๐‘Œ๐ธ๐ด๐‘… ๐‘‚๐‘๐ธ โ˜† 6

Flying lessons. That's what was after lunch and Rosalyn was more excited that ever, she looked at Hermione, smiling but that wasn't returned. Rosalyn didn't like to see her best friend worried so she asked her what was up.

"What's wrong, Hermione?"

"I don't like flying, not even the idea," Hermione said, wrinkling her nose. "I can do every lesson but flying."

Rosalyn laughed. "Well, my brothers, or my adoptive ones, never let me play with them, but Ginny, that's my younger sister, and I have been stealing their brooms for years and practicing, don't tell Ron!"

Hermione giggled and her and Rosie walked together to the lawn that they were doing the lesson on.

Thirteen brooms lay on the grass across from another thirteen. Rosalyn and Hermione stood at the top of two brooms and Harry and Ron soon stood opposite them even though Ron was putting up a fight at being near Hermione.

But there was no time to change places because all the brooms were full and a teacher strolled down the gap between the brooms.

"Good afternoon class."

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch."

The woman reached the top of the aisle of students and said. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick, come one now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up, quite firmly."

Rosalyn did as she was told and said, "up!" to her broom, it zoomed straight into her hand. She looked and saw that her and Harry had both done it, everyone else was still trying.

Hermione stared at her incredulously as her broom was still firmly on the ground. Rosalyn noticed that that excuse for a wizard Draco Malfoy had done it second try.

Hermione was trying again but her broom was only rolling on the ground. Ron's next try however was hilarious. He said,"up!" and the top end of the broom went up and smacked him on the face. Rosalyn giggled and Harry was laughing quite audibly, Ron didn't find it funny though. "Shut up you two. Honestly, you're already thick as thieves!"

Finally, everyone had their broomstick in their hand, and Madam Hooch continued with the next step. "Now, once you've got hold of it, you should mount it, grip it tight, when I blow my whistle, kick off hard and hover for a moment, then, you need to lean forward slightly, and touch down again, on my whistle, three, two-"

But before the whistle sounded, a boy left the ground completely, and that boy was Neville Longbottom.

Madam Hooch said. "Mr Longbottom-" but that was lost among the student's shouts.

Neville was now off the ground completely and he suddenly shot forward. Rosalyn felt bad for him as he went straight up into the air and began to shake from side to side. Rosalyn knew at this point that he wasn't in control of the broom and as he did a few mid air flips. He then bashed into the wall end on end on end and flew to the ground, through the tunnel and up the other side of the building.

He stopped at the statue however as the broom went out from under him and he hung from his robes on a spike. All the students rushed to below him as the robes started to rip. Rosalyn couldn't watch as she heard the tear. He fell down, got stopped on a torch and then came into contact with the ground. She heard the crack.

The first years parted to let Madam Hooch through. She examined him and Neville whimpered as she said. "Ooohh dear, it's a broken wrist-"

Rosalyn tuned out as she saw Malfoy pick up the rememberall. Then she tuned back in.

"Everyone keep their feet firmly on the ground whilst I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing, got it? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will be out of here before they can say quidditch."

Rosalyn got the message loud and clear and watched as Neville was taken away to the hospital. She was quickly drawn back in, however, to the conversation among her classmates.

"See his face? Maybe if fatty over there had given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse."

Malfoy. He had the rememberall in his hand as he spoke.

Rosalyn and Harry went up at the same time.

"Your arse is fatter, Malfoy," Rosalyn snarked, turning the egotistical blonde boy round, as Harry took over.

"Now give it here!"

Malfoy considered this, then came to a decision, a small smirk on his face. "No, I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find."

And with that he mounted his broom and rode into the sky. "What's the matter? Bit beyond your reach?"

Harry and Rosalyn looked at eachother and thought the same thing, they both mounted their brooms, and-

"Harry, Rosalyn, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said, besides, you don't even know how to fly!" Hermione said, trying to stop them from kicking off.

But the twins didn't listen, and shot up into the air like Malfoy had.

"What a pair of idiots, " was Hermione's next line.

Rosalyn kind of knew how to fly, but wasn't an expert, she got level with Malfoy and yelled. "Malfoy, give that bloody thing here or I swear I will roundhouse kick your arse to Australia!"

He smirked and said. "Is that so?"

Harry was slightly below Malfoy and he went for it, but Malfoy dodged. He said, "have it your way, then," and chucked the rememberall into the distance.

Harry and Rosalyn went speeding after it, but so did Malfoy. Miraculously, Harry caught it, not knowing he was being watched by McGonagall. But Malfoy came up behind him and blocked him so he threw it to Rosalyn who caught it and rushed back down to the ground with it. She raised it in the air and the first years on the ground, expect Crabbe and Goyle of course, ran towards her cheering, Harry came down beside her.

People were congratulating them and patting them on the back, when Rosalyn heard a voice. "Harry and Rosalyn Potter! Follow me."

McGonagall. Rosalyn thought they were done for. She had seen them, they were going to get expelled-

She led them along corridors and up stairs until, finally, they came to a stop outside a classroom door. McGonagall opened it without hesitation.

Inside, Rosalyn could see Professor Quirrel. McGonagall said. "Excuse me, Professor Quirrel, could I borrow Wood, for a moment please?"

He nodded to her and a student at the back of the class stood up and went with McGonagall. They two cam back into the corridor where Rosalyn and Harry were.

"Harry, Rosalyn, this is Oliver Wood, Wood, I have found your missing seeker and chaser."


Ron, Harry and Rosalyn were walking and Ron was marveling at their recent success.

"Seeker? But First years never- you must be the youngest two players in a-"

"Century," the twins answered.

"McGonagall told us," Rosalyn explained.

Just then Fred and George came up behind them. "Well done, Rosie, Harry! Wood's just told us!"

Rosalyn explained. "Fred and George are on the team too, beaters."

"Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up to bad-"

"Can't make any promises of course-"

"Rough game, quidditch-"


"But, no one's died in years-"

"Someone will vanish occasionally-"

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!"

They split off from the older twins and went their own way. Rosalyn and Ron were both laughing but Harry looked a bit queasy.

"Oh go on Harry, quidditch is great! Best game there is! And you'll be great too!" Ron encouraged.

Hermione suddenly popped up beside Rosalyn, who smiled at her. Harry spoke. "I've never even payed quidditch, what if I make a fool of myself?"

"You won't make a fool of yourself, it's in your blood."

Rosalyn looked at Hermione, begging for an explanation. "Come with me."

The three of them followed her to a cabinet. It had shields and trophies alike and Hermione showed them one. It was a Gryffindor quidditch one and at the bottom, there was a plaque that had Seeker - James Potter on it. Rosalyn and Harry gasped.

"Rosie! Harry! You never told me- your dad was a seeker too!"

"We didn't know."

Harry, Rosalyn, Ron and Hermione exited the corridor, still talking and came out onto a staircase, just before it began to change. Harry and Ron were talking, Hermione and Rosalyn following.

"It's freaky! She knows more about you than you do!"

"Who doesn't?"

They were all suddenly jerked to the side, Harry asked. "What's happening?"

Rosalyn and Hermione said in unison. "The staircases change, remember?"

The one they were on connected again to a corridor and the went up it. Rosalyn decided. "Let's go this way."

Ron added. "Before the bloody staircases change again!"

They went through the door and into a dark corridor. Cobwebs covered the corners of the rooms and statues looked dark and forboding.

"Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?"

"We're not supposed to be here, this is the third floor corridor, it's forbidden, remember?" Hermione said. Even though she was terrified that they were breaking one of the school's biggest rules, she hid it well.

A fire torch suddenly turned on a meow was heard, the four jumped and turned round. Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, was standing there.

"Filch's cat! Run!" Hermione whisper-yelled.

The four ran. Harry said, "quick, let's hide though that door!"

The had reached a heavy wooden door and Harry tried to open it, but it didn't work. "It's locked."

"That's it, we're done for!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "move!" She quickly got in front of the two boys and said. "Alohomora!" The door opened and they all ran inside.

Ron said. "Alohomora?" Unimpressed.

"Standard book of spells, chapter 7."

Rosalyn laughed at how Hermione knew the chapter of the book and Harry smiled. They all listened at the door and eventually Rosalyn took the executive desicion.

"Filch's gone."

"He thinks this door is locked," Ron said.

"It was locked," Hermione put in.

"And for good reason."

The three of them turned round to see what Harry was looking at. A massive, black, three headed dog was sleeping. It was huge! Suddenly, one of the heads lifted and so did the other two, it was now very much awake. The quartet didn't know what to do, so the all opens their mouths simultaneously and screamed. The ran out the door and the all leant on the door to stop one of the heads from getting out.

Rosalyn and Hermione eventually got the lock shut again and the all ran away from the corridor.

On the way back to the common room, Ron started speaking. "What do they think they're doing? Keeping that in a school?"

Hermione impatiently spoke. "You don't use your eyes do you, didn't you see what it was standing on?

"I wasn't looking at its feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its heads!"

"It was standing on a trap door," Rosalyn said, for she had seen it too.

Hermione nodded. "That means it wasn't there by coincidence, it's guarding something."

"Guarding something?"

"That's right, now, I'm going to bed, and I'm pretty sure Rosalyn is too, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled."

Hermione disappeared into the dormitory, and Rosalyn did too, but not before she heard Ron's parting words.

"She needs to sort out her priorities."

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