๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐ธ๐๐ธ๐ โ 19
"If you're to find her, you'll find her down there."
Luna had taken Rosalyn to a rather secluded part of the castle, apparently where the Grey Lady (ghost of Ravenclaw) resided.
"Aren't you coming with me?" Rosalyn asked.
"No, I think it's best you talk alone, she's rather shy," Luna said softly.
So Rosalyn ventured along the corridor alone. She was barely breathing in anticipation.
When she got to the end, she saw the back of a ghost that slowly turned round. "You're the Grey Lady, aren't you? The ghost of Ravenclaw tower?"
"I do not answer to that name," the ghost faded into no more than a ball of light.
"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena's daughter?" Rosalyn used the information Luna had given her on the way.
"Are you a friend of Luna's?" Helena asked quietly.
"Yes," Rosalyn nodded. "She thought you might be able to help me."
"You seek my mother's diadem," Helena told Rosalyn as if many had asked her this before.
"Yes," Rosalyn breathed out. "That's right."
"Luna is kind," Helena began. "Unlike so many of the others, but she was wrong. I cannot help you!"
Again, she faded to a ball of light and went through Rosalyn, materialising again on the other side of her. "Wait!" Rosalyn shouted, desperately begging. "I want to destroy it!"
Helena Ravenclaw looked her up and down, scrutinizing her and deciding upon whether she could trust the valiant red head in front of her.
"That's what you want too, isn't it, Helena?" Rosalyn asked, looking Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter in the eye. "You want it destroyed?"
"Another sought to destroy it many years ago," Helena spoke as though this was a sore subject. It was. "A strange boy, with a strange name..."
"Tom Riddle," Rosalyn nodded.
"But he lied," Helena's face contorted in fury.
"He's lied to many people-" Rosie began.
Helena flew towards her so that their faces were inches apart, her teeth were bared and she was soon shouting. "I KNOW WHO HE IS, I KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE! HE DEFILED IT, WITH DARK MAGIC!"
She floated away from Rosalyn and turned her back. Rosie followed her. "I can destroy it, once and for all, but you have to tell me where he hid it," she begged.
Helena slowly turned, circling Rosalyn. "Strange... you remind me of him a little bit... It's here, in the castle. In the room where everything is hidden... if you have to ask, you'll never know... if you know... you need only ask."
Rosalyn's eyes widened in understanding. "Thank you," she said in a quiet gasp, running away immediately.
She ran down the stairs, fighting the flow of students no matter what way they were going. When she got to the main staircase, she saw black smoke (or death eaters) flying around everywhere. "Stupefy!" She yelled at a few of them, blasting them against the wall.
But then-
"Fuck," Rosalyn hissed as two death eaters ran towards her, closing in.
"Got you now, Potter," one of them smirked. "I bet you-"
In one motion, Neville had stunned both the men that were about to vanquish her.
As the two ran towards each other, Neville smiled slightly. "I worked so hard to get you back, and now you go and get yourself in danger again?"
Rosalyn smirked. "You know me, I'm always in danger."
Neville couldn't hold it in any longer. Stepping towards Rosalyn, he put a gentle hand on her cheek and pulled her face towards him, kissing her deeply.
As they pulled away, Harry appeared at their side, and Rosalyn turned to him.
"I know," she told her brother. "I know where it is."
Harry's eyes lit up as Neville pulled Rosalyn round and pulled her in once more, kissing her again slowly before they pulled apart. Rosalyn, again, found herself wishing that this moment could last forever.
"I know," Neville said in a whisper, as if he had read her thoughts, running off up the stairs to join the fight.
Rosalyn looked to Harry, and he nodded. The two of them ran off, down the corridor to find the next horcrux. The castle was imploding around them, but they didn't care.
"Okay," Rosalyn said once they reached the door. "I know what it's gonna be, I hid the Half Blood Prince book here last year."
Harry nodded as Rosalyn closed her eyes. She envisioned that place. The place where she had hidden her book. Where everything imaginable was... even a diadem.
And then the door appeared.
Harry and Rosie entered immediately. "Right," Rosalyn said unsurely. "Let's split up, you go over there, and I'll take over here."
Harry nodded and so off they went. Rosalyn walked through the piles of junk, trying to figure out where this thing would be.
And then she heard it.
A hissing noise. Parseltongue. Rosalyn looked round, and just saw a pile of rope. But what was that hiding?
She shoved the rope away and saw a black box. She could barely contain her excitement.
Opening the box, she saw a beautiful tiara, with sapphires embedded into it and and a phrase carved into it along the adge.
๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ฝ ๐ซ๐ฎ๐๐ธ๐ท๐ญ ๐ถ๐ฎ๐ช๐ผ๐พ๐ป๐ฎ ๐ฒ๐ผ ๐ถ๐ช๐ท'๐ผ ๐ฐ๐ป๐ฎ๐ช๐ฝ๐ฎ๐ผ๐ฝ ๐ฝ๐ป๐ฎ๐ช๐ผ๐พ๐ป๐ฎ
No doubt, this was Ravenclaw's diadem. Rosalyn was just about to take it, get to Ron and Hermione and destroy it-
"Well, well, well, what brings you here, Potter?"
She turned and immediately saw them. Malfoy, Goyle and Zabini. All with wands out, all wands trailed on her.
"I could ask you the same question," Rosalyn crossed her arms.
"You have something of mine," Malfoy looked her up and down. "I'd like it back."
"What's wrong with the one you have?" Rosalyn knew exactly what he was talking about. They had taken his wand at Malfoy Manor.
"It's my mother's," Draco explained. "It's powerful, but... not the same, doesn't quite... understand me. D'you know what I mean?"
"No, you're bullshitting me," Rosalyn replied sarcastically. Of course she knew what he meant. And he knew it.
"You think you're so smart, Potter," he spat.
There was a pause, and then Rosalyn asked something that had been on her mind.
"Why didn't you tell her?" She asked. "Bellatrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything."
"Come on Draco," Goyle whispered in a rather carrying way. "Don't be a prat. Do her."
"Easy," Draco said, though his eyes were wide and his hand was shaking.
But before he could, there was a shout of "expelliarmus!" and Malfoy's wand flew out his hand. Rosalyn looked round to see Harry, Ron and Hermione standing behind her.
"Avada Kedavra!" Goyle yelled at Hermione who dodged. This, however, sent the horcrux diadem into the air, lodging it in a pile of junk. Rosalyn cursed herself for not picking it up.
"ARRRH, THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU NUMPTY!" Ron yelled, chasing Goyle away.
Rosalyn nudged Hermione. "Took you long enough."
Then she and a glowing Hermione started to climb the pile of junk in search of the horcrux. On the way up, Rosalyn noticed some Cornish pixies in the pile. She chucked them away, only worrying about the horcrux now.
"Got it!"
Finally she found it, lodged in the arm of an old sofa. She and Hermione jumped down to where Harry was waiting for them.
"Did you destroy the cup?" Rosalyn asked Hermione, who nodded.
"And we've got basilisk fangs to destroy the diadem," Hermione told her.
"Brilliant!" Rosalyn grinned.
Suddenly a scream echoed around the room. Hermione and Rosalyn looked at each other, wondering what had happened. Suddenly, Ron came speeding round the corner.
"Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!"
Suddenly, a roaring fire came round the corner, as Ron had said. But this was no ordinary fire. The one that was chasing Rosalyn was in the form of a snake, and she too ran as soon as she saw it.
The quartet sprinted round the room, but none of them could find a way out. Rosalyn collapsed a pile of chairs and debris in the fire's way, but it burned through this in seconds. Hermione tried "agumenti" but it only saved about a second of time. This, however, knocked Ron onto his back, and he fell into a bunch of brooms.
He threw one each to Harry, Rosalyn and Hermione, and they mounted them quickly, heading up into the air.
Now that they were clear of the fire, Rosalyn could see better. She could see Goyle, casting the fire with glee, she could see Draco and Blaise, climbing a pile of junk, trying to get out. She could see the door.
"We can't leave them!" Rosalyn shouted, pointing to Draco and Blaise and wincing a she saw Goyle fall into the fire.
"She's joking, right?" Ron turned to Harry and Hermione, who shrugged.
But she wasn't. She turned her broom round when she was inches from the door, heading back to Draco and Blaise.
"IF WE DIE FOR THEM ROSIE I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Ron bellowed at Rosalyn.
"YOU'D BE BLOODY DEAD ANYWAY!" Rosalyn bellowed back.
When she got to the two struggling boys, she saw Ron pull Blaise onto his broom and she pulled Draco onto hers.
The fire raged and roared as they all raced to the exit. Rosalyn got there first. She chucked Draco off the broom just as Ron chucked Blaise off his. They scarpered quickly as Hermione and Harry came into view.
"Here!" Hermione threw Rosalyn a basilisk fang. "Stab it!"
Rosalyn noticed the diadem on the ground. Raising the fang high above her head, she stabbed the diadem.
Instantly, it emitted a black smoke, just as Ron kicked it into the fire and the doors of the room of requirement closed, once and for all.
Rosalyn collapsed to the ground, feeling Voldemort's pain as the diadem was destroyed. She saw him kill Pius Thicknesse... she saw him tell Nagini... tell Nagini to stay close...
Rosalyn knew exactly what that meant...
"It's the snake," she said as she finally saw Ron, Harry and Hermione in front of her. "She's the last one. The last horcrux."
Ron knelt down beside Rosalyn. "Look inside him, Rosie. If we find him we can find the snake, and we can end this."
So Rosalyn closed her eyes.
Suddenly, she saw Lucius Malfoy, stuttering his words out to Voldemort, who was standing with his back to him a few metres away. "My- my Lord- might it not be- might it not be more prudent, to call off this attack, and simply seek the girl yourself?"
"I do not need to seek the girl before the night is out she shall come to me!" Voldemort said shortly. He walked towards the platinum blonde. "Look at me! How can you live with yourself... Lucius?"
"I don't know," Lucius said quietly.
"Go and find Severus," Voldemort ordered. "Bring him to me."
And just then, Rosalyn saw a zoomed out picture of where the were, the boathouse where the first year boats were kept, it was rarely used, but tonight... tonight...
Rosalyn's eyes opened in a flash. "I know where he is."
As Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rosalyn rushed down the stairs, they quickly saw that the situation in the castle had deteriorated greatly.
Fire was everywhere. A mix of death eaters, DA, teachers and order members were duelling inside the castle and out. They had to stun a few people to get out, but they be tried not to get involved.
"NO!" Rosalyn suddenly heard Hermione shout. She saw what she was looking at. Lavender Brown, Ron's ex-girlfriend, had been savaged by Fenrir Greyback. She wouldn't survive.
Suddenly, the quartet saw dementors coming towards them. Rosalyn raised her wand, but somehow, no patronus came. No happy thoughts, nothing.
"Come on, Rosie!" Hermione begged her friend.
However, a patronus did come. Rosalyn looked behind her to see Aberforth, pointing his wand out and protecting about a hundred students that were fighting.
So he hasn't given up. Rosalyn was glad to think it.
The quartet hid behind a huge stone as a giant with a big weapon tried to kill them. Rosalyn and Hermione screamed as they heard the weapon hitting against the stone.
Finally they were free of the battle, running down to the boathouse in fear and anticipation. Rosalyn was petrified.
When they got there, out of breath and panting, they crouched down on the outside, not being able to see what was going on, but being able to hear every word Voldemort and Snape were saying.
"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, My Lord, in the last few hours alone," Snape was telling his master.
"No, no, I am extraordinary, but this wand... resists me," Voldemort bragged.
"There is no wand more powerful, Ollivander himself has said it," Snape made sure. "Tonight, when the girl comes, it will not fail you, I am sure of it. It answers to you... and you... only."
"Does it?" Voldemort immediately challenged him.
"My Lord?" Snape asked.
"The wand," Rosalyn could hear Voldemort pacing. "Does it answer, truly, to me? You're a clever man, Severus, you should know. Where does its true loyalty lie?"
"With you... My Lord," Snape paused.
"The elder wand cannot serve me properly because I am not it's true master." Voldemort explained. "The wand belongs to the wizard that killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus.
"While you live, the wand cannot properly be mine," Rosalyn knew what was coming, she just didn't know if she was ready to face it. "You have been a good and faithful servant, Severus," Voldemort continued, "but only I can live forever."
There was a pause in which what servant and master both knew sunk in. "My Lord-" Snape began, but Voldemort cruelly struck him with his wand, making Snape fall to the ground against the wall which the quartet was crouching behind.
Rosalyn heard Voldemort's words before tears came to her eyes.
"Nagini, kill."
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