➴ 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝙶𝚘

Type: Sapnap x Reader

Time: Just a normal day on the SMP, before the war

Place: One of the reader's strip mines, as well as the shared home between the reader and Nick

Warnings: Injury, angst >:), light/mild cursing, slight gore, Sapnap appears as his Minecraft character

This will take place as if Minecraft is real life :)

Words: 2273

Requested by: Lilacpurple101

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Nick paced in front of your bed for hours on end, waiting for you to wake up.

He couldn't get over how still you looked, laying there. Peaceful, yes. But still.

So goddamn still.

He hadn't meant what he'd said this morning, about you being too scared and weak to fend for yourself.

Maybe that's why you'd gone off by yourself.

It was a well-known rule around your village: never go mining alone.

It was unspoken, but it was there.

And you'd broken it.

Exasperated and exhausted, Nick sat down on the edge of your bed, dropping his head into his hands.

"Please, (Y/N)," He pleaded with your sleeping figure, his voice broken and thick with emotion, "Please wake up..."

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That morning:

"Damnit, (Y/N)!" Nick shouted, his gruff voice echoing throughout your shared cottage, "How many times do I have to say it?! Wait till I get back. You're going to get yourself hurt without me."

"You don't think I can protect myself?" You shoot back, your tone just as venemous.

"Of course not! You've said it yourself; you've barely had any training. Not to mention, I fight all the mobs we come across."

"Well, maybe if you'd give me a chance to fight them, I'd show you that I can stand my ground!"

Nick let out a frustrated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and his forefinger. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him he was close to running late.

"Listen," He grumbled, taking his tone down a few notches, "I have to get to this meeting with Clay and George, okay? It'll take me a few hours, and we can mine for an hour or two before dark, okay?"

You didn't answer, which Nick took as a sign of compromise.

"I'll see you later," He huffed, slamming the door shut behind with a bit more force than he meant to. But he wasn't going to go back and apologise.

You watched out the window as Nick mounted his horse and rode off, flopping onto the couch once he was out of sight.

For the first hour and a half, you obeyed Nick's suggestion.

You made yourself busy around the house; you straightened up, you made a few potions, you read a book or two. But you were immensely bored by the hour-and-forty-five minute mark.

And that diamond pickaxe hanging by the door was looking extremely tempting as of then.

You took a quick glance out the window. You couldn't see any traces of Nick in any relation to your home, so you got to work.

You changed into clothes fit for mining, packed a backpack of food, extra blocks, water, torches, and weapons, fit yourself with armor (minus a helmet), and grabbed your pickaxe.

Off on your own little adventure.

It was exhilarating.

Pushing open the fence gates of your shared strip mine, you began making your way down the stairs.

You and Nick had pretty much cleaned this place out, but there was no shame in doing a little more digging. Plus, you were in a familiar space. You knew you were safe.

You decided to begin mining a few blocks before the staircase ended. The wall here hadn't been touched; you and Nick had been more interested in finding diamonds than iron at the time.

Preparing yourself, you took your first swing.

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Barely a quarter amount of damage to your pickaxe and two pork chops later, you stumbled into a darkened cave.

"Awesome," You murmured, taking out your source of light. You placed torches as you walked, slowly making your way throughout the cave.

So far, luckily, you hadn't run into any mobs. You could hear them, but decided not to dig towards them.

Nick's words were making you doubt your abilities.

You continued downwards, figuring you would have the most luck finding diamonds down there.

The darkened corners assured you that no one had been here before.

A glint of blue caught your gaze, suddenly, and a rush of excitement filled your body.

The feeling of finding diamonds never changed. The rush of adrenaline never got old.

With ease, you dug out the shining blue material from the wall.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

A seven diamond vein. Nick was going to be so proud of you...

Your heart dropped slightly.

If he wasn't too angry at you for going off, that is.

You were gearing up to head back to the ground above when another light source caught your eye.

One of the diamonds you had mined had revealed an opening, leading into an enormous underground ravine.

Your eyes widened. Did you traverse the unknowns of this ravine, or did you head back to safety?

You pulled out a small tablet from your bag, checking the status of your armor and shield [ just my take on how the inventory works :) ].

They weren't too beat up...you could risk a bit of adventure.

You mined the block of stone in your path, easily making your way into the ravine soon after.

You lost track of how long you'd been down there, harvesting iron, redstone, gold, lapis, and diamonds alike.

Nick was sure to forgive you after this. You wondered if he was home, and then realised you hadn't left him a note.

You brushed away the thought; he'd see the pickaxe missing from its place by the door and he'd put two and two together. No big deal.

By this time, you'd encountered quite a few mobs, but defeated them relatively easy.

It made you more confident, each time you encountered a monster, that you would end up killing it successfully.

You made your way back into the main part of the ravine, where you'd left a chest, crafting table, and furnace by your entryway.

You began smelting some of your iron, leaning against the warm furnace to take a break and eat something.

You'd pretty much stripped one side of the ravine of its goodies, and you were about to move onto the other when something new caught your eye.

Was that...wood?

You knew for a fact that you hadn't placed any wood down here, and you knew you were the only person to have explored this cave.

So, you concluded, the wood was a mineshaft.

Your lucky day.

You hadn't checked your armor stats in a while. The thought hadn't crossed your mind.

And it would end up costing you.

Armed with your diamond sword and shield, you made your way into the mineshaft. You'd never encountered one of these before, so you were unsure of what to expect.

A few of the chests you'd found had treated you nicely; rewarding you with diamonds and iron and even a mending book.

But not everything in the mineshaft was there to help you.

Eventually, you encountered a spider spawner. At first, you were unbothered; using your sword to try and get to the spawner to destroy it.

But the spiders that appeared as you approached seemed different than normal.

They were smaller, and held a blue tinge to their skin.

You successfully fought four off before destroying the spawner, but there was one hanging above your head that you'd missed.

As you were leaving the spawner room, it dropped down behind you and sunk it's teeth into your bare calf.

Your leggings had broken.

You cried out in pain. This bite hurt way worse than the normal spiders. Weakly, you fought the spider off.

You could feel your health depleting rapidly.

With all the strength you had left, you made your way back to your little home base, collapsing against the furnace; still warm from its most recent smelting.

You built a crappy cobblestone hut around you to keep any monster from finishing you off.

And promptly passed out.

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The meeting had taken longer than Nick had anticipated.

Some stupid little country decided that they wanted to be independent, and now Nick and his friends were going to war.


At least he got to burn some trees.

The sun had completely set by the time Nick had put his horse back in the stables.

"(Y/N)'s not going to be happy..." Nick mumbled as he entered your home.

"(Y/N)?" He called, his deep voice echoing throughout your home, "I'm back!"


Nick tried once more, growing concerned when you didn't respond.

Frantically, he searched each room of the small cottage, his pulse racing faster upon finding all of them empty.

His first thought was that you were at the marketplace.

But you always promised to be home by dark, so he ruled that one out.

His mind went through every scenario.

And then he noted the absence of tools hanging by the door.

"She didn't." Nick growled, glad to have his own tools on him already.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and marched over to his next door neighbor, Karl's, home and knocked on the door.

"Can you help me look for (Y/N) in the mines? I think she went down there by herself, and you know how massive those things can get."

Karl nodded, "I'll be right out!"

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Nick and Karl searched every tunnel they'd made, becoming frustrated upon finding you still missing.

"Hey!" Karl called suddenly, pointing at a tunnel they'd somehow missed, "Was this you?"

Nick shook his head, pushing past Karl to examine the tunnel, "No, this is new. Come on!"

The two made their way into the cave you'd traversed, until they came to a fork in the road.

It was at this point that you'd gotten lazy with your torch-retrieving, and ended up leaving your torches wherever they'd been placed.

The boys decided they would split up, Nick going right and Karl taking the left path.

After about half an hour, Nick was making his way back to where he'd split with Karl, feeling even more hopeless than before.

And then he saw Karl carrying you.

Karl's mouth was a grim line. He'd taken off your armor as an effort to carry you easier. Your skin was a sickly pale color, and your lips were dry and cracked.

Every breath you took sounded like a rattlesnake's tail.

You were barely breathing.

But you were alive.

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And now, here you were, the liquid ingredients of a healing potion mixing into your blood.

Nick was praying to whatever god was out there that it was working. That you would come back to him.

He couldn't let his last memory of you be one of your fights.

It would kill him.

So he did the only thing he would do when he was feeling down like this.

He talked to you.

"(Y/N)?" He began, taking a shaky breath, "I don't know if you can hear me. If you can...that's awesome. I really hope you can hear me."

"I need you to hold on, okay? For me. Don't let go. Please, for the love of any god out there, don't let go. You have no idea what you mean to me. You have no idea how much you've changed my life. You have no idea how much I love you..." Nick's voice cracked.

"You can't leave me alone, okay? Not like this. Not after everything we've been through. The fight we had this morning was stupid, okay? And it was my fault. And I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. But it's not worth dying over, you hear me? If you die...if...if you leave me...I don't know what I'll do.." Nick sniffled, his eyes were hot with tears.

"I don't know what I'll do. Cause you complete me, you know? You complete me." Nick fell silent, letting his emotions take over.

"And I love you."

"Nick?" Your voice cut through the silence. It was weak and raspy. But it was your voice. You were awake.

"(Y/N)!" Nick almost tackled you in a bear hug, "Thank gods you're okay!" He settled for grabbing your hand gently instead.

You smiled weakly up at your lover, shame coloring your cheeks, "I'm sorry I went mining on my own. I just wanted to prove to you that I...that I'm worth something. That I'm not just a damsel that needs protecting."

Nick shifted closer to you, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your forehead. His cheeks were wet with tears.

"No. You're not a damsel that needs protecting. You're the strongest woman I know." Nick replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

Your smile widened, and you leaned up, albeit painfully, to kiss him.

The kiss was long, but passionate. It wasn't rough, it was loving. It was a moment to be cherished.

After the two of you parted, you leaned back against your pillows.

"By the way, dummy," You giggled, reaching up to ruffle Nick's dark hair, "I heard what you said."

Nick flushed a deep red, awkwardly adjusting the straps of his white bandanna.

"All of it?"

"Yeah. All of it."

"Well...I meant it."

"I know."


"Yeah," You hummed, a warm smile playing on your lips.

"And I love you, too."

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Hope you enjoyed!

Stay awesome, lovelies, and happy Thanksgiving! ♥️

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