π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸 β˜† 13

Now it was divination. Rosalyn was having a hard time concentrating as everyone around her (except her friends, of course) was looking at her as if she might drop dead any moment. But she just had to grit her teeth and get on with it.

That meant she just had to ignore Professor Trelawney.

They were sitting up in the heavily perfumed attic classroom, around the small tables. Today they were reading crystal balls, and their idiot of a teacher was floating around, talking absolute rubbish.

"Broaden your minds, my dears. For the art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye, and you can see-"

Rosalyn zoned out for the rest of the weird speech. She didn't want to crystal gaze, so she just put her chin on the desk and looked as though she was listening intently.

The four of them had a crystal ball at their table, a glass one filled with white smoke, or steam, Rosalyn didn't know, but none of them were using it. She heard Parvati say. "Professor! I have a shape here! Professor! Professor, what's this?"

Rosalyn and Hermione rolled their eyes as Trelawney floated over to Parvati and said that she was going to make a good friend in the future.

Rosalyn hid her giggle and said under her breath to the other three. "How strange! The people she likes get good fortunes, the people she doesn't like get bad fortunes, and I get omens of death!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione laughed. Rosalyn looked round and put her chin on the desk again.

"What have we got here, my dears?"

A few seconds later, Professor Trelawney had wandered over to their table, and Ron, Harry and Rosalyn had to sit up hurriedly.

"Do you need help?" Trelawney went on.

"I don't need help," said Ron, suddenly looking very serious. "It's obvious what this means, there's going to be lots of fog tonight."

Rosalyn, Harry and even Hermione all laughed.

Then, Rosalyn was very surprised to see, Hermione stepped up and said."Oh, do you mind me trying?"

Professor Trelawney looked pleased, and gave her a nod.

It was only until Hermione uttered her answer that Rosalyn realised what she was up to. That she realised that Hermione didn't like Divination after all, she liked mocking Trelawney.

"The grim, possibly."

Trelawney didn't react like she did the first time the death omen was mentioned. In fact, she didn't even flinch. Rosalyn was angry that she didn't.

"Wait a second," she said, staring down at the table. "You scream, when the grim is in my tea leaves, you spend all these lessons telling everyone that I'm going to die, and now, when Hermione has the stupid grim, you don't do anything!"

Trelawney said. "My dear, I know that you have faced hardships, so I thought that that omen was suited for you." Rosalyn gave a harsh smile and a shake of the head. she didn't choose the omens that they would all get, did she? Because that sounded like she had just confessed she did.

Then Trelawney turned to Hermione.

"My dear, ever since you set foot in my class," she took Hermione's hand in hers. "I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit, for the noble art of divination."

She started to look at Hermione's palm, and gave a few sighs before saying. "You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is shrivelled as an old maid; your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave."

Rosalyn looked angry, but Hermione was raging. She snatched her hand away from Trelawney and stood up. She knocked the crystal ball off the table and it rolled out the classroom. Hermione took up her bag and slung it over her shoulders. She walked round the table and out the classroom, not looking back at Trelawney.

"Did I say something?" Trelawney asked, and Rosalyn snorted.

The rest of the lesson was boring until the bell finally rang. Rosalyn, Harry and Ron packed their stuff up and left the classroom, walking down the stairs.

"She's gone mental, Hermione has!" Ron said as they went down all the steps. "I mean, not that she wasn't always mental - ow, Rosie! - But now it's out there for everyone to see!"

"Trelawney's always been an old bat, and 'Mione's never been mental!" Rosalyn objected.

"Okay, okay," Ron said, putting his hands up. "I agree, she's weird, more than weird, but Hermione walking out on a teacher? Really?"

Harry said. "Look, you two, here's the crystal ball Hermione dropped."

He was right. At their feet was the ball Hermione had knocked over out the classroom. Rosalyn didn't want to go back to the classroom again, but her kindness outweighed her sarcasm at that moment.

"Better put it back," she said, bending down and picking the glass ball filled with steam, or fog, as Ron said, up.

"I'm not goin' back!" Ron said, and Harry nodded.

"See you then," said Rosalyn, setting off up the stairs.

"See you," both the boys said back to her.

Rosalyn walked back up to Trelawney's room, and was immediately hit with the perfume as she entered it. She walked back to the desk the quartet (well, trio now) shared and placed the ball on the stand.

She turned to leave, but then heard something strange. She turned back, towards the ball. A face, a face that was chalk white, had red eyes and no nose, could be seen in the ball.

"Rosalyn..." It whispered.

She looked at it for a few seconds before jumping about a foot in the air.

"Professor Trelawney," she said, breathing hard.

But it was not the Professor Trelawney she knew.

Her hair was frizzled, more than usual, and her goggle glasses were askew with wide eyes underneath them. She was struggling to breath, and what breaths she could draw were strained, deep. Rosalyn didn't know what was happening to her.

"It will happen tonight," she said, still breathing hard. "Tonight, he who betrayed his friends at Hogwarts with murder shall break free. Two friends who have tried to kill him in the past will fail once more. Innocent blood will be spilt, and servant and master shall be reunited once mooooooooooooore!"

Her mouth was still open wide and she looked quite deranged. And then she chocked on her word and her eyes shrank and he voice went back to normal. Rosalyn was shocked.

Then Trelawney saw her. "Oh! I'm so sorry dear girl, did you say something?"

"No, nothing," Rosalyn said. But you did, she said to herself in her head.

As she left the classroom, she pondered. What did that mean? What did any of that mean? Tonight... innocent blood spilt... two friends... servant and master... reunited once more...

She didn't know, but then a thought came to her. Talented or not, Professor Trelawney was a seer, she remembered her telling them once. And seers predicted things, they made prophecies. Had Trelawney just made a prophecy?

Rosalyn pondered it, but she didn't know. She didn't really care, however, when she caught up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, because it was Buckbeak's execution in half an hour. The quartet headed outside to see Hagrid, wanting to give him moral support.

They walked out into the courtyard and saw the masked executioner sharpening his axe. They felt him, even though they couldn't see him, grinning evilly at them through his black balaclava with only small holes for eyes and slit for the mouth. They gave him cold, hard death stares as they walked past him.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak it's just too horrible," Hermione said in a hurt and irritable voice.

"More so is that guy's face," Rosalyn said in disgust, still staring daggers at the executioner.

They walked across the bridge and out the other side, down the hill to Hagrid.

"And it just got worse," Ron said miserably, pointing to three people spying on Hagrid from behind a huge stone. The four of them instantly knew that they were Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

Hermione suddenly clenched her fists and marched down the steps to Malfoy, who was audibly laughing at Hagrid. Rosalyn, Harry and Ron followed her, but she kept moving.

"Malfoy, look who's here!" Crabbe said, as the three of them turned round.

"Ah, come to see the show!" Said Malfoy, opening his arms wide, his malevolent eyes glistening.

"You! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione shouted shrilly, reaching the three of them and drawing her wand. She pointed it at Malfoy's neck, as he was backed up against the stone, and he quailed under her expression.

"Hermione, no!" Ron yelled after her. "He's not worth it!"

"No, Hermione, keep going!" Three guesses who said that.

It was a few moments before Hermione put her wand down, and turned away. But into for a second. As quick as a flash, she had turned back round and punched Malfoy in the nose.

Crabbe and Goyle held him so that he didn't sink down to the ground. And they were checking if he was okay and all that, but Ron and Harry were staring in shock.

Rosalyn, however, was clapping and shouting. "YES, Hermione! That's how we do it! Kick them in the ass and punch them in the face!"

The trio of idiots ran up the grass, back towards the castle, but not before Malfoy had shot a stare that could kill at them. But they were too surprised to register.

Hermione had turned round below them, looking surprised as well. She said. "That felt good," feebly, as she squinted at them.

"Not good, brilliant!" Ron said, a grin fading into his face.

"No kidding!" Rosalyn also added. "I'm so proud!"

Hermione shrugged, smiling, as Rosalyn hi-fived her. Then the four of them headed down to Hagrid's.

But then Rosalyn noticed something when she stared back up the hill. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were frozen as if they were watching someone, or listening.

However, thinking no more of it like she would have to later, she walked on, not saying a word.

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