Bull fighting
"Cupcake, are you sure you want to know," Coach Hedge said as Sophie turned to face him, her eyes wide as a dear in headlights "I mean, it would be easier if i wait for Chiron to explain."
Sophie's jaw dropped "Chiron- as in, Chiron?"
"Well who else?!" Coach Hedge yelled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Sophie turned to her uncle, who was now looking forwards squinting his eyes at the side of the road, then Sophie noticed what he was looking at. A car, crashed into a rock. There was steam coming out of the bonnet and the door had been burst open.
Her Uncle turned to Coach Hedge and stopped the car, "Where is it."
Coach lifted his head sniffing the air again for a few seconds "Out there, so's the boy."
Then before he said anything else Coach Hedge burst the door open and got out dragging his bat behind him and putting his baseball cap back on. He slammed the door closed and came over to Sophie's pulling it open.
"Right Rodger," he said "You best be going. I'll get Sophie to camp."
Her uncle looked reluctantly at Sophie- who was staring around in confusion. And then back at Coach Hedge "Swear on the river Styx, that you'll get her to camp safely."
"I swear on the river Styx." Coach said.
Her Uncle nodded and Coach rushed to the back of the car opening the trunk and grabbing Sophie's duffle bag with her stuff in it.
Sophie turned to her uncle again staring into his eyes, her expression terrified.
He gave her a soft smile and put his hands on her shoulders while Coach Hedge loudly lugged bags out of the trunk of the car.
"Sophie." Uncle Rodger said, "I don't have enough time to explain this all to you know. But I need to ask you one thing. Do you trust me?"
Without any hesitation Sophie answered giving a small nod "Yes."
Her uncle gave her a sad smile "Then I need you to go with Coach. Get to the tree on top of the hill, no matter what you see. Keep going. No matter what happens, just keep running. Then find the farm house in the valley. Everything will be explained to you there."
Sophie gave another small nod, too scared to answer. She still had no idea what was going on, and she was starting to get freaked out. Her heart was banging against her rib cage. Her chest rising and falling dramatically.
Uncle Rodger rested his forehead against hers "I love you Sophie. If you ever need you can always come home."
"I love you." She said quietly "I-"
Coach Hedge banged on the ground with his baseball bat "Come on cupcake! Let's get going!"
He practically pulled her out the car as the two of them ran towards the broken down car on the side of the road. Coach carrying her duffle bag over his shoulder. The two of them pushed through the trees, and Sophie saw a sight that horrified her.
It was even worse than her demon teacher.
There was Percy, standing frozen staring at a giant creature about twenty foot tall (maybe a bit less). But the creature had large bull horns, and nothing but... underpants on. Sophie still recognized it. It was the minitour.
Oh and Grover was lying on the ground behind Percy.
Anger replaced Percy's fear. He got the same rush of energy he had when Mrs. Dodds had grown talons. Still un aware of the girl and Satyr's presence.
Sophie watched in panic as the Minitour stomped his hoof turning his head to face Percy, ready to charge. Looking around quickly she noticed a large rock at her feet.
She threw it at the Minitour.
Percy internally panicked now noticing the girl and other Satyr. Why was she such an idiot!!
"Die!" Coach hedge yelled raising his club.
Sophie stopped him "Coach, go get Grover."
Coach Hedge looked at her bewildered "No! I'm not leaving you!"
"Go!" Sophie yelled.
"Die!" Coach Hedge yelled throwing his club at the minitour before he ran towards Grover.
The monster lunged at her. She retreated slightly until her back hit a tree. The beast threw a punch at her. She jumped up grabbing a low handing branch and pulling herself up like it was one of those bars you did gymnastics on in play grounds. And it's fist was now stuck in the base of the tree.
The Minotaur ripped his hand out of the trunk, but before he could do anything Sophie dropped down landing on his back. It shook its body every which way trying to fling her off.
Sophie clambered halfway up its back trying to reach its horn. She muttered think think think, over and over again in her mind. It was times like these she desperately wished her weird history teacher would appear saying "wahoo!" and toss her a magic pen.
Unfortunately that didn't look to be in the cards. With the beast still trying to sway her off, she would surely lose her balance soon. Percy wasn't about to let his best friend dissolve like his mom had.
Sophie was desperately trying to come up with a plan when she heard Percy say, "Hey stupid!"
"Yeah you! Ground Beef!" He yelled, waving his jacket around like a lasso.
Oh he was talking to the minotaur... she knew that.
"Rawrrrrrrr!" The monster turned toward him, shaking his meaty fists, making Sophie latch onto his shoulder tighter.
Percy backed up against a tree, similar to the way Sophie had. Both the bulls arms were thrown out and ready to grab at him, whichever way he'd run. So he didn't run. When the beast was hunched down and close enough, Percy leaped into the air, and used the monster's face as a springboard. He turned in midair and found himself sitting atop the Minotaur's head.
Percy blinked, wondering how on earth he did that. He turned to the shoulder to look down at Sophie, who gazing at him with wide eyes.
Percy would have totally smirked braggingly if he wasn't scared out of his wits.
"Here," he said motioning her to jump. Still holding on, she placed her feet on the monsters back, preparing to push off. She almost lost her balance, but she gained composure and took the leap of faith. Percy shot forward and latched onto her forearms, tightly enough to leave bruising. He leaned back, yanking her up, and she fell forward on top of him. But they had no time to catch their breath because a millisecond later the monster rammed its head into the nearest tree. They both hooked their arms onto the horns to keep steady.
"Food!" Grover moaned from the grass.
Sophie looked over to see Coach Dragging him towards the top of the hill.
The bull-man wheeled toward him. Sophie had an idea to stop him. She crawled forwards slowly grabbing onto one of his horns.
"What are you doing?" Percy yelled at her.
Sophie blinked getting ready to swing "I'm not entierly sure!"
She let her feet fall off his head so she was dangling from his horn right infront of his face. "Hey! Meat face!" She internaly winced. The Minutoar let out a growling noise his discusting warm breath hitting Sophie in the face.
She resisted the urge to gagg.
Sophie started swinging, quickly gaining momentum. Her feet swung hitting the minutoar right in the eye.
He let out a loud bellow and swatted Sophie to the side with his hand throwing her in the direction of Coach hedge and Grover, the back of her head hitting a rock..
The pent up rage built up inside Percy and he wrapped both hands around one horn. He pulled backwards with all his might. The monster tensed, gave a surprised grunt andββsnap.
The bull-man screeched and flung the boy up and through the air. Percy landed flat on his back.
Percy's vision was blurry, but he had the horn in his hands, so when the monster charged toward him, he rolled to one side and came up kneeling, before driving the pointed weapon straight through the bull's rib cage.
It roared in agony, and began to disintegrate. Like yellow chunks of sand being picked up in the wind. The same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart. The monster was gone. And the rain had stopped. With a splitting headache, Percy crawled over to where Sophie lay.
"I'm awake," she mumbled weakly, before Percy could ask if she was alright. Although her vision was so blurry, she couldn't even see her friend who was 3 feet in-front of her. She weakly turned her head and saw that Grover was still laying on the ground, unresponsive, besides the occasional "food!"
Coach Hedge had given up dragging the Satyr and was now running over to Sophie and Percy.
Percy thought Coach Hedge was going to help him- he shoved Percy out the way heading over to Sophie.
"Cupcake? Are you alright." Coach Hedge asked.
Sophie groaned "My head hurts a bit."
Coach helped Sophie up putting one of her arms over his shoulder. He turned to Percy who was looking at him confuised "Well? Get Grover."
Percy listened shakily heading over to Grover and putting his arm over his shoulder.
Woah, Sophie really couldn't see now. But she kept pushing onward, toward the lights of the farmhouse. Sophie heard Percy crying. But her ears were ringing and she could not get her brain to form a sentence.
The three of the collapsed in a heap on the wooden porch. Sophie's vision was fading in and out, but in her last glimpse of consciousness, her sight cleared. She saw the face of a familiar looking bearded man, as well as a pretty girl with tannes skin and blond hair, looming over her and her friends. The girl was mumbling something she couldn't quite understand. But she read the lips of the bearded man and was pretty sure he said, "Silence...." Annie seph? Anna meth?
But she had little time to dwell on the pretty girl's name, because she blacked out a second later.
Sophie sat on the swing, staring at the ocean longingly. She tried to ignore the fact the swing next to her was empty- but it was hard. The little girl that would usually be sitting there with her, laughing at the seagulls as they argued over some sort of food.
The sun was setting turning the sky a beautiful golden color. But towards the top there were tiny stars twinkling in the darkness.
She could hear the laughter from her family, they were all at her Nana and Papa's for her Nana's sixty seventh birthday. It was mainly her family that came. Her Uncle, (and her) her dad, her great aunt and uncle, her second cousins and her Nana's best friends Barbra and Joey. None of them were close to her age though.
They were having a barbecue, and some marshmallows to roast after for Sophie. She was just waiting for the food to be ready, the large fire blazing behind her.
But it felt empty. Connor wasn't here. Sophie didn't know where he was. The last time she'd seen him was when he was going off with that young couple. His new family. Millie was also somewhere in the world. Probably living a happy life with her new family.
She missed her siblings.Β
One thing she'd always resented her Uncle for was the fact that he only agreed to take one of his brothers Children. Meaning the three of them had been separated. She hadn't seen them in two years.
While it may not sound like long. But for Sophie it felt like a lifetime.
Especially after Leila went missing...
Sorry its a shorter chapter
Longer ones next :)
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