Chris- Alone In L. A
Also, if you figured out what song inspired the song title, ILY. (Limelights, I expect an answer from you)
ANYWAYS. this was inspired by me eating chicken tenders alone on a Friday night.ย
TW: Chris driving, Chicken tenders, The GPS, Jeff. Motherfucking Jeff. Breaking of the fourth wall. Gay truckers.
What's the most depressing thing one can do?
Is it crying over a 'Hobama' fanfic while listening to Travis Scott?
Is it watching 'Sarah and Duck' during English class?
Is it asking your mum for concert tickets three times in the same week?
Well, none of those match up to the level of depression Chris felt watching some YouTube videos while eating chicken tenders at three am at night while his brothers were hula dancing in Hawaii.ย
You probably want some context.
Nick and Matt walked into the kitchen together at around two am. Chris was sitting on the couch, scrolling through TikTok like he did every night.
"Chris, truth or dare?" Nick asked, turning on the lights, and blinding everyone in the area.
Chris didn't hesitate to choose an answer. "Truth". He knew his brother's dares were never as simple as licking the floor.
Matt started to laugh, looking at the stairs to avoid eye contact with his clueless brother.
"How long would you survive without me or Matt around to fend for you?" Nick said, not stuttering once as he had thought of the question in advance.
"A week I reckon. How hard could it be?" Chris responded. He meant it as well. How hard could it be to live alone for a week?
"Chris truth or dare?" Matt chimed in, composing himself from laughter. Chris was gonna choose truth again, but he thought that would be boring.
I mean, how bad can a dare be?
"I dare you to live alone for a week while Nick and I go to Hawaii without you. Tickets are booked by the way" Matt spat out.
Chris laughed. "You are joking"
Matt and Nick didn't look like they were joking. Nick whispered something in Matt's ear and Matt set off to find something.
ย "There are some chicken tenders, three Pepsi's and Netflix in the fridge. Have fun. Matt hurry up with the bags, we are gonna miss our flight! Wait why did I say Netflix in the fridge?" Nick rambled while trying to find Matt.
That was how Chris ended up alone. It was just a week. What could go wrong in a week? There were fifty-one other weeks in the year, what made this one different?
He slept most of the day in Matt's bed since there was a spider in his room and he wasn't going to be the one to kill it. And Matt's bed was closer to the kitchen. The day was going pretty good.ย
Until Chris woke up and realised that no one was home to piss off. No one to cook for him, no one to yell at him, no one to drive him anywhere.ย
Chris stumbled out of bed and brought himself to the main room. He had a blanket wrapped around his head to keep him warm since the winter weather was kicking him in the ass right now.ย
He was about to grab a Pepsi to give him energy then realised there were three left, so he had to share them throughout the week. Fuck.ย
As if on cue, an incoming call from Matt came through, the time difference was about three hours so it wasn't going to be that hard to communicate.ย
"What do you want Matt?" Chris answered the phone not caring. He was pissed that they didn't take him with them and that he fell for that stupid truth or dare.ย
"It's Nick Idoit. Matt's asleep. My phone died. So I'm assuming you aren't dead yet" Nick replied, laughing slightly.
"How dare you leave me home with three Pepsi's? I drink that in a day!" Chris exclaimed angrily. He had just woken up. He didn't need this.ย
"Just drive to the store and get some. Matt left his license and car at home" Nick explained. He and Matt didn't need the car or ID. They were staying with some friends but Chris didn't need to know that.ย
"I can't drive" Chris informed Nick.ย
"It's not that hard," Nick said.ย
"Says the one with no license" Another voice, which sounded sleepy. "Hi, Chris" It called out.ย
Chris then knew it was Matt.ย
Chris hopped into the driver's seat, taking in all the buttons, how hard could this be?ย
He connected his Bluetooth, and some random rap song started to play. Chris was getting into the mood. Maybe he could drive. Maybe.ย
He started to drive, very slowly, and suddenly he was the slowest creature on earth, the snails were laughing.ย
"In two hundred metres, turn left onto Park Drive," The GPS told him. Chris flipped it off, he didn't need to be directed to the store. He had been there a million times.ย
"In one hundred metres, turn left onto Park Drive" The GPS reminded him.ย
"Oh fuck off" Chris yelled, shutting it off. He turned right onto Park Drive. He drove down the street for a bit. "Where the fuck" He muttered to himself.
Chris wasn't that used to having to know where he was while driving since normally Matt did the driving, but he was sure that Matt had never been down this side of Park Drive.ย
"Hey Siri, where am I?" Chris questioned Siri, hoping she would have an answer. Siri loaded, "Location unclear"ย
Chris honked the horn in anger, he was lost. He had no idea where he was. He put his address into the GPS and followed it very clearly, ensuring he did everything correctly. If he stuffed up getting home, he was gonna riot.
Driving was unsuccessful and Chris now had two Pepsi's in the fridge.
So that led to Chris's next activity. A world tour with the set list being his playlist.
He grabbed a comb that was under the fridge for some random reason and connected his phone to the speakers in the house.
Luckily it was only around eight pm so the neighbours couldn't complain about the loud music blasting since Chris knew for a fact they weren't home.
"IIIIIII WANT TO SWING FROM THE CHANDELIERRRRRRRR OOOHHHHHH" He belted out. Why did he end up on this song? No idea. It wasn't even on his playlist. Must have put his phone on SmartShuffle.
After his ballad, Nightcrawlers started to play. He lept off the couch onto his knees, sliding across the floor and bumping into a chair as the owl noises started. (Love that song omg)
"OW fuck. DID YOU HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE" He interrupted his pain.
Truthfully, Chris was having the time of his life. The first time all day he didn't feel alone. Even though it had been like three hours.ย
After he did the encore for his show, he watched two movies which brought him to the amazing time of two am.ย
During the movies, he would look beside him so he could comment on the movie to his brothers but each time he moved his head, he realised they weren't home.
ย So he gave up on the third movie and grew hungry. He found the chicken tenders in the fridge, put them in the oven and prayed the house wouldn't burn down.ย
So that is how Chris ended up eating chicken tenders at three am while watching YouTube.ย
The next day, Chris was determined to get to the store to buy Pepsi, and he called an Uber to drive him there. Einstein-level thinking from Chris y'all.ย
"Is that Chris Sturniolo" Some man's voice called from behind him while he was walking down the tampon aisle. He had no idea why he was in that aisle, he just was holding a basket with two cases of Pepsi, three family-sized packets of chips, a couple of things to make burgers with and a box of brownie mix. Oh and three bars of chocolate, two packs of gummy bears and some gum. Oh, and some ketchup to hide under Matt's bed for fun. And a couple of apples cause he wanted to keep the doctor away. That was what he was going to survive off he told himself.
Chris turned around to see Jeff holding a couple of packs of pads. "Bro, do you have your period or some shit?" Chris laughed, it was the most normal conversation one could have in the woman's aisle of a supermarket.ย
"Nah, my girl is lying on the couch watching Twilight while sobbing. She sent me to buy this shit. What is what though? That is my question" Jeff told Chris, scanning the aisle.ย
"Don't ask me. Never had a sister or a girlfriend. Don't know how you pulled before me though" Chris put one of his hands up in surrender as he said this. He didn't feel like fighting with Jeff today. "Well gotta go, have fun choosing between 'Sport Extra Flow' and 'Goodnight thin edition'" Chris read out the pads before waving bye.ย
"See you on the field" Jeff yelled, laughing.ย
Chris grabbed a pad packet off the aisle's shelves and threw it at Jeff. "I'll beat your ass" Chris called out before leaving to go home.ย
"Matt, how many gummy bears should I put in the meat patty" Chris called Matt to ask that night. It was around one am and he was making burgers with a twist.ย
"Why do you need to add gummy bears into a burger patty?" Matt exclaimed, walking into a quiet room.ย
"Are you having a party? Without me?" Chris tried to figure out where Matt was.ย
"Nick found the gay truckers bar in Hawaii" Matt joked, finally finding a quiet room to talk to his obviously bored brother.ย
"You're kidding"ย
"Yes, I'm joking. Add around twelve gummy bears. I got to go, byeeeee" Matt said before hanging up the Facetime call.ย
Chris sighed and opened a pack of gummy bears and melted them in the microwave to add to the meat. (Me and my friend have melted gummy bears before, just the green ones though)ย
He didn't know how much longer he could do this.ย
You know how Chris was wondering how much longer he could be alone? Well. I am pleased to give you an answer.ย
About three more hours.ย
See, there was a spider in Matt's room and the spider in his own room had built a web in his bathroom and he saw a cockroach under the bed while he was getting changed so that settled the 'Should I sleep in my room?' debate.ย
He could have slept on the couch but he had been spending so much time on it and he really could not be bothered to walk up the stairs to sleep in Nick's room.ย
So he did what all lonely triplets do when they're housing insects in their room and can't be bothered to walk upstairs at four am.ย
He called his brother, Nick, and cried to him to come home.ย
"Please Nicky, I need you. I can't do this anymore. You won." He sobbed into his phone.ย
Nick felt a pang of guilt as he heard Chris's voice. He knew he wasn't faking. He knew it was a real plead to get home. "It's ok Chris. Go to sleep in my room. We will be there when you wake up" Nick told Chris.ย
"So if I sleep for ten minutes, you will be there?" Chris's voice was filled with hope.ย
"No idiot. Sleep. See you" Nick hung up the phone.ย
Chris wiped away his tears and dragged his ass upstairs into Nick's room, stubbing his toe twice on the way up.
Everything ended up ok. Chris scared Matt shitless with the sauce and made him kill all the animals living in the house.ย
Nick was left to clean up the mess the melted gummy bears made.ย
That night, they snuggled up together as a Sturniolo bundle, put on Spongebob and watched it together.ย
Like Chris wasn't ever alone.ย
The ending is shitty ik
The writer's block tho omg. Can it fuck off, I want to write your requests. Keep them coming by the way, all of them are so interesting.ย
ALSO THIS IS MY BDAY GIFT TO KATE THE LOML. girl, u wrote the first ever Sturniolo sickfics I ever read and inspired me to write this. Have an amazing birthday!ย
Love and hugs.ย
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