๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐น๐ผ๐๐ธ โ 13
It was O.W.L. day the next day. They had theory of charms first, and were in the middle of that exam at the moment. The great hall was set up with loads of single desks, behind which one student sat.
Rosalyn was doing as best she could, but her quill wasn't nearly as quick as Hermione's. She and her three best friends were sitting one behind the other at their desks, and she could tell by the way that Ron was sighing that he wasn't doing that well either.
Suddenly, there was a big bang outside the hall. The sound ricchocetted off the walls and Umbridge, who was overseeing the exam, looked quite annoyed. She didn't act upon this, though, not yet.
The bang resounded again. Umbitch stood up slightly, and was about to sit back down when it happened again.
She strode through the hall, her pink heels clicking along the stone floor. Rosalyn smirked slightly. She had a feeling what this was.
When Umbridge got outside into the entrance hall she looked one way. Saw nothing. The other. Nothing.
Then a little spark came and flew in her face. She looked at it, thinking preposterously, then watched as it flew into the great hall and popped into some great fireworks.
Umbridge walked a few more steps out into the entrance hall, when-
The Weasley twins zoomed into the hall on their brooms, yelling. Their speed made all the exam papers fly up in the air and they chucked fireworks into the air. Umbridge looked up into the air but what could she do? Rosalyn laughed at the thought.
The students had all got out of their seats now, watching as the fireworks were indeed a grand spectacle. Fred and George hi-fived on their brooms as they flew in opposite directions and Rosalyn smiled.
And it soon became clear that if you were part of the Inquistorial Squad, you would get a bad firework chasing you up. Umbitch had to duck to avoid many, Goyle got one exploding on his face and Crabbe had one exploding up his arse.
Malfoy, however, was best. He was backed up against the door, and as his firework exploded, it brunt an imprint of his scared face into the wood. Rosalyn sniggered as a golden firework floated slightly above her head, giving her the appearance of having a halo.
Rosalyn grinned at her friends as she saw George launch yet another firework. This one was the finisher. It took the form of a dragon's head, and chased her away.
"Ge- get it away!" She yelled in a high voice. "AWAY!"
"You should carve that into your hand!" Harry and Ron yelled in glee. Rosalyn joined in guffawing with them.
When Umbridge got into the entrance hall, the dragon exploded, knocking down all the educational decrees hanging on the wall. They smashed to the ground with a CRASH.
Umbridge watched, nearly in tears, as all the students rushed outside to see Fred and George leave. And as they zoomed off on their brooms, they set off one last firework that spelt out a gold, glittering "W". Rosalyn cheered and clapped with everyone else. Hermione looked at her, smiling, just before she fell to the ground.
Then she was somewhere else entirely...
She was in the Department of Mysteries, she knew she was...
Sirius was knelt on the ground, sweating and panting...
Hermione was leaning down-
"I need that prophecy," Voldemort said to him.
"You'll have to kill me," he said determinedly.
"Oh, I will, but first you will fetch it for me..." Voldemort said...
"I will never fetch it. You can do whatever you want to me," said Sirius.
Hermione was asking her something, but she couldn't-
They were in the room with the glass orbs... the one Rosalyn had been dreaming of for ages...
"Oh, I know you don't care for your own life," said Voldemort, a cruel smirk on his face. "But you care for hers."
Izzy... there as well... wrists bound, on the floor...
Voldemort raised his wand at her. "Crucio!"
Both Izzy's and Sirius' screams filled the air... and Rosalyn finally realised...
That place... those orbs... prophecies... Rosalyn had been there... row 95... Fudge and Malfoy talking... she had been there... so stupid...
And as soon as she pulled out of the vision, Rosalyn was aware of Hermione, and said only three words by way of explanation.
"Sirius and Izzy."
"Rosie, are you sure?" Hermione asked as the quartet ran up the stairs which were only just being able to join together quick enough for them.
"I saw it," Rosalyn said. "It's just like with Mr Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months only I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius and Izzy said Voldemort was after something, something he didn't have the last time and it's in the Department of Mysteries-"
"Rosie please just listen!" Hermione yelled, and Rosalyn turned round. "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius and Izzy because he's trying to get to you?"
"So what if he is?" Rosalyn said fiercely. "I'm supposed to just let them both die? Hermione, they're the only family Harry and I've got left."
They all looked at each other for a second before Ron asked the vital question. "So what do we do?"
Rosalyn sighed. "We'll have to use the floo network."
"But Umbridge has all the chimneys under surveillance!" Hermione said.
"Not all of them!" Rosalyn said. "I've found the loophole - Umbridge's fire isn't being watched, so let's use it!"
Even Hermione didn't argue.
"Alohomora," Rosalyn said to the keyhole, getting them in easily.
"She lives just like she dresses," Ron said disgustedly, looking around the pink office.
"I know," said Rosalyn bitterly.
But none of them noticed one of the cats on the walled plates sneak out its flap to inform.
"Alert the order if you can," Rosalyn said, chucking floo powder on the flames so they turned green.
"Are you metal? We're going with you!" Harry said.
"It's too dangerous," Rosalyn sighed.
"Come off it!" Both Ron and Harry yelled.
Rosalyn sat down, preparing to dive into the flames.
"When are you going to get it into your head?" Hermione asked. "We're in this together!"
"That. You. Are."
A very red faced Umbitch stood in the doorway.
Rosalyn sighed.
Well, shit.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were soon given to Inquisitorial Squad members, and Rosalyn was sat down in a chair in front of her.
Ginny and Luna were also here, and soon Neville was pulled in. He seemed close to tears.
"He tried to distract me with a stupid plant," Malfoy explained to Umbridge. "So I made his stupid mimble timble thing wilt and I dragged him along as well."
Rosalyn was outraged. "You little-" she snarled under her breath, but didn't get much further as Umbridge leant over her.
"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" She asked.
"What-? No!" Rosalyn said.
"You-" Umbridge said and Rosalyn received a hard slap on the cheek from her.
Harry winced, Hermione whimpered, but, surprisingly, Neville cried out. "Stop it! Leave her alone!"
Malfoy, who was holding him, elbowed him harshly in the stomach so he would shut up.
"Thank you, Draco," sighed Umbridge.
"You evil witch," snarled Rosalyn as Umbridge turned her attention back to her.
And then suddenly, before Umbridge could retort, probably the only person in the world who hated Rosalyn more than her appeared. "You sent for me, Headmistress?"
"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers, whether Potter wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the veritaserum?"
"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students, the last of it on Miss Chang," Snape said coolly, not looking at Rosalyn. "Unless you wish to poison her, and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you."
But as he turned round, Rosalyn reached out... reached out to the only order member she could get to...
"He's got Padfoot and Scarlet," she said suddenly, not really knowing where the heck this was going. "He's got Padfoot and Scarlet at the place where it's hidden."
Snape didn't have time to answer before Umbridge swooped upon this riddle. "Padfoot? Scarlet? What are they? Where what is hidden? What is she talking about, Snape?"
Rosalyn sighed. Don't tell her, she thought desperately, do not tell her...
And, for some reason, he didn't. He said. "No idea," and swept from the room.
"Right," Umbitch said, turning round. "You leave me no choice Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security-"
"Stop talking yourself into it," Rosalyn spat out at her.
Umbridge went redder. "You ungrateful little- right, well, Potter, the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."
"That's illegal," Hermione said warningly.
"What Cornelius doesn't know, won't hurt him," Umbridge said, turning the picture that she had of Fudge over. She walked round the table, and was nearly saying the curse when Hermione screamed.
"Tell her, Rosie!"
"Tell me what? Hm?" Umbridge asked before Rosalyn could answer.
"Well if you won't tell her where it is, I will!" Hermione wailed.
"Where what is?" Umbridge shouted in a high voice.
The next words that came out of Hermione's mouth, no one was expecting.
"Dumbledore's secret weapon."
"H-how much further?"
"Not far. It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally."
They were in the Forbidden Forest. Hermione and Rosalyn had gone with Umbridge and Hermione had led them out here.
"What are you doing?" Rosalyn asked her bestie.
"Improvising," was the answer she got back.
As they walked past the tree which Grawp had been tied to, they saw something distressing. "Oh no," Hermione said. "I thought Grawp would finish her off but-"
"He's not here," said Rosalyn quietly. "So let's go along and find something else to finish her off... Aragog is always an option..."
Hermione giggled quietly and they led Umbridge on, but she stopped them. "Well?" She asked, pointing her wand at them. "Where is this weapon?"
When neither of them said anything, she guessed the answer. "There isn't one is there? You were trying to trick me. You know... I really hate children."
"Then why the fuck did you get a job as a teacher?" Rosalyn asked rudely.ย Hermione laughed.
Umbridge went redder still. However, before she could say anything else, the sound of hooves filled the air. Rosalyn turned round to see a bunch of centaurs, standing proudly about ten metres from them.
Umbridge was scared, there was no denying it as she scrambled behind Rosalyn. However, she still put her hand up. "You have no business here, centaur, this is a Ministry matter."
But the centaurs did not retreat, they pulled out bows and loaded them with arrows. "Lower your weapons," Umbridge said, voice shaky. "I warn you. Under the law, as creatures of near human intelligence-"
One of them fired at her. She repelled it by magic, but she was furious. "How dare you! You filthy half-breed! Indecartous!"
A rope appeared out of nowhere and started to strangle the centaur. It struggled on the ground for a second before Hermione ran to its aid, but she couldn't help it. "Please!" She yelled to Umbridge, nearly in tears. "Please stop it!"
"No! Enough!" Umbridge yelled. "I will have, order!"
But then another half-breed joined the cause. Umbridge yelled as Grawp picked her up. The centaurs, however, did not like this, as they saw it as him finishing off their prey. They shot arrows at him, and although they did little difference, they soon would if they were fired in bulk.
"No! Leave him alone! He doesn't understand!" Rosalyn yelled desperately.
Soon, though, Grawp realised that they wanted Umbridge and dropped her, screaming her head off, into the group of centaurs.
"Do- do something!" She yelled as the centaurs picked her up and started to carry her away. "Tell them I mean no harm!"
"Not fucking likely, Professor!" Rosalyn shouted, smirking. "I must not tell lies!"
She and Hermione collapsed into laughter.
"What are you doing?" Shrieked Umbitch to the centaurs. "I am Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge! Let me goooooooooo!"
Rosalyn and Hermione laughed together, mimicking her, before Rosalyn yelled, "Hermione, Sirius and Izzy!"
They ran out and and back up to the castle. On the bridge, however, they met Ron, Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna, all looking thoroughly pleased with themselves. "How d'you get away?" Hermione asked.
"Puking pastilles, it wasn't pretty," Ginny answered.
"Told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets. Course they told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves!" Ron laughed, handing Rosalyn and Hermione back their wands.
"That was clever, Ron," said Hermione, smiling.
"It's been known to happen," Ron shrugged modestly.
"It was brilliant!" Neville said. He went slightly red and addressed Rosalyn. "So, how're we getting to London?"
Rosalyn sighed, "Look, it's not like I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you. But, I've got you into enough trouble already."
She walked past them, but Neville's words stopped her. "Dumbledore's Army was supposed to be about doing something real, or was that all just words to you?"
"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, Rosie," Ron said as Rosalyn turned back round.
"Right," she said. "I-I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Harry said, "But how are we getting to London."
It was Luna Lovegood who answered.
"We'll fly of course."
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