Discussion and Trivia Questions about 'Lodestar'

1. Describe Rimeshine, both inside and out. How does Juline's ability relate to Rimeshine? Discussthe reactions of Sophie, Fitz, and Biana to Rimeshine, and the reasons that Dex was worried abouthaving them visit.

2. Sophie goes with Sandor to Gildingham to honor Brielle. How do they get there? What is Gildinghamlike? How does it reflect the goblins and what they value? Describe how the goblins honor Brielle. 

 3. What is Lumenaria like? Describe the castle and the events that take place there. What are theelves trying to communicate with the opulence of the castle and the gala?

4. In the first chapter, Sophie thinks about the silver moonlark pin that was a "symbol of the role sheneeded to figure out how to play." What does the moonlark stand for? When in the novel does shemake progress in figuring out her role?

5. Most of the time in this story, Sophie and Keefe communicate telepathically. How does that affecttheir relationship? What is Keefe up to, and how does Sophie feel about it? 

6. Describe Grizel, her personality, and some of her actions. Talk about her relationship with Sandorand what it shows about him. What is Sophie's reaction to their relationship?

7. Lord Cassius sends Keefe a message that says he can always come back home. Why does thatsurprise Sophie? Did it surprise you? What does it say about Lord Cassius as a person? 

8. In chapter 41, Keefe shares an important memory about his mother with Sophie, which Fitz alsosees and hears. What is the memory? What does it reveal about Keefe's mother? Discuss how itexplains some of Keefe's problems. How do Sophie and Fitz react to the memory?  

9. Stop after reading the preface and discuss what it might foreshadow about the novel. Thendiscuss it again after reading the novel to see how the preface fits into the whole and why theauthor chose to open the story with it.

10. Describe how the matchmaking works. Why does the fact that Fitz can get a matchmaking listcatch Sophie by surprise? What is Fitz's plan about the list? Why does Dex say he might notregister for matchmaking? 

11. Why is Juline's admission about who she really is so important? How does Kesler react, and why?What are Dex's emotions and reaction? Explain how the birth of her triplets inspired Juline to makeher important choice. 

12. How does Sophie's new Enhancer ability work? What are its advantages and drawbacks? Describeways she uses it in the story. 

13. Chapter 21 ends with a dramatic cliff-hanger. Read the cliff-hanger again and then analyze thecontent of the chapter. What aspects of the chapter make the cliff-hanger's impact stronger?What emotions do the chapter and the cliff-hanger evoke? 

14. Mr. Forkle describes himself as someone whose "first instinct is to deny things." What is hereferring to in general and specifically in this scene? Point to other places in the story where heexercises this instinct. What is Sophie's opinion of his tendency?

15. When she can't sleep, Sophie thinks about something Keefe told her: "Sometimes things have toget worse before they get better." Identify examples in the plot where this pattern is true. Whatrole does this pattern play in writing any adventure story? 

16. In the same scene, Sophie also remembers Bronte's advice that, "Worry can bring power...Betterto embrace it than ignore it." What does this mean? Do you agree with the advice? Can you findexamples of Sophie following the advice? 

17. What is a lodestar? What role does it play in the plot? Discuss the Lodestar Initiative and why it isnamed that. Why do you think the author used Lodestar as the title?

18. Keefe's mother writes him a note that says, "All it takes is a leap of faith." What does the phrase"leap of faith" mean to you? What does Keefe's mother mean by it?  

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