Chapter 8: Maybe We Can Get Through This

A/n: I'd like to thank LunaSulariaΒ  for the awesome title suggestions! She actually thought of the new title for this book. So, thank you, I appreciate it! ~

Seokjin's P.O.V

I open my eyes and I feel a cold weight on my chest. I look down and I see Taehyung facing me. His face looks odd. It looks pale, almost translucent. I lift my hand and feel the soft skin of his face.
He's as cold as ice.
I put my hand under his chin and feel around for a pulse.
I don't feel the light thumping of his pulse.
I don't feel anything.

No answer.
I slap his face.
"Oh my god, Taehyung!"
I yell and continue to slap his face, shake him, anything that could wake him. Namjoon is up by now, he looks scared. Alert.

"What's wrong, hyung?" He asks.
"I can't get him to wake up, Namjoon. I can't."
I say frantically.
He moves from his spot beside Taehyung and gently asks me to move over.
Namjoon shifts Taehyung's limp body so he's flat on his back. He puts his ear near Taehyung's mouth and listens. He speaks after a moment.

"He's not breathing," he says shakily.

My heart starts to beat quickly.

"Oh my god."

I stare at him as Namjoon moves Taehyung's head so his airways are open and he begins performing CPR. He roughly pushes on Taehyung's chest rhythmically, and I wince and cover my ears when I hear the terrifying sound of bones cracking.

Namjoon pushes thirty times and breaths air into Taehyung's lungs twice repeatedly, a desperate expression on his face.

He continues to simultaneously breath for Taehyung and pump his chest. Namjoon begins sobbing, tears dripping down his face and landing on Taehyung's cold, bare skin.

"No no no no, Taehyung, no!" He cries. "You can't leave me, Taehyung, you can't!"

I feel like I can't move, I just sit there and stare as Namjoon continues to pump Taehyung's ribs. They're probably all broken by now. I feel tears wet my cheeks, but I don't wipe them.

After a minute, Namjoon stops and looks at me, his eyes red and face shiny from tears.
I look at him incredulously.
"Why did you stop? Namjoon, why did you stop?! He's gonna die, Namjoon, don't just sit there!" I move to continue the CPR myself, but Namjoon puts a hand on my chest.

"He's gone, hyung, he's gone," he says softly, voice breaking. He shakes his head, and covers his face with his hands.

"No, he can't be. Wake up! Wake up, Taehyung!" I shout at Taehyung's limp body, his face pale and lifeless.

"Please. Please...wake up...Taetae... please," I whisper, resting my forehead on his throat.
My tears fill the dip below his Adam's apple.

Namjoon pulls me up and I lay against his chest. We both cry and cry and cry. This is the hardest I've cried in my whole life...

I feel someone's hand on my back, they begin to shake me vigorously.

"Hyung! Hyung, wake up! Hyung!"


My eyes fly open, and I see Taehyung in front of me. He shakes me gently. "Hyung, wake up," he whispers.

I look around. I am laying in bed, and I feel tears on my cheeks. Taehyung is tucked comfortably into my chest. I feel his gentle breath on my bare skin.
He's alive, it was just a dream.

Namjoon lays beside us, his leg dangling over Taehyung's torso, his toes touching my hip.

"Taehyung, you're awake. How do you feel?" I ask quietly, so I don't wake Namjoon. I put my hand on his cheek, smiling softly. I feel that I could cry at the sight of Taehyung alive.

"Better. I'm still a little dizzy though," he whispers.

"I'm so glad," I say. My heart is still beating quickly from my nightmare. I don't usually have nightmares, not unless I'm under a considerable amount of stress.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Taehyung asks. I nod my head absently, but he doesn't look reassured.

"I'm okay, really. I'm just so glad that you're feeling better," I say as I caress his cheek. He smiles and closes his eyes, leaning into my touch.

"I'm gonna check your temperature, okay?"
Taehyung nods sleepily.
I lean over and grab the thermometer from the side table. I wipe it off on the blanket and pop it in Taehyung's mouth. I wait a moment then take it out.

"35.5Β°. You're getting much better."
I sigh in relief and smile. Taehyung sighs too, resting his head on my chest again.

"Hyung?" He whispers.

I hum in response.

"Don't worry, we'll find the other members. But in the meantime, I'll protect you. You don't need to be afraid, me and Namjoonie-hyung are right here."

I get the feeling that he's referring to my dream. Was I really crying that much?
Even so, I smile warmly at his words.

"Thank you, Taetae. That makes me feel much better," I say, kissing his hair.

I feel Taehyung smile against my skin, and I soon hear his light snores.

Maybe we can get through this together.

Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš

Hoseok's P.O.V

I sit on the edge of the uncomfortable bed that lays in the middle of Jimin's hospital room.
Little white feathers litter the ground, like someone had a pillow fight.

"Hyung, what do we do? I don't know how I got here, or why. What if the other members are in danger? Hyung, are you listening?"
Jimin's worried voice rings through the room. He sits next to me on the bed.

"Yes Jiminie, I'm listening. I'm just a little dazed is all," I answer, putting on a fake smile.

"I'm worried, hyung. I'm really worried, and I'm confused." He looks at me and I see tears forming in his eyes. Tears of frustration.

I scoot closer to him and take his hand in mine.

"Jimin-ah, I...I don't know what to say. I feel the same way..." I sigh and my shoulders

I feel at a loss. The only thing that I can think about is the other members. They must be feeling the same way, wherever they are.

I take the pendant out of my pocket.

"So, you really think these are connected somehow?" Jimin asks, holding up his pendant too.

"I know, it seems crazy. But..yes, I do. It couldn't have just been a coincidence that they started to make the humming sounds when we walked by each other. It has to be a clue to finding the others."

Jimin nods his head. "What if it's to tell us that we're close to one of the others, like a sensor."
That sparks something in my brain.

"Yeah, like a puzzle of some sort. Like we have to actually be a certain distance from them for it to work," I say.

Jimin's eyes light up. "Exactly! And we have to go and find the other members to..." Jimin stops talking suddenly. He looks me dead in the eyes.

"What? What is it?" I ask.

"'re a genius."

"What? What do you mean?"

"A puzzle! We have to find the rest of the members to get all the pieces. The pendants are the pieces. If we find all the pieces..."

We both smile widely.

A little too widely.

We both say it at the same time:

"...we find our way home."

Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš

Jungkook's P.O.V

I sit on the cold floor, staring at the stains of my dries tears on the cement. I now see that I'm most likely in a storage shed.
I don't know how long I have been here, but it feels like hours.
The bright moonlight shines through the high windows of the rolling door.

Suddenly, the door slides open and a person walks in. They're wearing black jeans, a black hoodie, and a black mask. Their hood is up, covering their hair.

They close the door and come up to me.
I whimper and scoot closer to the wall, trying to shrink down to nothing.

The person squats down to to my level and looks me in the eye.

"P-p-please d-don't h-hurt m-m-me...p-please," I stutter out. My brow is sweaty and my whole body shakes with fear.

I hear them laugh. They pull their mask down over their chin, revealing a smile that could β€”in another world β€” be seen as comforting and warm. A horrific scar runs from their hairline, down the side of their face, making the left eye droop down.

My heart almost stops beating and I suddenly feel like I might faint.


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