Good evening, Fam.
I am so sorry updates have not been coming as it used to. My schedule got tighter and I am still trying to adjust with the whole thing. But don't worry, I am sure I will be able to manoeuvre it properly very soon. So, in the meantime, try to bear with me.🖤
So, shall we?🌚
The song for this chapter- Umbrella by Ember Island.
"𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑙𝑦,
𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟
𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝑓.
It took me a while but I finally realised that it had become a cycle, somewhat toxic. I was poison. I wasn't a friend. I was never her friend because real friends don't take away too much from their friends without giving anything in return. They do not suck every ounce of happiness that was in their friend's life, leaving them empty. She had waltzed into my life when I least expected it, during my darkest moments. She brought that light with her.
A beautiful bright light that had done nothing but brighten up my life in ways I could never imagine was possible. A light I had grown to need so much. A light I felt lost without. I would only be lying to myself if I said she hadn't rubbed off on me. She did it excessively. I never craved real friendship until I met her. She was ready to give her all to see me happy. She was ready to stick by me through thick and thin, without asking for anything in return but all I have ever done was shut her out.
Chizaram deserved better.
She deserves a better friend and in truth, that friend wasn't me. I wasn't worthy of her friendship. I wasn't even worthy to be an acquaintance to her, let alone her best friend. A role I have been failing miserably at. I didn't even understand how she has been able to stick with someone like me. Heck, I would be tired of myself too. I have hurt her countless times and every time, I promised her that I was going to do better. But then, it wouldn't be long until my demons came knocking and I found myself breaking that promise.
It had become a cycle. A cycle that she needed to break because if she stuck with me, it wouldn't be long until the light that surrounds her went dim.
I wanted to let her go but I couldn't bring myself to. I knew I was bad for her but I couldn't let her go. Yes, I was that selfish but she was still one of the very few people that was managing to keep me sane. I had gone twenty-four hours without being in contact with my best friend and I swear, I wanted to lose it because I couldn't stomach the thought of her being mad at me. If anyone had been blowing up my phone with texts and calls the way I had been blowing up her phone, that person would never hear the end of it.
She responded to none and at some point, she switched off her phone, since I wouldn't stop being a nuisance. I just wanted to make things right. I couldn't have her staying mad at me. I wanted her to know I was terribly sorry for the things I said to her. I wanted her to know I didn't mean any of them.
And you are still sitting here? Dey play.
I tapped my fingers on my desk, slowly easing back into my surroundings and staying in touch with them. My notes and textbooks were spread out on my table but I was long gone and I wasn't even reading anything. I stopped reading when I got distracted by the deafening noise my classmates wouldn't stop making. My eyes shifted from the books on my table, dropping to Kaden's frame, who had his earbuds in his ears, his eyes fixed on the book in front of him. I peeled my eyes off his frame and got up from my seat, picking up my phone and sauntering out of the classroom.
The senior block was so rowdy, ear-splitting noise coming from every angle of the block. Maybe it wasn't a good thing that we finished our tests early today because if we didn't, everyone would be in their various classes and trying to get something into their brain. I rolled my eyes and took to the stairs, descending them in a rush. I tugged at the sleeve of my shirt, drawing comfort from it since my heartbeat seemed to have picked up a faster pace.
"Relax, Shakira. She's your best friend." I assured myself, taking the turn that led to her class. The sight of the curly-haired girl, who had her hair dropping on her shoulders, en masse, in the company of another girl had my heart jumping out of my chest in fright. I froze, my legs glued to the spot I was. I closed my eyes, trying to get a hold of my breathing that seemed to have escaped me, puffing out some air through my mouth. I swallowed, wiping my suddenly sweaty palms on my skirt, and then I willed myself to move forward, walking past the students that hung around the hallway in twos and threes.
The thought of turning on my heels and bolting out of there seemed so tempting, almost like a reflex action I desperately wanted to fall back on but I couldn't give in to it. If I was going to talk things out with her, I shouldn't be a coward. I had to do this and I had to do it now. So, I took a few steps forward but then, I stopped short when it felt as though my legs would fail me. I released a shaky breath and held onto the rails for support, then I leaned on it to catch my breath.
I shut my eyes and sucked in some breath, then slowly, I released it. My eyes fluttered open and I stood there, my eyes fixed on her frame, watching her every move like some sort of hawk or mother hen. It was very creepy. Not gonna lie but I still couldn't bring myself to approach her. I needed to catch my breath, compose myself and find the courage to approach her.
"Zara, just take the books to Mr Leye's office. I will meet you there." She told the dark-skinned girl who had a pile of books in her hands. She looked vaguely familiar but my brain was nearly dead as I struggled to remember her. My eyes were fixated on her frame for a while before I scoffed to myself, rolling my eyes afterwards.
Of course.
If it isn't Zara Temilade Adesina. Cove's very own health prefect. I couldn't even wrap my head around the fact that her face was hard for me to place at first.
"Are you okay?" Zara asked and I couldn't resist the urge to snort where I stood a few steps away from them. I didn't understand if Chizaram saw me and pretended not to because she hadn't thrown so much as a glance in my direction. She did it so effortlessly that it almost had me concluding that she didn't know I was standing there.
"You look tired. You know what? Just go back to class. I will do the whole work." Zara said softly and I glared at her tall frame, my hands unconsciously tightening around the rails I was resting on.
I couldn't for the life of me comprehend what Zara was feeling like. She was going to do the whole work as per she was the She-Hulk? I didn't understand the point she was driving at and I genuinely wanted to know. And I didn't even understand Chizaram. We had one fight and she was already getting cosy with another person.
Was she trying to make me mad?
If she was, it was working because my blood was boiling with so much rage. My face flushed and I couldn't stop gritting my teeth. It made no sense and I sounded like the biggest bitch on earth but I didn't like how she was acting like she had known Chizaram for years. Like she was trying to get Chizaram to warm up to her.
"Thank you, Zara." Chizaram sent her a warm smile and that was it.
I was done standing here and watching the duo. Before I could say, Jack Robinson, I was marching over to where they stood, interrupting whatever discussion they had going on. I didn't give a damn!
"Zee, We need to talk," I demanded sternly when I got to her front. My voice remained unwavering, thick with a certain amount of assertiveness that I found shocking myself. Zara turned to me with a sweet smile on her face and my frown deepened even more. I shot her a disgruntled look and moved my gaze to Chizaram, who stared at me, her expression utterly unreadable.
Alright, I deserve that.
"Hey, Shakira!" Zara chirped at me.
"Bitch, please!" I barked. She seemed taken aback by my sharp tone, and took a step back, her expression morphing into a dull one. I couldn't care less because I had no business with her. She seemed a little embarrassed and quickly masked it with a light smile on her face, turning to Chizaram and subtly dismissing me.
Wow, really?
Can someone get this girl out of here?!
Who the hell does she think she is?!
Chizaram blinked and reverted her gaze to the girl beside her, brushing off my presence like I was just a figment of her imagination and that stung so badly. I barely realised that I had tears brimming in my eyes. She was ignoring me and I hated it. I knew I deserved it but it still didn't make it hurt any less or that was probably the reason it even hurt more.
"Zara, leave. NOW!" I ordered the dark-skinned girl, who met my gaze with furrowed brows, confusion plastered all over her face like I was a different person. It didn't change the fact that she looked hurt and I didn't miss how surprised she looked because of the way I was reacting.
But then again, I didn't give a flying fuck. I just wanted her gone.
"I'll just go," She spoke up to ease the tension that was starting to thicken up in the air. I eyed her and scoffed, folding my arms around my chest.
"Yes, leave." I sneered at her. She spared me one last glance and walked past me. My eyes didn't leave her retreating figure, not because something was interesting about it but because I couldn't bring myself to look Chizaram in the eye. I didn't know how to face her. I didn't even know what to say to her. I released a shaky breath and tugged at the sleeve of my shirt before averting my eyes off her frame and turning to the light-skinned girl in front of me.
She left me stunned with the next thing she did because I could swear I felt my jaw drop to my feet. She brought her hand to her hair and held them together with the band in her hands, tying it in a messy bun without sparing so much as a glance in my direction. It was as though she didn't even want to look at me.
When she was done, she walked past me like breeze and I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, a tear rolling down my cheek. She was walking away from me but I knew I couldn't allow it. I had to do something.
"Zee!" I called her but she paid no heed to me.
"Chizaram, I am talking to you!" I yelled, teary-eyed and when I saw that she wouldn't answer me, I ran after her and caught up with her, latching my hands onto hers. It was so sudden. She whirled around and as though her hand burned me, I let her go, veering backwards, terrified at the sight in front of me.
I have seen her mad but it was never like this. I have seen her get angry but it was never like this. The person that stared right back at me was everything but my best friend that was the exact definition of warm sunshine balls, an unending ball of happiness, who had a golden smile that could thaw even a frozen heart.
The girl standing in front of me had a terrifying rage that was bottled up and waiting to explode in her light brown eyes which seemed to have gained a darker shade to it. She had her eyes set dead on me, clouded with a chilling coldness that had tears spilling from my eyes. Her eyes were hard and stone-cold. I didn't recognize the girl that stood in front of me and that broke me into a gazillion pieces.
"Don't touch me,"
Those three words rendered me frozen, my legs glued to a spot and my mind feeling as though it was undergoing a massive shutdown. They were empty and lacked even the smallest form of life in them. Her bright eyes looked dead and it scared the crap out of me, leaving dark chills to settle in me. I felt the hair on my nape come alive, erecting. And not in a good way but in a way that told me things were about to go south.
And I knew without a doubt that this afternoon, one of us was going to walk away…
She looked like a ticking time bomb that was about to explode at just the slightest graze.
"You lost the right to call me that." She countered, her voice coming out in a monotone that had me feeling like my heart was being ripped out of me and torn into shreds.
"Zee, please…" I trailed off, my voice housing a terrible crack in it.
"Let's not do this here…just…come with me." I tried to reason with her but she shook her head, chuckling mirthlessly.
"You started it, Shakira."
"You shouldn't have come here."
"We are the only ones here, aren't we?" She sent me an empty smile, cocking her head to the side.
"Unless…I am not wearing my glasses." She chuckled.
"Does that fucking ring a bell, Shakira?!" She bellowed, taking a step forward and I took a step back without being shoved by anything, other than the weight every word she spoke, held.
"Chizaram, I just want to talk to you!" I cried, desperate for her to see things my way but the empty look in her eyes told me she was past being reasoned with. I didn't want to believe that. I was going to hold on to the fact that she was going to listen to me and leave here with me.
"Well, I don't want to talk!" She debunked, yelling in my face.
"To speak the truth, standing here with you and exchanging words with you is making me sick! I can't even look at you, Shakira! I can't! I can't look at you__God, just get the hell out of my sight!"
Every word she uttered.
Every word she spoke stung so badly like a thousand needles were being stuck into my body.
"I didn't mean the things I said to you!" I shouted, defending myself. She didn't respond to what I said, she just stared at me and a scoff exited her lips before she made to walk past me. I held onto her hand to prevent her from leaving.
"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!' She fired at me, every word dripping with venom and hatred, causing me to flinch. Her loud voice seemed to have caught the attention of the students hanging around, giving them the very thing they are always hungry for.
Every sound suddenly felt so distant.
I couldn't make out anything through their loud murmurs and snickers. My head started to bang so hard, my legs wobbled. My heart pummelled loudly against my chest and I could feel it starting to hurt with tears clouding my entire vision. I couldn't speak. I just watched her blank face through my overly blurred vision that got blurrier as the second passed, since my tears wouldn't stop pouring.
No, no, no, no!!!
"I am done doing this with you," She deadpanned and I let out a sharp gasp.
"I am done going around this toxic cycle with you. I am done trying to save you from yourself and the monsters that live rent-free in your head! I am done going around in circles with you and having nothing to show for it." She said without mincing words and I shook my head sideways, not believing her. My eyes searched hers, desperate to find any atom or flicker of emotion in her eyes but there was none.
I couldn't find any.
And that shattered me.
She stared back at me coldly, wanting me to know she meant every word she said. She wanted them to sink and they were hard pills I couldn't bring myself to swallow. My heart broke and I shattered into a thousand pieces as every word she uttered rang and resonated loudly in my ears. Each word pricked at my heart, bringing more tears to my eyes.
Friends fight and makeup...
I chanted in my head like a mantra I was desperately trying to make myself believe. I was trying so hard to convince myself she didn't mean what she said but those words wouldn't stop ringing in my ears, tugging and gnawing at my senses, rendering me immobilised and sending me over to the edge, where I could feel myself falling off into an abyss.
I looked up from the ground and met her eyes, shaking my head and smiling at her.
"You don't mean that…you don't mean that…you are just mad at me…" I whispered, my voice cracking and quivering bit by bit.
Yes, she has finally seen you for who you are.
You are not worth her friendship, so she's doing away with the extra baggage because that's what you are!
That tiny voice that I have always tried to shut out, reminded me, yelling at me. I shook my head frantically, tears streaming down my face.
I snapped, trying so hard to shut the voice out.
"I talk am!"
"This babe is not okay!"
"Why is she talking to herself?"
"Omo, Blue Cove go just dey admit psych patients without screening them!"
"I knew it. I knew something was up with the girl since she set foot in this school..."
I was trying to keep it together but my punched and bruised breathing wouldn't let me, coupled with the palpitation of my heart and the way my hands and lips were trembling.
"Bestie goals in the mud!"
"E fit be on top boy like that!"
"Chizaram…" I called out to her and she arched her brow at me, unfazed by the cruel words that were being hurled at me. She barely blinked at the insults, almost as though it was none of her business.
"I am sorry, okay! I am sorry!" I shouted, taking a step forward and trying my hardest to convince the defiant girl standing a few feet away from me.
"I mean it,"
"Every. Fucking. Word." She enunciated every word as they rolled off her tongue, wanting them to sink in, her eyes set dead on me. Not waiting for my response, she spun on her heels and walked out on me.
Walking out of my life.
Walking out of our friendship.
I took a step backwards, again and again, and again until I just couldn't bring myself to walk away. I stood rooted in my spot, my eyes fixed on her retreating figure until I just couldn't see her anymore. I didn't know how long I stood there, frozen and unable to comprehend what just happened. I was blank and couldn't feel my head. I didn't even know when the crowd dispersed, leaving me all alone.
Out in the cold.
Utterly alone.
With my demons.
I squeezed my eyes shut, clamping my teeth down on my quivering lips, unsure of what to do with the void that settled in me, threatening to consume me and suck me in. My whole world was flashing right before my eyes and I had not even the slightest inkling of how to control it. The hallway suddenly felt like it was spinning and I could barely feel my legs.
I choked out a sob and spun around to face him.
"Stefan…" I croaked. I couldn't see anything through my hazy vision and everything was starting to get so blurry. My knees went weak and before I could even breathe, my legs gave me away. I'd have dropped to the floor if he wasn't so quick to come to my rescue.
"I have got you, Reina. Always."
That was the last thing I heard before I gave in to the darkness luring me into its hold, and then everything went black.
And finally, some quiet.
I wouldn't be surprised if my constant pacing in the room drilled a hole in the floor because I could barely keep track of the number of times I had gotten up from that chair and paced around the room, my senses and thoughts running haywire. That memory was going to be imprinted in my mind for a very long time, seeing her fall limp into my hands, exhaustion written all over her face. I could tell by how pale she looked and the eye bags underneath her eyes.
It left me wondering what on earth was going on with her. That darkness that loomed and hung around her aura was back again and I could feel it emanating off her in waves. For some time, it was as though it was never there because it seemed to have faded into nothingness but then, it was back and she had tried so hard to mask it with the faux smiles and how she pretended everything was alright with her. I knew something was wrong but she wouldn't tell me. I could sense it but it was far from her to let me in. I knew I could only press for answers for so long and I had to trust her to open up to me whenever she was ready.
I have been scared about so many things but the fear that overwhelmed me this afternoon, when I watched her fall, nearly consumed me and just thinking about it was enough to spark that feeling in me again. I was at a loss for options. I didn't know how I could let her know that I was there for her and I wasn't going anywhere. I was ready to be there for her if she would let me in. I was ready to help her through this. Fuck, she had all of me without even knowing. I was all in. I didn't come into her life to let her go through all this alone. I didn't fight so hard to get this close to her and then leave her out in the cold when the going got tough.
I cracked my knuckles, exhaling and looking up from the floor to glance at her just like I had been doing since I brought her to the clinic. I didn't even want to take my eyes off her for a second. I was so scared that anything could go wrong if I averted my gaze off her for a second. It was past closing hour but I wasn't leaving here until she woke up. I had all the time in the world to wait. I had texted my mom that I might be home late.
What if I hadn't gotten there in time?
God, I should have gotten there on time!
"Fuck!" I cursed, brushing my hands over my hair, groaning out in frustration. I exhaled, pinching the bridge of my nose. My eyes landed on the chair I was sitting on earlier and knowing that pacing around the room in circles and waiting for her to wake up wouldn't make the time run any faster, I sank into the chair that was only a few steps away from her. At this point, I didn't care if it felt creepy to be sitting this close to her bed, I just wanted her to be okay.
The sight of her chest rising and falling with ease had me breathing out in relief. It left a sense of tranquillity washing over me, easing me of the pent-up frustration and anger I had been feeling earlier. She looked too ethereal to be lying there and God, I could watch her all day and not get tired. It was fascinating to watch her sleep.
She was art herself.
She stirred softly in her sleep and her eyelids fluttered open. I got up from where I sat and crouched to her level, looking down at her. An inaudible groan escaped her lips and she sat up, squinting her eyes softly. I helped her prop the pillows properly so that she could rest her back against them.
She looked less dead and her face seemed to have regained its glow. I guess that's what sleeping does to you.
"How long have I been out?" She demanded in a hoarse tone, running her fingers through her cornrows.
"Four hours tops," I answered. I grabbed the bottled water by the table and uncapped it, stretching it to her. She reached for the water in my grasp and chugged the liquid down her throat, non-stop.
How drained was she?
"The smell in here is awful. I hate clinics. I'm leaving." She grumbled, pushing the covers off her body. I quirked my brows at what she just said, grabbing her by the hands instinctively.
"Reina, you haven't been sleeping," I stated matter-of-factly and her forehead creased in a frown immediately.
"I don't understand," She spoke sharply, arching her brow at me in bemusement, eliciting a soft sigh from me.
"You haven't been sleeping," I repeated, emphasising each word.
"That's the reason you collapsed. The Nurse said it herself. She also said you need to get a lot of rest. You are exhausted, Reina." I stated sternly, my eyes fixated on her frame. She looked everywhere else but my face and it even made it clearer that something was up with her. I rose to my feet and grabbed the plastic chair, setting by her side and taking my seat.
"I am fine, Stefan. Nothing is wrong with me. It's probably because of the text week stress. I will be fine in no time since we are almost done." She answered, not sparing so much as a glance in my direction.
Yeah, she is lying.
I stopped her again and I felt her freeze under my touch.
"You are lying, Reina. You won't even look at me. If anything is going on with you, you can talk to me about it___" Her next reaction threw me off balance.
"Stefan, get your hands off me!" She bellowed instantly and I flinched, my eyes widening in shock. I mean, not that it was far from her to snap at the slightest provocation but it just felt so sudden. I didn't prepare myself for her outburst.
"Stop trying to act like my best friend!" She yelled at me.
"You are not her! You are not Chizaram and you will never be her! Stefan, get out of my way while I am still asking nicely. Trust me, you don't want to piss me off." She snarled, her eyes burning with rage.
"Let me help, Reina…" She cut me off, again.
"Back off!" She scowled at me. She doesn't even like she wanted to take a second and catch her breath. She looked like she had been waiting for this kind of opportunity to present itself and she took it without hesitation. She was getting defensive again. She was doing that thing again where she says hurtful things and push people away because she didn't want to let anyone in.
I scoffed, then chuckled. I squint my eyes at her and exhaled, falling back into the chair and cracking my knuckles with my eyes fixed on her frame.
"Oya, that's the door. Leave, let me see you." I chuckled mirthlessly.
"Come on, get up. Leave. Do you want to see who's stronger? Stand up from that bed and watch me haul you over my shoulder and bring you back to this place before you even make it out of the door," I told her, nudging my head in the direction of the door and my eyes strayed back to hers, meeting her cold eyes. I didn't back down from the staring contest and I wasn't about to.
I didn't miss the look of surprise that flashed across her face for a while but she was so quick to collect herself. She got over it in no time and if looks could kill, I would probably be six feet beneath the ground already because of the way her brown eyes were narrowed at me in slits, glaring daggers and hauling fireballs at me. She huffed and looked away from me.
I exhaled, brushing my fingers on my temple.
"God!" She screamed out in frustration and I stared blankly at her, not fazed in the slightest at how agitated she was.
"Keep my fucking name out of your fucking mouth, Stefan or I swear to God, I will forget the fact that you are my friend and strangle you with this pillow by my side!" She shouted at me and pulled the covers over her head, and then she screamed out in frustration under the covers, and I chuckled, thoroughly amused.
"So, you agree that it's your name?" I asked in a bid to tease her. I couldn't stop the twitching of my lips.
"No!" She snapped, still not getting out of the covers where she was hiding. She whined, kicking her legs in the air. She finally pulled it off her head and sighed, glancing at me in the process.
"Fine," She rolled her eyes.
"Where is the nurse anyway?" She inquired, her eyes wandering around the overly bright room and not bothering to hide the disgust she felt by the way her face was scrunched up in a frown.
I found it cute.
"She will be back soon. She wants to give you some drugs, that was why I wanted you to wait. Just wait a tad bit more, she will be here." I answered, trying to persuade her.
"Fine, come sit here then," She offered. If there was anything I considered to be a form of an addiction lately, it was any form of body contact with her. I was unabashedly clingy when it came to her and I wasn't even going to try and deny it. I wasn't about to let the opportunity pass me by. So without hesitation, I got up from the chair and strutted to where she sat on the bed, occupying the space beside her.
As though she had been waiting for the body contact all day, she leaned into me and dropped her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer. A soft sigh escaped her lips at that gesture. There was this sense of familiarity and a rush of calmness and warmth that I felt in waves. It was so comfortable and felt like a familiar space.
God, I could get used to this. I could get used to having her in my arms because it felt like she belonged there. A comfortable silence ensued afterwards and the only thing I could hear was our constant breathing. Hers, especially and it was soothing.
"Zee is so mad at me, Stefan. She doesn't want to see me anymore. She hates me so much." She mumbled, her blood-red nails brushing the buttons of my shirt, right before my exposed collarbones.
Her warm, soft and airy touch burned through the material of my shirt and I could feel it on my bare skin, grazing it and leaving a tingling sensation everywhere she touched and I could only hope the change in my breathing and the racing of my heart didn't give me away. I didn't know if she was doing it on purpose or if she wasn't even aware of the havoc she was wreaking on me right now.
It suddenly became so hard to concentrate and all I wanted to do was shut my eyes and give in to what I was feeling but I knew how incredibly selfish that would make me. I exhaled, trying to catch my breath, pulling her to myself and leaving my arm to rest around her waist.
"She doesn't hate you, Reina. If there's anything I know, it's the fact that Chizaram loves you so much and cares genuinely about you. She's just hurt and needs time to sort through her feelings," I paused, brushing my fingers on her waist. It was at the tip of my tongue to blurt it out that the light-skinned girl had come bursting through the door when I called to tell her what went wrong.
I didn't miss the look of guilt she had written all over her face and the quivering of her lips when she begged me not to tell her that she came here. It took a lot to convince her that I was going to watch over her before she reluctantly left.
"I don't know, Stefan. I really hurt her and I think I lost her already. There's no coming back from that, Stefan." She responded with an exhale and I wanted to tell her how wrong she was but I had to refrain from doing that because I trusted her and I knew she would figure it out.
She always does.
"Reina?" I called and she tilted her gaze to meet mine, her brown eyes locking with mine in a soft stare.
"Huh?" She asked, quirking her brows when she saw that I wasn't saying anything.
"Don't ever think you are alone because you are not. You have me and I will always be here." I promised her and I watched as a smile slowly crept up to her face, knocking the breath right out of me like she had been doing from the first day I saw her.
"Thank you, Stefan. I am so glad to have you as a friend," She responded and dropped her head to my chest, her hands tightening around me like she didn't want to let me out of her grip.
And boy, that pricked so hard.
A friend?
I wanted to yell at her and tell her I wasn't just a friend. For fucks sake, I don't want to be just her friend. I take that back. I don't want to be just friends with her. Fuck, I wanted her in ways a guy should never want his friend and it was driving me nuts.
I couldn't even find my voice, so I just kept quiet and listened to her breathe, brushing my hands on her waist and listening to her breathe. It soon morphed into soft snores and I knew she had fallen asleep.
This was enough.
Me sef still dey in shock like this. I really want to know what you guys think about Kira and Zee's fight. Do you think Zee is right for reacting that way or she's overreacting? Do you think Kira deserves everything Zee did and said to her?
Y'all should speak to me about it in the comments section.🌚
Ah, e don red like this o.🌚 They haff friendzone Stefan😂😂😂😭💔 Pressure ti wa!😂 Omo, nothing dey pain pass this friendzoning shii. E go be like dem comot your heart😂💔😭
Do you think he will be leaving the friend's zone soon or he will be there for a long time?🌚
I don't want to stuff the Author's note. So, I will see you guys next week. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Adiós ✨
Love, Didi.♥️
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