Coach Hedge and his wife
Sophie paid the cab driver and thanked him as she lugged her duffel bag out of the backseat. Running out of the rain she went through the door of the book shop, emitting a chime of the bell overhead. The store was empty apart from a young kid with his mom that sat by the window on the beanbags reading, and Rory, her favorite employee, who was currently hunched over, on his phone.
"Well well well, look who's back," Rory said with a smile. "How was school hu?"
Sophie smiled, happy to see him.
Rory was a 14 year old boy who began working at the book store about a year ago. At first he was doing it over the summer to earn some extra cash and her uncle was close with his dad, (hence how he was so young) then eventually he became rather fond of the Jone's. So now he works here basically full time.
He was the closest employee to her age, so Sophie appreciated his company during the winter and spring break. He was tall with tanned skin, dark brown coils and piercing green eyes, he looked a lot like and older version of Percy. He was kinda cute.
But it didn't matter how cute he was. He was a terrible flirt. Meaning he was a flirt, who flirted too often with customers, and terrible, as in he was really bad at said flirting. Besides you didn't get many young teenage girls at book stores that would flirt back.
"See they forgot to shave your head," he pointed to her long blonde hair that had become wet and frizzy from the rain.
Sophie huffed dropping her duffle bag at the bottom of the stairs "Very funny."
"I know right." Rory said turning his phone off and placing it in his pocket as he greeted the little girl and her mom.
Sophie smiled as she watched him scan the book, put it in one of the paper bags, passed it to the mom and told the two of them to have a nice day.
Although Rory could be annoying, he was an amazing person. He was so nice to all the costumers often getting tips. Which was weird since he worked at a desk in a book store.
"I have to go now." Sophie said "I have practice."
Rory smiled at her "Same my shifts over anyway. Good luck kick the other teams asses."
She grinned "Will do."
Sophie headed up the spiral metal stairs towards the blue door of her apartment. She placed her hand on the golden doorknob opening it without hesitation.
She remembered the times when she'd come home from school, her hand hovering above the handle for what felt like hours, the hesitation of going inside worried of what might happen. The times she'd walk as silent as she could through the halls of her own house trying not to be noticed.
It wasn't like that anymore though. She was happy- safe.
Sophie pushed open the door to the small two bedroom apartment, the smell of Focaccia, Arancini and Risotto hitting her instantly.
It was Friday, meaning feast night.
On Friday her uncle cooked several different foods, normally pasta, meat and a salad. For the next four days they ate the leftovers, then on Wednesday and Thursday they had quick meals, like pot noodles. Or something from Parsley box.
The reason they only cooked once a week was because her uncle was busy. As well as owning the book store he also worked at a convenience store so they could make extra cash, and of course they gave him the evening shifts. He was working eleven to eight.
Her uncle cooked a lot of Italian foods- Because of her aunt. They'd married when they were twenty three, and were married until her uncle was thirty two, then her aunt had died of cancer.
Sophie was only five when she died, she barley remembered the woman, the only thing she did remember was going with her dad and mom to visit her uncle and aunt in hospital about a month before she died.
She remembered the way she was sick- her face was pale and hollow, sweat dripping down her forehead her normal thick brown hair thin. Yet she was still one of the most beautiful women Sophie had ever seen.
From what she remembered aunty Mick had a soft smile, one that could light up the sky. Her bright green eyes shimmered anyway, as if they were keeping her alive. Her voice was soft, Sophie remembered the first and last words Aunty Mick ever said to her.
"Brilla luminosa, mia piccola fiamma"
"Uncle Rodger!" Sophie called "I'm home!"
A muffled call came from the kitchen "Sophie!"
She kicked off her shoes- dumping them on the pile and waddled into the kitchen. Their kitchen was small, it was maybe two by three meters. The wall furthest from the door had counters, a sink and the oven, above it were several kitchen counters with their dishes. On the left wall next to it was the fridge and dishwasher with one more counter.
Across from that wall was the small kitchen table, it was round with two chairs- each had a blue cushion on them. Next to the table was a large window the size of the wall. One of the good things about the apartment.
"So." Her uncle said as he put the food on two plates "How was Percy's?"
Sophie went to the cupboard and grabbed two glasses filling them with mango juice (the two's favorite) "How did you know?" She asked.
"Sally told me." He shrugged placing their plates with the Focaccia, Arancini and Risotto on the table.
Sophie tilted her head grabbing cutlery "How do you know Sally?"
She thought she saw her Uncles face change and he winced. Then as quick as it came it vanished back to his normal face. "I had to get to know your best friends mom. I wanted to make sure you were hanging out with the right people."
Sophie looked at him suspiciously but sat down at the table regardless.
The girl explained her school year (Leaving out the demon teacher, and how she broke her dorm window... and how she set the science classroom on fire.) She was surprised her uncle still trusted her with the bunsen burner in her room.
She had never been irresponsible with it. And she kept it on a separate desk where it couldn't reach anything that would burn. When her uncle had found out about her lighter she carried he hadn't been to happy. So instead he bought her the science kit.
Sophie still kept her lighter.
She used the bunsen burner though, she loved making the sparklers she made in seventh grade. You add iron to a wet stick and set it on fire and... BOOM. Sparkler.
She also would just light it at night, turn off her lights and watch as the flames danced before her. She preferred the safety flame, it was brighter and larger, but the roaring one was blue. It reminded her of Percy. Weird.
"Sophie." Her uncle said as he scooped the last of the Risotto "Why don't you go get ready for hockey. I think your Hockey duffle bag is in the closet."
Yes she had different duffle bags for different things.
Sophie nodded and headed over to her room where she kept her stuff her hockey.
Her room was the biggest room in the house, four by three meters. In the corner she had her bed with her green sheets on them. The walls were all a cream color apart from the one at the back that had a blue wallpaper with a moon and stars hanging down.
She had two desks, one opposite her small single bed. And one in the corner of her room (that one had her Bunsen burner) on her drawing desk she had several sketchbooks and pens, there was also a tray of paints.
Next to her desk she had a small wardrobe, she didn't own many clothes anyway so she didn't really need a large wardrobe.
Although her walls were a plain cover she made up for it with all the posters and pictures. She had a poster of the wombats (her favorite band) and several pictures and medals from her ice hockey.
Speaking of ice hockeyβSophie grabbed her hockey stick from where it leant against the wall. It was old- coated in scratches. But Sophie loved it like that. She thought it felt well loved, and used. Not like one of the basic plain shiny ones the other players had (And they were too broke to get another one)
Sophie grabbed her duffle bag and threw it over her shoulder exiting her room. The apartment door was already open- meaning her uncle was down stairs already.
She was proven right when she heard his yell from the lower floor "Sophie! Come on!"
She flinched as he yelled. She didn't really like yelling.
Sophie sat next to Connor and Leila on the sofa in the living room. Leila was curled up in between the two, her head on Connors chest while her legs were thrown over Sophie. A soft fuzzy gey cover was draped gently over the three of them.
Jurassic world played on the Tv, the three kids absorbed in it. Holding tightly onto each other, getting ready for any scary scenes, while they stuffed fluffy popcorn in their mouths.
Sophie watched wide eyed as the girl looked towards the white goat that had been chained up. And she noticed it was gone. Sophie gripped onto Connors arm tighter, unaware her nails were digging into his skin.Β
Just then a goat leg landed on the roof of the car, and blood trickled down the windows, the rain washing it off quickly.
Sophie and Leila both screamed as the T-rex burst out the encloser, running towards the cars.
"WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN!" Sophies mom yelled from upstairs slamming her foot on the floor causing the living room light to shake above them.
Sophie clamped her small hand over her mouth, as she continued to watch the movie, trying to stay as quiet as possible as to not upset her Mom. She didn't want to get yelled at again. She hated when her mom yelled at them. She raised her voice so loud at Connor once that Sophie could hear her from upstairs with her door closed.
Millie never got yelled at by Mom. She was the golden child. First born and five years older than Sophie. She'd do anything to make mom happy. And she'd always tell on Sophie, Connor and Leila if they did anything wrong.
She practically sat at Moms feet doing anything she'd ask her. Millie never made a fuss about anything, even when Mom and Dad asked her to babysit the rest of them. But when she did look after them she was horrible. She'd once told Leila she was adopted because Leila spilled a cup of Juice on Millie, and Leila had believed it for about a week until dad said that she really was his daughter.
Millie had once made Connor clean all the dishes, then when he was done shed taken them and said they weren't clean enough and dropped them back in the dirty dish water.Β Mom and Dad had come home before Connor was finished re-cleaning them and he'd ben grounded for a month, meaning he missed out on their schools Christmas party.
She made Sophie clean her room and said that if she didn't Millie would tell Mom and Dad that Sophie had broken the vase in the living room. Which would get Sophie in a lot of trouble.
Millie got a bit better when she was older. She became more responsible when she turned thirteen. She never blackmailed them, or got them in trouble on purpose. But Sophie only got to see that side of her for a very short time.
"Come on Jones!" Coach Hedge yelled, waving his baseball bat.
She had no idea why Coach Hedge brought a baseball bat to ice hockey, he didn't even play baseball. He only used it to hit annoying kids. She could have swore he was married to it. Mr and Mrs Hedge. The grouchy old man and the baseball bat. His baseball bat and his megaphone a throuple, she was lucky it was still in the locker room.
Sophie groaned skating towards the puck as fast as she could. Her hockey stick in the position to hit it.
Coach Hedge yelled "Thomson! Frazer! Stop her!"
As he yelled that Jessica and Zach started skating towards her. Zach was good at ice hockey, but he was impatient. He never waited for openings he just went for it. He also tackled people a lot, and shoved them, so normally he got a penalty.
Jessica was good, though she cared a lot about her appearance, she'd stopped a game once because one of her 'nails' fell off. Jessica was smart though. She knew when to strike.
Sophie hit the puck with her hockey stick sending it towards the goal. She thought it was a pretty good hit until Coach started yelling again.
"Harder Jones! Imagine its someone you hate!" He called clapping his hands.
Sophie gritted her teeth "I'll imagine it's you." She mumbled skating towards the puck again.
But before she could get any closer Zach held his hockey stick out in front of Sophie's feet. Her skates hit the bottom of it and she tumbled forwards her hockey stick sliding towards Coach Hedge.
She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she heard the laughter of the other kids. In her opinion it was unfair that Coach made her go alone against Jessica and Zach. She also wasn't that focused, her mind buzzing with the whole demon teacher thing.
"Come on Jones it's not nap time!" Coach Hedge yelled banging his baseball bat on the side of the rink.
Sophie scrambled to her feet, cheeks burning with frustration and embarrassment. Her eyes locked onto Zach, who was smirking at her.
With adrenaline, she pushed off the ice, skating towards the puck with determination. Jessica and Zach were already closing in on it, but Sophie was faster. She maneuverered around Jessica with a swift, practiced move, catching her off guard.
"Watch it, Jones!" Jessica snapped, her perfect hair bouncing as she tried to regain her balance.
Sophie ignored her. The puck was right there, within reach. She took a deep breath, swinging her hockey stick.
The puck flew towards the goal with surprising speed, catching Zach off guard. It slipped past him, hitting the back of the net with a satisfying thud. Sophie's heart soared.
"Nice shot, Jones!" Coach Hedge yelled, this time with a hint of approval in his voice.
She gave a small smile skating back towards Coach Hedge. He was smiling at her almost proudly. When she got there she hopped off the rink taking her helmet and skates off.
"Nice job Cupcake." Coach Hedge said passing her, her duffle bag.
Sophie thanked him and put her skates and helmet in it.
Suddenly Coach Hedge looked up in the direction of the door to the rink. Then he looked towards her Uncle on the stand. The two of them nodded at each other filling Sophies gut with suspicion.
Coach Hedge looked towards her uneasily then back towards her Uncle who was walking towards them. "Go get changed." He said to Sophie "Quickly."
Her Uncle cut her off "Go Sophie." He looked scared, checking the time on his phone.
Reluctantly she went into the changing room and changed back into her normal clothes. Green cargos, a white shirt, a jean jacket and green convers.
Sophie pushed the door open grabbing her duffle bag and walking towards her uncle and Coach Hedge who were in a very heated discussion.
"... The boy is its main priority..."
"... She'll be safe at camp?..."
"... Chiron is expecting..."
"...My car is parked..."
They both stopped once they saw Sophie come towards them. This was getting weird. She eyes them with suspicion, but none the less followed the two of them out of the building that housed the rink and into the car park behind. The sky was now fading to black signaling the end of the day.
The rink wasn't a part of a sports center or anything, it was on its own- It did ice hockey, ice skating (and figure skating), ringette, broomball and curling.
It wasn't the nicest building, but it was the cheapest place to go for classes. The actual building itself was in a sketchy parking area with a quiet cinema, Mc Donalds, a Target and two abandoned buildings. The walls were made of clay colored bricks, the roof flat and black with a few air ducts on it.
The back was dark, one light on the wall of the building for the rink. There were several yellow and green dumpsters that aligned the wall, all of them wide open the garbage spilling out. In the corner were two men in black smoking and laughing like they were drunk- they probably were.
Sophie opened the trunk to her uncles grey Nissan Versa, and cucked her duffle bag in dumping it on all the other stuff they kept in there. There were coats, blankets, shopping bags random things they would never actually use.
She turned around ready to get in the car when she saw Coach Hedge opening the door on the passenger side and hopping in the car. She was about to turn to her uncle waiting for the surprised look on his face, but when she did she noticed he was also getting in the car and turning on the engine.
"What the..." Sophie said looking towards her uncles door- which was still open.
He said "Sophie, just get in the car. I'll explain everything."
Sophie reluctantly walked to the other side and opened her door hopping in the car. Before she even closed it and put her seatbelt on her uncle had already started driving towards the main road. She was sure he was going over the speed limit.
Her uncle whizzed around a corner driving towards a woods, he looked back in his rear mirror tilting it down so he could see Coach Hedge in the back seat. "Can you tell where it is?" He asked.
Coach looked thoughtful for a moment before sniffing the air taking his baseball cap off. Sophie had never seen him with his cap off, so she was curious to what his hair looked like. But what she saw wasn't hair, he had two large white horns- like the ones you'd find on a goat. Coming out of his head.
"Coach-" Sophie started
"Shh!" He snapped tilting his head. Sophie stayed silent not wanting to meet his baseball bat, but her eyes were wide, her pupils small as she fidgeted with the rings on her fingers.
"It's near the boy..." Coach Hedge said eventually looking thoughtfully out the window "The young Satyr is with him, there about six miles off."
Her Uncle nodded "Perfect, where is he?"
Coach paused for a moment again "Eight miles off,"
Her uncles face changed to look a bit panicked. But he just stepped on the gas harder making Sophie jolt forwards her seatbelt digging into her chest causing her to wince.
"Sorry dear." Her Uncle said turning around another corner as he turned his head lights on. But it had started raining so now the front of them was barely visible.
Sophie just turned to her uncle wide eyed "Uncle Rodger... What's going on?"Β
So annoyed this scene wasn't in the show lmao.
I'm back! School sucks. And it takes a lot of time,Β
Also just want to clarify. I've never played ice hockey so ignore if it's a bit messed up.
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