xi. lotus casino.

THE SEVEN ENTER THE HOTEL, glancing around, "This is fancy." Daphne said as they stop and gawk at their surroundings. "Yeah..I know we're supposed to be saving the world, but would it be unprofessional if we just hung out here for a bit?" Percy asked, pandora and daphne nodding along, going to follow him as he stepped forward.

Pandora went to walk past annabeth, but the other girl pulled her back by her shirt, "We find hermes, we get him to hook us up with a ride to Los Angeles and a plan to get into the underworld, and we are out of here ten seconds later." Leah looked off to the side, not really wanting to see her father, daphne eyed her, nudging her slightly.

"I was kidding." Percy said, pandora made a face, knowing she wasn't kidding. Grover looked up, still looking around. "Wait, hang on." He stopped percy from moving, "What?" They all glanced at him confused. Pandora placed her hands in her pocket, going to wander off but annabeth grabbed her by her shirt again. She gave pandora a look that made the girl sigh and stay in place. "Your moms told you all the stories. Did they read you the Odyssey?"

"The graphic novel." The siblings said in sync, they eyed each other before looking back at grover, Midas and annabeth both cocked their heads at the two. "It counts." Percy said, noticing their looks. "Odysseus lands on a beach. There's these guys who've forgotten where they came from, forgot everything that was important to them, and they got that way because they ate —"

"The lotus flowers." Pandora and Percy said, nodding as they all glanced at the lotus sign on the wall. "If we go in there and then forget everything, that would be bad on a number of levels."

"But if hermes is in there, though, then what choice do we have?" Leah shrugged, "We can steal a car and drive there ourselves."  They all looked to the girl who shrugged again, "Just a thought." Pandora sighed, then made eye contact with annabeth. "What do you think, wise girl?" Annabeth tightened her lips, turning to grover, daphne and midas.

"Just don't eat anything." Midas frowned and shared a look with daphne, They then walked off, "Wait, why were you looking at us when you said that?" Grover asked, following behind them.

They walk deeper into the casino, looking around, pandora had tried to wander off many times but percy or annabeth were the ones who pulled her back every time. "This place is a lot bigger than it looked from the outside." Grover then caught up with then. "He could be anywhere."

"Let's split up." Annabeth said, "I thought we didn't do that anymore." Percy looked at her, as they stopped in the middle, "Also, you guys have seen him before, but we haven't." He gestured to himself and his sister. "So we're not gonna be much help alone."

The others share a look, "You guys check that side of the floor. We'll take Percy and Dory this way." Leah sighed in relief, silently thanking the gods. "One way or other, we meet back in the lobby in 20 minutes." Grover nodded, going to step away then pauses.

"What do i say to him if we find him first?"

"Nothing. Meet me here and you'll take me to him." The satyr hesitated, staring at her for a moment before nodding, "Yeah. Of course." Percy and Daphne side eyed each other before they all separated.

"What are you gonna say to Hermes that Grover can't?" Percy asked, finally saying what was on his mind since they left the others, Annabeth glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "I was Luke and Leah for a long time before Grover found us. I saw stuff Grover didn't get to see." Pandora leaned forward, looking at Annabeth. "Like meeting Leah and Luke's dad?"

"Like meeting their mom." Percy and Pandora's eyebrows furrowed, "She's a seer. A human who can see through the mist. Sometimes, they see stuff that messes them up. Scary stuff. Stuff that hasn't happened yet. Stuff they know is gonna happen. I think it happened to her and Luke blames Hermes for it." She explained, staring off into the sea of people with her hands tucked in her jacket pocket. "And i think Hermes would do anything to win him back."

"And Leah?" Midas shook his head, "He tries to talk to her sometimes but Luke wouldn't let him. I'm sure he'll do anything to talk to his daughter. Maybe helping us is a start." Annabeth nodded in agreement.

After a moment, Percy licked his lips and turned to Midas and Annabeth, "Look.." He started, "If i tell you guys something, do you promise not to make fun of us?" Pandora made a face, wondering where he got 'us' from. "Dude." Annabeth sighed and Midas smiled as Percy rolled his eyes. "Right. Okay." He took a deep breath, carefully going over the thoughts in his head.

"So, we've been having these dreams. For a while, they were weird. Then, like Leah and Luke's mom, they got scary. You guys have these too, right?"

"Of course." The duo said in sync, staring at him intently, "And then this guy started showing up and talking to us," He turned to his sister who nodded in agreement, "But not like in a regular dream. It's more like he knows we're in a dream." The siblings stop in front of annabeth and midas. "But today, it was different. "Like we somehow ended up in his dream."

"Like we were eavesdropping on him talking to.." Percy paused, glancing at his sister as she also caught on, Annabeth and Midas shared a look, then looked back at the two. "Talking to who?" Midas questioned,

"To the person who stole the master bolt for him." Midas and Annabeth shared another look before dropping their gaze, "You're eavesdropping on hades conspiring with Clarisse through your dreams? Both of you?" Midas said, staring at Pandora and Percy incredulously. Percy sighed and shook his head. "The part that we don't get, though, is that they were talking about what comes next. Like getting Zeus and Poseidon to fight was the only beginning, and they're planning bigger on top of it."

"So, do you think it's real? Because if it's real, something the gods don't even know about, i mean.. what are we supposed to do about that?" Pandora asked, sighing as she clenched her jaw, I mean, the whole fight between Zeus and Poseidon was stressing her out. She couldn't deal with something bigger.

"I don't know." Annabeth and Midas stared at each other before dropping their gaze. "You don't know?" Percy tilted his head as Pandora furrowed her brow. "There are things we don't know." Percy shook his head.

"Yeah, but if you two don't know, i mean, what chance do we have?" Annabeth sighed, "Well..it isn't going to make any difference, unless we actually get to Santa Monica first. We don't have much time. Come on." The siblings followed behind of Annabeth and Midas.

"So, a big wave comes and washes the boy back onto the beach." The four demigods approached The Messenger God. "So the lady falls to her knees. She looks up at the sky, and she says..'he's wearing a hat!" He paused, looking at them. "Hey, demigods! Welcome!"

"I like him already." Pandora smiled as the others exchanged looks, "We were sent to find you." Annabeth said, her head tilted it. "Well, you found me. Come join us." He beckoned them over, "You kids know how to play craps?" The Daughter of Zeus shrugged, and began to walk over to the table. "You can teach me —" The others slowly followed her over to the table.

"Look, we don't really have a lot of time." Annabeth shook her head. "We need your help to —" Hermes glanced up at the girl, "I know what you need my help for." He gave them a smile, "You want mybhelot to sneak into the underworld." Percy and Pandora shared a look, staring at each other with surprise written on their faces. "Wow. You're a really good guesser."

Pandora looked back at the god. "I exist beyond space and time, kid.Why do you think they put me in change of delivering the mail?" Pandora smiled brightly, "Cool. You think you can get me a cookie? Since..you know." Annabeth and Midas let out a sigh as hermes stared at Pandora.

"Look, you're not the first demigods to ask and trust me, you won't be the first demigods to walk away disappointed." He leaned off the table, walking around a man, Percy's jaw almost went to the floor as hermes handed pandora a cookie. "Dude." He reached his hand out, breaking a piece off of the cookie.

"So you might as well at least play a little."

"We're friends of luke and leah." Hermes paused, his smile fading as he stared at the four demigods. "Yeah." He fidgets and glances around, before ushering the kids away. "Okay." He teleports them to a table.

"What —"

"Time and space are easy, kids." He moves around the table, sitting down and crossing his legs, "Parenting is.. something else entirely." He sighed and looked at them. "Have a seat." The demigods share a brief look before slowly sitting down. "I remember you." Hermes looks at Annabeth, "You were there. Last time i saw Luke and Leah." He takes a sip of his drink. "Yes. I saw you argue. I heard what he said. That what happened to their mom was your fault. That it was all your fault. That he hated you."

Hermes eyes drift up to Annabeth, "Help us get to the Underworld. Help up retrieve Zeus's Master Bolt from hades, and he'll see that you care. Leah would see how you care." Hermes stared at them for a moment, his brow furrowed before he gave a shallow nod. "There is a way into the Underworld. A secret way. I've helped others find it before."

"And do you know what happens every time? I mean, every single time. You don't want my help." Pandora stared at him blankly, he didn't even say what happens every single time. "Trust me." Midas rolled his eyes as the god took a sip of his drink. "No, we actually kind of do."

"Why else would we be here?" Midas sighed, "I was warned to stay away from Luke, Leah and their mother." Hermes started, placing his glass down on the table. "Warned to that no matter how much i tried to help, I would just make things worse. And i went anyway. And it wasn't just awful for Luke and Leah. It was awful for all of us."

"Do you know what that feels like?" He leaned in closer, his hands folding, "To be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you had any choice but to keep hurting each other?" Pandora glanced down, avoiding hermes eyes, "I know you do." The god reaches out to Her and percy, grabbing their hands.

They stared at Hermes, wide eyed after they saw their younger selves in the back of a car, staring blankly at the chair in front of them. Hermes turned to Annabeth and Midas, "Should i remind you, too?" He goes to reach for Annabeth but she recoils instantly, midas leaned back, taking his hands off the table. "I remember just fine."

Hermes sits back in his chair, "Are you gonna help us or not?" The god picked back up his glass, "I don't get involved anymore. It's just not worth it. I'm sorry." He takes another swig of his drink. Annabeth shakes her head in disbelief, "Then this was all just a waste of time," She turned to the others. "As. we don't have time to waste."

Pandora jaw tensed, as she stared at something in the corner. Annabeth rises from her seat and marches from the table, midas following closely behind. Percy shared a look with his sister. "She's right to be angry. It isn't fair. None of it is."

"Thanks. That's super helpful." Pandora said, her voice filled with sarcasm before she and percy rose from their seats, before they could fully stand, hermes spoke. "It was your father who warned me to stay away." The two paused before they sat back down slowly. "Said it was awful watching you struggle and feel powerless to stop it. But that sometimes.. that's what parenting is." Percy's gaze drifts down, his mouth works and his lips tremble. "I was supposed to see him. He said he'd meet me in Santa Monica. Why would he say that if he think it'll make it worse."

"At least your father said something to you." Pandora rolled her eyes and muttered, Hermes sighed, staring at percy. "It is.. very hard for a god to feel powerless. I guess we're all just doing the best we can." He tilts his head.

Percy stands, pulling his sister up with him and they both step away, "If it makes you feel any better, it won't be much use now anyway." Percy stopped, slowly turning back to look at hermes. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hermes checks his watch and winces.

Pandora's mouth dropped and she quickly grabbed percy and they dart through the casino, pushing through groups of people, they slow once they reach the lobby, looking outside through the glass door. They join Annabeth and midas, looking through the door to find that it was nighttime. "Dude! It's night?! How? We've only been here a few minutes. Oh, my god. We're dead. Percy's dead. Oh, my god. Percy's gonna die!"

"Okay, calm down, sparky." Midas said, staring at her with a brow raised, "Okay, look. I know it seems like we've been here for like 20 minutes, but it's already thursday. We've been here for days." Midas and Annabeth sharply turned to percy. "Time moves differently here. Faster. Every second in here is like minutes outside."

"Hermes let us sit at that table the whole time, knowing the clock was running out on our quest." The Siblings nodded. "Yes." Annabeth looked down, "Then i feel a lot better about having stolen his keys."

Percy and Pandora nodded again, "Right. I was — What?" They turned back to her, realizing what she said, the girl held up a pair of keys, "Got invisible. Picked his pocket." Percy stared at her. "You picked hermes's pocket?"

"I'm multi-talented." Pandora smiled, sharing a look with percy, "See, what would we do without annie." Midas grinned as he wrapped his arm around annabeth. "Now, all we have to do is find his car and it'll instantly transport us anywhere we wanna go. We still have time to finish this quest before the solstice, if we hurry."

"Hermes told us something else. The reason we can't feel time passing is because of the lotus fruit." Midas tilted his head, "We didn't eat any fruit." Percy shook his head at the boy. "They pump it into the air. It makes you forget. Hermes reminded me there was something we needed to do before we could leave." Annabeth looks up. "Grover."

"Who's Grover?" Percy and Pandora said in sync, squinting their eyes, Annabeth gestures with her head, the three turn and look up, watching someone ride an escalator. "Grover. I remember grover. Man, Grover got really old. Look at the gray hair." Pandora muttered. "How long have we been here?"

"Hey!" They rush over to the guy, "We're looking for our friend, a satyr. Have you seen him?" Mouth open, the man stares at them, "Where is he?" The man turns and bolts off.

"Wait!" Percy and Pandora sprint after him as midas and annabeth went the other way, The satyr clatters past a person, Percy and Pandora watches as the older satyr vaults onto a table and runs along it, the two quickly shared a look before running after him. They close the gap, "Hey!" Percy tackles the satyr to the ground. "Where is grover!"

They stop, looking as grover stood on a circular platform, daphne and leah watching him as he swings a controller, Percy, Annabeth, Midas and Pandora walk over to them, They finally remember daphne and leah as they got closer. "Leah, daph." The two girls turned to them with confused expressions.

"Grover." Percy spun the satyr around, "Grover." He climbs onto the platform and took the headset off, The satyr frantically looks around, "I was so close." Percy sighed and nodded. "I know, i hate it when pandora does that to me. And i can't believe i'm the one saying this, but it's really time to go." He glanced at the girls then back at grover. "Of course. Where are we going?"

Pandora knits her brow, "You guys don't know who we are, do you?" She looked at daphne and leah then back at grover, The three stared at them then tilted their heads, "Yeah. No, I don't. Have we met? And do you guys have something to eat?" Daphne questioned.

"Percy, Annabeth, Midas, Pandora. We're your best friends." Percy shook their hands, "Really?" The three smiled and Pandora sighed. "Oh, boy. Guys, we're on a quest. We can't do this without you. We're short on time, and we gotta go. Right now."

Leah's smile brightened, "A quest? That sounds amazing!" Grover unzipped the game vest, "But is it dangerous? It's not a deal-breaker, i'm just curious." The satyr asked, "Also, i'm sorry, What was your name again?" Annabeth, Percy, Midas and Pandora shoot each other a look. "Can we just leave them? Like, we can come back for them of course but.."

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