π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… πΉπ‘‚π‘ˆπ‘… β˜† 2

Since the match was at night, the quartet had the rest of the day free.

At first they unpacked and ate something, despite having breakfast only half an hour ago, they were hungry again. Rosalyn then joined Fred and George in a game of exploding snap, that was hilarious and eventually everyone in the tent was gathered around them. George ended up winning, then Rosalyn in second and Fred last.

"I can't believe you beat me!" Fred said to Rosalyn.

"Still didn't win, though," Rosalyn said bitterly.

The match was at seven thirty, and right now it was four o'clock. So Rosalyn decided to go on a walk around the campsite on her own. She left the tent quietly and wandered off, looking at everything from decorations to plain old tents, like hers was.

She was just walking, her eyes trained on a juggler that was tossing balls of fire with her bare hands, when she crashed into someone. She fell down on the grass and she felt herself going red.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She said over and over. "I didn't mean to do that, I- I'm sorry-"


She looked up.


She got to her feet and looked at the boy she'd just crashed into. "It is you! Oh, that's a relief, I would've been so much more embarrassed if it was a stranger!"

Neville chuckled, and looked at Rosalyn properly for the first time since the end of their third year. She was so much more pretty, I mean, she had always been pretty to Neville, but she was just beautiful this year.

"H- Hi Rosalyn, how're you doing?" He asked.

"Great! How's your summer been? This is just amazing isn't it, are you looking forward to the match? It's so soon and I just can't wait-"

She stopped abruptly as he looked quite amused by her clear excitement.

"Er- my summer's been okay, just the usual, and I'm looking forward to the match as well, though, by the looks of things, not as much as you," Neville said and they both laughed.

"Why are you out here, just wandering?" Neville asked and Rosalyn nodded.

Neither of them said anything about it, but soon the two friends were walking and talking with each other. Neville was more happy than he had ever been in his life, Rosalyn and him were alone, just talking, and making serious progress to what he wanted.

But soon the progress was pulled back.

Rosalyn's wand was in the back pocket of her jeans and, apparently, it had been dropped out of there in her haste.

"Excuse moi, did you drop dis?"

A boy who looked around fourteen to Rosalyn held out her wand. This boy had blonde hair, blue eyes and a heavy French accent. And he also thought that Rosalyn was very pretty.

Rosalyn looked at the boy for a second before deciding he was quite handsome.

Oh shit my cheeks are going red, aren't they? Is it normal that my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest? What the hell is going on in my stomach right now? Oh fu-

She took her wand lightly and blushed even more profusely as their hands touched.

She had never felt this was before. She said. "Thanks," and he smiled at her. Oh that smile... she had only just seen it but she thought she could watch it for days-

"Hey Rosalyn, we should probably get back to what we were doing," Neville's voice cut right through Rosalyn's little staring awkwardly moment and the girl instantly snapped out of it, nodding.

"Oh, well, I hope to zee you again sometime," the boy said, making her turn back around. "And I'm Tristan by ze way."

Rosalyn smiled. "That's a nice name," she mumbled, absolutely in awe of this boy.

"Well, my full name is Tristan Laurent, so you can decide from there," said Tristan with a small laugh. Rosalyn giggled slightly as well, feeling her cheeks go redder and redder.

It took a second for her to realise that he was expecting her name back.

"Oh," she laughed a very high pitched, girly laugh. That's not how Rosie laughs, Neville thought angrily.

"Oh, sorry- my name's Rosalyn," the girl smiled, laughing that same laugh that wasn't very like her at all.

"Very nice to meet you," Tristan said. "And I hope to see you again."

"Me too," Rosalyn was dazed. She had never felt like this before. Suddenly, she became very aware of how loudly her heart seemed to be beating and how hot her face was. She had always felt so sure of herself before. But now, all that had gone.

But with that, Neville pulled her away. He was unusually quiet on their journey back. Rosalyn wondered why as she had never felt more animated and happy. But when Neville got to his tent he wasn't nearly as animated as he had been when she had first seen him.

"Erm- bye," he said before ducking into it. Rosalyn looked slightly crestfallen at this departure.

She wandered back to the tent, thinking of how cold Neville had been with her. She quickly pushed that to the side, though, when she entered her tent and she quickly got hyped up for the World Cup. After all, it was in an hour, and she couldn't have anything interrupting it.

She couldn't help smiling, however, as she thought of Tristan. Suddenly, her heart seemed to swoon. She had met a boy! A French one at that. And maybe she actually... liked him.

"What's happened to you?" Hermione asked her as she walked back into the tent. "You look like you've been in the sun for days, you're so red! And why exactly are you smiling so much? You only went for a walk!"

"Mione, I erm-" Rosalyn started. "I- I kinda met... this boy, on my walk."

"Eeeeeeehh!" The squealing sound almost deafened her, but Hermione went on. "Oh. My. God! Who? How? Why? Where? When-"

"Okay, okay, calm down," Rosalyn said, even though her own heart was doing flips.

"Okay, but seriously, Rosie, I need details!" Hermione squealed.

Rosalyn couldn't help but smile as she recalled the encounter with Tristan. Hermione went crazy when Rosalyn said their hands had touched and she grinned excitedly when Rosalyn told her about her crazy heart, hot face and weird stomach sensation.

"And that is called butterflies, dear Rosie," Hermione told her friend. "It's what you get when you have a crush on someone."

Rosalyn's eyes widened. "I have a- oh my god- I have a crush on Tristan!" She hissed.

Hermione smiled as Rosalyn realised it, the two girls starting their makeup and facepaint looks.

Eventually, Rosalyn had two shamrocks painted on her cheeks, an Irish flag in her hand and a green and white scarf round her neck as it was quite cold that night, even if it was summer.

The group headed out into the forest and to the place where the cup was being heard. The eight of them climbed into the stands which were humungous. And when they had climbed about a hundred levels up, Ron finally asked. "Blimey, dad, how far up are we?"

Arthur didn't get the chance to answer. Before he could, a much sniggers voice filled their ears. "We'll put it this way. If it rains... you'll be the first to know about it.

Lucius and Draco Malfoy were below them, and once they had seen them of course they started shaming them.

"No, how about we put it this way," Rosalyn started loudly. "When my fist smashes into your face, you'll definitely know about it."

Lucius just studied her. However, Draco, on the other hand, impulsively started to boast. "Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself-"

Lucius stuck his cane out and Draco hit it, ending his boastful speech. He didn't appear to be in any pain so Rosalyn couldn't help smirking slightly.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people," Lucius said loudly.

The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione started to walk away. Rosalyn made to do the same but Lucius stuck his cane onto her foot, trapping her.

"Get the hell off me," Rosalyn said threateningly.

Lucius just smirked. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can."

"I can't enjoy anything looking at your hideous face," Rosalyn quipped, as he took her cane off her foot. She was free to go, not knowing what he was talking about whatsoever.

"Come on, up, take your seats, I told you these seats would be worth waiting for!" Arthur yelled as they finally got to their seats. They were amazing, and they had a whole view of the pitch as well.

Just when they got to their seats what when the sound of Cornelius Fudge boomed throughout the stadium.

"And now please welcome our Irish Team!"

They flew in with smoke of green, orange and white behind them. The players were dressed in the same Quidditch robes Rosalyn had at school, except these ones were green and white and much more clean.

"There's Troy!"

"And Mullet!"

"And Moran!" Fred and George yelled in turn, pointing out different players.

The seven players of the Irish team let off fireworks that formed in the shape of a leprechaun. It danced round, glittering in the night as the Irish flew round the stadium.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" Fred and George roared, drowning out the noise of them being introduced. Seven smartly dressed red players flew through the leprechaun, reducing it to nothing. They flew through the Irish team too, keeping their perfect formation.

One of their players separated from them, doing a one handed trick off his broom and then jumping back onto it.

"Who's that?" Hermione asked.

"That's Viktor Krum!" George yelled. "He's the best seeker in the world!"

A big projection of Krum on the stands came up as a chant started, and it continued as he flew around. He held up his fist to stoke the flames and it did, people were screaming and cheering and Rosalyn already had a sore throat and stinging hands.

A hush fell over the stadium as Cornelius Fudge stepped up to the stand, wand at his throat so that everyone could hear him.

"Good evening! I would like to welcome each and every one of you, to the final of the four hundred and twenty second, Quidditch World Cup. Let the match, begin!"

The quaffle was thrown up, and the chaos started. The match was amazing, and Rosalyn knew she would remember it for years. The chasers from Ireland were great, and they almost didn't let the Bulgarian ones get the quaffle at all. There were instances where they did get it, but they only scored once.

Meanwhile, the Irish chasers managed to score seventeen times. Rosalyn was looking at them and picking up tips for when she played again at school.

The beaters were pretty equal for both teams, but since the chasers and keepers were so experienced in dodging them there weren't any incidents.

A particularly exciting part of the match was when Krum did a wronski feint. He pretended to have seen the snitch and went into a dive, and the Irish seeker, Lynch, followed him. They went down further and further, and just when they were about to hit the ground, Krum pulled out of it. Lynch wasn't so lucky, he hit the ground hard and had to be bandaged up before he was allowed to play again.

Eventually, however, Krum did see the snitch and caught it. It wasn't enough, however, because Ireland won a hundred and seventy to a hundred and sixty.

Still reliving the match, Rosalyn climbed down the stairs with the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione, and walked out of the stands.

Back in the tent, Mr Weasley was lighting their fire and Ron was talking animatedly about the Bulgarian seeker.

"There's no one like Krum!" He yelled around the tent.

"Krum?" Fred and George asked in thick accents.

"He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!" Ron continued. Fred and George flapped their arms around in imitations and Rosalyn snorted.

"He's more than an athlete," Ron said assuringly, as Fred and George chucked an Irish flag over him. "He's an artist."

"Think you're in love, Ron," Ginny said, teasing him.

"Shut up," Ron told his sister.

"Viktor I love you!" Fred and George said, pulling Ron down beside them and making everyone snigger.

Rosalyn joined in as well as Harry and Ginny. "When you're apart my heart beats only for youuuu!"

Suddenly a lot of noise arose from outside as Fred said. "Looks like the Irish have got their pride on!"

"Stop, stop!" Arthur suddenly yelled, running in from outside the tent. "That's not the Irish. We have to go, now!"

They headed outside the tent and saw what they were dealing with.

"Get back to the portkey everyone and stick together!" Mr Weasley bellowed. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione ran, and she yelled, "Rosalyn!" Behind her.

But Rosalyn couldn't run. She had to see what was going on.

Tents were on fire everywhere, and everyone was in meltdown mode. Then Rosalyn got to the heart of the problem, and saw she them.

People in dark, black masks holding flaming marshmallows on sticks marched through the campsite. They looked menacing and dark and everything in between. Rosalyn couldn't think.

"Rosie! Rosie!" Hermione yelled desperately as she tried to run back towards Rosalyn. However, a crowd had formed between them, and she couldn't do it.

"Rosie!" She yelled one last time, but Rosalyn had realised that she wasn't going to get to her.

She ran between tents that were on fire and dodged potholes that would surely make her trip. She squashed in between people and tried to ignore the tears brimming in her eyes.

At one point she came face to face with a masked person, and she ran for it as he or she shot spell after spell at her. She got away from him after diving underneath a flaming clothes line.

But after this, she was on the ground, trampled underneath millions of stressed out people. She hit her head hard so her eyes flipped shut and she fell unconscious.


The camp was burnt, silent, and deserted. Or so it seemed.

A man walked through the campsite. You could tell just by looking at him that he was an arrogant person. The way he kicked past things in his way, knocked fires into showers of sparks and swaggered in his wake.

He walked into a point where there was nothing in his road and drew his wand.


A green light rose from his wand, it flew into the sky and exploded into a symbol. A horrible, lit up green symbol. A skull with a snake coming out of it was hovering in the air, and as the man looked at it, he was satisfied.

Rosalyn, meanwhile, was lying just where she had been when she had been trampled down. She sat up slowly, and saw this man. She couldn't see his face, but she could see that he was walking towards her.

Rosalyn slithered backwards in fright and got to her feet, she ran away and suddenly heard her name. "Rosie?"


The man suddenly ran, as if he didn't want to be seen by more people.

"Rosie! We've been looking for you for ages!" Her brother yelled as she came face to face with Harry, Ron and Hermione. "We thought we lost you!"

Rosalyn was more confused than she had ever been. "What is that?" She asked, looking at the green skull. Her scar burned as she pointed at it, and she clasped her hand to her forearm.




The spell was fired from multiple directionsΒ  at the quartet, who as held each other and ducked as all the flashes of red light collided above them.


"Stop! STOP! That's my son!"

Arthur struggled towards them, running as the stunners stopped. "Ron, Rosie, Harry, Hermione, you alright?" They all nodded.

"Which of you conjured it? Who commited the crime?" A man with a perfectly cut moustache, a suit and a wand ran forward and instantly pointed at them.

"Crime? What the fu-" Rosalyn started, but Hermione stamped on her foot and she stopped.

"Crouch, you can't possibly-" Arthur began.

"That is a lie!" Crouch shouted. "You've been discovered at the scene and you will be questioned-"

"Again, what the actual f-" Rosalyn tried again but Hermione covered her mouth this time.

"Hermione, just let me swear, it would make me feel better!" Rosalyn hissed to her friend. Hermione didn't answer but Rosalyn saw her lips twitch.

"Barty, they're just kids," Arthur, meanwhile, was talking desperately to this 'Crouch'. "You can't possibly-"

"What crime?" Rosalyn interrupted again.

"It's the dark mark, Rosie, it's his mark," Hermione hissed.

The fiery redhead stood stock still.

"Voldemort?" Rosalyn now understood. This was Voldemort's mark, and it was obviously a huge crime to utter the spell that made that mark appear.

"Those people tonight, in the masks, they were his too? His followers?" She asked.

"They call them death eaters," Arthur uttered under his breath.

"Come on everybody, let's go!" Crouch said.

Rosalyn, however, rushed forward. "There was a man, before, over there," she pointed to where she had seen him.

Crouch's eyes suddenly went very wide. "All of you, this way!" He shouted, and all the ministry wizards except Arthur followed him.

"A man, Rosie, who?" Arthur asked.

"I... don't know," Rosalyn answered truthfully as she took one more shivering look at the green snake and skull in the sky.

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