π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑆𝐼𝑋 β˜† 13

Rosalyn was stalking Malfoy again. She was in the common room alone, as Ron and Harry were doing homework in the library and Hermione was in class as she was taking way more subjects than Rosalyn, Harry or Ron.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." She tapped the map and watched Hogwarts blossom across it. She saw that Draco Malfoy was in the Slytherin common room, however, and not up to any shenanigans tonight.

But no- suddenly, Malfoy's dot moved from the common room and started to go towards the seventh floor. I knew it, Rosalyn thought gleefully.

She watched it go up... hoping for something to happen... it was on the seventh floor now... then it disappeared.

Rosalyn pursed her lips and decided. She was going to follow Malfoy up to the seventh floor and see where he was going.

After a quick trip up to the dorm (which was empty) to get the invisibility cloak, Rosalyn set off. She walked quickly and with purpose. She was determined, she was going to catch Malfoy at it.

When she got to the seventh floor, she looked at the map again. The dot Rosalyn Potter was on the map, right near where he normally disappeared, but Draco Malfoy was not present.

Think, Rosie told herself, think. He normally walks forward into it and disappears right here. So where does he go?

Rosalyn looked up. What was on the other side of that wall?

The room of requirement. Of course. Of course. Rosalyn didn't know why she hadn't seen it before. Malfoy was going into the room of requirement.

But why?

Rosalyn tried to get into the room of requirement to answer this question. For the next hour or so, she tried everything.

I need the place you become for Draco Malfoy...

I need to know where Malfoy's going and what he's doing...

I need the place Malfoy goes...

I need where Draco Malfoy is hiding...

I need to see what Draco Malfoy's doing right now...

Nothing worked. She couldn't get in. She was frustrated at this, but she had expected it.

At least I know where he's going now, Rosalyn thought as she walked, defeated, back to the common room.


"Rosie? Rosie! Rosie!"

Rosalyn and Hermione were sitting, chatting in the common room, chatting together. Rosalyn had told her her new and recent discovery. Hermione had rolled her eyes, telling her that she still had no proof that Malfoy was a death eater.

"Not yet, Hermione, not yet."

That was until Harry decided to ruin the fun, running down from the dormitory quickly.

"Rosie, come with me!" He said quickly, panting.

Rosalyn furrowed her brows. "Harry what in Godric's name is going on-?"

"Long story," Harry told her. "But Ron- I don't know what's happened to him."

"Is he alright?" Rosalyn asked, but she could have sworn that Hermione had said this too in a small, quiet voice.

"Yes- well, no, but it's not like his life is in danger, it's just that he's acting- odd," Harry told them.

"Isn't he always?" Rosalyn asked, and Hermione sniggered slightly, still not inclined to laugh because of who they were talking about.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Anyway, come with me!"

Rosalyn and her twin raced back upstairs, where Ron sat in the dormitory, staring up at the ceiling with a lovesick look on his face. Harry and Rosalyn looked at him, looking thoughrougly confused.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ron asked in a sugary sweet tone. "The moon."

"Divine," Harry was very concerned.

Rosalyn suddenly noticed a box of chocolate cauldrons sitting on Harry's bed. Beside them there was a little note, signed by a person that looked very like Romilda Vane.

"Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we?" She asked furtvely.

"It was on your bed, the box," Ron told her. "I just thought I'd try one."

"Or twenty," Rosalyn suddenly laughed. She knew exactly what had happened, and she knew why Ron was the way he was at the moment.

Ron smiled. "I can't stop thinking about her, Harry," he smiled genially at the other boy in the room.

Harry, presuming he was talking about Lavender, sat down on his bed and told him. "You know, I reckoned she was starting to annoy you."

"She could never annoy me," Ron was still smiling as he clambered onto the bed as well. "I- I think I'm in love with her, Harry."

Rosalyn, meanwhile, was reading the card that Romilda Vane had sent with the clearly spiked chocolate cauldrons.

Hi Harry,

I hope you can enjoy these chocolate cauldrons as a gift and we can go to Slughorn's party together.


Romilda Vane

Rosalyn sniggered. The cauldrons clearly had love potion in them. And by the looks of it, for it mentioned Slughorn's party, they'd been here a long time. Rosalyn definitely remembered reading something about how they strengthen over time.

"Well, good," Harry was meanwhile saying, getting off the bed that he and Ron were sitting on. He still thinks he means Lavender, Rosie realised.

"D'you think she knows I exist?" Ron asked, but still, there was a smile on his face.

"Bloody well hope so, she's been snogging you for all these weeks," Harry said, a smile on his face.

Ron's face fell. "Snogging?"

Harry was extremely confused as Ron asked again. "Who're you talking about?"

"Who're you talking about?"

"Romilda, of course, Romilda Vane," Ron smiled lovesickly.

"Oh, okay," Harry started to crack up and laugh.

This caused Ron to chuck the lid of the chocolate box at him. "What was that for?" Harry asked in a yell.

"It's no joke!" Ron yelled back. "I'm in love with her!"

"Alright, fine, you're in love with her, have you ever actually met her?" Harry asked.

"No... can you introduce me?" Ron asked hopefully.

Meanwhile, Rosalyn was watching this scene, laughing her head off silently. "Harry, look at this," she said in an undertone to her brother.

Harry took the little card from Romilda off her. "Oh no," he shook his head. "Romilda gave these to me, a few days before Slughorn's party, and Hermione told me not to eat anything that she gave me-"

"Well, Ron did," Rosalyn laughed. "It's fine, we'll tell him he's getting introduced to his girl then take him to Slughorn and he can remedy him."

Harry nodded, heading back over to Ron, who was staring up at the ceiling again. "Come on Ron," Harry smiled, picking him up. "I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda Vane."

They walked along to Slughorn's office, supporting Ron between them. Rosalyn knocked, hoping that he would forgive her for the last time their paths crossed.

Slughorn opened the door. "I'm sorry Sir, I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely necessary-"

"Where's Romilda?" Ron suddenly asked, staggering around the corridor.

"What's the matter with Wenby?" Slughorn frowned.

Rosalyn whispered to the Professor. "Very powerful love potion. Like, he's gone completely loopy. Loopier than he usually is, I mean."

"Very well, you'd better bring him in," Slughorn said resentfully.

Once inside, Slughorn set to work, opening vials and mixing potions. "I'd have thought that you could whip up a remedy for this in no time, Rosalyn."

"Well, I thought this called for more practiced hands, Sir," Rosalyn said quickly.

Thankfully, Ron helped this performance by wrapping his arms around Slughorn. "Hello darling, fancy a drink?"

"Perhaps you're right," Slughorn nodded.

Harry pulled Ron away from Slughorn sitting him down on the sofa. "I'm sorry about earlier, by the way, Professor," Rosalyn said. "Our- misunderstanding."

"Oh, not at all! All water under the bridge, am I right?" Slughorn said as he mixed the remedy.

"Well, I expect you're tired of it after all these years, all the questions about Voldemort," Rosalyn sighed.

"Don't say that name!" Slughorn said quickly.

Ron toppled over the couch at that moment, creating a perfect diversion. When they finally got him sitting back down, Slughorn had the antidote in a goblet. "There you are, boy, bottoms up."

"What's this?" Ron asked.

"A tonic, for the nerves," Slughorn had an answer ready. He had clearly done this before.

Ron drank. Rosalyn waited for a few seconds before seeing his lovesick eyes change back to his usual ones. "What happened to me?"

"Love potion," Harry said, smirking like a maniac.

"And a bloody strong one at that," Slughorn added.

"I feel terrible," Ron remarked.

"You look it," Rosalyn snickered.

"You need a pick me up, my boy," Slughorn started looking through his stores. "I've got butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak matured mead... I had been saving this but... given the circumstances..."

He filled four goblets with the stuff and handed one each to Ron, Harry and Rosalyn.

"There you go, Rosalyn, Harry," they clinked their glasses together. "To life!"

But Ron had drunk before they had. He collapsed to the floor, shaking slightly, foaming at the mouth.

"Ron!" Rosalyn shouted, dropping to the floor at once.

She felt his pulse, which, thank Godric, was still beating. Harry got down beside her, breathing hard. "Professor, do something!" But Slughorn just stood there, eyes wide, wondering how a drink so tasty could do this.

Rosalyn remembered again. A stone, taken from the stomach of a goat, which will save you from most poisons...

She got up immediately, running to Slughorn's drawers, she saw vials... leaves... ingredients...

There! She grabbed the first bezoar she saw with both hands, hurried over to Ron and crammed the thing in his mouth with shaking hands. She held his mouth closed so that he had to digest it.

"Come on, Ron, breathe. Breathe!"

She sat with her hand on his weakly beating heart for three more excruciating seconds. Then suddenly, his eyes opened and he sat up.

For Rosalyn, it was good to know that Ron could still joke, or say something funny without realising it, like he did just moments later.

"These girls, they're gonna kill me."

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