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***Author's Note***

Surprise!!! Once again I've published two chapters in one day. Now that it's summer break, I should be able to get more writing and publishing done with more time for me to spare.

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and have a good summer. Don't forget to like & comment!

Peace out peeps!✌🏻


| 9:43 pm |

Chris's POV

"Chris!!!" Someone shouted out loud, with a relieved tone of voice.

I glanced to over to my rightβ€”seeing Laura sprint swiftly right up to me. Engulfing right away me in tight bear hug, with her slender long arms clutching my waist. I wrapped my muscular arms around herβ€”hugging her back as equally tight.

"Good to see you too Laura," I greeted her, pulling away from one other. "You okay? Are you hurt?" I began to glance all over her, checking for any injuries or wounds.

"Chris I'm fine, trust me. You shouldn't have to worry too much about me. I'm old enough to where I take care of myself, remember? I'm sixteen, not four," Laura reminded me, with a reassuring tone of voice, as she smiled sweetly. Even without realizing it, she acts more and more like her mother Claire. Like the little sister of the family.

I redirected my gaze over at Piers, as he stared at Laura's companion. His eyes went round, as relief and shock clouded his gentle features. It took me a moment to recognize who the young man was, as Piers instantly walked up to the boy to embrace him. Tyler hugged Piers back, with both of his arms wrapped around Piers in a brotherly way. His older brother wrapped his free arm around him, using the other to hold his gun.

"Dammit Tyler, I thought you were dead man," Piers muttered, with a sentimental tone of voice, as they pulled away from one another.

"I'm here bro, I'm okay," Tyler assured him.

Piers dug into his pocketβ€”pulling out a chain necklace with several BSAA custom dog tags. "I believe these belong to you," He handed them back to his little brother, as Tyler grabbed them from him.

"Thanks Piers," He thanked him, placing them around his neck.

I peered back Laura and Tyler, finally noticing the tactical clothing and gear they were wearing. Along with the new weaponry they possessed. I was about to ask them where the hell they got the gear from, until Piers asked them both,

"Hey wait a minute, where's Ada?" He glanced all around, looking for the bitch in red. "Isn't she supposed to be with you two?"

"She ditched us the minute we got here Piers. I never trusted her anyways," Tyler answered, using a distasteful tone of voice.

After informing us about Ada's desertion, my mood brightened up a bit. Feeling more relieved than ever I didn't want Ada anywhere near them anyway. Especially around Laura. She would be a bad influence on her. Trust me, if Ada chose to stick around them instead of running off like she had or tried laying even a finger on Laura. I would've eliminated her in a heart beat. That's how determined and incensed I was. But thankfully, she wasn't here.

"We better get going Chris. There isn't much time left," Piers pointed out, as he checked his watch.

"Right, follow me," Laura commanded, as she began walking away from us. Motioning the three of us to follow her.

Tyler treaded along right beside her, with Piers and I following behind the two of them. It wasn't long until I caught up to Laura and Tyler, walking towards the elevators. While moving through the lobby area, I noticed how anxious she looked about all of this. The corners of Laura's mouth were partially quirked down, slightly frowning. Her brows were knitted, as her forehead slightly creased. Trying her best to remain calm and cool during this situation. I couldn't blame her for what's she's been through today.

"You alright Laura?" I inquired, with a concerned tone of voice.

Laura redirected her gaze up at me for a moment, responding,

"I'm fine. I just want to find Mom and have this hellish day be over with. I don't know if I can go on much longer like this Chris, it's unbearable for someone like me."

I could deftly sense the stress and growing despair from her tone of voice. Right now, there's nothing that could be done to prevent Laura from forgetting any of this today. She'll be scarred for life from this experience, that can be almost guaranteed. Although, we can still help her, protect her, and support her as much as we can through all of this. That's what she needs right now. Solace. Claire would do the same thing, if she was here with her daughter.

"I know that feeling Laura. You're not the only one that feels that way," She glanced up at me, her vibrant blue eyes looking right at my hazel ones. "We're all here for you Laura, you're not alone. No matter what happens, we won't let anything bad happen to you. Right Piers?" "Of course captain," Piers replied, as he gave Laura a reassuring smile. "We'll always have your back." "We all care for your well being Laura, that'll never change," Tyler added. "You're part of the family now kiddo, and we let nothing stand in the way of hurting our family," I stated.

A small smile slowly decorated her lips, a sign of her mood lightening up. I was glad that we could cheer her up a bitβ€”reassuring me that she'll be okay, for now. Laura quickened her pace as bit, as she spoke up,

"Hurry guys, the elevator is just over there!"

The four of us arrive the elevator, located on the other side of the lobby. Laura pressed the button on the side of it with her thumb. To open it.

"Is this how we're gonna get into facility Laura?" Piers questioned her.

"Yup, this is the way. According to Ada, there's a hidden port on the side panel inside the elevator where the access codes would be entered to grant anyone authorization into the facility. Don't worry, I have them in a USB drive that she gave me. So, the first step won't be a problem. Once the access codes have been verified, the panel will unlock and open up to reveal a touch screen fingerprint scanner inside. Then, all that's left to do is scan my fingerprint on the scanner which should grant us total access, and we'll be on our way down to the facility."

"That seems fairly easy enough, but something doesn't seem right," I thought aloud.

"What doesn't seem right, Chris?" Laura asked me. She turned around, looking at me.

'Why would Laura have to scan her fingerprint to obtain access into the Umbrella facility? Unless Ada had somehow already had her prints pre-programmed into the high-tech unlocking mechanism. Which doesn't seem likely at all.'

When I was about to answer, the elevator dinged, finally arriving at the first floor. As the doors suddenly opened up, a bloody corpse fell out of it. Landing right in front of Laura's feet. It virtually scared the hell out of her, making her eyes widen. Laura out of a hushed shriek, easily tensing up. She hectically jumped back, rapidly getting out her handgun. Pointing it at the dead body lying on the floor in front of her. Tyler caught her arms with his hands, when she backed into him.

I walked up to the rotten corpseβ€”kneeling down beside it. I cautiously poked it a few times with the muzzle of my gun, making sure that it was actually dead. Then, I noticed the bloody bullet hole it had in its head.

"Don't worry, it's dead," I reassured them, as I grabbed the corpse by its feetβ€”dragging it a few feet away from the elevator.

"You okay Lari?" I heard Tyler ask Laura, while he gently held her in his grasp.

"I'm fine Tyler," She replied, as she pulled away from him. Holstering her handgun. "I was just frightened a bit, that's all. Come on, we're wasting time just waiting here."

After moving the corpse out of the way, all of us entered the huge elevator. Being more than big enough to hold all of us in it. Leaving us with just enough space to move around freely. Laura went over towards the elevator panel, while taking out a small red USB drive out of her pocket. Plugging it into the hidden outlet located on the top right side of the panel.

After a minute or so passed, the panel clicked. Opening up and revealing a small panel with a touchscreen, a keyboard underneath it, and right beside it was the finger scanner. The screen read, 'Please scan the thumb of your dominant hand.' Laura pulled off the black glove on her right hand, placing her thumb against the screen of the scanner.

As her thumb was being scanned, the screen read, 'Scanning...'.

"Ouch!" Laura yelped, as she flinched and backed away. While she was clutching her thumb.

I gently grabbed her hand, noticing a very tiny hole in her thumb that drew blood. Laura eventually pulled her hand away from me, beginning sucking her thumb. I glanced over at the panelβ€”seeing a tiny opening with a miniature needle sticking out of the scanner. The tip of it coated in Laura's blood. The needle retracted back into the scanner, then the opening closed.

'Analyzing DNA sample...' The screen read, as a percentage number appeared right next to it. Showing the progress of analyzation.

It started at 0%, quickly advanced to 19%, 37%, 55%, 73%, 91%, and finally finished at 100%.

'Analyzation complete... Access Granted...'

The elevator doors automatically closed, while it began descending deep down underground. Where the Umbrella facility was located.

"Here we go," I mumbled to myself.

***3rd POV***

While Laura and the rest of the gang were heading for the Umbrella Research facility, little did they know, they were being watched through a hidden tiny security camera. Hanging in the top left corner of the ceiling inside the elevator.

From inside the security office, located within the facility, a tall blonde mysterious man was sitting in a black leather chair at the large desk. With all the various monitors presented before him. In particular, he was watching Laura while she was riding in the elevator. Observing the young girl and every little detail about her. From her tone of voice, to every facial expression she made. It's been quite a while since he had last seen his little girl. She was only a young child when he last saw her. Now, she was older, much older. A teenager in fact, and a very bright and clever one too. Just like him. He couldn't help but smirk at the thought, his daughter being a lot like her father.

"So... my little girl has made it this far," He said aloud to himself, as he continued to watch Laura.

"It seems I've underestimated her, she's more capable than I thought she would be. Still... that doesn't change anything." The man stood up from the black leather chair. "No one will ever stand in my way of taking back my daughter. Laura will be mine no matter what, whether she likes it or not. Nothing is gonna stop me... not this time. Not her mother, not my foes, above all, not even you... Chris Redfield," He thought aloud, as he left the security room to go prepare for their arrival.

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