๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐๐ธ โ 10
"Ron! Harry! Come Here! There's something I need you to see!"
She moved between to boys' beds, taking the covers off of both of them so that they both sat up. They both had tousled hair and half-open eyes.
"What is is Rosie?" Ron said.
"What do you want us to-" Harry started.
"There's something you need to see!" She yelled, making them both jump.
She willed them to be quiet all the way along the corridor, and once they were through the door, she ripped the cloak off and said. "Come on look! Come! It's our parents Harry!"
She placed the two infront of the mirror, but was frustrated by their responses.
"I only see us."
Rosalyn growled under her breath and shoved Harry out of the way, saying to Ron, "Come on, stand there," His eyes widened. "You see them don't you-"
"That's me!" He burst out. "And I'm head boy! And I'm holding the quidditch cup, and, bloody hell! I'm quidditch captain too!"
Harry put himself in front of the mirror as Ron asked Rosalyn. "Does this mirror show the future?"
"How can it?" She asked sadly, though she didn't beg an answer. "Our parents are dead."
"I see them too," Harry said softly. "It's our mum and dad, you look just like her, Rosalyn, and I look like our dad." Rosalyn smiled but became sombre only a few seconds later. This was very bittersweet.
Over the next few days, Rosalyn spent her nights sat in front of the mirror. She just wanted to see her parents. People had told her over the years that she looked just like her mother, but had her father's eyes. She had never understood them, until now.
But, one night, she had an unexpected visit. Albus Dumbledore had been staring at the transfixed girl for at least a minute, when he spoke.
"Back again, I see, Rosalyn?"
Rosalyn could not have been more shocked. Had her headmaster been watching her all this time? Would he know what she had been looking at? What was going to happen to her? Or the mirror?
She turned round as Dumbledore explained. "You, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realise what it does?" Even though she spent almost every night looking into it, Rosalyn was ashamed to admit she still didn't know what it did, but she was about to be told. "I'll give you a clue, the happiest man on earth could looked into this mirror and see himself, unchanged, just the same as he was."
She kind of understood. "So it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?"
"No, and yes, it shows us nothing more, nothing less, than the deepest desire of our hearts."
Of course! Rosalyn understood now. She thought about everything, then looked at the mirror. Erised, the mirror of Erised! That was desire backwards, and the lettering. I show not your face but your heart's desire! It all made sense now, but she would have to endure what was to come.
"But Rosalyn, this mirror shows us neither knowledge, nor truth. Men and women have wasted away infront of it, even though what they see, they will probably never get. Which is why this mirror is going to be moved to a new home, from tomorrow. I must ask you not to go looking for it. It does not do to dwell on dreams Rosalyn, and forget to live your life."
Defeated, the unhappy girl left the room, but not before asking. "Professor, what do you see when you look into the mirror?"
"I, Rosalyn? Why, I see myself holding a pair of thick woollen socks."
Sighing at Dumbledore's pure barmyness, Rosalyn put the cloak on herself and began to make her way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.
The next day, Rosalyn told Harry and Ron what happened and they both agreed, but Ron did say. "But bloody hell, Rosie, it looked amazing, my desire." That put a smile on her face, and it made her feel a lot less alone and more happy.
She then put her winter boots, her cloak, he mittens and her cosy Gryffindor scarf on and went outside, collecting Ruby from the owlrey first. The owl perched on the girl's arm and together the went outside into the snow. She let Ruby fly all about the castle and in to the sky, throughout the quidditch hoops and back to her. She smiled and soon headed back. It was very cold outside.
The holidays came to an end and Rosalyn told Hermione what had happened when she came back a day before school started again. She was shocked, mainly at the fact that Rosalyn had been out of bed all those nights in a row, but also disappointed at the fact that they still didn't know who Nicholas Flamel was.
But that was about to change.
"Hermione, I found this on your bedside table, it would get tidied away so I out it on mine, what is it?"
Hermione looked at it an her eyes widened. "Oh! Thanks Rosie I thought I'd lost it- I must just have not packed it."
But it turned out that the book was a whole lot more important than that.
That night, Rosalyn and Hermione were the only ones in the dorm, as the other two were coming back tomorrow. Hermione was reading that exact book when she said. "Of course! This is the book that I- why didn't I think of this before?!"
Rosalyn had been studying with Harry and Ron when Hermione told the boys of their recent discovery.
"I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid? I checked this out weeks ago, even brought it to my dorm, I just wanted a bit of light reading!"
She slammed the book down on the desk, making the three of them jump. Ron was confused.
"This... is light?"
Hermione gave him the death stare into tomorrow and Rosalyn snorted. She looked through the book with Hermione, who found the right page and said. "Of course! Nicholas Flamel is the only known make of the philosopher's stone!"
Rosalyn gasped as Harry and Ron said in unison. "What?"
Hermione bent low over the book and said. "Honestly, don't you two read?" Then she began to read the passage explaining. " 'The philosopher's stone is a strange substance that had astonishing powers. It can change any metal into pure gold, and produces the elixer of life, which will make the drinker immortal'," she paused for breath as Ron expressed his confusion.
Hermione and Rosalyn, both knowing the word, said. "It means you'll never die."
"I know what it means!" Ron snarled.
Harry shushed them and signalled to Hermione to continue. " 'The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr Nicholas Flamel, a noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 656th birthday', that's what Fluffy's guarding! That's what's on the third floor! That's what's under the trap door! The philosopher's stone!"
The quartet looked at each other with wonder and Rosalyn's mind was working faster than she knew.
Having the knowledge they now had, they decided to go to Hagrid and tell him. They dressed up warm and left the castle quietly. Rosalyn didn't have the cloak and had left it in the common room.
The four reached Hagrid's big oak door and Harry rapped on it. He opened it immediately and said. "Sorry you four, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today, bye!"
He shut the door, but before he could get them out of earshot, the four eleven year olds spoke in unison. "We know about the philosopher's stone!"
The door swung open, the giant uttered, "oh," and let them in.
Rosalyn cut to the chase. "We think Snape's trying to steal it!"
"Snape? Blimey, not still on about him are you?"
"Hagrid! We know he's after the stone we just don't know why!" Rosalyn growled.
"Professor Snape is one of the teachers protecting the stone, he's not about to steal it!"
"You heard, now, come on now! I'm a bit preoccupied today."
Ron shared a confused look with Fang and Harry asked. "Wait, one of the teachers?"
And then Rosalyn got it as Hermione spoke it. "Of course, there's other things protecting the stone! Spells, enchantments!"
Hagrid sighed. "That's right, waste o' bloody time if you ask me, ain't nobody gonna get past fluffy, ain't a soul knows how, expect for me an' Dumbledore." Rosalyn's wide eyes said it all. "Shouldn't 'ave told you that, anyway-" they all fell quiet at a tapping noise from the corner. Hagrid stood up and moved over to a cauldron, taking an egg out of it. Rosalyn looked at the others who all were surprised, they rushed beside him to look at the red egg which still contained a tapping noise.
Harry was clueless, "Hagrid, wh- what exactly is that?"
"That? That- tha- that is-"
"I know what that is!" Ron and Rosalyn said together, working it out at the same time, Rosalyn continued, "Hagrid, where exactly did you get it?"
"I won it, off a stranger I met down the pub, seemed to be quite glad to get rid of it, matter o' fact..."
But the tapping ceased and the cracking started. Everyone fell quiet as the egg shattered, Rosalyn ducked to avoid a sharp bit of shell and a tiny dragon appeared. He shook shell off him as the four children frowned.
"Is that..." Hermione asked, "a dragon?"
"Not just a dragon, Mione!" Rosalyn said excitedly. Charlie had given her a good schooling in these creatures, Ron as well, who said. "That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! Charlie taught us about those!"
Hagrid had a teary eye. "Isn't he beautiful?" The dragon turned towards him, as that species did when they heard noise, but the man infront of her thought otherwise. "Oh, bless 'im, he knows 'is mummy!" Rosalyn looked at Hermione in shock. "Hello Norbert!"
"Well, he's gotta have a name hasn't he?"
Ron sniggered and Rosalyn frowned at him. Hagrid tickled under that dragon's chin as if he was no more than a bunny rabbit, but he wasn't. The dragon spat out an impressive fireball for one so young, and made a chunk of Hagrid's beard go black.
Hagrid was tapping his sparking beard and he said, "he'll need trained up a bit of course." His eyes rested on the window, and he said. "Who's that?"
Rosalyn followed his eyes to the window, where a blonde, wide eyed idiot was running away from the glass. The red haired girl was angry.
Hagrid knew that he was trouble, and said only two words. "Oh dear."
The four quickly bade Hagrid goodbye and ran back up to the castle, on the way up, Ron said, "that's crazy!"
"And it's worse Malfoy knows," Rosalyn said.
Her twin was confused. "I don't understand, is that bad?"
"It's bad-" Ron started, but Rosalyn shushed him as they heard voices on the other side of the wall.
"Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rosalyn aren't out of bed! They're in the dormitory, I promise!"
"I'm sorry, Mr Longbottom but Mr Malfoy is quite insistent. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see if there is a dragon and if we have four students out of bed." She rounded the corner and saw the four students she was talking about, "good evening."
Neville was at her side, and he turned red when he looked at Rosalyn. She death stared Malfoy as he stepped out as well. It turned out Neville had gone to McGonagall about the transfiguration homework that was due, and he had got his own telling off, even though his was minor, not like the one the quartet were about to get.
Rosalyn wanted to thank Neville. He had tried to head McGonagall off for her and he friends, as McGonagall said. "Mr Malfoy, you four, come with me. Mr Longbottom, you can go, but go straight back to your dormitory."
But before he could leave, she caught his hand, he turned round and very red, then Rosalyn decided to say, "thank you, I mean, for trying to stop McGonagall, it means a lot."
She still had his hand, and dropped it as Neville said, "y- you- you're welcome, Rosalyn," with much difficulty and then headed back to the dormitory. Rosalyn sighed and made to follow McGonagall.
When they got to her classroom, McGonagall wasted no time. "Nothing, nothing gives a student the right to walk the corridors at night, therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken."
"50?" Rosalyn shrieked.
"Each," McGonagall verified, "and to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will review detention."
Rosalyn almost laughed at the look on Draco Malfoy's face. It was priceless.
"I'm sorry, Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said... the five of us?"
"No, Mr Malfoy, you heard me correctly, you see, honourable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours, so you will join your classmates in detention."
So as it happened, half an hour later, the four friends and their enemy were heading off to Hagrid's with Filch, who was taunting them.
"Pity they let the old punishments go. There was a time when detention meant you hanging from your thumbs in the dungeons. I do miss the screaming..."
Was he mad? Rosalyn thought as Hagrid came out of his hut. That made her relax a lot, Hagrid wouldn't get them killed.
"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight, inside the dark forest."
Malfoy, who was next to Rosalyn, jumped at those two words as Filch bade a weeping Hagrid an apology.
"You're not still on about that bloody dragon are you?"
Rosalyn, having actual feelings, stamped hard on the sniggering Draco Malfoy's foot, causing him to gasp and look at the girl, who hissed, "shouldn't have laughed then!" And turned back to Hagrid.
"Norbert's gone," he said with a choked voice. "Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live with a colony."
"That's good isn't it?" Hermione asked. "He'll be with his own kind," Rosalyn nodded.
"Yeah but what if 'e don't like Romania?" Hagrid cried with Filch rolling his eyes. "What if the other dragons are mean to 'im?"
Flick didn't see the point, he was heartless after all. "Oh for god's sake man, pull yourself together! You're going into the forest aren't you? You need to have your wits about you..."
Malfoy then burst out, "the forest? I thought that was a joke? We can't go in there, students aren't allowed! And there are... werewolves!"
"Oh there's more than that in there, son, you can be sure of that," he said to Hagrid. "I'll be back at sunrise... for what's left of them." Smiling a rotting tooth smile, he said to the five children, "nighty night," then walked off.
"Right," Hagrid said, picking up his crossbow and shouldering it. "Let's go."
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