π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑆𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 β˜† 1

Rosalyn Potter was a steadfast, feisty and now, angry sixteen (nearly seventeen) year old girl. During the summer, she had been in an intense fight with the order. However, more on that later, because the Burrow had become a home to many more people that weren't the Weasley's and Rosalyn over the summer.

Firstly, Fleur Delacour, who had met Bill at the end of sixth year, working at Gringotts, and fallen in love with him. They were getting married in a week. Now, Rosalyn and Ginny didn't really like Fleur, as she was always complaining about how the French did it better, but Molly despised the fact that they were tying the knot so soon.

However, there was one good part to this news, and that was that because the Delacours would be coming over from France for the wedding, Rosalyn would see Rosalie, Fleur's younger sister, a friend she had made in fourth year because of the Triwizard Tournament, again. The two girls had kept in touch over the years, but not as much as either of them would've liked, so seeing each other in the flesh would be really nice.

Second guests were Neville and his gran, Augusta. They had been at the Burrow since the second week of the holidays, having been attacked by death eaters and their house having been destroyed. Rosalyn was shocked to hear this, but was also glad to have Neville, her boyfriend, be with her for the holidays.

And thirdly, the order. The Burrow had become a place of refuge for order members. Since number twelve, Grimmauld Place was inhabitable by the traitor, Snape, it was no longer safe, so now Lupin, Kingsley, Mad-Eye and Tonks were all just common visitors who sometimes stayed the night.

Speaking of Lupin and Tonks, their wedding was a couple of weeks back. Rosalyn had been there, and so had the Weasley's. Sadly, however, Neville, Augusta and Hermione couldn't make it.

One more, slightly harrowing account that had recently happened was Bill. Because of a recent encounter with Fenrir Greyback, he now had scars over his face and, at the time of the incident, had been unrecognisable. However, since Molly had done some work, the wounds had faded into scars. Bill would not become a werewolf, however, because Greyback had not been a werewolf at the time. He now struck outwith the full moon.

Anyway, back to the reason Rosalyn was angry with the order. You see, Harry Potter, Rosalyn's twin brother, was still at his (and Rosalyn's, for that matter) Aunt and Uncle's, and the order had been formulating several plans to get him out of there safely.

Finally, they had all settled on a plan.

"Right," growled Mad-Eye, the only one in the sitting room that was standing out. "We use decoys, polyjuice potion. Seven identical Potters, and the seven Potters have protectors."

Lupin nodded. "So we need thirteen people."

Because this was an order meeting, there were a lot of people there, so thirteen, at that moment, wasn't a hard target.

"Okay, so," Moody tried to count pairs. "So, the protectors will be in more danger, because the death eaters'll want to kill them, and capture the Potter's, so I say Me, Arthur, Kingsley, Remus, Bill, Hagrid and Nympha-"

"Tonks," Tonks quickly said.

Moody rolled his eyes. "And Tonks, then, are the protectors, and then we need seven Potters-"

"I'll do it," Ron said.

"We'll be Harry," Fred and George went at the same time.

"I'll help," Neville offered.

"Right, so that's four, and presuming Hermione's going to be with us by the plan goes into action, we only need one more," Moody growled.

Rosalyn, who was perched on the arm of the chair that Neville was sitting in, put her hand up. "I'd volunteer."

"No, Potter, you're underage," Moody said dismissively.

"Wha-" Rosalyn started, but Neville grabbed her hand to stop her talking.

Moody didn't though. "No, Potter, there'll be death eaters waiting out there, and you can't shoot spells at them-"

"So I just have to fucking sit here-"

"Language, Potter-"

"No! What the fu-"

"Mundungus!" Moody had moved on, taking over the swearing redhead in front of him. "You can be the sixth Potter."

Mundungus had realised that he wasn't going to get out of this, so he stayed quiet. Moody addressed Rosalyn again. He leant down so that he was level with her.

"Right, listen Potter, our mission is to get your brother here safely, putting you out there just increases the amount of underage wizards or witches out there that we're trying to get here. You. Can't. Go. End of."

But it wasn't 'end of'. Rosalyn had been pushing and pushing all summer, and finally, today, Moody and Lupin had had to take her aside and tell her what was happening.

Also, unbeknownst to the three inside the room, two people were listening outside. Ron and Neville had extendable ears and they were listening to every word that Rosalyn, Moody and Lupin said.

"Right, Potter," Moody said definitively. "Listen. You can't go. You're underage, you're inexperienced and you don't understand-"

"No, I DO understand!" Rosalyn fired back. "I understand that you think I'm so weak and you just expect me to sit here and not do shit-"

"No, we expect you to be smart!" Moody snarled. "We expect you to understand that it's hard enough getting one underage wizard out of there unharmed, so we can't add in another one that we don't need to save!"

"But don't you understand?" Rosalyn shot at them. "That's my best friend, my twin, my brothers, my father, my friends and my boyfriend! I can't just not do anything-"

Behind all the anger and hate in her voice, Neville heard a tiny bit of love and pride in her voice. He smiled slightly despite himself and her.

"Rosalyn," the calm voice of Lupin finally intervened. "I need you to understand that this is going to be very, very dangerous, and that we can't guarantee anyone's safety. And you, someone who can't use magic-"

"I don't care!" Rosalyn shouted shrilly. "I'll use magic and get caught-"

"But it wouldn't just be you!" Moody snarled. "The trace detects underage magic, and also everyone around you at the time! If you were out there, and inadvertently used magic to defend yourself- it would blow the entire operation!"

Rosalyn sighed. She had nothing to say to that. Lupin, too had a long sigh.

Moody, however, closed his eyes, opened them again, and pursed his lips. "Okay, Potter, hear me out here, and this is my final offer, d'you understand?"

"Yes," Rosalyn could barely breath.

"I will take you there..." Moody began. "By side-along apparation. Augusta or Molly can come as well, so they can transport you back. You can see your brother and everyone set off, you can wish them good luck, and then Molly or Augusta can take you back, where you can wait for everyone to come back."

Rosalyn bitterly agreed with this by a lousy nod of the head. She was sick of arguing.

"Okay, then," Lupin said, as the three of them exited the room to find a very awkward Ron and Neville, trying desperately to hide the fact that they had just heard every word they had said.


Hermione Granger, Rosalyn's best friend, had written weeks ago to approve her role in the 'seven Potters' plan. But she still hadn't arrived at the Burrow yet.

Due to a letter that Hermione had sent Rosie a few days ago, Rosalyn knew what Hermione was planning to do before she left her parents' house to come to the Burrow.

I'll have to obliviate them, Rosie, (it read.) Moderate their memories. I really, really don't want to, but if the death eaters find them, I can't guarantee that they wouldn't talk about you. I've told them so much about you, you see.

Could you please come over on the day that I do it? Molly could apparate you. I just really need some help.



So Rosalyn had been apparated to the Burrow that afternoon, and now it was evening.

Rosalyn sat on Hermione's bed. She had just finished telling her best friend the full story of what had happened with the order and what her part was in the whole 'seven Potters' plan.

"At least you get a part in it," Hermione said, awkwardly optimistic.

"It's alright for you! You get to go out and fight whilst I'm at the Burrow like a weak little-" Rosalyn started, but quailed at the look on Hermione's face. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Hermione said quietly.

"No, I am!" Rosalyn said meaningfully, sliding closer to her friend on the bed. "I'm here moaning on about some stupid little problem and there you are, your parents not about to remember you! That's so self absorbed, Hermione."

Her best friend giggled. "It's fine, Rosie."

"Hermione? Rosalyn? Tea's ready!" Came the voice of Hermione's mother.

And it was a tea they would never eat.

"Coming mum!" Hermione said in a shaky voice. Rosalyn didn't blame her.

Just before they went down for tea, Hermione folded the Daily Prophet that was lying on her bed. MUGGLE FAMILY MURDERED was the headline. And now, Rosalyn fully understood why Hermione had to do this.

The brunette and red head walked downstairs, both shaking in anticipation. Not the good kind.

They saw Hermione's parents watching the small television, and then their only daughter raised her wand.


Rosalyn's eyes became teary as she watched. Hermione too. She looked on as she was erased from all her family photos, as her childhood paintings faded away and as Hermione became not much more than a stranger to her own parents.

"I'm sorry," Hermione whispered through the tears that fell thick and fast. "I will find you some day... when this is all over... I promise."

"Where are you sending them?" Rosalyn asked quickly.

Hermione gave a one word answer.


She did a bit of magic to manipulate them into actually moving half way across the planet, then she and Rosalyn left the house, locked it, and walked down the street Hermione lived on. When they were finally out of sight, Hermione side-along apparated the two of them to the Burrow.


The seven Potters party were heading to Privet Drive any moment, however, before the plan went into action, Rosalyn took Neville aside. She knew they weren't going to get privacy at Privet Drive, so she thought it wise to say it now.

"Be careful," she said to Neville, hugging him, her head buried in his chest. She wished they could just stay like that forever, but she knew they couldn't. However, just for a split second, Rosalyn was deluded enough to think it couldn't.

"I will," Neville said, clutching her shoulders gently, bringing her back so he could look into her beautiful hazel eyes. "I'm sorry you couldn't have a part in the plan, but I'm not going to pretend that-"

"That you're happy I'm not doing it because then I'm out of trouble?" Rosalyn raised her eyebrows, a small smirk growing on her face and a blush coating her cheeks at the way he was looking at her.

Neville sighed, but he was smiling. "You don't understand how worried I would be if you were out there."

"Me?" Rosalyn scoffed. "Who's faced Voldemort, hm, I make that... five times now, and lived to tell the tale? I would cope fine. It's my stupid age that's the problem."

"Not my point," Neville sighed.

"What is your point then?" Rosalyn sighed. "Because if you think I'm a damsel in distress like everyone else-"

Neville's raised eyebrows stopped her talking. Then he laughed. "A damsel in distress? Rosie, I of all people should know that you're nothing of the sort."

This meant a lot to Rosalyn. So much that she was rendered silent.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked.

Rosalyn sighed. "I just... I feel like the last few months have all been about how I'm not going, how everyone's shocked about that and how everyone's forming a new opinion of me. That I'm weak-"

She cut off as Neville took her hands in his, letting her look into his eyes before he spoke.

"Listen to me, okay?" Her boyfriend asked her. "You, Rosalyn Potter, are not weak. You're the bravest, strongest, most beautiful person I know. And I promise you, just because you're missing out on this battle doesn't mean you won't be in on the next one, or that anyone's going to think any less of you. I'm certainly not."

Rosalyn was taken aback by this.

"I'm still going to love you all the same."

And, for the first time all summer, the redheaded girl finally felt at peace with the fact she wasn't going.

"I love you too," Rosie smiled, and she leaned in. They kissed for a few seconds before they heard Moody's voice.

"Longbottom! Potter! Get out here or neither of you are coming!"

Rosalyn sighed as she held onto Molly's (who was going with her) arm, and listened to Moody bark. "Right! We apparate in three! Two! One!"

The familiar 'dragged through a hosepipe' feeling... then Rosalyn felt solid ground underneath her feet. She was on the perfect grass of number four, and she knew it.

She knew they were going to save her brother.

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