Good morning!♥️
Here's the second part, as promised.😌✨
"𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑."
"Teenage relationships are very rampant these days, and while most parents tend to write it off as something that isn't important, or in their words, a distraction. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it still isn't a distraction, but teenage relationships are normal during a child's growth. Like it or not, they come with other changes that occur during adolescence, and they can both bring ups and downs for teenagers," Hazel paused and smiled seeing as she had gained the attention of the audience.
"Parents writing it off most times doesn't even stop most teenagers from venturing into it, and without the right orientation and guidance on how to deal with these things, they tend to make mistakes, both fixable ones and ones that are not, because if the majority were enlightened about it in the first place, it will help them make the right choices for themselves, and decide if it's what they truly want or not. And without the proper orientation about it, most teenagers tend to mistake lust for love," She breathed.
"Now, let's talk about the reason teenagers venture into relationships."
"One of the most common reasons that teenagers get into a relationship is peer pressure. They are like, my friend has a boyfriend, I want to have one too. My friend has a girlfriend, I want to have one too. Failing to understand that if you are going to get into a relationship, it should be because of yourself. You shouldn't have to be in a relationship because your friends are in it, trust me, that kinda relationship is bound to fail before it even started because you got into it for the wrong reasons,"
"Another reason is the need to explore whatever romantic feelings they have towards the person they are attracted to. The butterflies, the warm fuzzy feeling they get when it comes to their love interest, they want to explore that feeling and build something more intense with that person,"
"Not to waste your time, these two reasons are the most common reasons teenagers get into relationships. Let's talk about the effect it can have on teenagers, both positive and negative effects."
"When they tell us relationships could be distracting, it's true. If you are not the type that can strike balance in whatever situation you find yourself, the kind that you only can focus on one particular thing at a time. It could be hard, and before you know it, you are starting to have misplaced priorities, you are prioritizing in the person's favour, and suddenly, all you can think about is what you can do to make your relationship work, neglecting other things in the process, losing sight of who you are supposed to be, and what your goals are,"
"Also, it could be a very cogent way for teenagers to build self-identity, develop social skills, get to learn more about other people and grow emotionally. Teens tend to get in touch with their emotions and get to have a deeper understanding of who they are, emotionally. As I said, like it or not, it still kinda shapes who we are. It's the reason teens need to get as much guidance as they can on these things from time to time to prevent them from making life-changing mistakes, and to guide them in making better choices for themselves. A stitch in time saves nine." She sent the audience who had erupted into loud cheers and their applause echoing in the four walls of the room.
Somehow, that hit hard, and I didn't even know why.
"Our speaker, Hazel Holloway, will be taking questions from our anonymous site on the projector," Zara spoke up, beaming with smiles, her melanin popping hard under the dim lights.
We all turned to the projector that had the Project Uncensored site in view. The first anonymous question came up, and Hazel adjusted her table phone.
"All my friends have a boyfriend, and I don't have one yet. Is something wrong with me?"
"Sweetheart, whoever you are, whether you are here or not, I'm going to tell you something. Nothing, absolutely nothing is wrong with you just because your friends have a boyfriend and you don't, you are perfectly fine. Like I said earlier, if you get into a relationship simply because your friends are doing it, that relationship has failed before you even started it,"
"You are only going to sign yourself up for emotional turbulence that you aren't even sure you are ready for. If you are going to do this, girl, you are going to have to do it because it's what YOU want, not because your friends are doing it. Don't allow peer pressure to make you do what you won't like. With or without a guy, you are strong, smart, beautiful and amazing, and sure, it feels good to hear someone tell you that, but I can assure you that you don't need it to feel good about yourself." She wrapped up before moving on to the next one.
"I think I love someone, but I'm scared of getting distracted by the feelings I have for her. I don't know what to do."
"Aww, loving kids!"
"Haew, God when?"
"God, am I a yam?"
Hazel chuckled and went ahead to answer the question.
"Most times, when we get confused about things like this, I think we already have the answers we are looking for. It's staring right back at us in the face, and all we need to do is to admit to the truth and confront it. It's the courage to do that we lack at times," She chuckled, pushing a stray curl off her face.
"I'm just going to ask you to do one thing. You need to ask yourself if it's worth venturing into it in the first place. If your love interest is worth the stress if she's worth the commitment. If she's worth making sacrifices for, but before you do all these, you have to be able to strike-balance the duo, you can't afford to miss out on one because of the other. You have to ask yourself if you have the strength to juggle a relationship and try to keep up with academics and goals at the same time,"
"By the time you do all these, you'll arrive at your answer, and I'm telling you that deep down, you already have your answer, you have to summon up the courage to accept it, and always remember that putting yourself first doesn't count as being selfish in most cases. It simply means you are doing what's best for YOU."
"And onto the last question I will be taking for the day," She turned to the screen, " Well, let's see… ha! Found it!"
"I'm in a relationship, but I dread the day we are going to have to break up because I'm so sure we might end up splitting up."
She sat up in her seat.
"Being negative-minded doesn't help much when it comes to these things. Trust me, I know how hard it can be to be positive in whatever it is you do. But in a relationship that has barely started and you are starting to freak out about a break up that might not happen anytime soon if you are both committed to what you are building. It won't even give you the chance to enjoy and explore what you have with the person. It renders it half-assed," She paused.
"It's okay to be afraid, but never let it be a determining factor of your happiness. For what's worth, live in the moment and let yourself be happy. And if eventually, it doesn't work out, just remember that it's better to have loved, than not to have loved at all. Let yourself be happy, and enjoy everything that comes with being a teenager."
"Thank you."
She barely had the chance to catch her breath when the entire room broke into loud cheers and continuous applause that sounded like an earthquake. The smile on her face was contagious, I found myself smiling at the sight of it.
"Thank you, Hazel," Zara spoke up after the noise died down, smiling warmly at her.
"And up next, is Jason Nworie," Quinn said, her voice overshadowed by the ear-piercing scream that belonged to Cove girls at the mention of Jason's name.
"Jason, you are so fine!"
"I love your smile!"
"I came here to watch you talk!"
God, abeg….
"Sex doesn't have a specific definition," He began.
"It's been defined in various forms for as long as I can keep track, but according to the OED online, it's defined as a physical activity between two people, in which they touch each other's sexual organs, and may lead to sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a sexual activity involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure or reproduction."
"But today, I will be focusing more on Sex in teenage relationships, why teenagers have sex, the dangers in it, how to practice safe sex and abstinence and I will also be taking questions on our anonymous site."
"Regarding what my colleague said earlier, most teenagers venture into teen relationships for different reasons, and if they are not properly enlightened about what they are getting into, they end up making mistakes, both fixable, and Unfixable,"
"As a teenager, every emotion for them is overly heightened, they are still growing up and their hormones are at their peak. Being romantically involved with their love interest tends to make them want to explore everything that comes with it. Some want to have sex to prove a point, some do it for pleasure, some do it because of peer pressure, and others it might just be an avenue for them to keep what they have with their love interests at all costs, failing to understand what comes with it." Jason paused, as though he wanted all he was saying to sink in.
"If you are going to have sex, it shouldn't be because your friends are doing it, or because you want to know what it feels like, or because you want to keep your love interest, or because you want to prove a point. It should be because you are ready. It should be because you want to. You should be doing it for yourself, not for any other person, or in an attempt to keep someone from leaving, if you do, you'll only get hurt in the end, and trust me when I say that kinda pain hits differently."
"You shouldn't do what you aren't ready to do because you are being pressured to do it, or because you want to belong. You'll only end up regretting it. A relationship based purely on sex is never a relationship in the first place. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"There's nothing that has an advantage and doesn't have a disadvantage. While the pleasure you get from it makes you feel like you are on top of the world, there are downsides too. Sexually transmitted infections like syphilis, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. Hiv/ Aids, Unwanted pregnancy that might lead to abortion, abandonment, trust me, that kind of break up bits differently, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression."
"And even if you are going to have sex, be safe while you do it, to prevent stories that touch the heart. There are condoms, contraceptives, birth control pills, and intrauterine devices (IUD). But the best form of protection you could offer to yourself is abstinence until you know you are ready to dive into it and chest everything that comes with it." Jason ended his speech with his signature smile, and the crowd went wild with cheers.
"Our second speaker, Jason Nworie, will be taking questions on our anonymous site now." One of the male students on the board, with an impassive expression on his face, spoke up and Jason spun around in his swivel chair to take a look at the screen.
"At what age can you start having sex?"
"Personally, I believe that there's no such thing as a 'normal age' to start having sex. I believe it has to do with choices. It's a personal decision that should be based on how ready you are, and not because you want to prove a point, or because you want to belong, or you want to make someone stay. It should be about you, and nothing else. DO IT FOR YOURSELF.
"My boyfriend wants me to have sex with him before he believes that I love him."
"Dey playyyy!
"You go dey trust man? Adam? Oju eh a bo!"
"Iya Omo yii da? Where is the mother of this child?!"
I was trying so hard to stifle my laughter because what in God's name were these comments from the audience?
"Decorum, please," Quinn said sternly, she urged Jason to go on with a curt nod of her head. The dark-skinned boy sat up in his seat and proceeded to answer his question.
"Whoever this is, I'm glad you spoke up about this. I'm glad you are brave enough to put this out there, it doesn't matter if it's on an anonymous site. It shows how much you don't want to take the wrong decision, and I am so proud of you,"
"Awww, Jay..."
"We are so proud of you too,"
These girls should shut up!
"Listen, I'm a guy, and I would like to tell you one thing. Nothing keeps a guy. Yes, you heard me. Not even sex, not money, not food, not attention, not you being a perfect girlfriend. You can only keep a guy that wants to be kept. For real. You don't have to be perfect for a guy to want to be with you. He has to WANT to be with you because even if you eventually give him what he's asking for, nothing can stop him from leaving, whenever he decides to," Jason paused, and I released a shaky breath.
I felt that. It felt so personal like it was being directed at me. My fingers were unconsciously digging into the skin of my wrists, and I was biting on my lips really hard.
"A guy that loves you in the first place won't put you in that kind of position. He wouldn't put you under that kind of pressure, because loving someone means understanding them, it means supporting the person, even when the decisions they make aren't all that cool with you. He should be willing to compromise for you. That's what we do for the people we love and I know how much it hurts to hear this, it breaks my heart to tell you this, but he is not worth it. He's not the guy for you, and you are going to have to rip the band-aid off. You deserve better." Jason explained, solemnly.
I exhaled, shakily.
Get it together, Shakira. Get it together.
"And the last question I will be taking,"
"I'm a virgin. Is there anything wrong with that? My friends do tell me that I don't want to evolve."
Someone whistled in the audience, followed by loud shrieks.
"I will put it to you that there's nothing wrong with being a virgin. It doesn't have anything to do with who you are. You are a virgin? Great. You are not a virgin? It's alright. It all rests on the matter of choices. They chose not to be, and you chose to be. Do not let anyone take that away from you until you are ready to give it up yourself. You should move at your own pace, and not pay attention to whatever it is that anyone thinks of your sexual life. You are beautiful just the way you are, never let anyone make you think or feel otherwise." He concluded, a light smile playing on his lips.
The crowd broke into hoots, screaming at the top of their voices.
"Thank you, Jason." The guy who addressed him earlier smiled at him.
"And on to our next speaker, our last speaker for the day, Shakira Malik. The floor is all yours." Quinn nodded at me, and a loud applause echoed afterwards. I'm pretty sure my friends were the loudest.
"You go, girl!" Chizaram screamed,
"Good personal hygiene involves keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy. And today, I won't be talking about Personal hygiene alone, I'll also be talking about menstrual hygiene," I began, taking a deep breath.
"In people with poor personal hygiene, the body provides an ideal environment for germs to grow, leaving it vulnerable to infection and on a social level, people may avoid a person with poor personal hygiene, which may result in isolation and loneliness."
"How do you maintain good personal hygiene? It's pretty easy. When it comes to our dental hygiene, we should brush at least twice a day, before breakfast and before we go to bed. We can also keep our mouth clean with the aid of mouthwash, and we should change our toothbrush every 3-4 months,"
"We should wash our hands often, take our bath regularly, wash our hair regularly with shampoo and yes, this applies to both genders. The use of deodorants to prevent body odours. I can't emphasize this enough. Keeping our nails short is the best way to ensure no dirt that can collect underneath them."
"And in regards to menstrual hygiene. Having our periods should be when we are at our cleanest. It is important to change our sanitary towels and panties regularly, take our baths from time to time, and also wash our hands before and after changing our tampons, pads and any other sanitary products."
I sat up, narrowing my eyes at the audience.
"Now, I have seen and heard specific things guys say when girls get their periods. Insensitive ones mostly. Some go as far as telling ladies they are being excessively dramatic when they are dealing with cramps. Some even say having our periods for the period of three to five days doesn't make any sense, and why can't we just bleed out the whole thing at once," I scoffed.
"You are here, and you are a guy who has been saying these things to girls on their periods, that's really low of you and you can do better. Girls are as sensitive as they can get during this period, having to battle with bodily changes they have no control over, mood swings, terrible cramps, acne, bloating and appetite loss is bad enough as it is, you shouldn't have to say such hurtful things to them,"
"You don't know what it's like to be in their shoes, and just like they don't know what it's like to be in yours. It wouldn't hurt to be mindful of what you say to them during that time of the month. Period shaming is an inhumane thing to do. There's no sugarcoating it. It wouldn't hurt to be compassionate. If you have been doing that, you should desist from it. As I said, you can do better. Don't be an ass. If you have nothing good to say, it's better not to say anything at all."
"Preach, sisturrrrrrr!" Chizaram yelled at the top of her voice.
"And to you girls who always have one thing or the other to say when girls who get their period around you get stained, and all you can offer is 'didn't you know you were going to get your period?' 'Ewww,' Sis, you are not a bad bitch, you are a girl whose mouth has no filter and no ounce of conscience. It doesn't make you look cool, it's the other way around. We girls should always look out for each other. Real Queens don't try to tear each other down, they fix each other's crowns."
"And that's on periodt!"
"Whose girl is that? Mine!"
I would be the world's biggest liar if I said I wasn't turning red at the compliments. I felt important. I couldn't suppress the small smile that was tugging at the side of my lips.
"Our last speaker, Shakira Malik will be taking questions on our anonymous site now." Quinn urged me to go on, and I spun around gently to face the screen.
"I'm fifteen, and I haven't gotten my period. What should I do?"
"You are perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with you. Some girls start their periods late, one of the reasons being hormonal imbalance, being underweight, and too much exercise. Excessive stress causes it too. I can assure you that you are going to get your period when your body is ready. But in the meantime, try to cut down on the exercises you do, if you are an athlete, and also try to relax as much as possible. You'll be just fine." I answered, smiling.
"Which is better? Tampons or Sanitary pads?"
"It's all about what works for you, and what's comfortable for you. If you like sanitary pads, go for them. If you like Tampons, it's all perfect. So, If you ask me, both are okay. Just go for whichever it is that you want."
"How do you reduce sweating?"
"Well, you can reduce sweating by applying antiperspirants before going to bed, because they work overnight and create a block over the sweat ducts. Also, wear light, breathable clothes and cut down on spicy foods and caffeine because they stimulate our sweat glands." I concluded my speech, which earned me a deafening round of applause.
"Thank you, Shakira." Quinn sent me a warm smile that I couldn't resist reciprocating.
"And with that, we have come to the end of our seminar," Zara began with a cheery smile.
"If you are ever confused about anything, or you need to open up about anything that's bothering you, you can always talk to our officials, or confide in the School's counsellor, Mrs Romoke Miller,"
"Also, as you are leaving, do well to get your gift bag at the entrance. Thank you for coming." She added.
Quinn and Zara came up with the idea of a gift bag at the last minute, and boy was I blown away by what they came up with. For the girls; Sanitary pads, tampons, journals, deodorants, face wash, moisturizer, face wipes and lotions, heating pads, water bottles, condoms, lipgloss and chocolates, alongside a cute little note.
And for the guys; Condoms, deodorants, journals, face wash, moisturizers, lotions, cleansers, lip balms and chocolates, alongside a cute little note.
I have never seen something more thoughtful than that, and I was sure they were going to love it. I loved it. I love being a part of something this beautiful. A safe space with a lot of positivity. I had been smiling unconsciously to myself to even notice that people have been sauntering out of the room.
"Agba speaker!" Abasi hyped me, his insanely loud voice reverberating across the room.
"You were amazing!" Chizaram squealed, rushing over to where I was seated and enveloping me in a warm hug.
"Awww, thank you." I cooed, easing into the warmth of her embrace.
"You should consider motivational speaking, for real." I saw Jeremy smiling at me through my peripheral vision, eliciting a chuckle from me. I rose to my feet, giggling alongside Chizaram, who wouldn't leave my side.
"Zee, let me greet her too now," Stefan chortled, and she eyed him.
"No! Go and meet your best friends and leave mine alone." She frowned, clinging onto me, even harder. She huffed after a while, and let go of my arm.
"Fine, you can have her." She rolled her eyes and walked over to her boyfriend. Stefan approached me, but I was a lot faster, stepping into his arms, and his shoulders quaked with warm, rich laughter.
"I couldn't have been prouder," He said into my ears, my toes curling at the soft, airy sound that left his lips, making me cling to him even more. I was grinning from ear to ear. I stood there, not caring if I was being watched because, at that moment, nothing felt better than being held in his arms. I let him hold me. His safe, warm, and protective embrace gave me a sudden rush of emotions I could barely pinpoint.
"Do you have something to say to me, Jasmine?" Quinn's cold, stern, domineering tone pierced through my train of thoughts that chose that specific moment to run wild, chills crawling down my spine at the harshness of her tone held. The kind that just made you shiver, not even in a good way. Downright daring and obvious that if you didn't choose your next words carefully, shit was about to go down.
Oh no...
Fire and brimstones. Lava and laser beams. That was the only thing I could deduce from the emotions that occupied Quinn's brown eyes, who was still overly comported where she sat with chilling poise. She barely blinked, every inch of her delicate features highlighted under the bright lights. Her facial expression and her body position were too different things, it was like a mixture of fire and ice.
She sat there, looking every shade of the Queen that she was, her eyes narrowed at Jasmine's lithe frame, set dead on her, silently challenging her to prove her right, because from what I have seen? Quinn Oladele was never wrong.
I held onto Stefan, a little scared of the show they were about to put up for us. The rest of the eager students, who were still hanging around, waiting for the girls to chew themselves raw.
Jasmine was far from being fazed by Quinn's dead tone and unlike Quinn, she had this lazy look on her face that reminded me of a video vixen, a tiny bit of a seductive look marrying her face. She had her head cocked to the side with a sly smirk on her lips, her small hands resting on the seat beside her. Her green eyes swirled with mischief. For a split second, it felt like I was staring at Katherine. Katerina Petrova.
She was taunting Quinn.
Omo, I didn't understand how someone this small could be so troublesome! Her looks and her personality were two contradicting things! She looked like a Barbie doll, but was as sly as a fox! Bitchy little thing!
"What?" She queried, her voice overly soft.
Quinn scoffed.
"Do not play that game with me, Jas," Quinn smiled at her. I keep saying this, this girl is sick. What kinda unnerving personality does she have?
"You looked like you had something to say. So, spill." She urged with a smirk.
"Come on, don't be shy. You are scared of a little confrontation? Awww, Jas…" She cooed, clasping her hands. If Jasmine looked like she had everything under control earlier, it didn't seem like it anymore. Babygirl looked like she was about to lose her shit. Her green eyes which once sparked with mischief had completely darkened with something more menacing.
It left goosebumps sprouting all over my skin.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Jasmine questioned her, placing her forearm on the table before her. She was struggling to keep her anger in check.
What is it that riles her up so badly about Quinn?
"The Head Girl, the captain of the swim team, the president of the project uncensored. Are you alright with that or do I continue?" Quinn smirked, seeing as she had hit a nerve with how Jasmine was fuming so hard.
"So," Jasmine scoffed.
"Because you are all that you have mentioned, you suddenly think you have the right to question me about what I should do and not do? Who the fuck made you the head girl in the first place?" She queried harshly. I could have imagined it, but I swear, it was as though her voice was cracking.
"The school board, sweetheart. The same board who chose me over you, when they realized that I was fit to run this school more than you can ever do!" Quinn fired, pounding her fists onto the table.
"Remember? Does it ring a bell?" I knew what Quinn was doing.
She was trying to hit a nerve, and on G, she did, because one minute Jasmine was on her seat, and the next, she rose to her feet and kicked the table I didn't even know was plastic, outta her way, sensing the things on it crashing to the floor, glasses shattering in the process.
"FUCKING BITCH!" She screamed.
"Make pesin hold this girl before she wound una head girl o!"
"I have always known that Jasmine isn't mentally stable!"
"Someone needs to put this girl in her place!
"Oh come now, sweetheart. You wanted to be petty. I only showed you how it's done." Quinn Oladele got up from her seat, and strutted forward, every trace of smile completely wiped off her face. She stopped short, her nose tilted in the air.
"You should know by now that you are no match for me. Stop trying so hard. We have seen you. We have heard you but we don't want you. Rest, baby girl." Quinn said softly.
Jasmine's next action left me stunned. She laughed. She laughed so hard, tears were almost coming out of her eyes.
"You know," She chuckled.
"It's funny how you think you have me all figured out. You all think that way, actually." Her wandering eyes strayed to mine, locking in a stare with me. I could feel the hair on my nape erecting at the menacing look she was sporting on her face.
"The thing is, you don't know me, Quinn. You don't know who I am. You don't know what I'm capable of doing. You don't know how far I'm willing to take this, and even if you do, you can never see my next action coming, and the next after that, and the next after that," She smiled, pushing her braids backwards. She tuts a little.
"And that's the most exciting part of the whole thing. You think you know me, and I can bet it with you, you haven't even seen my dark side yet." She said with a sickly smile, twirling a strand of her braids between her fingers.
"Don't test me, Quinn." She uttered softly.
"DO NOT GET ME MAD!" She bellowed.
"Or things are going to get very UGLY!" She barked, and I flinched at the harshness of her voice.
"Are you done?" Quinn asked, monotonously.
"Yes," She simply said.
"I will see you around, Old friend." She smirked at Quinn, and with that, she giggled softly, and spun on her heels, sauntering out of the room.
On G, I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"What the hell just happened?" I asked, rhetorically, my heart thumping wildly against my chest. If I wasn't sure of anything before, I was so sure that Quinn had nothing on Jasmine.
I was afraid, afraid that she was terribly wrong. The light-skinned goddess that just walked out here wasn't all barks and no bite.
*Adjusts eyeglasses and drinks the rest of my wine at a go*
Are we still breathing?😂😂😂
Omooo, I don't even know what to say about this chapter, but I loved the presentation each speaker gave. Gege!! But Quinn is so petty though!😂😭 Make Jasmine go rest, abeg.😂
Oh yes, everything the speakers talked about in this chapter, is more of a personal opinion, with the help of research of course. We all have our opinions about things, and if your opinion doesn't tally with mine, no shit. But if you come after mine, the way I wouldn't come after yours. I WILL COME FOR YOU. HARD.
So, with that being said, let your comments rain in the comments section!😌 Do not forget to vote, comment and share.
Till next time, fam.
Love, Didi.♥️
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