๐ฏ๐ฉ๐ท โฆ๏ธ 12
The past couple days had, surprisingly, gone well. Cassia had been welcomed to the Burrow with open arms by Molly, Arthur and Pippa. She was sharing a room with Poppy, Harry and Ron in the one opposite.
Harry and Cassia didn't end up having to tell everyone about their relationship, their best friends did it for them. Ron and Poppy had broken the news to everyone within the first hour, and they had all been thrilled.
Fred and George had arrived the day after them, bringing with them a shit tonne of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes merch and a shit tonne of teasing for Harry and Cassia.
"Aww, we knew you'd get there in the end!"
"Destined to be together you two, we always said!"
"Shut up!" Cassia had retorted, giving them both the middle finger before laughing with everyone.
However, even though there were highs, the lows hit hard when they came. The first night at the Burrow, Cassia had broken down into tears in the bathroom, turning the tap on so no one could hear her strangled sobs. Everyone here was being so nice to her.
And she was betraying all of them.
Christmas day, though, was the one thing she was determined not to ruin.
It came in a haze. The morning was amazing; a lovely breakfast, a hearty conversation over the table, lots of laughter and fun. They almost didn't fit everyone around the table, what with there being six Weasleys, four Patils, a Potter and a Malfoy in the house, but they managed. Apparently, Lupin and Tonks, who were now together, were coming over in the afternoon, as well.
Anyway, after breakfast, there was presents. Cassia didn't expect much, but she ended up getting a book from Poppy, a load of merch from Fred and George, some makeup from Ginny, a big box of homemade fudge from Molly and Arthur, and a new perfume from Pippa. She was very grateful for everything she recieved, but also knew that she did not deserve any of it, and that she should just give it b-
"Hey, Cass? Could you come with me?"
Shivers were sent down her spine as Harry Potter spoke in her ear. She nodded, not daring to look at him, and cursing her body for its reaction as she stood up from the table, letting him lead her towards the stairs.
"Just make sure and use protection!" Fred sniggered as they left.
"Shut the fuck up, Fred!"
Harry was chuckling by the time they got up the stairs to where their opposite rooms were. He turned to face her, showing her his absolutely fucking adorable grin.
"So, I... I was thinking we could exchange our presents here, because mine's kinda personal and I want to see your reaction," he said with a suggestive smile.
Cassia was speechless. This idiot was somehow the most caring person in the whole entire world.
And he had somehow picked the most selfish to be his girlfriend.
"I- um... yeah," she nodded, looking up at him and forcing a smile onto her face. "Yeah, Harry, I'd... I'd like that."
Harry grinned back at her. "Brilliant."
A couple of minutes later, and Cassia was standing opposite Harry, staring down at a... a scrapbook, with a simple message on the front.
To My Chosen One: All the Best Memories
"I-I-" she stammered, eyes filling with tears before she even opened it.
"I know it's stupid," Harry interrupted her. "But... just open it, Cass."
Cassia did, flipping open the first page to find a small note attached.
Dear Cass,
I may be getting called 'The Chosen One' these days, but I know one think for sure; you are my Chosen One, forever and always. Now, I know you may find this whole thing stupid, or cheesy, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Here's my favourite memories of us throughout the years.
I love you so much, Cass, I hope you know that.
Love from,
Harry Potter
"Harry..." Cassia choked out a sob.
"Cass, a-are you okay?" Harry frowned.
"Yeah," Cassia nodded, wiping her tears as she looked at the next pages.
On each one was a similar letter, sometimes complete with a picture or two, of Harry spilling out sweet nothings like he was a poet or a singer.
Remember in first year when I saved you from the troll, but accidentally hit you with the club and you went crazy at me? We used to hate each other so much, we could never guess how things would turn out
When I saved you down in the Chamber of Secrets, you were so amazing. I mean, I was dying and you were still as badass as ever. I was so happy that you were alright, that I was able to get to you in time.
Do you remember the Marauders Map, and sneaking in to Hogsmeade together? Looking back on it, I think that was the first time I appreciated how clever you were, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.
When I saved you from the dementors when you fell off your broom, I was so afraid you were dead, Cass. You don't understand how afraid I was.
You coming down the stairs at the Yule Ball is a moment I'll never forget. Even though we weren't going together, I couldn't deny how breathtaking you were, with that light green dress and the flowers in your hair. You looked so beautiful.
I'm so sorry you've had to go through such cruelty in your life, because you deserve none of it. You are such an amazing person, Cassia Malfoy, and I love how strong you are, but you can also be vulnerable around me. You can tell me anything, Cass.
Holy shit, our first kiss was amazing. Sometimes I wish I could live in that moment forever. Your lips were so soft against mine, and your fingers in my hair drove me fucking crazy, and I just love you so much, Cass.
This year has been amazing. Getting to be your boyfriend, to be yours and have you be mine, it's been more than I could ever ask for. Never forget, Cassia Malfoy, that you are loved and respected and so amazing, and most importantly, that you are my Chosen One.
Cassia was sobbing by the end of it, tears cascading down her face as she giggled slightly reading some of the stuff Harry had written.
"Harry..." she said, once she finished reading, looking up at him. "Harry, this is... this is so amazing."
Harry smiled at her, his eyes lighting up. "Come here," he said, pulling her into his arms as she sobbed against his chest.
"S-sorry," she said, wiping her eyes. "Sorry, I'm such a mess, it's just... this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, Potter and..."
I love you.
It was in that moment that Cassia Malfoy realised.
Okay, so maybe she had naively thought it a couple times in the past few months since they started dating, but right now was when the realisation slammed into her.
She was in love with him.
Cassia Malfoy was in love with Harry Potter.
Oh shit.
"You deserve it, Cass," Harry was murmuring to her. "You deserve it all."
Cassia had to fight not to burst into tears again when she heard that. She buried her face further into Harry's chest, making his shirt damp with her tears. He didn't care, though, he just needed her to be okay.
After another minute, Cassia leaned back, looking up at him. "Um, I... I have something for you but it's not on par with this."
Harry grinned. "It'll be amazing, Cassia, whatever it is."
Cassia sighed, handing over the well wrapped present to him. It was rather flat, but also textured, and he frowned as he took it, unwrapping it quickly.
Inside was a gift that Cassia had worked quite hard on, and had to seek help from Hermione to perfect.
It was a beautiful, golden photo frame, with a very nice border. Inside the frame, however, was not just one photo, but instead multiple, the scene changing every few seconds. The photos were of Harry and Cassia laughing together, Harry and Cassia hugging, Harry and Cassia sleeping with their heads on each other's shoulders, Cassia sticking her middle finger up at the camera, and so much more.
But it wasn't just that. Because at the bottom of the frame there was a small plaque, and engraved on it were five words.
Thank you for everything, Potter.
Harry grinned down at the picture frame, and then up at Cassia.
"I love it," he smiled, looking up at her with shining eyes. "I love you, Cass."
I love you too, Harry.
But instead of replying, Cassia put her hands on his cheeks and brought him in for a kiss, smashing her lips onto his. And his hands were on her waist and her fingers were in his hair, and butterflies were swarming in her stomach and it felt amazing, and-
"Hey! We told you to use protection!"
The two broke apart to see Fred and George standing on the landing, identical smirks on their faces. Cassia rolled her eyes, her lips tingling as Harry chuckled.
"You know, sometimes I wonder why I even like you guys," Cassia sighed.
"I could think of a few reasons," George smirked.
Cassia sighed, picking up her present and heading into her room, muttering under her breath.
"I couldn't."
Christmas dinner had just been eaten, and now everyone was splayed out around the house. Lupin and Tonks had arrived for dinner, and were now with Harry, Cassia and Arthur in the living room, the door closed.
Harry had just explained to Arthur, Remus and Tonks the story about Snape and Draco, and his hand in Cassia's, gently squeezing as he spoke. The girl was very tense, sitting quietly, her eyes glassy as she watched the flames flicker in the fireplace. She didn't want to hear this again, but had sat down beside Harry anyway.
In the silence that remained after him finishing his story, Lupin asked, with a quick glance at Cassia. "Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?"
"I know it sounds mad," Harry said.
Not really, it's all true, thought Cassia. Except no one knows about my part in it.
Lupin sat forward. "Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?"
He wasn't. He's part of this.
"That's not what it sounded like," Harry said honestly.
"Cassia, what's your opinion on this?" Arthur asked, turning to the girl.
Cassia, still tense, but knowing she had to reply, kept her eyes down as she answered. "I, um... I don't know. I didn't see anything suspicious over the summer, but... he could be hiding stuff from me, I can't tell."
Lies. All lies.
Remus nodded along to her, but Tonks, who hadn't spoken yet, said. "Perhaps Harry's right, Remus. I mean, to make an unbreakable vow-"
You have to be willing to die for the cause. And I'm willing to die for Harry and for Poppy and for everyone else.
"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment," Lupin raised his voice. "Dumbledore trusts Snape, and therefore, I do."
You shouldn't.
Harry shook his head. "Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himself-"
"You're blinded by hatred!" Lupin shouted.
"I'm not-!"
"Yes, you are!" Lupin yelled, before lowering his voice again. "People are disappearing, Harry, daily. We can only place our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed."
He looked down, Cassia biting her wobbling lip. She knew this was true, she knew it. But she could hardly say anything.
Because she was doomed already.
"Harry, Cassia, I was wondering if you could come with me?" Arthur approached the two towards the end of the night, whilst they were joking and laughing and watching a tight game of chess between Ron and Fred.
"Yeah, sure," Harry said, interlocking his fingers with Cassia's before looking at his girlfriend. "You coming?"
Cassia nodded, knowing that whatever this was, she wanted in.
Arthur led them out of the house and across the yard before leading them into his little garage/workshop. It was a mess, with muggle things cluttered all around it, but it just looked so homely that Cassia was on the verge of tears again.
"You'll have to forgive Remus," Arthur told Harry. "It takes its toll, his condition."
Cassia knew that, but she also knew that Remus was completely wrong in what he was suggesting. However, she could say nothing if she wanted to live.
"Are you alright, Mr Weasley?" She found herself asking, looking at the man with flaming red hair.
He shrugged. "We're being followed, all of us. Most days, Molly doesn't leave the house. It's not been easy."
Harry frowned slightly, asking. "Did you get my owl?"
Cassia's head jerked round to his, the question on her lips and in her eyes.
"Yes, I did," Arthur nodded. "If Dumbledore's travelling, then that's news to the Ministry but perhaps that's the way Dumbledore wants it."
He shot a warning glance at Cassia before looking back at Harry. "As for Draco Malfoy, I know a bit more."
Oh shit shit shit-
Cassia looked from Arthur to Harry, both of them glancing at her but not acknowledging her unvocalised questions.
"Go on," Harry said, grabbing Cassia's hand again and massaging his thumb along her knuckles.
"I sent an agent to Borgin and Burkes," said Arthur. "I think, from what you described, what you and Ron saw at the end of the summer, the object that Draco is so interested in, is a vanishing cabinet."
Cassia. Couldn't. Breathe.
They were right. One hundred percent right. And there was nothing she could do or say about it.
"A vanishing cabinet?" Harry frowned.
"They were all the rage when Voldemort first rose to power," shrugged Arthur. "You can see the appeal. Should the death eaters come knocking, one simply had to slip inside and disappear for an hour or two. Could transport you practically anywhere. Trick contraptions, though, very temperamental."
"What happened to it?" Harry asked. "The one at Borgin and Burkes?"
"Nothing," shrugged Arthur. "It's still there."
Yeah, and my brother and I are planning to fix it up so we can sneak four death eaters into Hogwarts with it to kill Dumbledore.
That night, after winning at least four games of exploding snap and one game of chess (against Harry, though, so that wasn't saying much) Cassia started to head upstairs to bed.
However, when she got there, she found her boyfriend sitting on the stairs, face a mask of sadness and anger, staring out the window.
"Hey," Cassia said, sitting in next to him. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Harry nodded. "Just... thinking."
Cassia hated herself for it, but she did it anyway, and laid her head on his shoulder. "About?"
Harry sighed heavily, turning towards her so there was less than an inch between their faces.
"I just feel so terrible for you," he murmured. "Because you're in the middle of this, and you're family's so terrible, and all I wanna do is leave this alone, but Draco is doing something, and I need to find out wh..."
Tell him.
In the back of Cassia's brain, came a voice.
A voice she hadn't heard before.
Tell him and die, because he deserves to know, and you deserve to d-
"Cass? You okay?"
Harry was frowning at her heavily, their faces still only inches apart.
"Yeah," Cassia nodded. "Just... don't feel bad about this, Potter. It's not your fault my family's shit, and I definitely don't think that, so you shouldn't either."
Harry smiled slightly at her. "I'm sorry for harping on about Draco so much, though. It must get tiri-"
There was a heavy sound that made both of them jump, instantly looking out the window. They both watched in fright as out of nowhere, a ring of fire started to burn around the Burrow, trapping everyone inside it.
But that wasn't the only thing, because a trail of black smoke was flying into the ring, and just as Cassia thought the situation couldn't get any worse, her Aunt Bellatrix appeared, standing before the Burrow with a sick smirk on her face.
"Bellatrix..." Cassia gasped, covering her mouth as she made eye contact with Harry. "She- she can't know I'm here, she'll kill me-"
"Not if I kill her first!"
And then Harry was running down the stairs, just after seeing Bellatrix take off through a gap in the fire, and Cassia was following him, screaming. "Harry! Harry you can't!"
"Harry, NO!"
And when Harry ran out the door, the shouts Molly, Tonks, Lupin and Arthur gave rivalled her own.
However, as Cassia watched Harry run after her aunt, following her though the gap in the ring. Remus and Tonks swiftly ran out the door as well, but they were only going to tame the fire before it burned the Burrow, not to go after Bellatrix.
But, as Cassia watched all this happen, she realised she needed to be there too. She couldn't stand by as her boyfriend put himself in direct danger. She was already being the biggest coward, she couldn't add anymore events to that list.
"Stingio!" She shouted, pointing her wand in her face, then-
"Argh!" She cried out in pain as the stinging jinx deformed her face, swelling it up beyond recognition.
From there, she sprinted outside, not caring how cold it was, or that she was putting her life in danger. Her life was already in danger.
"Cassia, what are y-? CASSIA, NO!"
Ignoring Lupin, Tonks, Molly and Arthur's shouts, Cassia jumped through the closing gap in the fire, feeling the heat but managing to avoid burning herself.
"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix's taunting shouts echoed throughout the tall field of grass she found herself in. She sprinted through it, trying to find Harry. "You coming to get me?"
She didn't dare call Harry's name, in case Bellatrix found her first, but she continued to sprint, legs burning from the sudden exercise.
Then, all of a sudden, she saw a movement in the grass and came to a halt, shivering slightly as a breeze flew over her.
"Harry?" She found herself uttering, even though she knew he couldn't save her if this wasn't him.
The figure in front of her didn't reply, however, and Cassia's body froze. Was this Bellatrix? Would she recognise her? Wh-?
And then out stepped none other than Fenrir Greyback.
Cassia backed up in fear, right into a low puddle of water that soaked through her flimsy shoes instantly. She wasn't focused on that though, as she and Greyback stared at each other for a second, and oh fuck he definitely started to recognise her-
But there was Potter, sprinting into the fray. He instantly shielded her, throwing both hands up as he protected her with his life. Greyback diverted the stunner, of course, but he didn't send one back, just shot up into the air.
Harry and Cassia, however, were not fooled, as they backed out the water and onto a small circular island. They knew he was going to come back, it was just a matter of when.
"You okay?" Harry asked her in a low voice.
Cassia nodded, murmuring back. "Yeah. Thanks for that one, Potter."
Harry nodded. "Anyt-"
They both jumped, instantly turning so they were back to back as they looked up at the sky, trying to catch a glimpse of the black smoke that was Greyback. Harry moved one of his hands to hold Cassia's hip, and she fucking cursed the butterflies in her stomach-
Cassia inhaled, murmuring. "That's Remus."
Harry nodded, barely even breathing in response. He gripped her hip slightly tighter, however, warm fingers almost digging into her skin. She didn't care, though. She needed to feel it to keep herself sane.
Then she saw it. It was just a glimmer in the distance, of dark, curly hair, and a sick, black lipped smirk. Cassia felt her stomach crawl as she realised that that figure was not Remus, and that that figure was raising her w-
"Stupefy!" Cassia yelled, throwing Harry's hand from her hip, raising her wand before her aunt got the chance to kill Harry, fucking praying she didn't recognise her. She couldn't even see her, but she just knew Bella could see them.
"HARRY!" Remus was closer now, his voice louder as Bellatrix threw another curse at the two of them and they dodged it.
And then, in a flash, both him and Tonks and Arthur vaulted through the grass, feet splashing on the water and then touching on the small island Harry and Cassia were on, all five of them standing, facing outwards with their backs against each other.
The air was painfully silent as they all stood tensed, listening for any sign of danger.
However, they didn't get any. Because Bellatrix and Greyback were already shooting up into the air in lines of black smoke, spiralling through the air.
Cassia looked at them in shock. Why would they retreat? What are they leaving for?
And then it hit her.
They weren't leaving.
Because, as all five heads turned in the direction of the house, they saw the two lines smash straight through the house, boring big holes in the side of it and going straight through. Cassia let out a low sob as she looked at Harry, who shared the same expression.
When the five returned, Molly, Ron, Fred, George, Poppy, Parvati, Padma and Pippa were all outside, looking up at the wrecked house, still with a somewhat burning ring of fire around it. Poppy instantly ran at Cassia, embracing her as a few tears slipped down her face.
So Cassia stood there, in the arms of her best friend, both of them shedding tears into the other's shoulder.
But Poppy didn't understand.
A house could be fixed.
So could a friendship.
But the state of Cassia's life could not.
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