π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸 β˜† 5

Malfoy was in the Hospital Wing for four days before he finally decided he could leave. There were rumours going round that Madame Pomfrey had discharged him in two hours after his arrival, but he had insisted he stay.

He strutted into the great hall one day at lunch with his arm in a sling, and looked as though he thought he was a war veteran.

It would have been funny to Rosalyn, if she hadn't been so worried about Hagrid. But she still hissed across the table to Malfoy, who was telling his hero story to Pansy Parkinson. "Quit acting, Malfoy, Madam Pomfrey told me your arm's completely fine! She fixed it in seconds!"

Malfoy ignored her, and Rosalyn turned her attention back to ghosts on horses galloping through the great hall.

Pansy Parkinson asked, for what Rosalyn had counted was the sixth time. "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?"

"It comes and it goes," Draco said whilst Rosalyn rolling her eyes. "Still, I consider myself luck, Madame Pomfrey said another minute of two and I could've lost my arm."

Back at the Gryffindor table, Rosalyn turned around and yelled over to Malfoy. "You'll be losing your arm in a second because I'll rip it off!"

Malfoy continued to drawl to Pansy. "Believe me, if Madame Pomfrey hadn't given me this special potion, I would have..."

Ron said. "Listen to the bloody idiot, he's really laying it on thick isn't he?"

"Yeah but at least Hagrid didn't get fired," said Harry.

"Yeah but I hear Draco's father's furious," Hermione added. "We haven't heard the end of this."

"All this?" Rosalyn asked, deeply annoyed. "All this just because they hate Hagrid?"

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus Finnigan sprinted down the great hall with a newspaper and slapped it on the oak table near where Rosalyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione were.

"Who?" Ron asked, even though it was plainly obvious, Seamus would only be acting this crazy over one sighting.

"Sirius Black!"

Hermione set about reading the article. "Dufftown? That's not far from here!"

Neville, who was sitting beside Dean, who Seamus was standing beside, said, "You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts? Do you?"

"With dementors at every entrance? Don't reckon it's likely..."

"Dementors! He's already slipped past them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he won't do it again?"

"That's right," said the same Hufflepuff who had read out the description of the grim. "Black could be anywhere. It's like try'na catch smoke. Try'na catch smoke with your bare hands."

Rosalyn sighed as she saw the man with matted, greasy hair, and ripped clothes. It was a moving picture, and Rosalyn saw that someone was trying to restrain him as he writhed and struggled.


Next, they had defence against the dark arts. Now, when Rosalyn, Harry and Ron (they didn't know where Hermione was) entered the classroom, they were surprised to see that Professor Lupin had magically put the desks to the edge of the classroom, cleared space in the middle of the room for a class, and, another surprise, there was a large wardrobe at the back.

They wondered no more about why it was there until everyone had arrived. And right now, only half the class had.

When Seamus, Dean and Neville came in, Rosalyn and Seamus got into an animated talk about Sirius Black.

"How'd he escape in the first place?"

"Yeah! The dementors are hard to sneak past..."

"Where d'you think he is now?"

"I have no idea, could be anywhere, and the sighting might not even be genuine anyway."

"Yeah, I mean, muggles just think he's a normal prisoner, don't they? They don't know the full truth..."

"D'you think he'd come here? To Hogwarts?"

"He might. But what would he have to gain from coming here?"

Me, thought Rosalyn. She still hadn't told anyone except Harry, Ron and Hermione that Black was after her.

Anyway, the class was there, so Lupin suddenly called out. "All right, settle down, stop talking, Miss Potter, Mr Finnigan! Let's focus on the lesson, shall we?"

Rosalyn sighed and turned to the wardrobe, which, she noticed now, was slightly shaking.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" He asked moving round the class as he was now at the back of the mass of students. "Now, would anyone want to venture a guess, as to what is inside?"

"That's a boggart that is," said Dean.

"Very good, Mr Thomas," Lupin praised him as they all jumped because the wardrobe shook once more. "Now, can anyone tell me, what a boggart, looks like?"

"No one knows," Hermione had her hair wrapped round a pencil in a bun compared to last class, but she was there, and Rosalyn was certain that she had just appeared.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked, confused.

Hermione ignored him and answered the rest for the question. "Boggarts are shape shifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying, yes," Lupin took over. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart," he turned as the wardrobe shook yet again. "Let's practice it now, without wands first." He added, as everyone delved into their pockets, everyone fell still and he continued. "After me - Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" Chorused the class.

"Very good, but a little louder and a little clearer," Corrected Lupin, "Repeat after me - Rid-dik-ul-us."

"Riddikulus!" The class said, a little more confident this time.

"This class is ridiculous," Rosalyn heard Draco Malfoy say, but she didn't let him spoil this lesson.

"Very good," Lupin said. "Well, so much for the easy part, but the fact is that the incantation alone isn't enough, what really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume the shape of something that you find is truly amusing, let me explain, er- Neville, could you join me please?"

Lupin had looked around for a student for a split second before resting on Neville. He had overheard Snape talking about Neville, and whatever he said was bad. He said that 'Longbottom' was incompetent, bad at magic and a practical squib. Lupin hadn't put it past Snape to say this, but that was the very reason that he had chosen Neville for the demonstration.

Neville, on the other hand, had looked extremely embarrassed to be picked. He had glanced round, as if he expected his inexistent identical twin to be beside him, called the same name as him, and whom Lupin was speaking to.

"Come on, don't be shy, come on," Lupin said encouragingly, and Neville walked past several students, including Rosalyn, who he turned rather red at, to get the the front of the haggle. Lupin leant forward and Lupin said. "Now, Neville, what frightens you the most?"

Neville said some inaudible words, and Lupin said, "sorry?" Asking for whatever Neville was frightened of to be said again. Rosalyn found herself feeling sorry for Neville, who couldn't help being bashful, or afraid.

"Professor Snape," said Neville, and a surge of pride surfaced in both Rosalyn and Lupin's minds. Even though several students laughed, Neville kept his head up high, and didn't even turn round.

Lupin laughed as well, and Rosalyn felt a mild anger at him for not encouraging Neville further.

He said, looking up instead of at Neville, "Professor Snape? He frightens us all," he then changed track. "And I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Y-yes, but I don't want that Boggart to turn into her either," Neville said, and Rosalyn, who was right behind him, noticed he was shaking.

She sighed, not knowing what to do. And then she made a split second decision. She leant forward slightly, and just brushed her hand against Neville's inconspicuously. Neville, of course, had no idea who this was, so he didn't go red, but he did calm down considerably as Lupin continued to explain.

"No Neville you misunderstand me, it won't," he turned again at the shake of the wardrobe, as if he expected the boggart to be bursting out of it. "I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind."

"She carries a red handbag-" Started Neville, trying to remember.

"We don't need to hear them," said Lupin, but kindly. "As long as you see it, we'll see it."

"Now when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do," Lupin went forward and put his mouth close to Neville's ear and whispered something into it, Rosalyn strained to hear it but she couldn't.

"Can you do that?" Lupin asked Neville, who nodded, a happier look definitely on his face, "Wands at the ready," Lupin called, and everyone in the room got their wands out, even though it was only Neville that needed it.

Lupin counted him in. "One, two, three," He waved his wand and the handle of the wardrobe turned, opening.

Snape's hands came round the doorframe, and he walked out, the same as always, greasy, back hair, pallid face, long, black robes. Rosalyn saw some certain similarities between her and Sirius Black. This was a sentence that neither of the real people would thank her for.

"Think, Neville, think," Lupin was now behind Neville, not in front of him.

"Riddikulus!" Neville did the spell, and boggart-Snape stumbled backwards, his neat, clean clothes turning into a hat with a stuffed vulture on it, an animal skin scarf, a nice green dress and, as Neville had said, a bright red handbag.

Neville seemed to proud to speak, but Lupin said amidst claps and cheers. "Wonderful, Neville, wonderful, to the back now. Everyone, now, form a line!"

There was alot of pushing and shoving as everyone got into a line formation, and Rosalyn saw Malfoy push people out the way with his slinged arm.

"I thought it 'hurt terribly'?" She asked him, smirking.

"Shut your mouth, Pottah," was the reply.

Crabbe was now at the back, shoving the back person so that everyone went forward. This gave a hard job to Ron, who was at the front, and had no one to fall on.

"That's it form a line!" Lupin yelled above the chatter. "Now, I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most, and turn it into something funny," he put a record on so that a nice tune took the place of the silence, and then said. "Next, Ron!"

Ron walked forward unsurely, and Snape took a second deciding what scared Ron the most, but eventually, as Rosalyn knew it would, a huge spider surfaced.

Ron looked more scared than he ever had been, but as it walked forward, he had to draw his wand and get on with it.

It went further, and, when it finally came too close for comfort, he said. "Riddikulus!"

The spider's feet were replaced with roller skates, so the it skidded on the floor without reaching Ron, and he was relieved of that. The class laughed, but it didn't finish the boggart yet.

"Marvelous!" Lupin was laughing. "Parvati, next!"

Parvati stepped up, and the boggart chose a snake for her, which reared and came forward, hissing and slithering, ready for the kill.

"Riddikulus!" She pointed her wand at the snake, and it turned into a jack-in-the-box. Rosalyn laughed, liking how Parvati had thought on that one, not just changing an aspect, but the whole thing.

"Next!" Lupin said, gesturing them forward.

Seamus, who was infront of Rosalyn, went, and his was a woman, who opened her mouth and screamed. Rosalyn thought everyone half deaf by the time Seamus had his wand and cast. "Riddikulus!"

The banshee opened its mouth, but no sound came out. Rosalyn took her hands off her ears, where they had been firmly planted for the past thirty seconds.

"Step up, step up, next!" Lupin's face was pure pride, and when he saw Rosalyn, it just topped it off, for that girl reminded him so much of Lily, and James as well.

Rosalyn, meanwhile, had been thinking for a while what her worst fear was. She had thought Voldemort, but then she thought of that dementor on the train, how she had succumbed so easily to it, how she hated that they were here for the whole school year.

Yes, she thought, it was a dementor that was he worst fear, and that was what the boggart would decide for her, so she set about trying to make them funny, but she couldn't figure it out, and when she stepped up, she was extremely worried.

The boggart, indeed, switched to a dementor, that swooped down upon her, but, before Rosalyn could do the spell, Lupin jumped infront of her.

The boggart changed to clouds clearing to see a full moon. Rosalyn knew there was something in that, she just couldn't figure it out.

"Riddikulus!" Lupin said, and the moon became a balloon, which flew around the room before getting trapped, once again, in the wardrobe.

"Er- well, sorry about that, if you'd all like to collect your books at the back of the class, that's the end of the lesson, thank you. Sorry!" He had to say to many students reluctant to leave.

But Rosalyn just stared at the wardrobe, confused. She didn't know why Lupin had stopped her. Did he think she wasn't brave enough? She was scared?

A hundred possibilities passed through her head as she headed to get her books and bag, then out the classroom.

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