๐ฎ๐๐ญ โฆ๏ธ 3
Cassia didn't know how it had happened.
All she really remembered, with a dizzy head and a painful body, were these events:
She had gone back to the cabin to find it deserted, her stuff still in her room but all her family's packed up. She had cried as she packed, sobbing hard for the family she had always wanted but never had.
She had then got invited to stay at the Weasleys for the rest of the summer. She would've preferred the Patils, but Poppy still hadn't spoken to her.
They had travelled home by side along apparition and somehow, Arthur had somehow managed to summon her Hogwarts things to the Burrow (the Weasley's house). She had changed into her pyjamas immediately and had slept for almost a day in her new bed (a mattress on the floor in Hermione and Ginny's shared room, Ginny's normally) waking up to find her dizziness had all but gone, there wasn't much pain in her body anymore and the cut on her head cleaned and plastered.
Those events were the only ones that stuck in her head when she thought about the world cup aftermath, and she had no desire to know anymore.
Living at the Weasley's was very fun. Their family was so big, and with Harry, Hermione and now Cassia there, it was even better.
They had a huge garden, and there was a little paddock just up from it where they could play mini games of quidditch. On top of that, the house was fucking huge, and it was so cool that she got to stay in it.
Things had been pretty good until the letter had come through, about a week after the world cup.
She had expected it to be a howler. Turns out, it was even worse. There wasn't even a part addressing it to her, it was just a simple message.
You can have this year, Cassia, and the rest this summer. But mark my words, next summer will be different. I'm regretting even letting you try to be a part of this family in the first place.
That was it, three simple sentences.
She didn't tell anyone about it. She just couldn't. She didn't want to admit to anyone how scared she was, or how hard this was for her. She got through it with one liners and harsh quips.
And Harry, Ron and Hermione let her. They didn't mention anything about her at the match or her this summer, and she didn't either. She got along with them fine, and they did her.
But deep down, she so fucking wished she was at the Patils.
Poppy hadn't spoken to her since the cup. Having access to Oswald again, Cassia sent her several letters apologising, and telling her that she would explain in person once they got back to Hogwarts. Whether these letters had been read or tossed in the fire wasn't clear, but regardless, they hadn't been responded to.
Cassia sometimes cried at night, but only once she was absolutely, one hundred percent sure that Hermione and Ginny were sleeping. She had so much buried down inside herself, and she absolutely fucking hated it.
She was sort of dreading the first of September. Obviously she wanted to return to Hogwarts, but she liked it at the Weasley's. Life was less... complicated, when she was here.
But it rolled around anyway, and soon enough, Cassia was sitting in a compartment with Harry, Ron and Hermione, Hermione reading an article on the death eater attack out the Daily Prophet, Ron eating and Harry... well, he was staring out the window.
"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?"
As Ron and Harry went outside into the corridor to get even more food, Cassia sunk further down into her seat and sighed, trying to get rid of her headache.
Ron bought his stuff and came back in, but Harry stayed outside, looking over the sweets and deciding if he wanted any.
"Two pumpkin pasties, please."
At the sound of another voice Cassia looked up to see a girl with long, straight black hair and brown eyes at the trolley. She recognised her as Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker in the year above her.
Harry's head, as well, had been turned in her direction. In fact, he was fucking staring at her, a lovestruck expression on his face.
Cassia smirked gently. Looks like Potter had a crush.
Once he had told the trolley lady he didn't want anything and sidled back into the compartment, Cassia was practically grinning, looking over at him.
"What?" He eventually questioned at her, rather agitated.
"Is this your first time having a crush, Potter?" Cassia raised her eyebrows. "Because that is not how I would handle i-"
"Oh shut up, you didn't do much better!" Harry snapped.
It was Cassia's turn to be confused. "What?" She asked with a laugh.
" 'Oh fuck off, you two'!" Harry and Ron imitated in unison.
"I do not have a crush on Cedric Diggory!" Cassia yelled angrily at the both of them.
"Could've fooled us," Ron was doubled over from laughing so hard.
"Shut the fuck up, Ronald," Cassia rolled her eyes.
However, there was some truth in what they were saying. During the happier parts of the past couple weeks, Cassia had found herself thinking about Cedric, and wanting to see him again.
He was sixth year this year, but was turning seventeen soon. She wasn't sure if that was acceptable, but oh well, it wasn't like he payed her any attention anyway.
"This is horrible," Hermione's voice, still looking at the article, pulled her out her trance. "Horrible. How can the ministry not know who conjured it?"
Cassia shook her head, looking off into the distance.
In her peripheral vision, however, she caught sight of Potter, hand pressed to his forehead, wincing.
However, he caught her looking before she could say anything. "I'm fine, Cassia."
"Yeah right Potter, like I was concerned about you," Cassia snapped, looking away from him and out the window again.
Hermione rolled her eyes, saying to Harry. "You know Sirius'll want to hear about this. Your scar, what you saw at the world cup and the dream."
"What dream?" Cassia frowned.
"He had a dream the night before the cup about-"
"Nothing, I'm fine," Harry said, getting up to pull writing equipment out his trunk.
Fifteen minutes later, and Cassia was watching Potter write Sirius Black on an envelope before giving it to his owl, Hedwig, and sending her flying out the window.
Cassia sighed as they all watched her go.
"Have you heard anything from him recently?" She looked at Harry. "Sirius, I mean."
Harry nodded. "He's, uh... he's doing fine. I don't know where he is, because he can't put that in a letter but... he says Buckbeak's been very effective."
Cassia smiled gently. "Good-"
"Hey, guys! I've been looking for you all for ages! What's going on?"
All the muscles in Cassia's body locked up.
Because Poppy had just walked into the carriage, sitting down next to Hermione and smiling round at them, but not Cassia.
In fact, she refused to acknowledge Cassia's existence at all.
And Ron, of course, made it worse by being so fucking oblivious. "Hey Poppy."
Poppy smiled at him and said. "How've the rest of your holidays been?"
"They've been good," Hermione, who was smart enough to realise what was happening, said. "We've all been at the Weasley's these couple of weeks."
"All three of you?" Poppy asked.
"Right, this is fucking ridiculous," Cassia spat, looking straight at her- what was Poppy to her, again?
"It's okay," Poppy was finally looking at her, but it was with contempt and a fake smile. "I'm obsessing over someone else."
"Just- just find someone else to obsess over, okay?"
Cassia's words rushed through her in a flash and she shivered. Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit-
"I'm fucking sorry, okay?" She hissed. "Just let me explain-"
"I don't need you to, I know the story," Poppy said shortly. Cassia had never seen her like this before.
"Poppy, you really don't-"
"No, I do!" Poppy snapped at her, looking her dead in the eye. "I know that you wanted to play at a perfect family, so you cut us all off and didn't stand up for us! I know, Cassia, I know!"
And she was right about most of it. Except for one thing.
Cassia had never wanted any of this.
"Poppy, you have to listen, okay? Just trust me-"
"Trust you?" Poppy asked with a sarcastic laugh. "You, the person that just stood there as your father talked shit about us? You, the person that actively tried to ditch me? You, the person that still refused to tell me the truth even after you were safe-?"
"I wanted to tell you in person-"
"I hope you know that the old Cassia wouldn't've done any of that," Poppy snapped. "She would've stood up for us. She would've told the truth."
"I'm trying to-!"
"Then do it-!"
"No! You know what? No!" Cassia yelled, getting up. "What is the point in telling you the truth when you've already decided what it is?"
And then she stormed out, her face angry, her eyes hard.
It was only when she got to the bathrooms and into a cubicle that she allowed herself to break down.
Because that's what it was always like for Cassia.
Perfect on the outside.
And broken on the in.
This year wasn't going to be a normal year at Hogwarts. That much was clear from the moment they set foot in the castle and saw a massive carriage flying down from the clouds, pulled by five majestic, also massive flying horses.
"Clear the runway!" Hagrid yelled, waving massive paddles to land them, before jumping out the way himself when they almost hit him.
Cassia, part of a massive crowd that had formed in the courtyard to watch this, was tempted to laugh. But she couldn't. Her heart still hurt.
Listening to the Weasley twins guffawing was enough for her, though.
"Well, there's something you don't see everyday!"
And that wasn't the last of it.
A massive ship appeared in the lake, having been travelling underneath the water. It was huge, even more so than the carriage, and as it docked, Cassia was absolutely stunned.
What is going on?
They soon came to know at the feast that night, however, as Dumbledore gave a speech after they'd finished eating.
"Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted," he began. "I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests, as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-"
He stopped as Filch ran up the hall, whispering a message to him. Dumbledore listened and whispered back before sending him back down the hall.
Cassia turned to Poppy to laugh with her, only to be reminded that it wasn't Poppy beside her. She was sitting in between Hermione and Ginny on the bench, and Harry and Ron were opposite them. Poppy was sitting with her sisters a few people down, but Cassia could still see her.
"So, Hogwarts has been chosen, to host a legendary event," Dumbledore continued once Filch had gone. "The Triwizard Tournament."
There were gasps among the students, and whispers, but Dumbledore spoke on through them.
"For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools, for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the light hearted."
Cassia sighed. She definitely wouldn't mind competing, and she was brave enough to, but maybe it wasn't the best idea.
"But more of that later," Dumbledore shrugged. "For now, please join me in welcoming, the lovely ladies from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madam Maxine!"
The door burst open, and in strode a bunch of girls who all looked to be in seventh year. They wore a soft blue uniform and shawl, and nice hats, and were all very, very beautiful.
They were doing some sort of performance, as, on their up the hall, they all stopped and reached their arms out, and then did it again five seconds later.
Then they elegantly walked up to the top of the hall, clicking their fingers and making small blue songbirds appear for a second.
As they all split Cassia saw their headmistress. Madam Maxine was beautiful too, but she was also very big. Not big like fat, big like- like Hagrid big.
At the top, a ballet routine of sorts had started, with one smaller girl doing gymnastics. The routine finished with her and another, older girl holding hands and bowing, everyone else doing the same behind them.
Cassia clapped with everyone else, but sighed as she saw all the boys going gaga at the Beauxbatons girls. All they had to do was walk in and do a fucking dance, and this was what they got?
"And now our friends from the north!" Dumbledore said, as the Beauxbatons girls sat down off to the side. "Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their high master, Igor Karkaroff!"
The Durmstrang boys were a lot more intimidating in their performance.
Straight away, they marched into the hall, banging long wooden sticks on the ground so hard they created sparks.
They weilded the sticks, throwing them from hand to hand and round their heads before running up the aisle between the benches and doing yet more gymnastics.
However, that wasn't what Cassia was being concerned with.
Because their headmaster, Karkaroff, had just walked in. And beside him, in his uniform, was-
"Blimey, it's him!" Ron gasped. "Viktor Krum!"
And it was. Cassia recognised him as he strode up to the rest of the group, not giving anyone else so much as a sweeping glance.
This is crazy, she thought. Absolutely crazy. Is this what the whole year's gonna be like?
And no one answered her out loud, because she hadn't asked the question out loud, but she was able to answer herself, this time.
In all the excitement of the new arrivals, Cassia hadn't noticed Dumbledore's podium being replaced by a weird, gold, five-tiered thing.
"Bet there's something under there," Ginny muttered to her. "And it's something to do with this tournament."
Cassia could only agree.
She was itching to know more by the time Dumbledore called everyone again.
"Attention, everyone! I'd like to say a few words," he said. "Eternal glory! That's what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks, three extremely dangerous tasks."
"Wicked," Fred and George murmured in unison.
"For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule," Dumbledore continued. "To explain all this, we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch!"
Cassia now decidedly did not like Barty Crouch, considering he accused her of conjuring the dark mark. However, as he got up, she was curious as to what he had to say.
However, as he got up, there was a huge rumbling of thunder from the enchanted ceiling, and then a strike of lightning and a pouring of rain.
However, on that strike, someone stepped forward and fired a spell into the ceiling, stopping both the lightning and rain and resuming the starry night sky scene.
Naturally, after this debacle, people looked around for the person who had done it. Cassia saw him before most people.
However, she wasn't sure what to make of him. The man in question had a glass eye, revolving in its socket like normal yet not looking it at all. He also had a peg leg. At this moment, he was soaked from the rain outside, and his expression mainly showed distaste.
"Blimey, it's Mad-Eye Moody," Ron muttered.
"Alastor Moody?" Hermione frowned. "The auror?"
"Auror?" Harry asked.
"You guys are useless," Cassia commented vaguely. "An an auror's a dark wizard catcher, Potter."
"Yeah, and half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him," Ron nodded. "He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days."
Cassia still had no idea what Mad-Eye Moody was doing here, but she could take a pretty good guess. After all, one teacher was absent from the proceedings. DADA.
Everyone stared at Moody as he walked to Dumbledore, shaking his hand and muttering. "Stupid ceiling."
As he walked up to the teacher's table, Moody took a drink out of a hipflask. Cassia remembered hearing about that. He never drank out of a normal goblet through fear of someone having put a potion in his drink.
However, as he drank this time, he screwed up his face and winced while swallowing it.
"What'd you think he's got there?" Ron frowned.
Potter, eyes still on Moody, replied. "Don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice."
Eyes were taken off Moody, however, as Barty Crouch walked round the front of the gold tiered thing.
"An announcement I have to make before the new rule is something that not all of you will be pleased with, but has to happen regardless," he said. "Due to needing the space for the tournament, the quidditch pitch will not be in use this year, as there will be no quidditch cup-"
Cassia joined in with all the other quidditch goers as they shouted at Crouch, who had to eventually yell to get them to shut up. "SILENCE!"
He took a deep breath. "You will be able to play quidditch next year just the same, but it isn't viable this year, I am sorry. Now," he continued. "Onto the new rule. After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen can enter the tournament-"
"This decision is final," Crouch said firmly through the cries.
Cassia was silently relieved. She had kind of wanted to enter, but at least now she had an excuse for not.
Dumbledore, however, had more effective ways of stopping the yelling. Because slowly, with his wand, he started to vanish the gold thing up front, tier by tier.
Everyone went quiet as a rather large goblet was revealed, and a blue flame suddenly lit from it.
"The Goblet of Fire!" Dumbledore announced. "Anyone over the age of seventeen, wishing to submit themselves into the tournament, need only write their name on a piece of parchment and toss it into this flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."
Cassia looked all around the room, seeing many hopeful seventeen year olds gazing towards the goblet.
Her heart jumped when she saw Cedric was one of them.
Please don't enter, the irrational part of her brain was screaming. Please don't, because I don't wanna see you hurt.
The rational part of her was telling her that he would enter, no matter what she said.
She just hoped, deep down, that he wouldn't.
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