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Today was September first, Rosalyn had been waiting for this for ages. She was going to Hogwarts!
As of now, it was ten o'clock, and everyone was rushing about the house. Rosalyn was putting her barn owl Ruby (which she had bought at the Magical Menagerie) into her cage. She had chosen to buy an owl because she wanted a one for mail, and she just thought they were the best magical pet, except maybe a phoenix, but she couldn't have one of them.
Molly was yelling. "PERCY, YOUR PREFECT BADGE IS ON THE TABLE! FRED, GEORGE! DON'T YOU DARE SET THAT OFF IN HERE!" Referring to a Fillibuster no-heat, wet-start firework that George had in his hand, Molly continued. "RON! SCABBERS IS ON THE COUCH WHEN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM! GINNY, DON'T TRY TO SNEAK INTO SOMEONE'S TRUNK AGAIN! ROSALYN?"
"Yes?" Rosie said, making Molly jump as she appeared right beside her.
"Oh! Your trunk packed? Ready?" She asked, she didn't shout because she didn't want to set everything off again.
Soon, everyone was ready and they all crowded into the kitchen with trunks and all.
"Is dad coming?" Ginny asked expectantly.
"He said he'd be here to say goodbye, but then he had to go back to the-"
Crack, and Arthur Weasley was infront of them. He wished them all good luck and goodbye.
"Bye Percy! Have a great time as a prefect!"
Percy smiled modestly but Rosalyn could tell he was loving it.
"Bye Fred, Bye George! Don't have me stressing over owls that come saying you've- you've- blown up half the castle or something!"
"Thanks for the idea, dad!" Fred said.
"Yeah! We've never done that before!" Said George.
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Bye Ron! Have a good first year!"
"Bye bye Rosie," for he was another one who used that name. "Good luck at Hogwarts!"
"Bye bye!"
All the Weasley's said, "Bye, dad!"
And then Arthur quickly apparated back and then the six children and Molly packed their trunks into the car and then piled into it. How they were able to do it may have been something to do with the fact that Arthur had conjured an undetectable extension charm on the car, but, somehow, Molly didn't notice. Rosalyn, however, didn't have a very good time, she was sandwiched between the car door and Percy, who decided to give her a half-hour lecture on the Hogwarts rules, using lots of pompous phrases like, "and of course, as a Prefect, I simply must..." a lot. Rosalyn looked at Fred and George throughout, and all they did was smile sweetly (yeah, right) at her.
When they got there, Rosalyn practically ran out of the car to get a trolley. She pulled it back over to the car as everyone got out and went to get their own.
Ginny got out the can and said. "I wish I was going this year, Rosie, you're so lucky..."
"I'll send you letters." Rosalyn promised, opening the boot of the car, which had also been extended and went to get her trunk and owl. "See you later, sis!"
Ginny giggled. "You're a pretty good big sister, Rosie."
Eventually, everyone was ready and they walked through the station, heading to the platforms, they got there, and got to the barrier, also the brick pillar that had '9' and '10' on either side of it. Rosalyn had never been through here, refusing to got through when her brothers went because she only wanted to see it when she first went through herself.
Molly quickly took charge. "Percy, you go first."
Percy quickly got his trolley ready, ran hard at the wall, and disappeared. Rosalyn smiled slightly, she was still excited.
"Fred, you next."
"He's not Fred, I am!" Fred said, Rosalyn knew the difference, and could tell, but clearly Molly couldn't.
"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother!"
Rosalyn stifled a giggle as Molly said. "Oh, George- you go then!"
Fred lined his trolley up and said. "Just kidding, I am Fred really," and ran at the wall, therefore disappearing onto the platform.
George quickly followed him, and then Ron got ready, but was quickly interrupted.
"Excuse me, can you show me- show me how to-"
A boy of eleven, Rosalyn guessed, was walking towards them. He had raven hair, round glasses and clothes that were too big for him on. Molly guessed his situation immediately.
"How to get onto the platform?"
The boy nodded and she said. "All you have to do is run at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't worry about crashing into it. It's easier to run if you're scared."
He nodded, and slowly he ran at the platform, but not before Ginny had said, "Good luck," rather meekly. When he ran, Rosalyn could tell he expected to run into it, but he didn't, he went straight through.
After the young boy, Ron went, then Rosalyn, and then Molly and Ginny.
The platform was amazing, Rosalyn could see many mothers and fathers saying goodbye to their children, she could also see the bright red steam engine labelled: The Hogwarts Express
Percy, Fred and George had all boarded the train already. Percy was probably in the Prefect compartment, as he was one. He hadn't let anyone forget that, as you probably know.
As Rosie stared around in awe, Molly said. "Have a great time at Hogwarts, okay?" She kissed Ron, who looked revolted, before taking his luggage and letting his mum move to Rosalyn. "And you, Rosie, have a great time as well, find your brother, okay?"
Rosalyn smiled as she said. "Bye, Molly!"
"Bye Rosalyn!"
And with that they boarded the train.
They looked all over but never found anything. All the compartments were full. Eventually, the two decided on one that only had one person on it, Rosalyn recognised him as the boy at the platform earlier.
Ron poked his head in and said. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full?"
"No," the boy said, gesturing to the empty space opposite him, so Ron and Rosalyn sat down.
Ron decided to introduce himself. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley."
"And I'm Rosalyn Potter."
That did it.
Rosalyn hadn't thought for a second that this boy might be her brother. But he was, he looked shocked, and said. "Ha- Harry, I'm Harry Potter."
Rosie gasped, she didn't know what to say, Ron interrupted, saying. "Have you got a scar, I've seen Rosie's one, on her arm, do you have one-"
"Yeah..." Harry said, trailing off, still looking at Rosalyn, he pulled his fringe back, to reveal a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, Rosalyn pulled her sleeve back, showing her scar.
Harry was shocked. "I-I have a sister? And- you're her?"
Rosalyn said. "Yeah, hi Harry, I've always wanted to meet you, my brother, I've got loads of adoptive ones, but-"
"You wanted a real family."
Rosalyn smiled and did something unexpected, she went over to Harry and hugged him. Pulling back, she said. "I'm so, so sorry, where did you live for these eleven years?"
"Oh, my- our Aunt and Uncle's," Harry explained. "They knew, knew what I was, but they never told me. I didn't know I was famous either, until, on my- our birthday, a giant called Hagrid came, and told me. I didn't know," he said quickly.
"You're more famous than me," Rosie explained. "I'm your sister, and I have a scar, but, truth is, even though we don't know, everyone thinks Volde- sorry, You Know Who, was going for you, so I don't get noticed that much."
"I'm fine with the name," Harry clarified. "If you are." Rosalyn nodded but Ron shook his head.
"Do you remember anything?" Ron asked. "From that night?"
"A flash of green light and a scream," Harry and Rosalyn said together, they looked at eachother and smiled brightly.
"Yeah, that's all I've been told," Ron nodded.
They were soon talking about their family, and Ron and Rosalyn were talking about Bill in Egypt and Charlie in Romania. Percy being a prefect, Fred and George being the best pranksters, Ginny, being the only daughter born into their family, and them. Rosalyn being found on the doorstep, Ron being almost like her twin, even though Harry was.
They were all just talking about Hogwarts when they were interrupted.
A woman with a trolley full of sweets looked into their compartment. "Anything from the trolley dears?"
"We're all set," Ron and Rosie said, holding up sandwiches in cling film.
Harry, however, went up the the woman and said. "We'll take the lot." He held out a handful of cash.
Minutes later, after Harry had payed, the three children were feasting on all the sweets. Rosalyn said to Harry, who was opening Bertie Botts every-flavour beans. "Be careful with them, George has had bogey, Fred's had vomit, Charlie's even had earthworm!"
Harry smiled at her and took a green one, he thought it was apple, it turned out to be grass. He spat it out quickly.
"That's disgusting! But I suppose you did warn me!"
Rosalyn giggled as Ron said."You never know what you're going to get."
Harry moved onto a chocolate frog. Whilst he was unwrapping it, Ron said. "The chocolate's good, but it's the cards you really want."
"The cards?"
"Yeah, cards of famous wizards and witches, I collect them and Rosie-"
"Gives him the ones he needs, if he begs," Rosalyn laughed. Ron rolled his eyes as Harry opened his Frog. But he was too slow and it leapt away, leaving him looking surprised.
"Oh, you had to hold it so it didn't get away!" Rosalyn said, laughing.
"What card d'you get?" Ron asked.
"Dumbledore!" Harry said.
He, however, looked so surprised when Dumbledore disappeared from the picture.
"He's gone!"
"Wizard pictures move, you can't expect them to hang around!" Rosalyn explained.
Harry read the card. Something about Nicholas Flamel and a duel with Grindwald. Rosie didn't really listen. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a loud squeak.
"Scabbers!" Rosalyn said.
Ron, however, rolled his eyes and said to Harry. "Most boring pet in the universe, I'm telling you," Harry looked at the rat carefully as Ron continued. "Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, I still haven't tried it..."
Rosalyn snorted. She disguised it as a cough but she was hysterical. She had helped Fred and George with that prank, and Ron still didn't suspect a thing!
He pulled out his wand, but before he could say the incantation, a voice stopped him.
"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one. Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then."
A bushy haired girl stood in the entrance to their compartment. She already had robes on, arms crossed and an expectant look on her face. Rosalyn nearly bust into laughter as she knew the spell wouldn't work.
Ron, however, cleared his throat and said. "Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"
The wand sparked a little but nothing happened, the girl in the door moved into the compartment and sat down before saying. "Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me.
"For example," she took out her wand and said. "Occulus reparo," pointing it at Harry's glasses, which had been slightly bent, and they fixed themselves immediately.
Rosalyn was in awe. She had never done proper magic before, with a wand, but before she could congratulate her, the girl said. "Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter, and you must be Rosalyn! I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?"
Ron's mouth was full, but he still said. "Ron Weasley."
"Pleasure," Hermione said disdainfully.
Just then, a boy with black hair and a worried expression came in, he said to Hermione. "Have you found him?"
"No, sorry Neville, not yet."
Neville's eyes scanned the compartment, he saw Harry and Ron, and then he landed on Rosalyn. He looked at her and saw a beautiful, red head girl with hazel eyes and a lovely smile. He rushed out of the compartment shortly after he saw her, but he had felt something for her. Something that may have been a crush.
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