Chapter 13

Laura's POV

Right when Lily and I were about to make a left turn and go back through the long hallway, I quickly stopped. Pulling Lily to the side of the wall with me, as I leaned my back against it.

"What's wrong?" She inquired, keeping her her down.

I held my finger up to my lips—motioning her to be quiet. I swiftly glanced over the side of the wall, peering down the long hallway. Spotting multiple infected sauntering lazily around the desolate area. Their hungry moans and groans resonating throughout the whole hallway.

I have not a damn clue how they got there, but now's there was a big ass horde of them. Blocking our exit out of here. As I gazed over at them, not a single one of them seemed to notice our presence. I quietly sigh in relief. 'Crap! There goes the easy way out of here. Looks like we're gonna have to take the long way out now.'

I redirected my gaze back down at Lily—motioning her to follow me. Keeping a soft but good grip on her hand. We treaded through the office area, and ended up locking ourselves in the chief of police's office. So I could make a quick important phone call. I took out the spare PDA Rebecca gave me, calling her and getting of ahold of her right away. While Lily sat in the office chair at the desk, playing silently with her teddy bear.

"Hey Rebecca, it's Laura. Things just got more complicated," I informed her over the phone.

"Same here. After you left, a lot of infected broke through the hole in the door that you crawled through. Overwhelming us. But most importantly, we all managed to get out unharmed."

"Okay then, I found the girl. She's alright. We'll meet you guys at the front entrance as soon as we can."

"Bad idea Laura. There's a massive horde of infected already there. Trying to get in from the other side of the door. Thanks to that plank that was there, Tyler locked the door in place. Preventing them from getting inside. It'll hold them off for now, but not for long."

"Alright, where do want to meet up then?" I questioned her.

"Meet us at the back door with the large red 'exit' sign. It's located at the back of the building, and it shouldn't be too far from where you are. Gotta go." Rebecca then hanged up.

I felt Lily gently tap my thigh as I hung up—looking down at her. "Is that a phone?"

I nodded my head at her.

"Can I please use it?" She asked, using a polite tone of voice.

"Of course sweetie," I answered. "Who do you want to call?"

"I want to call Mommy," She replied with a hint of enthusiasm.

"That sounds like a good idea. Do you know her number?"

She nodded her head, as I handed her the PDA. Lily dialed her mother's number, and held the device to her ear, as it began ringing.

"Mommy!" Lily shouted with joy when her mother picked up.

"Yes, I'm okay... I'm still at the police station with Laura... A girl that saved me from a monster and has been keeping me safe..."

While she was busy talking to her mother over the phone, I was leaning my back against a nearby wall. With my arms casually crossed over my chest. What bothered me most was that it sounded like her mother was asking her a lot of questions, because Lily kept replying 'yes' ninety percent of the time.

"Okay..." Lily removed the phone from her ear." Mommy wants to talk to you," She told me—handing it to me. I held the cellular device against me ear.

"Is this Laura Alice Rose?" The woman questioned me over the phone.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned her, as I stood up off the wall.

"That's not important right now. Just listen carefully Laura. This outbreak, it wasn't just a mere accident. You're in more danger than you think right now. There are vicious people here who are looking for you. For reasons you don't understand."

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, because of how improbable her statement sounded. "And how do I know that you're not lying to me about this?"

"It's the same reason why your mother, Claire Redfield, was kidnapped after that car crash. Needless to say, I know where she is right now in fact."

I gasped quietly at her statement, falling silent within a matter of seconds. 'How the fuck does she know about the car crash and my mother's disappearance? Why would anyone be after me? Why does she know about this?' I thought to myself about these questions. I knew that I had to be careful about what I would say around this woman next. Since it appears she knows more about me than I do.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm helping you because I owe you for saving my little girl. Simple as that," The woman explained to me, not going into further detail about it. "I'm on my way to the police station right now to get Lily. If you come with me, I'll be able to help you find your mother and get you two out of the city safely."

As I was about to ask her a question, she interrupted,

"And I know that you are with a group right now, they're welcome to tag along too. As long as they don't cause any trouble for me or my daughter," She pointed out sternly.

I thought to myself about the decision I needed to make. 'After we all make it safely out of the police, we would be able to get a ride out of there without having to walk on foot for the rest of the way. If this woman was really telling the truth, I would be able to find my mother and get to the evac location in time. So we could all get out of the quarantined city all in one piece. That's only if we all make there in time... It's a risk I'm willing to take.'

"Okay, I've decided... We'll tag along with you, but there's something you need to know first."

"Alright, what is it?" The woman questioned me.

"There's an evac location for civilians at Land Union park, we have until 12:30 tonight to find my mother and to get to the helicopters in time before they take off," I notified the woman.

"That's good to hear, I'll meet you around the back of the police station. Stay safe." Then the woman hung up me.

After I put away the PDA in my pocket, I immediately heard the sounds of gunfire, as something walked right past the door.

"Lily, get behind me," I whispered quickly to her.

She listened—hiding behind my legs. I whipped out my gun, aiming it at the door as it opened. Only to see Rebecca rush in, with her assault rifle in hand. A look of relief instantly clouded her features when she saw us. Rebecca lowered her gun at me, as Lily glared at her from behind my legs. Moira, Emile, and Tyler were waiting outside the office, as I eyed the three of them.

"It's okay Lily, she's a friend," I told her.

Lilly nodded, as she gave me a small smile. She shifted a little then slowly came out from behind me.

"Where were you Laura?! Never mind that— we gotta go right now!" Rebecca stated.

In a rush, I picked up Lily off the ground. Holding on tightly to her, as we dashed out of the office rapidly. Only to find out that there a giant horde of infected not too far behind us. As all of us ran for dear life down the never-ending hallway. Their moans and groans echoing throughout the hallway—sending a chill down my spine.

Moira and Emile were running in front of us, while Tyler, Rebecca, and I were following right behind them. Rebecca would stop from time to time for a brief second—turning around and fire her galil at the horde. In order to create more distance between us and them. While I was holding her in my arms, Lily held on tightly to me. With her small legs wrapped around my waist, and her short arms clinging around my neck. Her face buried into the crook of my shoulder. She was easy to carry because of her being very light weight.

"Hurry up! The emergency exit is just up ahead!" Emile shouted, as the exit came into view at the end of the hallway.

The five of us ran faster to reach exit, before the horde could get to us. As Tyler made it to the door first, he tried to open it. However, our hope of survival diminished when the door wouldn't budge.

"Shit! It won't open!" Tyler cursed, as he repeatedly tried to pry it open with his bare hands. Jerking on the door handle repeatedly. The rest of us caught up with him, as the situation began to take a turn for the worse.

"Laura, get your gun ready!" Rebecca ordered me. I handed Lily over to Emile, then pulled out my handgun. "Moira, help Tyler with getting the door open while Emile protects Lily!" Moira took the crowbar Emile had, immediately going over to Tyler to help with the door.

With our backs facing the door, Rebecca and I began shooting at the incoming B.O.W.s. I repeatedly killed one at a time—shooting them in the head with a single bullet. Sometimes using two in case I missed. Rebecca killed some too, covering each other well when one of us had to unload and reload our weapons with a new clip.

For every infected we killed, it seemed like as more would come, and we're gonna run out of ammo eventually. I had only one clip of ammo left and Rebecca ran out of ammo for her galil. So, she switched out for her handgun. As the horde was progressively getting closer to us by the inch, Slowly but surely I thought that we weren't gonna make out of here alive for a moment.


All that changed when we heard the door open finally and a familiar voice shouted,

"I got the door open, let's go!"

Rebecca and I turned around—dashing for the open exit with everybody else. When all of us made it out into the alley behind the police station, the woman pulled the pin off of an incendiary grenade before tossing it down the B.O.W. infested hallway. Slamming the door behind her. An explosion could be heard from inside the building.

"You guys okay?" The woman asked all of us, shifting her gaze over towards us.

"Yeah, thanks lady. That was so fucking lit, what you just did a second ago," Emile put Lily down.

"Mommy!" Lily exclaimed with joy. Running up to the woman as she kneeled down to embrace her daughter. The woman hugged Lily for a brief moment, before pulling away from her and making eye contact with me.

"Are you Lily's mother?" I inquired.

"Yes, and you must be Laura. Correct?" She questioned me.

"Mhm. I'm Laura," I responded. "Who might you be?"

The woman stood up off the ground. "The name's Ada... Ada Wong."

Ada was about the same height as me, maybe a couple inches shorter. She had very short blackish-brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, a slim, fit figure with an average-sized chest. She was wearing a fancy red velvet leather jacket, overlapping her shoulder holster and fashionable black corset top, a red choker around the lower part of her neck, a pair of black shiny leggings, a black leather utility belt, with a small attached chain attached to some sort of grappling gun hanging off to the side, a black leather holster strapped around her right thigh with a handgun in it, and a pair of nice dark red high heeled boots that went up to her knees. Rebecca reacted by coming up—pushing me behind herself. Pulling out her handgun and aiming it at her.

"Rebecca, what are you doing?!" Moira asked her.

"Ada's highly dangerous, she can't be trusted. She's the one responsible for the bioterrorist attack in China a few years ago," Rebecca stated, as she kept aiming her gun at her.

'Oh! Rebecca's talking about the Lanshiang incident that happened a couple of years ago. I remember hearing about it on the news. Did Ada intentionally cause the outbreaks in China?'

Ada didn't flinch at all, as Rebecca trained her gun at her. Lily was hiding behind Ada, because she moved her daughter behind her to shield her and prevent her from seeing the gun being pointed at herself.

"Really...? Now's not the time to be pointing that at anyone. Especially while my daughter is here, and since I'm trying to help you."

"Okay, what the hell is going on?! How do know that woman Laura?" Emile asked.

Rebecca was still puzzled for the moment about Ada's statement, raising an eyebrow in confusion. I came out from behind her, to move in front of Ada and to explain why she was here.

"Listen, I'll explain what's going on right now. She's a friend, Ada came here to help us. Not to hurt us. I let Lily call her before you found us Rebecca. And we talked for a bit. Ada said that since I saved Lilly, she would help us in return."

"How is she even going to help us?" Tyler asked me.

"Ada knows where my mother is, and she's the only one who can take us to her," I announced to everyone.

Out of our group, Emile was the only one who was surprised, because I hadn't filled her in yet about what has happened to me after the start of the outbreak. Rebecca lowered her gun away from Ada—placing it back into the holster strapped to her right thigh.

"Alright, we'll stick with you until we get out of here. Don't expect me to let my guard down for one second just because you're here," Rebecca affirmed. Ada nodded, then shifted her gaze back towards me.

"Once we find Claire, then we'll head out for the evac location in Lake Union park, but first we need to head out to my safe house first. We're gonna need more firepower and protection from here on out. So let's go. My vehicle is over here," Ada apprised us. She held onto her daughter's hand, as they began walking down the alley way.

The five of us followed Ada to her red SUV parked at the end of alley way. For some reason, I had a feeling from here on out things weren't gonna get any easier, like from bad to even worse.

***3rd POV***

As the group got into Ada's red SUV, a woman was watching them through her high-tech binoculars from on top of a rather short skyscraper right next to the police station. She zoomed in with the binoculars, to get a closer look at Laura, as she was getting into the very back seat of the SUV with Rebecca.

"Is that the girl he wants, Jessica?" Her partner asked, as she passed him the binoculars.

The man took the binoculars from Jessica—using them to get a closer look at Laura in the SUV as it drove off.

"Yes Raymond, that's her," She replied back at the red head. "That's our target."

Raymond couldn't stop thinking about why their boss wanted to get his hands on some stubborn teenager and her mother. All he knew about the girl and her mother were of great value to their boss. Nothing more than that. Of course he kept these thoughts to himself, since in the end their boss was going to pay them both a lot more money than they should be for a simple kidnapping job. Such as this one. Once Raymond was done, he gave the binoculars back to Jessica as he stood up.

"Now come on, we don't have all day. Let's get the girl and get our job done. The sooner the better. I'll keep the BSAA busy while you and Alpha team go after Laura," Jessica instructed, as she got ready to head out.

"Hopefully he won't get to her first before we do. Don't forget Jessica, once we get the girl, we have to get her mother too. She's located in that secret underground Umbrella research facility underneath the Space Needle. Bravo team was sent in to retrieve her, but it's been three hours since we lost contact with them. As of now, they're considered expendable," Raymond reminded Jessica.

"Of course Raymond. Mercenaries are just mercenaries," Jessica stated.

"I'll radio Delta team about the target's whereabouts and send them in to apprehend her within the hour. It shouldn't take long for the team to capture a teenager. But if all else fails, then we'll have to go with plan B."

"I know Raymond, hurry up. Or we won't get the whole reward for their capture," Jessica replied, as they both left the top of the tall building.

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