C L U E S for Treasure Hunt.
If you don't know what we mean by treasure hunt, we are repeating it again.
Treasure Hunt~ *old man voice* In a far deserted island, there lies a hidden treasu-
[Alex: Stop it! We are not sending them to an island!
Others: Okay... ]
*clears throat*
In this game you all will have to find a fake account. It will be kinda like a treasure hunt (therefore the name). The participants will be given the clues to decipher the username. The one who will be the first to crack the username and reach the account and will get prizes and will also contribute towards 20 points of their house.
You can either work alone or work with a team. A team can have a maximum of 5 members and all the members in a particular team will have to be from the same house.
The hunt will be valid till all the accounts are discovered or till 3rd August.
The prizes include:
π20 points for their house
π5 follows on their profile
πA shoutout to their profile.
#1 Riddle
I am made of digits and alphabets. My digits are friends with the day the You-Know-Who was defeated. First you write my digits then you write my alphabets. You will rejoice when you know my alphabets for they themselves are the reason to rejoice. Find me if you can... I await for those who deserve me.
A Small Clue for you all: The hidden account's username ends with 'Y'.
#2 Riddle
I consist of three words written end to end and then comes a year. The year is happy as well as tragic. Tragic because that was the year everything ended along with many freed souls. Magic because the Dark died.
My first word is the feeling that explodes in your mouth. My second word is made of two very basic letters which you use in every day life. It is the sixth word of this line. My last word is something that comes from the heart and can never be bound. I have been tried to be bound continuous times but each attempt resulted in a fail.
#3 Riddle
In sooth, my only reason of sadness comes from my three words separated by force with two rods!
Look thee.
I may be the riddle with the least complication.
To know about me, you will have to race your brains back to the time when the dog taunted the stag with four eyes, for alas... the silver doe thought the stag was bad.
My exact wordings are the words the dog said in his playfullness to the stag's spawn, who is also a stag.
(This is the simplest riddle if you were paying attention.)
You will know when you have found the right account. We have left something on the message board.
House Scores Updates:
Gryffindor: Only three writing contest submissions have come.
Slytherin: Slytherin has also got only three submissions.
Ravenclaw: You guys are going the strongest with five submissions.
Hufflepuff: ... COME ON HUFFLEPUFFS! Only two submissions... tell all your Hufflepuff friends to help gather more points!
P.S. For the house cup points we had earlier decided to add the points seeing to the best 10 submissions from each house. But, seeing to the way the submissions are coming... we will have to judge on the basis of that. Which means that Ravenclaw is having an advantage here... till now.
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