ππΈπ΄π ππΈππΈπ β 8
Rosalyn became aware that she was in a forest as she came to. The fall had knocked her out slightly. She turned round and saw the locket horcrux lying in dead leaves a couple of metres away. She hastened to run and get it.
That's when she saw Harry and Hermione on their knees, leaning over Ron. Hermione was crying.
That's when she saw the big, bloody slash that went all the way down his chest, from his shoulder to his hip.
"Rosie," Hermione sniffled, noticing the red head was awake. "Rosie quick! In my bag there's a vial labelled essence of dittany!"
Ron groaned, writhing on the ground. Hermione tried to shush him but he didn't obey. Instead, she shouted to Rosalyn. "Quickly!"
"Okay!" Rosalyn shouted back. "Accio dittany!" She shouted, shoving her wand in the bag as the dittany zoomed out of it.
"Alright," Hermione sighed a shaky sigh. "Unstopper it, my hands are shaking."
"Hermione, what-" Rosalyn got cut off.
"I know, just do it!" Hermione yelled at her best friend.
As she applied the dittany to Ron, Rosalyn asked the fatal question. "What's going on? Where are we? I thought we were going to Grimmauld Place?"
"We were there, we were there but- Yaxley had hold of me and I- I couldn't shake him off and I knew once he's seen we were there we- we couldn't say so I- I brought us here but- Ron got splinched!"
Rosalyn remembered splinching. It was when some of your body got stuck where you had been, and didn't get taken with you when you apparated.
For a second, Harry, Rosalyn and Hermione looked at each other in silence, then Hermione got up and started to wave her wand around the area they were in.
"Protego totalum, salvio hexia..."
"Wh- what are you doing?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Protective enchantments," Hermione answered. "I don't fancy another visit like the one we had in Shaftesbury Avenue, d'you? And you can get started on the tent."
"Hang on, tent- what?" Harry stuttered as Hermione went on with the enchantments.
"Come on," Rosalyn said to her brother. "I'll help, because I think we'll be very cold tonight if we let you put up the tent."
"Shut up, Rosie."
The quartet, Ron's arm in a sling, were all gathered around the locket, wands out. The tent was up, the dittany had worked its magic (literally).
"You first," Hermione told Harry, who raised his wand at the locket that was rested on a log a metre away.
The locket blew up in a shower of sparks, and Rosalyn was just about to congratulate her brother before she heard a noise.
And the locket reappeared in front of them.
Hermione stepped in front of them all, her brows touching. "Incendio."
Again, the area around the locket blew up in flames but the horcrux stayed strong amongst them, not burning. The spells weren't strong enough.
"Expulso!" Rosalyn yelled, sending the locket up in a shower of sparks. It only moved a couple of metres. "Diffindo! Reducto! Incendio!"
She sent a few more non verbal spells at it, none of which worked. Sweating and panting with anger, Rosalyn picked up the slightly warm horcrux up and hung it round her neck.
"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.
"We have to keep it safe until we can find a way to destroy it," Rosalyn had an answer on the tip of her tongue.
"Seems strange," Ron remarked. "Dumbledore sends you off to go find all these horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them? Doesn't that bother you?"
Rosalyn didn't answer. She strode past Ron, hating him for telling her things that were true.
That night, whilst Hermione went to find firewood and Ron and Harry tuned a radio to try and figure out what was going on, Rosalyn sat, keeping watch outside the tent.
"You know the spell, Rosalyn."
Rosalyn pulled out the locket, and it twitched in her hand. Off into Lord Voldemort's mind she went.
She was in a wand shop... it wasn't Ollivander's, a different one... Voldemort had blown it apart... The man in there was scared... he knew what Voldemort was after. He cowered in the corner, tears soaking his face.
"Tell me, Gregorovich."
"It was stolen from me..."
"Who was he? The thief?"
And then she was seeing into Gregorovich's mind... in Voldemort's mind.
"It was a boy..."
A boy had a wand in hand and a smirk on face as he jumped out the window... whatever he had stolen, he had been successful...
"He took it..." cried the wandmaker, Gregorovich. "I never saw it again... I promise..."
"I believe you," Voldemort gave one of his evil grins. A grin that preceded murder.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Gregorovich lay still-
Rosalyn returned to real life as Hermione sat in front of her.
She wasted no time. "You-Know-Who has found Gregorovich."
"The wandmaker?" Hermione asked.
"I deduced as much," Rosalyn sighed. "He wants something, that Gregorovich used to have, and he wants it desperately, I mean, it's as if his life depends on it."
Suddenly, a burst of sound from the radio came from the tent. Rosalyn made to storm in to tell the boys to be quiet.
"Don't," Hermione told her. "It comforts them."
"It sets my teeth on edge," Rosalyn told her best friend. "And what are they expecting to hear, good news?"
Hermione looked down at her hands for a second, and when she looked back up, a more tender expression had found its way onto her face. "I think they just hope they don't hear bad news."
Rosalyn stood up. "How long 'till he can travel?"
Hermione was silent for a second, standing up too. "I'm doing the best I can-"
"You're not doing enough!" Rosalyn raised her voice. She made to leave and go to collect more wood. Hermione called her back.
"Take it off."
Her hair flew as she turned. "What?"
"I said take it off, now!" Hermione grabbed the horcrux off Rosalyn's neck. "We'll take it in turns, okay? Because clearly it's affecting you more than you think."
Rosalyn pursed her lips.
That night, with Hermione keeping watch and Harry and Ron having surly went to bed, Rosalyn was rolling her eyes at the half tuned radio sitting on the sideboard.
"-And Severus Snape confirmed the new headmaster of Hogwarts-"
Suddenly, it shifted to a story and then back to just the grindy, annoying sound. Rosalyn looked up.
Snape? Snape? Snape, the man that killed Dumbledore, the previous headmaster, was now becoming the current headmaster! Snape, the traitor, Snape, the murderer. Snape, the man that Rosalyn dreamt about meeting again... to avenge the man she now realised she didn't really know...
After putting on another two fleecy sweaters, she went outside to Hermione, who was sat in the mouth of the tent. "Rosie..." She yawned.
"Snape," Rosalyn said bitterly, sitting down beside her best friend. "Snape's the new headmaster of Hogwarts."
"What?" Hermione's eyes widened.
"Just heard it on the radio," Rosalyn had lost all motivation.
"Oh, Rosie..." Hermione said softly, putting an arm around Rosalyn's shoulders.
"It just makes me so mad..." Rosalyn told her. "Especially since I know that Neville and Ginny and Luna will be going back there with him... it's so unsafe..."
Hermione went to speak again but then a twig snapped further into the forest. Both girls jumped and looked at each other, eyes scared and wide.
"What was that?" Rosalyn whispered, barely audible, to Hermione.
"I don't know," Hermione replied in the same quiet tone.
"Let's check it out."
The two girls walked slowly through the forest, their feet crunching on dead leaves. "You put the no-sound spell on us, right?"
"Yeah, muffliato," Hermione corrected her. "And I did muggle and hex repelling, and dissilusionment charms. Whoever these people are, they can't see, curse, or hear us."
Rosalyn nodded.
Just then, about five men (six if you counted the limp one in one of the men's arms) came striding into the clearing. They all sported dirty, ragged clothes and when they spoke, their voices sounded stripped of all emotion.
Despite Hermione having just told her that they wouldn't be able to see or hear them, Rosalyn backed up, terrified of making a sound. She internally begged them to move on. There was nothing that could make them stop-
"What's that?"
The leader of the pack, someone that Rosalyn would back up from anyway, had turned round.
"There 'ain't nothing there, Scabior," another told the leader.
But Scabior wasn't convinced. "What's that... smell?"
Rosalyn cursed herself and Hermione. Perfume! Perfume! Her and Hermione had both put it on this morning- Hermione had been so clever as to block hexes and Muggles and sight and sound-
But she had completely forgotten about smell.
Rosalyn and Hermione breathed slowly, their hearts pounding in their chests.
Suddenly, the man holding the limp body dropped it, causing a distraction. "What you playing at?" Scabior asked tauntingly, reminding Rosalyn irresistibly of Mundungus.
"It's heavy," the man said with a grunt.
"Oh, sorry, d'you want me to carry it?" Scabior asked sarcastically.
They started to argue, and Rosalyn couldn't move, she felt her heart more than her breath. Move on, move on, please move on...
They did. Thankfully without checking the strange smell that Scabior had insisted on smelling.
"Snatchers," said a voice behind them. Rosalyn and Hermione jumped a foot in the air and turned round.
Harry stood there, glasses askew, looking at the two girls. "What are snatchers?" Rosalyn asked, remembering what he had said moments before.
"Gangs of people, probably death eaters, rounding up muggle borns and occasionally half bloods for gold," Harry explained. "Arthur told me before we left the Burrow."
Rosalyn sighed as Hermione spoke up. "He could smell it," she said quietly. "Our perfume."
Rosalyn pursed her lips as they walked back up to the tent.
"So, when can we get going?" Rosalyn asked Harry. "If the snatchers have even an inkling about where we are, they could get some more death eaters in here to search."
"I've told you," Hermione said, almost haughty. "Ron isn't strong enough to apparate."
"Well, then, we'll go on foot," Rosalyn said, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, and as much as I like you two's perfume, just don't wear any next time," Harry input.
Little did they notice a jealous, red headed boy staring out the mouth of the tent. He had just heard the compliment that Harry had given the girls.
More specifically, Hermione.
The next day, they started to walk on. Going through fields and barns, they tried to find somewhere to camp next.
That particularly hot day, Rosalyn and Ron were walking behind Harry and Hermione when the latter offered the former water. Even Harry's reply ("oh, thanks") jerked some sort of jealousy within him.
They encountered some death eaters as well, or the smoke forms of them. They had to hide in a barn to avoid being seen. Harry, Hermione and Rosie on one side, Ron on the other.
That just signified even more, his isolation from the group.
After coming across an abandoned, wrecked, pulled apart caravan sight, they eventually found a place to stay. It was down on one of the more rocky parts of a river bank, hidden carefully from passers by.
Rosalyn chose this moment to go and take a look at the river, leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione on the bank, wrapped in millions of sweaters and hoodies.
Rosalyn returned just in time to hear spiteful words from Ron and Harry.
"...I thought Dumbledore had told her what the deal was!" Harry's defended himself.
"She doesn't know what the bloody hell she's doing, doesn't she?" Ron asked, face impassive.
Hermione's voice was softer, and Rosalyn thanked her silently.
"None of us do."
That was true, of course, Rosalyn thought bitterly as she headed back to the others, struggling to not burst out at Harry and Ron and to pretend that she hadn't heard anything of what they had just said.
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