๐‘ฎ๐’๐‘ญ โฆ๏ธŽ 10

The first thing Poppy said when she saw Cassia in her dress was. "Fuck Cedric and Neville, we're going together instead."

Cassia had laughed at that, asking. "So is it alright?"

"It's more than alright, Cass! You look amazing!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Thank you, so do you," Cassia giggled, turning to the mirror to take in her appearance.

She did look good, she had to admit.

But Poppy also looked amazing, in her matching heels and dress and purple smoky eye makeup.

"Listen, I just have to say this before we get down there," Cassia said, holding Poppy's hands. "Thank you so fucking much for being my best friend. For always being there for me, being so understanding, for not dropping me even though my family is so shit..."

She was crying now, a tear running down her face. Poppy, meanwhile, was unlinking their hands so she could gently wipe it away.

"Cassia..." Poppy shook her head, smiling. "That's just my job. And now I'm gonna have to ask you to stop crying otherwise you're gonna ruin that makeup I spent so much time on."

The girl giggled through the tears, wiping the rest of them away herself.

"I love you, Poppy," she said gently.

"I love you too, Cass," Poppy said back. "Now, let's go and have the best time tonight, okay?"

"Okay," Cassia chuckled, letting go of Poppy's hands.

"Let's go."


It hadn't been their plan to have a big entrance down the stairs, but that is what ended up happening.

"Oh fuck no," Cassia said loudly when she realised that there was no one else on the stairs and everyone was at the bottom.

"Oh come on, Cass!" Poppy giggled. "It's our moment."

And it was.

As Cassia and Poppy made their way down the stairs they saw Harry and Ron waiting with Parvati and Padma, Harry wearing nice new black dress robes and Ron wearing his abominable lacey, ruffly ones. Neville also stood next to them, and when he saw Poppy, his jaw dropped to the ground.

Cedric was across the hall from them, waiting expectantly.

His reaction to seeing Cassia was something the girl would never forget. All at once, he made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world without speaking a word. It was just the way his eyes widened, filled with such warmth, or how his mouth opened slightly, a gasp emanating from it.

As Cassia and Poppy reached the bottom of the steps, Poppy going to Neville and Cassia walking up to Cedric, smiling brightly.

"You..." he was speechless. "You look beautiful, Cassia. Absolutely breathtaking."

"Thank you," Cassia smiled, looking at his black, neatly presented dress robes. "You don't look so bad yourself."

Cedric chuckled. "I'm serious, Cassia. You look enchanting."

Cassia giggled, cheeks blushing slightly. "Well, I could-"

"Oh, there you are Mr Diggory, are you and Miss Malfoy ready?" McGonagall asked, rushing up to the couple.

"For what?" Cassia frowned.

"To dance!" McGonagall said exasperatedly. "It's traditional that the three champions - well, in this case, four - are the first to dance."

"Okay," Cassia shrugged, nodding. "Yeah, we're ready."

She turned, offering Poppy a small smile as she saw her heading into the hall with Neville, Padma and Ron behind them. Parvati and Harry stayed behind, however, having to wait for the first dance.

Looking around further, Cassia could see Seamus and Lavender, and Dean and a Ravenclaw girl she didn't know. She also saw Cho and Draco, Pansy and Blaise (she had moved on quickly, clearly) and Daphne and Theo, all standing together. Cassia would've thought Daphne to have higher standards than Theodore Nott, but she didn't really care much, as long as she was happy.

"Bonjour," a voice said behind her, and Cassia turned again, seeing Fleur Delacour next to her. She smiled as she looked at her and her date, Roger Davies, Ravenclaw quidditch captain, on her arm.

"Hi," Cassia said to Fleur, offering her a small smile.

"I just wanted to say your dress is very beautiful," Fleur told her. "You look amazing in it, er-"

"Cassia," the girl smiled. "Cassia Malfoy."

"Pretty name, as well," Fleur commented.

"So's yours," Cassia smiled, looking at the girl in her silver dress and sleek hair. "And your dress, and your hair, and everything about you."

"Thank you so much," Fleur smiled. "You know, just because I'm a champion doesn't mean I have to forego my dignity."

Cassia chuckled slightly. "You should meet my best friend, she'd love to meet y-"


No one really said it, but gasps echoed all the way around the room and that was enough for Cassia to turn and see Hermione walking down the stairs.

Except she didn't look like Hermione. Her hair was sleek and shiny, pulled into an elegant knot. And her dress was all purple and floaty and did absolute wonders for her.

Cassia looked up at her with a huge smile, hoping to show the girl how gorgeous she was, and how amazing.

She almost had a heart attack when Viktor Krum walked up to her and kissed her hand. What? He's her date? Viktor Krum's her date?! But then she saw the smile on Hermione's face and how happy he was making her, and she grinned too. It was good to see her having fun.

Soon enough, Cassia and Cedric were lined up behind Fleur and Roger and Hermione and Krum and in front of Harry and Parvati. Then the doors to the great hall were opening and they were starting to walk.

Cassia held Cedric's arm, grinning as she walked into the hall, down the aisle of students and into the centre of the floor. The hall looked fucking amazing. It was all white, with five huge snowy branched Christmas trees at the top and loads of white topped tables around the massive dance floor.

"Love you, Cass!" Poppy yelled to her as she passed, and Cassia giggled slightly.

"Love you too!"

"I'm getting a little jealous here," Cedric murmured into Cassia's ear.

The girl went red, saying. "We both are straight, we just act like a couple most of the time."

"I'm glad," Cedric grinned before adding. "About the straight part."

Soon enough, they were on the dance floor, standing facing each other, hands arranged in a dancing formation. Up the top of the floor, Professor Flitwick got ready with the orchestra, even though the Weird Sisters (a famous wizarding band) were also here tonight.

As the song began, Cassia and Cedric had an amazing time dancing about, as the crowd began to clap and more people started coming onto the floor.

It was just as Cassia had always dreamed of, when she was forbidden from going to the balls. A wonderful dress, a wonderful dance, and a prince to sweep her off her feet.

"You look lost in thought," Cedric commented.

"Sorry," Cassia smiled up at him. "Just... I've never been to a ball before."

"Really?" Cedric raised his eyebrows. "But I always used to see your family at the old ministry balls, the ones my father brought me to, that is."

"Yeah, but... I never went to them, just my parents," Cassia lied. Because Draco had gone, too, it was just her that had been forbidden. "It's nice, though. For this to be my first one."

Cedric smiled. "I like that."

"Okayyyyyyyyyy! Are you ready?!"

A roar from none other than the lead singer of the Weird Sisters rolled over the dancefloor, which was now crowded, as the song changed suddenly to a hard hitting, rock ballad.

Cassia and Cedric had fun yelling, jumping up and down and acting like absolute idiots. Cassia was happier than ever tonight, and she was determined to not let anything ruin that.

But a little, knawing thought had formed in the back of her mind, ever since lying to Cedric. He didn't know.

He didn't know what her life was like outside Hogwarts. He didn't know how fucked up her family was. He didn't know she had been hit.

He didn't know her parents were death eaters, either.

"Do you want to go and get some butterbeer?" Cedric asked as there was a small lapse in the music, meaning they could sneak out.

"Sure," Cassia said, ducking out the crowd with him, still holding his hand tightly.

It was then that she saw Harry and Ron, sitting at a table with sour looks on their faces, Padma still beside Ron, looking irritated. Parvati was not present, presumably having been snatched up by some other guy because Harry didn't want to dance.

Ron, meanwhile, only had eyes for one person, well two. And not in a good way. He was eyeing Hermione and Krum, anger in every inch of his expression.

Cassia almost scoffed. After everything he said to Hermione, and all he assumed, he was now jealous of her?

As Krum kissed Hermione's hand and went off to get drinks, Cassia accompanied Cedric over to the same table, smiling.

"So," she said, once the boy handed her a butterbeer and they went to sit down. "Have you figured out the egg?"

Cedric smirked slightly. "Almost."

"Almost? Now you've got me intrigued," Cassia joked. "Come on, tell me."

Cedric looked slightly apprehensive.

"I'm not gonna tell Potter, if that's what you're worried about," Cassia said quickly. "Besides, when have Potter and I ever-?"

"No, that's not what I meant, I just-" Cedric sighed. "This is gonna sound really stupid."

"Try me," Cassia chuckled, sipping her drink.

"Okay, so I had this idea that, maybe the screech is only when the egg's above ground," Cedric said. "Maybe the egg's supposed to be opened underwater."

"Holy shit, that's so clever!" Cassia gasped. "Have you... gotten round to trying that?"

"No, I... I need to do it soon, but I need to use the prefect's bathroom to do it, and it needs to be empty," said Cedric. "And I was also wondering... do you want to help me?"

Cassia smiled. "You'd trust me with that?"

"Of course," Cedric grinned. "I mean, you're one of my closest friends, why wouldn't I?"

Close friends. And maybe more.

"Helloooooooo!" Poppy said excitedly as she slid onto the bench beside Cassia. "How are you two doing?"

"Amazing," Cedric answered. He and Poppy had met recently, and actually got along great. "You?"

"This is so good!" Poppy grinned. "Neville's gone to get us drinks, he's been so cute by the way," she whispered the last bit so just Cassia could hear.

Cassia chuckled. "That's nice to know."

"Yeah, he's not been like Harry and Ron at all, I hear Parv and Pads have ditched them for Durmstrang boys."

Cassia chuckled. "Yeah, Harry's mooning over Cho and Ron's angry as fuck at Hermione, so I'd say that sounds accurate."

Poppy giggled hard as Neville came over with their drinks, getting dragged into the conversation as well.

It wasn't as though there was anything wrong with them, but they were an odd group, the four of them. However, they all weirdly got along. And as long as her best friend was happy, and Cedric was as well, Cassia didn't really mind who she was talking to.

Or dancing with.


The night only got better, with more dancing, more drinking and even some eating. Cassia was stuffed full by the time the dancefloor started to empty, but she still stayed dancing with Cedric, because she wanted the night with him.

It was past midnight now, and it was only them, Poppy and Neville and about four or five other couples left on the floor. They were slow dancing at the moment, their arms around each other, Cassia's head rested on Cedric's chest.

"Tonight's been amazing," Cassia murmured.

Cedric nodded. "It has."

They didn't say much more, just continuing to sway on the floor, enjoying each other's company.

Well, that is until Cedric said. "Cassia?"

"Yeah?" His voice sounded serious, so Cassia looked up.

"I... I need to ask you something," Cedric said, continuing to sway with her, taking her hands in his. He took a deep breath.

"I just- it's been an incredible five months getting to know you, and you're amazing and I really, really like you. I want to spend more time with you and make loads more memories, so I was just wondering, will you be my girlfriend?"

And that was the moment Cassia's whole world tilted on its axis.

She looked up at Cedric, taking in his perfect face and hair and body and everything, then thought about herself and how terrible her life was. How she didn't want to tie herself to him in case he got hurt.

But then she thought about him, and about how good he was, and about how she wanted to reach up and lean in and make him her first kiss.

So she said, a small smile on her face. "Yes, Cedric. I'd love to."

And Cedric, after a small whoop of glee and a huge grin, made to go back to their dancing position.

But before Cassia could overthink it, she stood up on her tiptoes, putting both her hands round his neck and pulling him down to meet her, kissing him right on the lips.

Cassia's eyes fluttered shut as she pulled him in tighter, his hands on her hips, just letting the sensation take over before he deepened the kiss, lifting her off her feet. And there were butterflies flooding her stomach and her heart rate was increasing and her cheeks were a rusty red-

As they pulled apart, Cassia was breathless, grinning up at the boy.

"You're amazing too, you know," the blonde girl told him. "And I like you a whole fucking load more than however much you like me."

Cedric raised his eyebrows. "Is that so? Because I was under the impression it was the other way round."

Cassia laughed. "No way-"

"He's using you."

"How dare you?! Besides, I can take care of myself!"

Their voices made Cassia turn, and sure enough, striding up the middle of the hall were Ron and Hermione, locked in a fierce argument with each other.

Cassia immediately swapped glances with Poppy, both of them worried.

"Sorry," Cassia said to Cedric, or her boyfriend (it would take a while to get used to that). "Can I just-?"

"Yes, Cass. Just go."

She met Poppy on the way to them, the girl hissing. "We are so having a debrief about this later! That was your first kiss, Cass!"

Cassia blushed slightly. "Whatever, we need to sort this."

They found Hermione and Ron in the entrance hall, the girl yelling. "Well come up with a solution then, don't you?!"

"Go on."

"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before someone else does!" Hermione shrieked, tears filling her eyes. "And not as a last resort!"

"Well, that's-" Ron stuttered. "That's just completely off the point- Harry," he added, as the boy appeared at Cassia's side.

However, Hermione rounded on him before anyone else could.

"Where have you been?" She hissed at him, not giving him the chance to answer. "Never mind, off to bed, both of you!"

"Well, I- I-"

As Ron and Harry headed up the stairs, Ron said loudly. "They get scarier as they get older-"

"Ronald fucking Weasley, take that back!"

Cassia Malfoy had officially entered the argument, of which she was completely on Hermione's side, and fully ready to murder Ron.

"Cassia- wha-?" Ron stuttered as the blonde her stormed up the stairs.

"I said take it back! All of it!" Cassia yelled. "There's nothing wrong with Hermione, but there's everything wrong with you and how you think it's acceptable to treat people, girls or otherwise! How do you think Parvati and Padma feel, huh? Because all you two did all night was moon over other girls!"

She looked at them, panting and delirious as she screeched. "And yeah, Ron, girls do get scarier the older they get. So you better watch your fucking back."

She finished with a red face and a hoarse voice, but wasn't put off by it as Harry and Ron ran upstairs, trying to get away from her.

Hermione, who was sobbing softly with Poppy's arms around her, murmured. "T-thank you, Cassia."

"Don't mention it," Cassia said gently, as the three girls sat down on the stairs, all hugging tightly. "Boys are absolute dicks at this age, Mione, well, most of them are," she smirked at Poppy who rolled her eyes.

"I- I know," Hermione cried. "But I just wanted one night where I could be normal, and beautiful, and forget about everything else-"

"And you have, don't let Harry and Ron ruin that," Cassia told her. "You're the most beautiful girl at this ball, Hermione, and if you think you're not normal, then that's good. Who wants to be normal, anyway?"

Hermione giggled slightly, leaning her head on Cassia's shoulder. "Thank you, you two."

"As Cass said, don't mention it," Poppy smiled. "And hey, if Harry and Ron are ever dicks again, you know who to come to, right?"

Hermione gave a wet laugh, grinning. "You two are such great friends, you know that?"

"Yeah," Cassia joked. "We do."

But it was clear that she meant it, as the three girls laughed and cried and did everything in between.

She meant it with all her heart.


It was safe to say the worst point of Cassia's night was reached an hour later, when she came face to face with Draco at the snacks table. Her brother was staring daggers at her, seemingly angry.

"Is it true?" He demanded at her, out the blue. "You and Diggory kissed?"

Cassia almost scoffed. "After the summer we had, and that's the best shit you can come out with?"

"Cassia," Draco said in a warning tone. "Is. It. Tru-?"

"Why do you care?" Cassia demanded. "You know, you've done a really good job at leaving me alone my whole life, why are you stopping now?"

"Why are you kissing boys two years older than you-?"

"Oh my- what are you going to do? Hmm?" Cassia raised her eyebrows. "Write to father? I'm already in enough shit with him, he probably won't care if there's something else at this point."

"Fine, I will!" Draco snapped to her. "I'll tell father! See what he thinks of you after that!"

"Oh, as if I give a shit, you're already the favourite," Cassia snapped. "Yeah, I said it. Revel in it, there you go."

"Cassia-" Draco warned as she shoved past him, not caring what he had to say.

She knew her brother didn't necessarily like her, but she also knew that their relationship would never be the same after this summer.

Too much had changed for that.


After her encounter with Draco, Cassia had gone back to the ball and danced with Cedric, Poppy and Neville and Hermione all there as well.

Now, Poppy, Hermione and Cassia were clambering up the stairs to the common room at three in the morning, high heels in their hands, high on friendship and laughter and happiness and a little bit of butterbeer.

Cassia had already described her night in vivid detail, including the kiss and the asking out. Poppy and Hermione had been an amazing audience, giggling and squealing in all the right places.

"So you have a fucking boyfriend now, Cassia!" Poppy shook the girl's shoulder. "Like, you're taken!"

Cassia giggled slightly. "Yeah, true."

"That's really exciting, Cassia," Hermione said with a smile.

And Cassia just shrugged it off, and didn't show it, but she was excited. This was her first ever boyfriend, her first ever kiss, as well.

Right now, she didn't care about Draco, or what her father would take about that. All she cared about was Cedric.

And though that scared the living daylights out of her, it also made her happy.

Happy that her life seemed to be looking up.

Happy for what was coming.

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