Chapter 7: A Phrase That I Can Only Faintly Hear

Hoseok's P.O.V

I walk through the sterile white halls of the hospital, the purple pendant held tight in the palm of my hand.
I couldn't just sit there in that room, waiting for something to happen. I had to do something.

I painfully pulled out my IV and left the room. I'm not planning on staying here, when I don't have anything wrong with me. I looked outside through a window, and I when I saw the snow covered streets, it just made me even more confused about where I am and also, where everyone else is. I thought about just asking to be discharged, but I don't know if they'll just let me go like that. Then again, I am an adult.

I listen to the patter of my own steps in the hallway. I guess the hospital gives out complimentary pairs of slippers to patients. That was nice.
I hear voices as I approach a corner. I stop in my tracks when I the voices become audible.

"...that patient, Park Jimin, how much longer does he have to stay?"

"Oh, him? I don't know, he's been here for years. Seems like his parents have forgotten about'im."

"Hmm, it sure is sad. He seems like a good kid."

"Yeah he sure does."
I hear footsteps getting farther away and I don't hear there voices anymore.

I press my head against the wall and try and process the words.
That patient, Park Jimin.
Been here for years.
His parents have forgotten about him.

Jimin. What in the world is Jimin doing here.

How is this even possible? Jimin hasn't been here for years. He's been with us at home, where he was safe and protected. And his parents are gone. They've been gone for a long time.

And even if he had been here for so long, what illness would he have? Jimin's never shown any signs of being sick.

No. It's not possible.
I must be dreaming, or in a coma. Maybe I'm just hallucinating this all. Or maybe...
...maybe this is an alternate reality.
No, that's not possible either, right?
Taehyung has always spoken of alternate universes and realities and different dimensions and all, but I only ever thought of them as stories. Just made up things that only existed in fiction.

I never imagined them to be real.
But that's the only thing I can think of. There's no other explanation.

Then there's this pendant. I don't know what to do with it, but I have an odd feeling like I need to keep it with me.

There's only one thing that I can do to test my hypothesis of this being an alternate reality.
And that is to find Jimin.

The only way I can do that, is if I look for him.
I think about all the places that he would be if he has been "staying" here for a long time. Only one place comes to mind.

The psychiatric wing.

I ask a nurse who walks by where I would find it. She tells me to take the stairs, or the elevator down one level, then turn right.

I follow her instructions, pressing the button for the elevator repeatedly. It opens and it's  empty, so I press the Down button and wait, my food tapping impatiently.

I feel a light jostle and hear a ding, and the doors slide open. I walk out and turn right, passing a sign that says:

Psychiatric Wingβ€”>

The nurse said it would be there.
suddenly, I hear a light humming sound. I stop and look around and see nothing out of the ordinary. Then I realize, it's coming from me.

Well, not exactly from me, but from the object I'm holding. I lift the purple pendant, studying it. It's definitely humming. It's a steady hum, like a humming bird gathering nectar.

I decide to keep walking and the slowly humming gets louder.
Suddenly, a door a down the hall flings open. Out runs a young man with a white shirt and pants on, identical to mine. His light brown hair is messy and his expression is frantic.
He holds a purple pendant that looks like the one I grasp in my sweaty palm.

He gasps out a phrase that I can only faintly hear.



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Jimin's P.O.V

*** Flashback to sometime before Hoseok's
appearance ***

I sit on the uncomfortable bed in this white room. I don't know when I woke up, but it feels like I've been sitting here for hours. I don't know why I am here. I tried getting out, but the door was locked.

I know I'm in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. At least, that's what a woman who looked like a nurse tells me. I asked her where my brothers were, but she just looked at me with a confused expression and shook her head.

That irritated me. I needed to know where Namjoon and the rest were. I still don't know, and it worries me more with every passing moment.

I can't contain my frustration any longer.

I grab a pillow from behind me and throw it over my head, letting out an angry shout.

The pillow hits the wall. I watch as little white feathers emerge from a tear in the pillow, and fall gracefully like snow onto the sterile floor.

I wear an outfit of white cotton pants and a stiff white cotton shirt. Not the most comfortable of options, but I don't have a choice.

I don't remember anything about coming here.
I'm not even psychotic, so why would I even be here? Everything is confusing me.
But one thing confuses me most: earlierβ€”a few minutes after waking up hereβ€” I found something; on a silver chain, a purple pendant that looks almost like a puzzle piece that goes to a bigger pendant, like a friendship necklace.

I stare into space, contemplating why I would be here.
Suddenly, I hear a low humming sound. I look around to see what it is, and I find the purple pendant. I hold it up to my ear, holding my breath subconsciously.

Yep, that's it.

It hums lowly and then slowly gets louder. At one point it is almost as loud as a bird singing, but only for a brief moment. The sound slowly lowers and eventually ceases.

I perch on the edge of the bed, my heart beating loudly in my ears.

What just happened?

Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš

*** Flashback to when Hoseok was brought to the hospital (same time as previous flashback) ***

Nobody's P.O.V

"Patient Jeon Doe, was found unconscious on the sidewalk by a pedestrian a couple miles from here. Patient is still unconscious, breathing is abnormally slow and heart rate is normal. Nurse Hae-ri, please get the a bed ready for our the patient,"
a youthful eyed doctor calmly called.

Him, along with two nurses were quite quickly pushing a wheeled-stretcher towards the ICU.

On the stretcher laid an unconscious Hoseok, a certain purple object hanging on a chain around his neck.

The doctor and nurses were too distracted too notice the high pitched humming noise the object let out as they raced by a certain room in the psychiatric wing.

The room that happened to separate Jimin from the slim boy that lay on the stretcher.

Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš Λšβœ§β‚ŠβΊΛ³βœ§ΰΌš

***Back to present time***

  Jimin's P.O.V

I'm awakened by a sound. A familiar sound.
My eyes fly open, my hand immediately searching for the purple object on a chain.
It's doing it again, it's making the humming sound.

I fling the rough feeling sheets from my legs and stand up. I fell asleep in here because I didn't know what to do and my head hurt from thinking so much.

I find the chain wrapped tightly around my hand, almost too tightly.
Ah, that's where I put it.
It still hums, and I quickly scramble to the door of the white room, trying the handle. I need to find out why this is happening.

It opens, to my surprise. Usually a door would be locked in these types of places. I guess the nurse forgot to lock it.

I pull the heavy door towards me, slipping through the open space.

I find myself in a empty hallway. I look to my right and see no one.
I look to my left and see nβ€”

I see someone. At the very end of the hall.
I squint to see their face in the bright blinding LED lights.

I gasp, my heart leaping and my eyes filling with tears and I can't help but gasp out the first phrase that comes to mind.


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Hi! Wow, I'm finally updating. I know, know, I was gone for a while. Sorry, I went on vacation hehe.
Anyway I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing, I just wanted to show Jimin's point of view too for when him and Hobi met.
Please vote if you liked it and comment if you have any questions.

Thank you!!

- Author-Nim πŸ’œ

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