πΆπππ· β¦οΈ 10
In the end, Cassia was brought to Dumbledore's office as well.
They had originally only wanted to take Harry and Cho, writing down all the other names to punish later.
Cassia, meanwhile, had revolted at this.
"I'm not letting him go anywhere with that fucking two-faced bitch!" She had yelled, pointing furiously at Cho, who had bowed her head and hadn't even fought back.
And she had been reprimanded for her language, but when she continued to mouth off, they didn't really have any choice but to take her with them.
So there she was, her and Harry stood right next to Cho, Cassia swallowing down the urge to punch the fuck out of her. Umbridge was also there, complete with Fudge, Kingsley Shacklebolt (a ministry spy for the Order) and an Auror called Dawlish.
"I've been watching them for weeks! And see, 'Dumbledore's Army'!" Umbitch shrieked, face red and voice high, waving about the bit of paper the DA all signed. "Proof of what I've been telling you right from the start, Minister!" She turned to Dumbledore. "All your fear mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute! We saw your lies for what they were - a smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the ministry!"
"Naturally," Dumbledore replied, so calmly Cassia was tempted to laugh.
"No, Professor- he had nothing to do with it, it was me!" Harry protested.
"Most noble of you, Harry, to shield me, but as it has been pointed out, the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army', not 'Potter's'."
Oh fuck, Cassia internally groaned. He's taking the fall for it. All of it. And none of it was his fault.
"I instructed Harry to form this organisation, and I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities," Dumbledore said.
"No, Professor-" Harry tried.
"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet!" Fudge grinned. "If we're lucky, we can make the morning edition! Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedation."
"Ah, I thought we might hit that little snag," Dumbledore stood up. "You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I'm going to - what was the phrase? - come quietly. Well, I'll tell you one thing; I have no intention of going to Azkaban."
"Enough of this!" Umbitch hissed, face going redder. "Take him!"
But, as Dawlish and Kingsley tried to advance, Fawkes flew down from the rafters, right to Dumbledore's arms, which were waiting above him.
Cassia watched in shock as both Headmaster and phoenix disappeared into a shower of flames, so strong it knocked Umbitch, Fudge, Kingsley and Dawlish off their feet.
Cassia stumbled slightly but Harry slipped an arm round her waist so she didn't fall. She gave him a look, a silent 'thank you'.
"Wha...?" Fudge muttered as he and the others got to their feet, coming to the realisation that Dumbledore had escaped them.
"Well, you may not like him, Minister," Kinglsey said. "But you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style..."
Cassia resisted the urge to grab Harry and snog the hell out of him at the look on his face.
Educational Decree No. 26
Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
They were plastered all around the school the next morning, so much so that Cassia wasn't even trying to resist looking at them, because she couldn't find a room or area without one.
The whole castle was changing. Filch was taking down all the portraits on the walls, Umbitch was making stupid rules about how close boys and girls could be to each other, and students left and right were joining the Inquisitorial squad.
And of course, the DA members didn't get off scot-free.
That night, all of them (except Cho) sat at desks in the hall, using those stupid quills. Carving I must not tell lies into their hands.
Cassia's hand was aching, her eyes teary. Every single stroke in her hand she made reminded her of her father. No doubt he would enjoy doing this as well, and positively encourage Umbitch using this method.
As a tear slipped down her face she bowed her head. She wasn't going to let Umbitch see, she wasn't. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her jaw.
Fuck. She shouldn't be like this. She was fine. She was fine.
A feeling of touch made her turn.
Because Harry Potter, who was just across the aisle, had grabbed her non-carved hand and squeezed it slightly, letting her know he was there.
Slowly, Cassia turned her head to him, looking miserable. Harry, though, just looked at her, mouthing. "I'm right here."
Cassia's heart skipped a beat.
"I know," she mouthed back.
And it was that, that simple as fuck gesture, that got her through it.
When they were finally let out, Cho waited for them at the door, the fucking bitch.
Most of the DA members ignored her, just walking past and pretending she wasn't there, nursing bleeding hands.
However, when Harry and Cassia walked out, she approached them.
"Oh, don't you dare," Cassia snarled, stepping in front of Harry to face Cho. "Don't you fucking dare-"
"Can you go one conversation without swearing in my face-?"
"No! Not when you did what you did!" Cassia yelled. "We all knew the danger - all of us - but none of us thought the danger would come from one of us!"
"Cassia, y-you don't understa-" Cho started, beginning to cry-
"Go on then! Cry!" Cassia snapped. "But you know what, Cho? Crocodile tears mean crocodile wrinkles."
And she didn't feel any regret, grabbing Harry's arm and walking off.
No regret at all.
"Thank you," Harry said to Cassia awkwardly, as they walked out the castle to the bridge. "For uh... for that."
"No problem," Cassia said, stuffing her hands into her pockets. It was a foggy day today, and a cold one. "Um... I actually need you to thank you for- for... holding my hand through... through that."
"No problem," Harry gave her a slight smile.
They walked in silence for a second, both sighing slightly, before Harry asked hesitantly. "Were you... okay?"
Cassia took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what to say, how to communicate this.
"I just... every single stroke, every single carve back there... I was thinking about my father," she admitted, clenching her jaw to stop herself from crying again. "About how he treated me this year, about how he would enjoy this form of punishment-" she let out a sob. "And about how he'd not stop Umbridge if he found out it was happening to me."
"Cassia..." Harry stopped walking, turning to look at her.
"It's fine," Cassia shook her head, wiping her eyes slightly. "I'm fine, I just... I was just thinking that Molly, and Pippa, and Sirius and even Hermione's parents, would kick up such a fuss if they knew what was happening. My family? They'd be happy about it."
She looked down, sobbing more. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she murmured. "I'm such a mess..."
But Harry, meanwhile, wasn't thinking about that at all. Gently, he put his hand on Cassia's chin, lifting it up so she was looking at him.
"Cassia," he said. "Do you have any idea how proud of you we all are?"
"Harry, I'm no-" Cassia started.
"You are, Cass!" Harry said, not even raising his voice. "You're incredible. And who cares if your family's shit? Who cares, Cass? You chose to be different from them, and you're still making that choice now."
Cassia looked up at him, absolutely entranced.
"Harry, I-"
She stopped at that sound, both her and Harry jumping and turning round to see Hagrid, posed at the end of the bridge they were on, gesturing them to come with him.
Cassia and Harry frowned at each other, then at him.
Then, without another word, they followed.
He led them into the Forbidden Forest, not talking at all, even though they tried to get something out of him.
It was only when Harry and Cassia were climbing over huge tree roots, Hagrid just jumping them, that Harry demanded. "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us what's going on?"
The loud noise and trampling of hooves made Cassia jump slightly as the herd of centaurs who lived in the forest galloped hard past.
"I've never seek the centaurs so riled!" Hagrid let out. "And they're dangerous at the best of times! Ministry restricts their territory anymore, they're gonna have a full blown uprising on their hands."
"Hagrid. What. Is going. On?" Cassia demanded.
"I'm sorry to be mysterious, you two," Hagrid looked down. "I-I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, or Ron, Hermione or Poppy, who I'm sure you'll tell, but... with Dumbledore gone, it's-" he let out a small sob. "It's likely I'll be getting the sack soon. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him!"
"Wh-?" Cassia started, as the ground started to vibrate below them.
And as she and Harry looked up (way up), she suddenly understood a lot of things. Why Hagrid had been so evasive when he'd come back, why he was so upset right now, and why he had so many injuries on his face.
Because, standing right there, about five metres away, was a giant.
Like, an actual giant. Hagrid was probably about ten feet tall, and this thing was about sixteen. Hagrid's hands were the size of dinner plates, this thing's were the size of the table. Hagrid's demeanour was nice, calming. This thing was not getting off to a great start.
But Hagrid was smiling up at him.
"Grawpy! Grawp, down here, you great buffoon!"
This 'Grawp' turned to face them, stomping another foot down. Cassia let out a scared gasp and inched closer to Harry.
Then he slammed his hands together just above Cassia's head, catching a bird in them.
Cassia let out a squeal, ducking, her heart hammering at her chest as she looked back up at the giant.
"Grawpy..." Hagrid said again, as the giant tugged on a massive rope that bound him to a tree. He turned to Harry and Cassia. "I couldn't just leave him because- well... he's my brother."
Cassia shook her head-
"Well, half brother, really," Hagrid shrugged, as Grawp leered over them. "But he's completely harmless, just like I said! Little- high spirited is all."
"Hagrid," Cassia shook her head, breathing fast. "You can't seriously be thinking that- aaaaaaaarrrggghhh!"
Cassia screamed as she got lifted up into the air, Grawp's massive hand wrapped all the way round her torso, and Harry screamed her name.
"Grawpy, that is not polite!" She heard Hagrid shout up at him.
"Hagrid, do something!" Harry protested.
"We've talked about this, you do not grab, do you?" Hagrid yelled up at his half-brother. "That's your new friend, Cassia! Grawpy!"
Harry raised his wand, but Grawp kicked him backwards.
"No, stop it!" Cassia yelled, world spinning slightly as she looked the giant straight in the eye. "Grawp, listen. If you put me down I'll be your friend, okay? I'll help you. Just put me down."
And, low and behold, he did it, lowering the girl down to the floor, back beside Harry.
"You alright?" Was the first thing he asked her.
"Fine," Cassia looked at him.
Harry smirked slightly towards the giant. "I think you've got an admirer."
Because, from a pile of junk at the root of his tree, Grawp had produced a bicycle handle and bell. He dinged it lightly before handing it over.
Cassia smiled gently. "Thank you, Grawp."
And as she dinged the bell for him, and he smiled, she fought the urge to burst into tears. Why was she so emotional today?
"He gets his own food, and all," Hagrid shrugged. "It's just company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him, won't you? And Ron, Hermione and Poppy will, won't they?"
And all Cassia could do was nod.
Because Hagrid deserved it.
Nigel was crying that night, as Cassia walked through the castle alone. He was sitting with Fred and George, crying his eyes out at the look of his mangled hand.
"Your hand's gonna be fine," George comforted, nodding to Cassia as she sat down next to him.
"Yeah, it's- it's not as bad as it seems," Fred added. "Just stings a little..."
"And we're all going through it," Cassia mumbled, tears stinging her eyes. "You're gonna be okay, I promise."
"Yeah, you can hardly see ours anymore..."
Cassia looked up as she heard footsteps approaching, looking up to see Harry stood there.
"Hey," she said simply to him, seeing the look on his face. She got up, knowing what we was thinking, and started towards him. "Potter, don't even start. This it's your fault, it's-"
At the sound of that stupid throat clear, Cassia knew who was behind them.
And sure enough, as she turned, she saw Umbitch, standing just past Fred, George and Nigel.
"As I've told you once before, Mr Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished," she said, a sick little smirk on her toad like face.
And Harry was going to leave it alone. He was going to turn around, to stop standing out, to stop fighting.
But Cassia wasn't.
"Fuck you!" She yelled at Umbitch. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"
"Watch your language, Miss Malfoy, or I might have to give you a detention."
"Um, no!" Cassia shot back. "You see, I don't fuck with detention. Or cutting chunks out my own hand."
Umbitch just looked at her.
"It's a real pity," she said. "You could've been so great, like your brother. A part of the Inquisitorial Squad, a model student, and a rule follower. What a shame that the company you keep ruined that."
"Or maybe it was just the fact that I don't believe the ministry's bullshit that ruined it!" Cassia snapped.
"Detention, Miss Malfoy," Umbitch said simply. "Five o'clock tomorrow night, my office."
Cassia looked at her, absolutely livid, before repeating her words from earlier.
"Fuck you."
Cassia left Umbitch's office the next day with a sore and raw hand, the I must not tell lies on it now fully visible, like Harry's.
The OWLs were starting next week, and she was already having a hard enough time studying as it was. This was just another setback.
"Your brother is an ass, you know that?"
Cassia frowned, turning to see none other than Daphne Greengrass standing behind her.
"I don't deny it," she said with a wry smile. "What's brought this on?"
"Well, A, I feel like I need to talk to you, because I haven't in like, a year, and I want to change that, and B, Draco's going on and on and fucking on about catching you in the DA or whatever it was and how your father's going to be so proud of him and urgh, I hate it," Daphne went off. "Where are you going?"
"Well, I was planning on going back to the common room, but it wouldn't hurt to walk around a bit," Cassia shrugged. "You're right, we need to catch up."
And they did. Cassia and Daphne had actually never been the best of friends, but something had changed between them the night of that dinner party at thirteen years old. They'd become closer, and even though they didn't talk often, and didn't associate with each other a lot, they were still friends.
"So... how you doing?" Daphne asked. "You know after... the whole DA thing?"
Cassia shrugged. "Alright."
"Just for the record, I think she's terrible, for doing that to you all," Daphne said. After a pause she added. "I wish I could've been in the DA. You know, learned all you learned."
Cassia looked down. "I'm sorry," she told the girl. "We just-"
"No, I understand," Daphne nodded. "I'm right in the danger zone, with your brother, Blaise, Theo and Pansy. I understand you couldn't tell me, for your safety and mine."
Cassia nodded. "I wish you could've come, though. You would've liked it."
Daphne shrugged. "I hear you gave Cho a right slap in the face."
"Wha-? No, I didn't slap her, is that what she's saying?" Cassia asked, outraged.
"No, I mean a slap in the face with reality," Daphne smiled. "She ran into charms crying after that."
"Well, she deserved it," Cassia rolled her eyes. "She ratted us all out, and let that- that thing torture us!"
Daphne smiled slightly. "That's what I like about you, Cassia. You never let anyone get in the way of what you believe."
Cassia shrugged, saying. "I'm not wondrous, Daphne. I'm... just me."
"Yeah, but 'just you's' pretty badass," Daphne smirked as they reached Gryffindor common room. "And has always been."
Cassia grinned. "Thanks, Daph."
As she turned round and said the password to the Fat Lady, Daphne replied.
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