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Hogwarts time! Rosalyn packed her trunk and hurried downstairs where Molly was shouting. Rosalyn sighed. Living at headquarters wasn't really helping her stress.

Eventually, though, they all got to Kings Cross Station in one piece. Getting a trolley for her trunk and holding Ruby in her cage, Rosalyn and Hermione walked together across the bridge to the platform.

Moody and Tonks led the way, Moody banging his stick on the ground, Tonks looking around rather suspiciously. Molly and all the teens went next, trunks and trolleys in their hands. "Padfoot, Scarlet, are you barking mad?" Moody suddenly hissed. That was when Rosalyn noticed the shaggy black dog and sleek red fox trotting along beside the stick.

They got down the steps and Rosalyn noticed the dog and fox trot through a door and into a waiting room. A deserted one. Rosalyn saw the shadow of the dog morph into the shadow of a man and the shadow of the fox into one of a woman. She instantly pushed the door to the waiting room open. Sure enough, her godfather stood there, smiling slightly as he looked at Rosalyn.

"Sirius, Izzy, what are you doing here?" Rosalyn asked hurriedly and worriedly. "If somebody sees you-"

"We had to see you off, didn't we?" Sirius asked. "What's life without a little risk?"

Rosalyn had her answer on the tip of her tongue. "Clearly you were all thinking of that when you were quarantining me..."

"Not the point," Izzy said, a small smile on her face. God, this girl reminded her so much of herself.

"Well I don't want to see you get shut back in Azkaban either!" Rosalyn countered. "Either of you."

Sirius beckoned Rosalyn over and she sat down beside him. Putting his arm around her, he said. "Don't you worry about us. Anyway-" he retrieved something from his pocket "-I wanted you to see this."

It was a photo, and in it there were many people. Of course, this was a wizard photo, so the people we're moving. This was another thing that made it difficult to recognise the people in it.

"The original Order of the Phoenix," Izzy explained.

Rosalyn heard Hermione again. "It's a secret society, Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who."

This isn't the first Order, Rosalyn suddenly knew. Dumbledore formed it again after hearing he was back.

"Frank and Alice Longbottom," Sirius said gently pointed to a plain but nice looking couple. The man looked just like his son.

"Neville's parents," Rosalyn said.

"They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask-"

"Don't!" Rosalyn suddenly squealed.

Sirius looked at her. "R- Rosalyn, are you alright?"

"Sorry," said Rosalyn meekly. "I just- don't wanna talk about it."

"That's fine," Sirius said, tapping her leg. "That's Mad-Eye," he pointed to a much younger and non-magical eye Moody.

Rosalyn chuckled.

"And there's us," smiled Izzy fondly, pointing to a much younger couple, their arms round each other, holding each other tight. Izzy had the same face, and the same flaming red hair. Sirius' hair was shorter, and he was laughing at something Izzy had just whispered to him. His other arm was around someone Rosalyn didn't really remember, yet one that had given her the ability to remember.

"Still, it's been fourteen years," Sirius smiled to her, pointing to two more people. "And still a day doesn't go by that I don't miss your dad."

The two people that Sirius was pointing to were her parents. He had his arm round his best friend, who was her dad, with a sarcastic smile on his face. And her dad also had his arm round someone else. Someone Rosalyn felt she knew very well.

It was as if she was looking at herself. Her mum had the same facial expressions as her, she had the same flaming hair as her and-

"She's as beautiful as you."

Harry had walked in the door. He had taken a look at the photo and said those fiveย  words to his sister.

Rosalyn was overwhelmed. "You think I'm beautiful?" She asked sarcastically.

"Nope," Harry replied in the same manner.

Rosalyn sighed. She was never going to get a straight answer out of her brother, it's what they do, she decided, wind you up. She asked her godfather. "D'you really think there's gonna be a war, Sirius, Izzy?"

"It- feels like it did before," Sirius said after a pause. Rosalyn gave her godfather back the photo but he pushed her hand away.

"You keep it. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

Izzy smiled warmly, saying to Rosalyn. "You're very like them, you know. I just wish you had got to meet them."

Rosalyn chuckled. "Me too."


Rosalyn walked through the platform alone. It was filled with chattering kids and nervous parents, heavily packed trunks and tweeting owls.

As a parent and young child passed her, she saw someone strange up ahead. A man in a long, black cloak with the sort of palor about him that you don't ignore.

It was Lord Voldemort.

Rosalyn only had a few seconds to feel scared for everyone around her, and she didn't even have time to feel scared for herself.

She woke up in a matter of seconds, leaning on Hermione's shoulder. Hermione, who was reading the Daily Prophet, looked at her best friend for a second before deciding not to ask.

The train ride was uneventful, but when they got off, there was a little present waiting for them. And this wasn't the sort of present you look forward to.

Draco Malfoy was there with Crabbe and Goyle, saying loudly and snarling. "I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

"Yeah but soon they'll realise that they spelt Rosalyn Potter wrong and actually meant Draco Malfoy."

He took a minute to process this before saying. "Nah, you'll be going the same way as your idiot father, and your mudblood mother, as dirty as a-"

Ron had to hold Rosalyn back. Draco and his cronies laughed as he said. "What did I tell you? Complete nutter..."

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU SON OF A BI-" Rosalyn yelled until Ron covered her mouth.

"It's not worth it, Rosie," He sighed. "It's only Malfoy."

The four of them headed to the carriages that would take them from the station to Hogwarts. Cho Chang was in the one that was just heading off, and Harry waved awkwardly to her as she did. Rosalyn sighed, she really didn't have a great feeling about that girl.

Now, Rosalyn had convinced herself that she wasn't jealous of Cho, she was scared for her brother. She hadn't thought about this for ages, but in hindsight, she thought she had maybe talked herself out of it a little too much.

"Hi guys," a voice pulled her out of her reverie.

"Neville!" Rosalyn smiled, and he blushed. "What's that?" She asked him, pointing at a small cactus like plant in his arms.

"Oh it's a mimbulus mimbletonia," said Neville proudly. "Got it in Diagon Alley."

Rosalyn knew about Neville's interest for plants, so she smiled and said. "It's really cool!"

Neville was so relieved that she liked it he dropped it and the plant pot it was in shattered. "Oh no!" He shouted.

"It's alright," Hermione said. "Reparo." She pointed her wand at the broken pot and it repaired with the plant in it. Good as new.

Neville collected it again and smiled gingerly at the quartet. Rosalyn turned round, meanwhile, to greet their horseless carriage.

Except it wasn't horseless.

This time, on the end of the reins a bony creature that resembled a horse stood, tall and proud. Rosalyn thought it looked beautiful and magestic, and let out a. "What's that?"

No one had any idea what she was on about.

"What's what?" Ron asked.

"What's pulling the carriage?" Rosalyn asked.

"Nothings pulling the carriage, Rosie," said Hermione decidedly. "It's pulling itself like always."

They can't see them, Rosalyn realised, but why can't they see them?

She walked round the carriage, then a sweet voice rang out. "You're not going mad," A girl with long, wavy blonde hair, the newspaper the Quibbler under her armย  and radishes dangling from her ears said. "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

"Which isn't very sane for someone who's wearing those as earrings," Rosalyn heard Ron joke to Harry so they both sniggered. She glared at them as this girl seemed very nice, just a little... eccentric.

They all climbed aboard the carriage and Hermione said. "Everyone this is Loony- Luna Lovegood."

Harry and Ron sniggered but Rosalyn said kindly to Luna. "I love your necklace."

"It's a charm actually," Luna said, holding up her star necklace. "Keeps away the nargles." Everyone thought she was done, then she added absent mindedly. "Hungry. I hope there's pudding."

As the carriage began to move, Rosalyn heard Ron hiss to Hermione. "What the bloody hell are nargles?"

She replied. "No idea."

They rode the horseless carriage (which, to Rosalyn, was no longer horseless) up to Hogwarts, heading inside and to the feast. There, everyone ate their body weight in food then silenced as they heard Dumbledore's call.

"Good evening children! Now we have two changes in staffing this year," he started. "We are pleased to welcome Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking care of magical creatures whilst Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

Rosalyn looked at her three friends. Where was Hagrid? Rosalyn remembered asking Molly, and he was in the order. Maybe it was a job for them?

Dumbledore then changed track. "I also wish to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge."

This woman had a pink fluffy cardigan on and a hat of the same colour. "She was at my hearing," Rosalyn said. "She works for Fudge, I nicknamed her the Pink Bitch."

Hermione hissed. "Rosie!" But laughed all the same.

"Now I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck." Dumbledore continued. "Now, as usual, our caretaker Filch has asked me to remind you all-"

"Hem hem."

Umbridge (Pink Bitch) had stood up from her seat and joined Dumbledore. The students didn't quite know how to react. No teacher had ever done this before.

"You're not head!" Somebody yelled.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Yeah! Sit down!"

But she didn't, she started her own speech. "Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome," she said in her sweet and sour voice. "And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me-"

"We're not five years old!"

Umbridge recovered her stance immediately. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely." Fred and George Weasley whispered audibly, chins in their hands.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster and mistress have brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be... prohibited."

She was slightly leaning forward, eyes boring into them in what she clearly thought what was a nice way, but it looked like a toad does.

The teachers were the only ones who clapped.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge," Dumbledore said, still cheery. "That really was most illuminating."

"Illuminating?" Ron said to Hermione, Harry and Rosalyn. "What a load of waffle."

"There was important things hidden in the waffle," said Hermione meaningfully.

"Like what?" Rosalyn asked. "What does it mean?"

Hermione didn't take her eyes of Umbridge as she answered.

"It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts."

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