"I talked to officer Hammel. He hasn't heard anything."
Monse told us as we all walked home. Cesar went MIA, and he hasn't been responding to any of our phone calls.
"And theres no John Doe at the morgue or the hospital since Cesar went missing." Ruby puts out as he held my hand.
"So thats a good thing. You know i feel it. Like any moment now, theres gonna be a sign." Monse had some hope. So do I. I know that he's not dead, i know it. "Hes gonna be okay and we're gonna be able to celebrate his birthday."
"His birthday is next week."
"Whats your point?"
"No point. Just stating a fact." Jamal said.
"I know hes fine. Although ive been leaving my dads car unlocked for him to crash in, and every morning its still unlocked." And Ive been leaving him text messages about he can stay at my house, keep low, but no answer.
"Well if youre leaving it unlocked and finding it unlocked, how do you know he hasn't been there?" I questioned her.
"If he was there, he'd lock it. He'd never leave it unlocked."
"Agreed." Jamal confirmed. "Cesar was nothing if not responsible."
"True. He took care of of business."
"He was the best brother/romance/bagman ive ever had." Monse and I frowned.
"Why are you talking in past tense?" I told him.
"We're just being realistic." I pushed Ruby. He shrugs.
"About what?"
"That he's probably...dead." I shook my head.
"You don't know that."
"Look, he went after Latrelle. Chivos car was found on 21st, thats prophet$ territory, and hes been MIA." Ruby points out. "You do the math."
"He's probably hiding out." Monse tells him.
"Monses right." I agreed with her.
"Nah, Rubys right." We snapped out heads to Jamal. "If someones missing for more than 48 hours, theres an 86% chance they're dead. No ones watching a show called 72 hours." Okay mister criminal minds, but its Cesar! He can make it through hell and back!
"Shut up Jamal." Monse growls.
"We're just being real." Ruby tells us. "Prophet$ are ruthless as hell."
"And gang shootings are up 31% this year." Not helping!
"Enough!" I stopped and yelled at them. "Cesar is fine!" Monse continued to walk away. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously guys, you guys are assholes. why would even think that about your best friend?" I shrugged off and walked home by myself. They both ran after me.
"Mamas, we're just preparing." Ruby said as he walked in front of me.
"It doesnt matter, Monse's not okay. You should at least say that he's okay, at least give her that." Jamal comes and puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Val, you are right. But come on." I stopped walking.
"Dicks, thats what you guys are." I couldn't stand to be with neither of them.
"Fine." Ruby grabs me. "Cesar's okay."
"Now you're just saying that because you dont want me to be mad."
"No, Cesar's probably safe. He's Cesar." Ruby continues.
"We're sorry."
"Dont say sorry to me, say sorry to Monse. Shes needs to hear it." I walked in the house and sat on the couch. "Still not home?" I referred to Willy. I sighed as Jacky came from feeding Luis.
"He's with Spooky." She sighs. She knew what was up, i told her, more than I tell Willy. "Cesar will be okay."
"I know." I stood up. "I care,you know. Too much. And i just." I sat back down. "Want to know my friend is okay." Jacky puts Luis down and started to play with my hair.
"Mama, you dont have to get into this mess okay." She tells me. "Cesar will appear. Leave the prophets to the Santos."
"But if I lose Willy?" I pulled my legs to my chest. Jacky sighs. I don't even want to think about it. It can happen, its Freeridge.
"Thats not going to happen." She grabs my hand. "Right now, we just have to wait and see."
"I got homework." I got up and walked to my room. I sat there, not even touching my backpack. I heard a knock, Jackys knock. "Yeah." She walks in. She sits on my bed and looks at me.
"Listen, I know why you're so angry." I gulped.
"Nena, you're not you." She grabs my hands. "I get it, you're just trying to keep your friends and us safe. You almost lost Ruby and Willy." I looked at her. "You cant just bottle up those feelings, okay? We're here to talk."
"But I just want them to be happy again." A tear came down, rolling down my cheek.
"Its not your job to do that. I mean yes, but not everyday. You have to make yourself happy. I know that you're struggling."
"I just dont know who I am anymore." Jacky hugs me. She rubs my back, making me let it out.
"You're just tryin to see where you fit in this crazy world. So start focusing on yourself, okay." I nodded. "We need the old Valeria back. Take your time." She kiss my cheek. "I don't get how you can manage all of this. You're too good for us Val."
"Thank you Jacky." Jacky made me look at her. She wiped my tears.
"We're here for you." She repeats.
Next Day
It was just another day. Go to classes and check anything if Cesar is good. But nothing. It was lunch time, I wasn't hungry, which wasn't me.
"Hes alive!" Monse tells us as she saw us sitting. "Its a sign! Cesars alive!" My head peeked up. Really!
"How do you know it was him?" Ruby questioned. "Someone couldve stolen the stuff."
"Good point." Jamal agreed. Here we go again.
"Why would someone steal food and blankets but leave a stereo?" The boys just looked at each other, nodding. "And he locked the door on the way out? Totally a Cesar move."
"Shes right." I sang.
"He took everything because he's laying low. We gotta jump on Operation Money Bunny fast, cause hes out of hiding, hes gonna need to be on the move."
"Im one or rather...sixteen steps ahead of you!" Jamal said as he pulls out a map. We all took a closer look.
"Oh. And there two new locations. One here and one across Dooner Road." Ruby points out. Monse looked at him. "What?"
"Don't you have something to say?"
"About what?"
"About Cesar being alive. You were wrong."
"Right, wrong, doesnt matter." Jamal speaks out. "We've got work to do." We went to do Operation Money Bunny. Dressing up as teachers, lifeguards, pimps, nurses, fisherman's, you name it. We went to cash in the money, and repeatedly doing it all day. It was easy now, we got the hang of it. Once the money got cleaned, i mean all of it, we danced in Rubys new room, celebrating. We finally did it! Abueltia also celebrated with us. Once the party was over, I headed home. The tv was on, Jacky and Luis sleeping. I smiled and went to my room. No sign of Willy. I decided to call him, its been a while.
"Hey." I said as he picked up.
"All good?" He sounded bothered.
"Yeah, i just wanted to know that you're okay."
"Sorry, I've been with sad eyes, spooky and joker. We're handling some stuff."
"Oh, but are you okay though?" I asked again.
"Yeah im fine." He huffs. "Listen I got to go okay, ill see you soon." He hangs up. I put my phone on my lips. What is he doing?
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