ππΈπ΄π ππΈππΈπ β 9
Rosalyn was sat in the tent on a particularly rainy night, reading and re reading the ROWENA RAVENCLAW section of The Four Pillars of Hogwarts. She was looking for clues, clues that had been long-since dismissed as non existent.
"Oh my god!"
Rosalyn looked up just in time to see Hermione burst into the room. "What?" She asked in shock.
"I'll tell you in a minute!" Hermione told her best friend, looking through a book that was lain on the table.
"How about you tell me now?" Rosalyn sat opposite Hermione.
"The sword of Gryffindor," Hermione gasped out. "It's goblin made."
"And?" Rosalyn asked with raised eyebrows.
"No- Rosie, you don't understand, dirt and rust have no effect on the blade, it only takes in that which makes it stronger," Hermione showed Rosalyn text from a book.
"Okay..." Rosalyn was struggling to keep up.
"Rosie, you've already destroyed one horcrux, right?" Hermione asked rhetorically, getting up to move around. "Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets!"
"With a basilisk fang," Rosalyn told Hermione information she already had. "If you tell me you've got one of those in that bloody beaded bag of yours-"
"Don't you see?" Hermione asked. Rosalyn frowned. Clearly she was missing the point here. "In the Chamber of Secrets, you stabbed the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor! It's impregnated with basilisk venom, which is why-"
"It can destroy horcruxes!" Rosalyn grinned.
"That's why Dumbledore left it to you in his will!" Hermione matched her facial expressions.
"You are- brilliant, Hermione, truly."
"Actually, I'm highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail, and perceive clearly what others overlook!" Hermione blabbered. Rosalyn giggled.
"Yeah," Rosalyn nodded. "There's only one problem, of course, which is-"
Before she got another word in, a golden snitch zoomed past her face and the lights went out in the room.
When they came back on, Harry and Ron were standing before them. Harry clutching the snitch and Ron the deluminator, they both looked livid.
"Oh yeah," Ron spat out. "We're still here."
"But you two, carry on, don't let us spoil the fun," Harry said hatefully.
Rosalyn shut the book, standing up. "What's wrong?"
"Wrong?" Harry repeated. "Oh, nothing's wrong, not according to you, anyway."
"If you've got something to say, spit it out," Rosalyn said, genuinely confused now. "Don't leave us waiting."
"Alright, we'll spit it out," Ron said. "But don't expect us to be grateful because there's another damn thing we've got to find!"
"I thought you knew what you signed up for?" Rosalyn exclaimed in shock and anger.
"Yeah, we thought we did, too," said Harry, voice low and threatening.
"Alright, I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand," Rosalyn rolled her eyes, heading towards the two boys. "What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we'd be living in a five star hotel? That we'd be finding a horcrux every other night- that you'd be back to being smothered by Molly at Christmas?"
"We just thought, that after all this time, we would've actually achieved something!" Ron bust out. "We thought you knew what you were doing, that Dumbledore had told you what to do! We thought you had a plan!"
"I told you everything Dumbledore told me and if you hadn't noticed, we've already got a fucking horcrux!" Rosalyn spoke with pure spite in her voice.
"Yeah, and we're about as close to destroying it as we are finding the other ones!" Harry shot back.
Hermione stepped up, being the only one who hadn't spoken. "Ron- please- take it off! You wouldn't be saying any of this if you weren't wearing it!"
Ron fought with her, but she eventually managed to prise the locket off him.
"D'you want to know why I listen to that radio every night, do you?" Ron asked Rosalyn. He told her the answer either way. "To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George's- or hell, even Neville's! Don't bet you ever give a rat's fart about him these days-"
"D'you think I'm not listening too?" Rosalyn roared, the mention of Neville setting her off. "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS FEELS-"
"No, you don't know how it feels!" Ron yelled back. "Your parents are DEAD! You have no family!"
That comment brought tears to Rosie's eyes. Still, she fought on. "So I'm not family, Ron? After all these years-"
"No, Rosie, I'm not convinced you are!" Ron bellowed back at her.
Rosalyn had had enough. Running at Ron, she punched him as hard as she could in the gut. "Stop, stop!" Hermione shouted.
Eventually she pulled them apart. "Fine, go, then! GO!" Rosalyn shouted.
Ron was halfway to leaving when Harry went with him. "No! Ron!"
"And you?" Ron turned round at the mouth of the tent, looking at Hermione. "Are you coming or are you staying?"
"Ron, I- of course I'm staying!" Hermione's eyes were splattered with tears.
"Fine, I get it," Ron said bitterly. "You've chosen who you want to stay with- you don't give a damn about me, either, do you?"
"Ron-" Hermione shouted as Harry and Ron left the tent. "Please! Come back!"
Rosalyn said nothing. Breathing heavily, she sat down, telling herself she didn't regret what she had just done, but in fact feeling very different inside.
The next morning, Rosalyn and Hermione woke early, packed up the tent, and left, but before they did, Hermione asked Rosalyn something.
"C-can we-" she asked through the tears. "Can we leave a scarf in the woods, just one wrapped around a tree- so- so that Ron and H-Harry will know that we still care-"
Rosalyn just nodded, feeling oddly envious of her best friend. Hermione cared. She still cared for them even though they were gone. Rosalyn wished she had that quality. All she felt of when she thought of her two brothers was pure anger.
Either way, after the two girls had packed up the tent, Rosalyn stood by whilst Hermione loitered beside a tree, tying a scarf around it.
Finally, they took the enchantments off, joined hands, and (as she was best) Hermione apparated the two of them away.
They ended up on a rocky part at the bottom of a hill. Rosalyn did most of the protective charms and enchantments this time, as Hermione had broken down in tears. Rosalyn didn't blame her, but she just didn't feel the same way.
As the sky started to darken, Rosalyn retired to the tent, wrapped in three sweaters, a duvet and six blankets, whilst Hermione stayed outside for only Godric knows why.
Actually, Rosalyn did know. She didn't want Rosalyn to break down seeing her in tears. She was trying to protect her friend.
Anyway, inside, Rosalyn had the Marauder's Map out. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," she muttered.
The ink on the map instantly appeared. Rosalyn looked desperately around it, taking it all in.
Severus Snape was pacing in his new office. Dumbledore's office! Ginny Weasley was in the common room, Seamus Finnigan sat beside her. Cormac McLaggen was lingering beside them, and, for some reason, Luna Lovegood and Hannah Abbot were there as well. But where was-
As she finally saw the one name she wanted to, her heart skipped a beat. Neville Longbottom.
Her finger graced the place where his name was. Finally, she felt a bit of company, for it looked like he was isolated from everyone as well, lying in his dormitory.
Rosalyn felt tears in her eyes. Neville had stood up for her on the train. He had said he would rather die than betray her. And she had repayed him by chucking two of her friends out.
"Mischief managed," Rosalyn quickly uttered, tapping the map again.
She put it in her bag, then noticed something shining on the floor. Harry's golden snitch.
Rolling her eyes, Rosalyn picked it up. She was just about to chuck it across the room when she saw something strange. Some writing on it.
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Barely breathing, Rosalyn thought back to that first Quidditch game.
Harry was racing towards the snitch, hand outstretched...
Rosalyn was trying to help him, to make sure that he was alright... She just wanted to make sure her brother was okay... but her fingers had brushed the snitch just before Harry caught it in his mouth...
"Hermione!" Rosalyn shouted, getting up immediately and heading outside. "Hermione, you were right, snitches have flesh memories, but it wasn't Harry that first touched the snitch, it was me!"
She reached Hermione, who was reading a book ten metres away from the tent. "What?" Her best friend asked in pure shock. Rosalyn handed her the snitch.
"I touched it before Harry, I was trying to help him," she said by way of explanation.
" 'I open at the close'?" Hermione asked aloud.
"Yeah, what d'you think that means?" Rosalyn asked with a shiver.
"I don't know..." Hermione said quietly, then she opened The Tales of Beedle the Bard. "I found something as well."
Rosalyn shifted round so as to see better. Hermione opened the book, and just inside the front cover, a symbol lay. Rosalyn recognised it, it was the same triangle-circle-line thing that Xenophilius Lovegood was wearing at the wedding.
"At first I thought it was an eye but now I don't think it is," Hermione told her. "And it isn't a rune, and it isn't anywhere in Spellman's Syllabary. Somebody's inked it in, it isn't part of the book, somebody drew it."
"Xenophilius Lovegood was wearing that at Bill and Fleur's wedding," Rosalyn filled Hermione in.
"Luna's dad?" Hermione frowned.
Rosalyn nodded. "I didn't know what it was then either."
"But why would someone draw it in a children's book?" Hermione asked Rosalyn, who had no answers.
There was a pause before Rosalyn spoke again. "Look, Hermione, I've been thinking, and I want to go to Godric's Hollow. You know, it's where I was born, it's where my parents died..."
Hermione sighed heavily. "That's exactly where he'll expect you to go, because it means something to you."
"Yeah, but it means something to him, too, Hermione!" Neither needed to say the name. They knew of whom they were talking. "He almost died there! Isn't that exactly the type of place he'd want to hide a Horcrux?"
"That's- it's dangerous, Rosie," Hermione reasoned as they stood up to go back to the tent. "But even I have to admit, recently I've been thinking, we'll have to go there. I think it's possible something else is hidden there."
"What?" Rosalyn asked, her mind racing.
"The sword," Hermione answered. "If Dumbledore wanted you to find it but didn't want it falling into anyone else's hands, where better to hide it than the birthplace of the founder of Gryffindor?"
Rosalyn looked back to the tent, feeling scared, but also excited. She walked over there, deciding not to answer Hermione's question.
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