basilisk backed up at the sight of the sword and, using his hesitation to her advantage, she ran through the huge puddle of water and to the statue of Salazar Slytherin, which she immediately started to climb.
The basilisk, however, wasn't stupid and he soon knew what she was doing. He drew level with her in the middle of the beard. She turned round on the precarious stone and faced her opponent. She slashed the sword and the snake leaned back, to avoid the hit and to make a new one of his own. He leant back in and his head was going straight for Rosalyn before she turned, and caused it to smash into the stone. Dust lingered in the air for a moment and Rosalyn took this as an opportunity to scale more of the statue with the sword in her hand.
The basilisk took another opportunity to smash Rosalyn into the stone, but she was climbing too fast for it and it head-butted the statue again, just before Rosalyn was able to get on top of it.
Once she was again on level ground, Rosalyn raised the sword and slashed it through the air, making the giant serpent, who was level with her by simply slithering a bit further upwards, draw back.
It came back and knocked Rosalyn off her feet, she felt a sharp pain in her tailbone and winced, but she got back up on her feet and sliced through the air with the sword, making Slytherin's monster back away with an ear splitting roar.
Rosalyn was fighting with all her strength to defeat the basilisk, but it knocked her over with a single shake of the head, and as she fell, she realised it could do alot worse.
Rosalyn suddenly realised that she had to do something and she had to do it now, otherwise it would win, as she was completely vulnerable right now. But she suddenly had much bigger problems as the sword was slipping off the stone. She lurched forward and grabbed at it, but she couldn't reach it-
The next twenty seconds felt like slow motion to Rosalyn. First, she felt like she was falling off the statue of Slytherin and she was at least not going to be a victim of the basilisk, then she felt the sword in her hand and pulled back from leaning over the statue so that she didn't die. After that, she stood up even though it felt like agony, and saw that basilisk coming towards her, mouth open.
She did the only thing she could think of, and when the serpent came close, she stuck the sword in the roof of its mouth so that it stuck out the other end, she held it there, trying to not hear the pain in the cry coming from the snake.
But then she cried in pain of her own, it was excruciating, because as she withdrew the sword, one of the fangs, filled with poison that acted immediately, stabbed into her arm. She dropped the sword and pulled out the fang, falling to the ground as she did so.
The basilisk, however, was flailing around all over the chamber. It was covered in blood and was in agony, so Rosalyn felt, for a second, a tiny bit of pity for it, as it wasn't it's fault that it was what it was. But it had also killed one person and petrified many more, so she only felt that for a second.
The basilisk eventually tipped over and landed with an almighty splash. It was dead. Tom Riddle looked half shocked half scandalised and Rosalyn was just shocked. She couldn't believe what she'd just done.
She retrieved the sword and climbed down off the statue, trying and failing to ignore her injury that was now transporting tiny spasms of pain all the way up and down her arm. She walked round the dead basilisk still holding the sword that she dropped as she came to Ginny. She fell to her knees, dropped her weapon and Tom Riddle saw this as an opportunity to give her another smart comment.
"Amazing isn't it? How quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body, I guess you have little more than a minute to live, you'll be with your dear mudblood mother soon, Potter."
Rosalyn's arm was now in immense pain, but she realised something quite suddenly. In Ginny's icy hands was the diary, and if Tom was preserved in the said book, then it would be the only chance to get rid of him forever.
"Funny," Riddle continued. "The damage a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly. Little. Girl."
Rosalyn's hand caressed the book and then she took it from Ginny, opening it in the middle where the spine was most fragile.
She picked up the fang beside her, the fang that had her blood on it. Riddle asked worriedly. "What are you doing?"
She raised the fang high, and brought it down. "Stop, no!" But Riddle was too slow, as Rosalyn had already stabbed through several pages of the diary, which released a black, inky substance.
Tom, who had lunged at Rosalyn, was now held back by a hole filled with light in his chest. He roared, but Rosalyn kept stabbing the diary. She looked at him with malice in her eyes, and lifted the fang out the book. Riddle tried to stop her again, yelling louder than Rosalyn had ever heard, but she stabbed the other page that had been opened, and Riddle pulled his outstretched hand back to his face with was now also glowing.
Holes were appearing all over Riddle's body, and as Rosalyn released the last page from the fang, she knew what she had to do. She closed the book, and punctured the cover of the book, releasing more inky, black stuff than before.
Riddle stopped fighting, and opened his arms fully. He was yelling in agony and Rosalyn was satisfied, if not surprised, she swallowed hard as she watched sixteen year old Lord Voldemort disintegrate right before her shocked eyes.
Rosalyn suddenly heard loud breathing and her eyes fell on Ginny. The small redhead was lying on the ground, chest rising and falling.
She sat up and Rosalyn sat with her, her eyes were wide and words spilled out of her mouth. "Rosie, it was me, but I didn't mean to, I swear, Riddle made me, and- Rosie, you're hurt."
Rosalyn had been trying to hide her wound but Ginny had seen it. She covered it up anyway as she said. "Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the chamber, and you'll find Ron, and probably Harry by now."
There was a sudden cry and Ginny and Rosalyn looked round, both seeing that flash of red and yellow the meant Fawkes was back. He went straight to Rosalyn and sat down beside her, gazing at her with his beady eyes.
"You were great, Fawkes," She said, smiling whilst wincing. "I just wasn't quick enough."
She had already accepted she was going to die, she just needed Ginny to get out, she couldn't be responsible-
But then the phoenix did something strange, it leant its head towards Rosalyn's fang wound. He then started to cry. Rosalyn was confused at first, but then she remembered, just as the puncture in her skin began to heal. It closed up as if it had never been there in the first place, and all that was left was a hole in her robes.
"Of course," She thought aloud. "Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks." she said to Fawkes, then she turned back to her adoptive sister. "It's alright, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory." She smiled slightly at her initiative, and then stood up with Ginny and walked back with her through the chamber.
The journey was made in a comfortable silence, and when the two of them got back to the rock pile, Harry and Ron were there, and they both immediately embraced their respective sisters and friends.
"Rosie, Ginny! Are you alright?"
The two boys both wanted to know what had happened, and Rosalyn told them the shortened version, keeping the details for later.
"Where's Lockhart?" She asked after she had finished, suddenly realising that they were a man down.
"Over there," Harry and Ron said in unison, pointing to where Lockhart was, sat on the ground, completely content trying to pile rocks on top of one another.
She rolled her eyes as Ron said. "So, how're we getting out of here because I don't know about you, but I think it's time to go."
The three of them, not including Lockhart, heartily agreed, and Rosalyn said. "Fawkes followed us out, phoenixes, they can carry heavy loads-"
But Fawkes was already there, and the party of five got carried up by the phoenix, Rosalyn holding Fawkes' claw, Ron holding her hand, Lockhart latched onto Ron's feet, Harry held the Professor's hand after some persuasion, and Ginny clung to Harry's waist. Rosalyn smiled to herself at this, knowing how much joy it would give Ginny. She sighed as she was carried away from the chamber, with Lockhart screaming behind her.
"Amazing, this is just like magic!"
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