๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐๐ธ โ 9
Snow had started to fall at Hogwarts and the Christmas holidays were in a day. Hermione was going and the plan was for Ron to go home to the burrow and Rosalyn and Harry to stay at Hogwarts, but the plan changed as Ron got a letter from Molly saying he's to stay as well as Rosalyn.
At the moment, Rosalyn and Hermione were heading downstairs, arms linked. Hermione had levitated a suitcase to follow them so they had flying luggage behind them their whole journey down the stairs and into the great hall. It was amazing. The ghosts were floating around lazily singing carols, Flitwick was putting some last minute decorations on one of the many trees and there was hardly anyone about. Rosalyn was thrilled that she, Harry and the Weasley's would virtually have the castle to themselves over the next two weeks!
The duo saw Ron and Harry playing chess at the Gryffindor table and wandered across to them. Hermione took out her wand and undid the levitation spell on her suitcase so she could wheel it along the stone floor.
Rosie saw Harry move his knight to E5 and cursed him immediately. Ron's queen could move there!
She had learned chess with Ron. Bill had taught them both after Arthur taught him, and Rosalyn was pretty good. She couldn't beat Arthur, Ron or Bill, but she had beat Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and had never played Ginny.
Ron had noticed his queen could take the knight as well. He smirked and said. "Queen to E-Five," the queen moved and stopped at E-Six, taking her chair out from out of herself and smashing the knight into pieces. Hermione was shocked.
"That's totally barbaric!" She said in disbelief.
"That's wizard's chess, Mione," Rosalyn said as Ron sat back and crossed his arms.
"See you've packed."
"See you haven't," Rosalyn hadn't told Hermione about the change of plans.
"Change of plan, my parents are going to Romania, to visit Charlie, he's studying Dragons, so I'm staying here."
"Great, you can help Harry and Rosie then, they're looking in the library for information about Nicholas Flamel."
Ron looked at Rosalyn who sat herself down on the bench beside her twin, with a shocked expression. "We've looked a hundred times!"
Hermione leaned in between the Potter twins and said, "not in the restricted section," she then leaned back up and Rosalyn stood up and hugged her.
"Happy Christmas, Rosie."
"Happy Christmas, Hermione."
She bid the boys goodbye and then walked out, Ron looked at Harry and Rosalyn.
"I think you, Rosie, the girl who likes trouble, have had a bad influence on her."
"Seriously? We don't like trouble, it attracts us," Rosalyn said defiantly.
The two boys laughed and, as it was contagious, Rosie laughed as well, she felt much better for it, and she should. After all, it was christmas.
On Christmas Eve, Rosalyn, Ron, Harry, Fred and George had a massive snowball fight outside. They had tried to get Percy to join but all knew it was a long shot. Rosalyn had started it by hitting Fred and George, even though it took some tries, because they kept dodging them, she eventually levitated one into George's ear, who then complained for ages about how he felt like it had fallen off, then getting Fred right in the face by making the snowball invisible. The Weasley twins had revolted, hitting Rosalyn with basically gallons of snow, whilst she got Ron and Harry.
In the end the five cold, soaking, laughing children got dried off and got some hot chocolate which Dumbledore happily served to them.
When they got back to the common room after a delicious tea. When they got there, Ron, Fred and George sat on the sofa and Rosalyn and Harry on the hearth rug, facing them. The twins (the Weasley ones), led the conversation as always, talking about quidditch, classes, people and loads more.
Eventually, Percy stormed in. It was nine o'clock and he said they all needed to get to bed. The five of them laughed and Fred and George mocked their older brother.
"Are you gonna tell us off like mum as well, Perce?-" Fred joked.
"You better get to sleep early otherwise Santa won't come! Seriously?-" George mocked.
Rosalyn smiled and looked at Ron, who was on the brink of laughing. Harry looked unconvinced and Rosalyn almost laughed at him and his uncertainty to be mean to his best friend's brother.
Percy said. "Come on!"
It didn't happen immediately. Fred and George started speaking loudly about what Professor Flitwick was teaching them in Charms. Percy knew what they were trying to do, but Ron, Harry and Rosalyn's laughs and the Weasley Twins' shouts about how aguamenti should be for hot water as well as cold, he became irritated and Rosalyn knew that he knew that he wasn't going to get anywhere.
Eventually, when Fred and George paused for breath, Percy butted in.
"It's an hour since I first came in here, come on!"
Rosalyn sighed and said. "Fine, Perce, let's go."
She sighed, climbing up the cold stone steps in just her slippers, the dormitory was empty. As well as Hermione, Parvati and Lavender also went home, so she had had it to herself all Christmas. She noticed quite a big book on Hermione's bedside table, she knew that it would get taken away if it was left there, so she put it on her table.
Anyway, she brushed her teeth, washed her face and combed her hair. Climbing into bed, she took off her locket and fell asleep, dreaming of candy canes and gingerbread men.
Rosalyn woke up and ran downstairs, Ron was waiting for her. He said. "Merry Christmas Rosie! Mum's got you a jumper, she got me maroon again!-"
Rosalyn smiled, "Happy Christmas Ron, has Molly given me- yes!"
She looked at the jumper, it was amazing, bright red with a golden R on it, it also had a rose embroidered on the back of it, Molly did this almost every year. Roses were her favourite flower. She was named after them, and she had grown to love them.
Ron was wearing his maroon jumper as well, and she pulled it over her head. Harry still wasn't here.
It turned out she felt sorry for him as he appeared at the balcony. He looked so surprised as Ron shouted. "Merry Christmas Harry!"
He smiled and said. "Merry Christmas Ron! Merry Christmas Rosalyn! What are you two wearing?"
Ron looked down in a kind of embarrassment, and said. "Mum made it," he checked the pile behind them, and Rosalyn smirked at the fact that Harry had a jumper in line for him as well. "Looks like you've got one too!"
"I've got presents?"
"Well, what d'you expect? Turnips?" Rosalyn and Ron laughed.
"As good as!" Harry yelled, running down the stairs so he was in front of them in seconds.
"There they are!" Ron said, pointing to Harry's pile whilst he ate some Bertie Be beans, Rosalyn had warned him.
Harry was sat on the sofa, unwrapping sweets, clothes and gifts. She took this time to spot something in her pile. It was wrapped in silver wrapping, and had a not on the top of it. She moved to pick up the gift and sat beside Harry, taking out the note, she read it aloud and made even Harry stop.
"Your father left this in my possession when he died, it is time it was returned to you, use it well," She recited. "Use it well?"
Ron and Harry both shrugged and Rosalyn ripped open the package. She revealed a bundle of fabric. It was pretty thick. Harry said. "Is it a cloak?"
"Well I don't know!"
"Come on! Try it on Rosie!" Ron urged, but the girl didn't need much urging. She picked up the cloak, which was heavy, and held it up, the fabric was beautiful.
Too bad it was about to disappear.
With the strength she had, Rosalyn flung the cloak around her, she didn't know what was so amazing.
"Woah!" The sound escaped both boys' lips. Rosalyn still didn't get it, until she looked down.
What she saw was amazing, the only thing that hadn't been covered by the cloak was her head, so her head was the only thing that was visible.
"My body's gone!"
Ron said. "That's an invisibility cloak, Rosie! They're really rare!"
"Who sent it?" Harry asked, picking up the note.
"There was no name, all it said was.... use it well," Rosalyn said, taking the her new gift off. Her head was filled with wonder about how this invisibility cloak could have ended up in her hands.
They had an amazing day, lunch was traditional Christmas dinner, but it tasted a thousand times better because it was at Hogwarts, and then Harry, Ron and Rosalyn went for a walk around the grounds in the snow. It was less chaotic than yesterday, when they had come back dripping, but mainly they just talked about the cloak, about the mystery sender and about how they were going to use it to help their cause.
Rosalyn had a plan, an she didn't understand why she didn't tell the boys. But she decided not to. And, when night fell and they went their separate ways, it was time to put this plan into action.
She crept out of bed and put on her slippers, she took the invisibility cloak and went down the stairs, in the common room, the fire was crackling in the grate and nobody was there. She put on the cloak before leaving the common room all together.
She went to the library. Hermione had said that the restricted section was a place that we could find out about Nicholas Flamel, so she was going to try it.
When she was at the library, she got a lamp and lit it and, holding it outside the cloak, she walked on towards the restricted section.
Reaching it, she unbolted the lock and walked in, the door creaked and she jumped. No one could know she was here. Staying quiet for a few seconds, Rosalyn then instinctively went to the F section, looking for Flamel.
"Famous Fire eaters, fifteenth century fiends, come on, Flamel, there's got to be a Flamel, where are you..."
She took the cloak off, holding the lamp closer to the books and getting a random one, she wanted to see what was really so bad about these books. She heard a noise as she put the lamp down, but thought nothing of it. The girl opened the book but didn't expect a face to rise out of the pages, screaming. She tried to shut to book but it took all her strength. She couldn't shut it, and she was going to get caught, and get detention, and she was-
"Who's there?" Rosalyn heard as she got it onto the shelf. Oh no. Filch. She pulled the invisibility cloak off the table but the lamp was on top of it and it smashed. She ran around the corner a quietly as she was met with a much less quiet voice.
"I know you're in there! You can't hide!"
Putting on the cloak, she saw Filch come round the corner. "Come out! Show yourself!"
Obviously, even though she could see Filch, and was right beside him, he couldn't see her, so she had to dodge round him, because the cloak didn't hide sound or feeling.
Once she was out of his way, she slipped out of a side door in the library and ended up in a corridor. She thought it was empty.
She gasped. There was Mrs Norris, Filch's cat. Doubts crept into her mind, could cats see through invisibility cloaks? Would Mrs Norris call Filch? Would she get detention? House points taken? Expelled?
But then she encountered a much bigger problem.
Quirrel and Snape. The latter had the former pinned against the wall, and was threatening him, by the looks of it. He was whimpering and Rosalyn didn't know whether to be sad for him or not.
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrel."
"Wh- wha- what do you mean?"
"You know perfectly well what I mean," He spoke quickly and cleanly, and he slowly turned round. Rosalyn was breathing hard.
She had to cover her mouth to stop making the sound as Snape outstretched his hand. She backed up but she couldn't touch the wall because she would make a sound.
But Snape flexed his fingers and removed them. "We'll have another chat soon, once you've discovered where you're loyalties lie..."
Footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. Filch was there. Great, Rosalyn thought, rolling her eyes. Then her heart fell, he was carrying her smashed lamp.
"Professors, I found this in the restricted section. It's still hot, which means there's a student out of bed."
All at once Snape and Quirrel rushed off, Rosalyn took this as a chance to escape. All the heads turned and a door opened without anyone near it.
Getting inside, Harry's twin sister took off the cloak once again, seeing nothing in the room but a curious mirror. It had a gold frame and it was amazing. It had lettering engraved on the gold as well.
Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. What in the world did that mean. Rosalyn was slightly annoyed, for she was quite smart, and if she hadn't been so ignorant she might have figured it out. But she didn't.
Because she was too busy looking at the reflection.
At first she thought the lettering was a different language, and the mirror was ordinary, but when she stepped in front of it, her own reflection showed, and then two other people's showed on either side of her.
She looked behind her. No one was there. But when she looked back at the reflections, she saw the same two people beside her. A man and woman. The woman had red hair, kind features and emerald eyes, Rosalyn thought she looked just like her, but the eyes... Those eyes belonged to her brother. The man on the other side of her had brown-blackish hair, like Harry, and a small smirk on his face. He had the eyes she knew though. The eyes that she looked through every day, hazel ones. These two people were so familiar in a ways he would never know, yet she knew who they were immediately.
"Mum?" She asked, almost longingly. "Dad?"
She touched the mirror, but only reached her own hand inside the glass, Lily Potter put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, but Rosalyn felt nothing. She wanted to feel her mother's love though, and put her hand on her own shoulder.
She smiled, and so did Lily. Rosalyn had had love from Molly and Arthur all these years, but it felt good to be loved by her own parents, for she had never felt that before.
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