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At breakfast the next morning, Rosalyn received her timetable with the others and she also got a chat with a certain someone.
Tristan came over to her table whilst she was talking with Harry, Ron and Hermione and said hello. "Rosaleen! I deedn't know you'd be here! Are deez your friends?" He pointed to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Umm... yeah," she smiled, not being able to help herself. She saw Neville out the corner of her eye and saw him shrink back then mutter something to Seamus. She frowned. What was he annoyed about?
She turned back to Tristan. "Erm- these are my friends, Harry, my brother, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, and Neville. You know him," she pointed to each of them in turn.
Tristan gasped. "Oh! I reelised after I met you zat you were Rosaleen Potter, and you must be 'Arry!" He vigorously shook Harry's hand.
"How many other Rosalyns do you know?" Neville asked sardonically.
Tristan looked at him, but he didn't seem bothered by Neville's clearly peeved attitude. He turned back to Rosalyn. "I will see you later? We're staying in the carriage outside," he smiled.
"Umm, yeah, I'll see you later," Rosalyn smiled.
"Good, erm- I'm sorry, I have a class in a minute-" Tristan started.
"Well, we all actually have a class now, and we have to go to it right now, okay?" Neville suddenly jumped up and said.
"See you later," Rosalyn said to Tristan before Neville, again, pulled her away, with Seamus, Harry, Ron and Hermione following her.
"What is wrong with you?" Rosalyn hissed to Neville, rounding on him as soon as they left the hall. "What did you just do?"
For the first time since he had met her, Rosalyn was angry at Neville. He looked down in shame. "Rosie, I'm so sorry-"
"Forget it," Rosalyn said as she walked to class.
Neville looked after her sadly and walked off.
"Neville," Hermione said, as she, Ron, Harry, Dean and Seamus caught up with him.
"You like her, don't you?" Hermione suddenly asked, and he nodded.
"Is it that obvious?"
Ron laughed. "Neville, mate, you go red and stutter whenever you talk to her, you smile like mad whenever she compliments you and the only person that can't see it, I'm sorry to tell you, is Rosie herself."
Neville looked more hopeless than ever as Harry said, "I know why you did what you did, but that's just going to make her more angry with you if you interrupt her time with Tristan over there."
Neville rolled his eyes. "Does she like him?"
Hermione sighed, not wanting to tell him the truth. "We better get to class," she said, before she looked at the miserable boy. "Oh, Neville, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, really."
And with that, Neville entered Defence Against the Dark Arts and didn't say another word.
Hermione sat next to Rosalyn, who stared daggers at Neville as he entered.
"You were really hard on him, you know," Hermione said. Rosalyn looked at her.
"Are you serious? He just- he did-"
"I know," Hermione said earnestly. "But he didn't mean to do what he was doing, and he's just jealous, Rosie. Jealousy does weird things to people."
Rosalyn cocked her head. Neville was jealous? But why? She sighed, though Hermione could tell that she was still a smoking gun. Then she said. "Fine. But I still don't forgive him."
Before Hermione could retort, their teacher strolled out and introduced himself.
"Alastor Moody." He turned round and wrote something on the board. "Ex-auror. Ministry of Magic malcontent." He turned back round. "I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?"
The class stayed silent. He continued. "When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"
"Three, Sir," Hermione and Rosalyn answered together.
"And they are so named?" Moody wrote something on the board again.
"Because they are unforgivable," Rosalyn said.
"Any use of one of them will-" Hermione started.
"-Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, yes." Moody cut her off without turning round. "Now the Ministry had strictly forbidden you to see these curses, but I say different! You need to know what you're up against," he started stabbing the chalk to the blackboard. "You need to be prepared! And you need to put your chewing gume besides the underside of your desk, Mr Finnigan!"
Seamus, who had been sticking his gum on his desk, said. "Ahh, no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head!"
Moody turned round and chucked his chalk at him. "And hear across classrooms!"
"So," Moody said. "Which curse will we see first? Weasley!"
"Yes?" Ron shrank back at his loud voice.
"Stand," Ron slowly left his chair and stood up. "Give us a curse."
"Well..." Ron answered. "My dad did tell me about one... the imperius curse?"
"Ah, yes, your father would know about that one," Moody slowly growled. "It left the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."
He went back to his desk and got a spider out of a glass jar. He brought it into his hand and said. "Engorgio," then. "Imperio."
He made the spider fly into people's desks, heads, clothes. "Don't worry it's completely harmless!" He kept yelling. The funniest part was when it landed on Ron's head, and he whimpered and winced the whole time.
Parvati trained to swat it with a book but Moody made sure it dodged it.
"Funny isn't she?" He asked as the whole class was laughing. "What should I have her do next? Go out the window?" He hovered her over a bucket. "Drown herself?"
The class had stopped laughing. They now realised the severity of this curse when it was used to completely control someone.
Moody, however, just got the spider back to him and performed the counter curse. He said. "Scores of witches, and wizards, have claimed that they only did you know who's bidding because they were under the imperius curse. So here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars, eh?"
He expected this to be rhetorical, but Rosalyn put up her hand.
"Wouldn't veritaserum work, sir? Isn't it the truth potion?"
Moody smiled. "And now she's clever, isn't she? To answer, yes, veratiserum could be used to sort out the liars, but the Ministry simply didn't have a big enough supply of it back them."
Rosalyn nodded and Moody went on. "So, another, another curse."
Neville slowly out up his hand.
"Longbottom is it? Professor Sprout tells me that you show strength in herbology,
He stood up and said, stuttering. "Th-there's the- erm- the cruciatus curse."
"Correct! Correct!" Moody said, and went to get the spider again. "The torture curse. Crucio!"
The spider started to writhe and make a horrible sound. You could tell it was in immense pain. And every time it moved or made a sound, Neville did as well.
Rosalyn saw how he was wincing, shaking, moving with ultimate fear and hatred. And just then, she didn't care how angry she was with Neville, she had to cry out.
"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? STOP IT!"
Moody hadn't seen, but he quickly stopped the curse when he did. He walked over with the spider to Rosalyn and Hermione's desk, and both girls had tears in their eyes.
"Perhaps either of you two would like to tell me the last curse?"
Hermione shook her head, but Rosalyn raised hers, blinking back tears. "The killing curse," she spoke shakily.
"Yes," Moody nodded, then he pointed his wand at the spider once more. "Avada Kedavra!"
A green light shot out of his wand and killed the spider in less than a second. Rosalyn looked at it, wondering if that was what had happened to her parents.
"As Miss Potter reminded us, this is the killing curse," Moody nodded. "Only two people are known to have survived it, and, by coincidence, they are both in this room."
Rosalyn felt eyes on her and she was sure Harry felt the same. Moody limped to the side and stood over Rosalyn, taking another sip from his hip flask at the same time.
Soon, the bell went and Rosalyn got out of class first without any of her friends because she didn't want to talk to any of them. She knew they were all going to tell her that she had been hard on Neville and that she had to apologise to him. But a few minutes later one of her friends caught her up.
"Rosie! Rosalyn! Rosie! Rosalyn Potter!"
Hermione was walking towards her, and she blurted out before Rosalyn could speak. "I apologise for saying that you were hard on Neville, because what you did in there was very brave, and I need to tell you something. Moody just invited Neville for a cup of tea, d'you think that that's anything bad?"
"Nah," Rosalyn said, glad that she and her best friend were back from their little rift. She said. "Are the boys all right, too, then?"
"They're fine," Hermione said. "Anyway, people are putting their names in right now so we should probably go and see who the contenders are!"
Giggling and laughing, they went down to the Great hall. When she was there, Rosalyn met up with the boys who apologised too and they walked round the goblet together whilst Hermione sat on a bench with a book.
Rosalyn noticed Cedric Diggory getting pushed to the goblet by his friends, he put his name in they cheered and he walked out again.
"How can everyone make such a big deal over him?" Rosalyn said to Harry and Ron and at least seven girls simpered after him.
"Dunno," Ron said and then he turned his attention back to the goblet. "Eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? Three years from now, when we can get chosen..."
"Yeah, rather you than me," Harry and Rosalyn said at the same time, as Rosalyn went back to sit with Hermione.
"What'cha reading?"
"Nothing, just a book on animagi," Hermione shrugged.
"That's great, does it say anything about-"
"Excuse me? Can I sit here?"
Rosalyn turned to see the blonde girl from Durmstrang that had looked at her the night the goblet of fire had been revealed.
"Yeah, yeah sure," Rosalyn said, sliding across so that the girl could sit down. She had a strange accent. Like, it was almost a bit French but also kind of the same as the Durmstrang accent.
The girl say down and instantly started biting her nails. Rosalyn and Hermione went back to talking but neither could ignore the worried girl beside them.
"Erm- are you okay?" Rosalyn asked. "You look quite worried."
"Yeah, sorry!" The girl smiled bashfully. "It's just- my sister's planning on putting her name in the goblet today and I'm just so worried for her!"
Rosalyn frowned. "Wait, I thought that there wasn't any girls in Durmstrang seventh year? How can your sister be entering?"
"Oh, my sister's not in Durmstrang," the girl said. "She's in Beauxbatons."
"You- you go to separate schools?" Hermione asked.
The girl nodded. "Well, I did go to Beauxbatons for two years, but then... I kinda got expelled."
She said it with a cheeky smile and because of that, Rosalyn was soon laughing with her.
"I'm sorry, but, what did you do to get expelled- erm- sorry, what's your name?"
"Oh, it's Rosalie. I'm Rosalie Delacour," Rosalie told them.
"Well, that's going to be pretty easy, because I'm Rosalyn," Rosalyn told the girl. "And this is Hermione," she introduced her best friend.
"Nice to meet you," Rosalie smiled.
"Anyway, back to the story, how did you do something so bad to get expelled?" Rosalyn sniggered.
So Rosalie told a story of how she loved pranks and pranking people, and how, at Beauxbatons, they were very against stuff like that. It was a full firework display, inside, that was breaking point for her.
Rosalyn was laughing by the time she finished. "Oh my gosh, Rosalie, that's such a good story!"
Rosalie grinned. "Do you do pranks here?"
"Well, that's mainly my brothers, Fred and George," Rosie shrugged. "You'll love them- oh god, here they come!"
Cheering sounds suddenly erupted from the corridor and Fred and George burst in with vials in their hands. People clapped them as they ran down a lane of students.
"Well lads, we've done it, cooked if up just this morning, aging potion!"
"It's not going to woooork," Hermione suddenly said, from beside Rosalyn and Rosalie.
Fred and George kneeled down beside her. "Oh yeah, Hermione? Why's that?"
"See this?" Hermione pointed to a slivery line round the cup. "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."
Hermione shut her book and laughed slightly. "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't be fooled by something so pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion."
"But that's why it's so brilliant," George said.
"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted," Fred finished.
Rosalie sniggered from beside Rosalyn.
They got up and shook their potions.
"Ready, Fred?"
"Ready, George."
"Bottoms up!"
They linked their arms and drank. They then jumped into the circle and nothing happened, everyone around them cheered.
They walked towards the goblet and gingerly dropped their names in. They cheered with the others and held their hands up.
That was until the blue flames extended and blasted the twins out of the circle. They weren't getting so much attention as the amazing ones now.
They had long, frizzy hair, though it was still red, and big beards. Rosalyn, Ron and Harry roared with laughter.
"Well I guess that means you owe me twenty galleons between you!" Rosalyn shouted to her brothers.
Fred and George meanwhile, weren't happy. "You said!" Fred yelled.
"You said!" George shot back. Soon they were brawling on the ground, everyone cheering them on.
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Rosalyn chanted with Rosalie and the others. Hermione just sat by her friends, rolled her eyes and began to read again.
Until someone ruined the fun.
"Stop! Stop, what is going on?" Igor Karkaroff stood in the doorway with Krum. "A student of mine is trying to-"
"Urgh! I told you we should never-"
"No, you said that-"
"I didn't!"
Karkaroff said, "We are trying to-"
He rolled his eyes as Krum walked forward, putting his name into the goblet. After he had finished, Rosalyn swore she saw him look at Hermione. She was going to ask her about that later.
Karkaroff said, with the authority of a royal. "I don't know what's going on here, but I have a good mind to tell Dumbledore."
And he left, his robes swept round the door as they billowed behind him.
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