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It was now Hogwarts time, and the quartet had got a compartment to themselves, a rarity that they used to their advantage. Hermione was reading the Daily Prophet, Ron and Harry were talking quietly and Rosalyn was staring out the window, deep in thought.
"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the troll?"
The sound of the trolley woman jolted Rosalyn out of her daze. She soon came to their compartment. "Anything from the trolley dears?"
Ron stood up. "Packet of Drooble's, and a licorice wand."
She gave him this but before she could give him the wand, he said. "On second thoughts just the Drooble's, just the Drooble's."
He paid for this and sat down before Harry, who was standing beside him, could offer to pay for him. Harry was about to ask for something when a voice interrupted his silence.
"Two pumpkin pasties, please?"
A very popular girl called Cho Chang was standing there. She had long, straight black hair and a smile that was aimed at Harry. Rosalyn looked at them for a second before losing interest.
"Thanks," she said to the trolley lady before heading off, but not without one last look at Harry.
"Anything sweet for you, dear?" She asked.
"Oh, no, no, I'm not hungry," Harry took one last look at Cho and went back into the compartment.
"What's got you all fluttery?" Rosalyn asked her brother.
"He saw Cho Chang out there," Ron suggested, not knowing what that would mean to the girls.
"Ooh, do you like Cho, now, Harry?" Hermione asked, digging for information.
"Er- kind of," Harry said.
Rosalyn rolled her eyes but Hermione wasn't letting her get away that easily. "Well, he's not the only one, is he, Rosie?" She nudged her best friend.
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows as Ron and Harry asked in unison. "What?"
"Nothing, just... Rosie met a boy at the World Cup," Hermione smirked.
"Who?" Harry and Ron immediately asked.
Rosalyn chuckled at them, shamelessly smiling. "He's, um... he's called Tristan. He's French, he's blonde and he's got blue eyes, and his smile-"
"Okay, okay, we get it," Ron quickly told her.
"So, do you like this guy?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows with him. "So, do I have to tell you, Mr Overprotective Brother? Come on, just because Hermione says I met a boy doesn't mean I know anything about him! I'll probably never see him again," she said, acting calm and cool, when, in fact, the idea of this was tearing her up. "Can we talk about something else?"
"Yes, this," Hermione said, going back to the newspaper. She said, "I can't believe they would let this happen, how can the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security?"
Ron had started on his gum, and he said whilst chewing it. "Loads, according to dad. That's what worried them so much, happened right under their noses."
"The reason the Ministry doesn't know is because they have such big noses, they can't see past them," Rosalyn sat back as Harry and Ron laughed. Hermione looked at them disdainfully.
But the fun was over as Rosie suddenly grabbed her forearm, she hated to admit it, but the lighting bolt scar on that arm was hurting like mad. Hermione, unsurprisingly, hit the nail on the head first try.
"It's hurting again, isn't it, your scar?"
Rosalyn looked at her blankly, trying to pretend it wasn't happening, but Hermione leant forward and told her surely. "You know who'll want to hear about this, don't you? What happened at the World Cup and your dream."
Rosalyn nodded, not breaking eye contact.
"Sirius and Izzy."
It was said with such an urgency that Rosalyn immediately looked in her trunk for a quill, ink and parchment before writing a letter to her Godfather and aunt.
Izzy was James Potter's sister; Rosalyn and Harry's aunt, who, incoincidentally, was married to Sirius. They hadn't actually known about her or about that before last year, when she had shown up at the school with Sirius. Him as a dog, her as a fox.
Anyway, she soon finished her letter to Sirius with a flourish. And once she was done, she sealed it and wrote Sirius and Izzy Black on the envelope.
She then gave the letter to Ruby, her owl, and she flew out the window of the moving train, headed to wherever Sirius was.
Soon, when the train reached Hogsmeade station, all the students got out and went up to the school in their horseless carriages, there was quite a sight to behold.
Hagrid was standing with two paddles, guiding in a huge carriage carried by winged horses. "Clear the runway!" He shouted as the carriage got closer to the ground.
But as it got closer, he had to duck out of the way because it was so close.
"Aaaarrrghh!" He yelled as he jumped away. Rosalyn laughed in spite of Hagrid, even though she felt a bit bad as all the students crowded round to see the scene.
And next was the ship. It looked like a normal sized not-weird-or-magical-at-all ship, but that was before it rose out if the water and they saw the size of it. And what it had been hiding. It looked like a pirate ship, it was amazing.
"There's something you don't see every day!" Fred and George looked at each other.
"What do you mean? I see that everyday!" Rosalyn laughed.
Anyway, after all the shows were over, all the students headed inside, confused at what was happening. Dumbledore soon told them, however, in his speech at the feast.
"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Filch suddenly opened the door and started hilariously skipping up the hall to speak to Dumbledore. Rosalyn joined in sniggering with Fred and George.
Dumbledore continued. "Now, this castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-"
Filch rushed up to Dumbledore and started whispering to him whilst all the other students whispered about him. And his speech.
Filch finally finished his whispering and skipped off back down the hall. Now Dumbledore continued in peace. "Hogwarts had been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament."
"Wicked," Fred and George said in unison. They weren't the only ones happy with this news, but still a large amount of people were silent. Rosalyn was among thses people, Dumbledore soon helped them.
"And for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical challenges and contests. From each school, a single student will be selected to compete. Now let me make this clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say this, these contests are not for the faint hearted."
Rosalyn felt eyes on her, but no one was staring in her direction.
"But more of that later," Dumbledore said. "For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely students of the school, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madam Maxime!"
All at once, a bunch of girls dressed in blue came through the door. Behind them were a bunch of girls and boys that looked younger came behind them. It appeared that their seventh year was only girls, but there were boys in the younger years.
The girls came up and stopped, moving their arms and sighing. They did this once more before gracefully running forwards and making birds appear. Harry and Ron seemed infatuated with these girls, and Rosalyn, Hermione and Ginny just watched in jealously.
"Bloody hell," Ron said.
When the girls ran up to the front, Rosalyn got a good view of the girls and boys behind them, and the headmistress. She was massive, like Hagrid, but bigger somehow. But Rosalyn was still looking at the students and she gasped at one of them.
"Tristan?" She asked, already feeling her cheeks go red and the butterflies come alive. And it was true. The boy was there, in his blue uniform, and that could only mean one thing. He was going to be staying at Hogwarts all year.
He smiled back at her.
"So that's the boy you like," Hermione whispered in Rosalyn's ear. "I can see why. He's really handsome."
"Shut up," Rosalyn laughed giddily.
The girls were now doing their ending, as one younger girl who wasn't with the younger ones and was dressed in a leotard, not a uniform, started doing flips and cartwheels. The show was cool and when the girl joined hands with another older girl and they bowed, Rosalyn hated to admit that she didn't want it to end.
Dumbledore kissed Madam Maxime's hand and stepped up to announce the next school. "And now our friends from the north, please meet the proud sons and daughters of Durmstrang and their High Master Igor Karkaroff!"
The seventh years from Durmstrang were only boys, but the younger years had girls as well. Rosalyn looked amongst all of them, but saw no one she recognised. However, a girl with blonde hair was there, and she looked at Rosalyn with a small smile.
The boys had sticks, and they banged them on the door just now. They made sparks and fizzed, but the boys didn't care, they were here for a show.
They spun the sticks in cool ways and then one of them ran up the hall and flipped. Then the star of their show appeared. Their High Master, Karkaroff was a man dressed in furs and a grim expression on his face, but there was another, a student beside him.
Ron suddenly spoke. "It's Krum, Viktor Krum!"
Whilst he was fangirling a boy had a stick of fire and blew on it, creating a fire dragon before extinguishing it.
"Albus!" Karkaroff yelled as he walked up to him.
"Igor," Dumbledore said less enthusiastically. They shared a small hug before they separated and Dumbledore said to the now extended crowd of students.
"Now, I am sorry to all of you who play it, but Quidditch will have to be cancelled this year as the tournament will take its time and possibly, it's space-"
Rosalyn, Harry, Fred and George started yelling and soon so did every other Quidditch player in the room. Even the Slytherins joined the uproar.
Dumbledore quickly silenced them, however. "As I said before, this tournament is highly dangerous and, possibly, life-threatening. For this reason the Ministry had seen fit to impose a new rule, to explain all this, we have the head of the department of International Magical Co-operation Mr Bartemus Crouch."
Mr Crouch, a man with grey hair, a moustache and a suit on instead of robes stepped up, but before he could say anything, a lightning storm started. Being inside, this normally wouldn't be a big deal, but because the Hogwarts roof reflected the sky, this meant it also reflected the bad weather as well. Right now, it was a storm, and several people screamed as it raged and fermented.
Suddenly a shot of, not lighting, but spell came up into the sky. Everyone looked around and saw another man, and this man was basically everything different from Barty Crouch.
He had soaked hair from the rain outside and soaked clothes as well. But other things about his appearance were unnerving. He had an eye on that obviously wasn't his. It was magical and it clearly had powers that weren't apparent right now. He also had a prosthetic metal leg, instead of a real one, and carried a stick to help him walk at the same time.
"Blimey it's Mad-Eye Moody," Ron said.
"Alastor Moody?" Hermione asked. "The auror?"
"Auror?" Harry and Seamus asked at the same time.
"Dark wizard catcher," Ron and Rosalyn said at the same time. They had heard about the term from Arthur, and Ron continued. "Half the cells in Azkaban are filled because of him. Though he's supposed to be mad as a hatter these days."
As he passed the top table, all the teachers sat at it stared at him. He walked passed them impassively, however, and settled his magical eye on someone sat minding their own business. Rosalyn Potter.
Moody and Dumbledore greeted each other and after that Moody took out a hip flask. Rosalyn had been told of this before. He only ever drank from a flask in case somebody had spiked his drink. However, when he took a sip this time, his face contorted and he winced as if his drink was nasty.
"What's that he's drinking do you suppose?" Seamus asked.
"I don't know but it's definitely not pumpkin juice," Rosalyn said slowly, not taking her eyes off Moody.
Moody soon sat down and Mr Crouch started to speak. "After a lot of due consideration, the Ministry had decided that no student under the age of seventeen-"
A huge uproar started.
"Rubbish!" Fred and George shouted along with the annoyed students.
"We want to enter!" Another yelled.
"We don't care if it's dangerous!"
"Are you saying we're not brave enough?!"
"We are saying that you aren't experienced enough," Crouch said, but no one heard.
Dumbledore eventually stood up. "Silence!" He shouted and the whole hall hushed.
Crouch continued. "No student under the age of seventeen is allowed to enter their name into the tournament, this decision is final."
Fred and George said to Rosalyn. "We'll find a way, somehow."
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Ten galleons you won't. Ten galleons each."
Fred and George looked at eachother, then back at her, then simultaneously held out their hands.
"You're on."
Rosalyn laughed and shook both of their hands. But she didn't think anything of it. It wouldn't happen.
Anyways, it was just then when Crouch revealed a massive tower that had been behind him. Dumbledore used his wand to take the tower down and it revealed a huge goblet with blue flames coming from it.
"The Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore answered all the students questions. "Anyone wishing to submit their names into the tournament need only write their name on a slip of paper and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. If chosen you cannot turn back. And I will make it clear that whoever wins the tournament shall have eternal glory as this event is legendary. From this point on, The Triwizard Tournament has officially begun."
He gave a happy smile after his grim speech and clicked his fingers, food appeared on the plates in the centre of the tables immediately and Rosalyn dug in. Halfway through the meal, she swore that Harry had just sloshed water down his front because he saw Cho Chang. Rosalyn rolled her eyes at her so tactless brother.
Once everyone had eaten, Dumbledore told them that they could leave for their dorms and Rosalyn did so. She went to sleep dreaming about the Tournament, and, at the same time, hoping and not hoping that she could compete.
Don't be ridiculous, she told herself, there's an age limit, and even if I did get chosen would they let me compete?
To her, her thoughts were pointless as they passed through her head. She just didn't know how much of a point they would have when the names were drawn on Thursday night.
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