____****[Part two] ****____
L.B ushered Mrs Yuè into the vehicle. Holding the door for her like a respectful gentleman.
-Gentleman my ass.
She smiled at him. As a loving mother would her child, and went in without hesitation. After everything L.B had just told them. There seemed to be even more reason for Mrs Yuè Guāng's elation.
You see, when the school had first been founded. All the efforts and sacrifices she'd made in hopes of attending proved futile. Now here she was. 15years later. Standing strong, as one of china's most prominent business women. She was indeed 'A Paragon' worthy of emulating.
Though most of the 'prestige' came from the name she'd married into. Mrs Yué unrelenting spirit, witt, and strong will to survive were what catapulted her to the top! and kept her there. Leading her to later on become one of the biggest share holders of;
'Moonlight Enterprises',
allowing for her to grant assistance to him...
-UhOoOo. Mysteriousssssss.
....Errr.. sorry le-lets get back to...you know? The story?
Right. So...
At last! her aging feet had now graced the very ground she'd once strived to dominate. Even though her own time had long past. At least her son could live out her dream on her behalf.
...Was using her son to fulfill her life long fantasy the right thing?!
-Maybe in her book it is.
“I envy you lucky”. She said, in a mild whisper. The boy obviously didn't notice. At the moment, any sound made right now was nothing more than just wind passing by. Blowing swiftly away and minding it's own business.
Adjusting herself to the cozy seats. She let her back embrace the seat's cushion as if laying on a matress. "Well I'll be. This is even better than our limo. I should have Hilary purchase one of these and add to our collection." She thought. Surprised at how comfortable and incredible the vehicle actually was. At first. She hadn't taken the time to look at it well enough. But, It's exterior looked as though it had meticulously been manufactured following through with the preposterous instructions obtained from a sci-fi film. And the interior? Well..there seemed to be no difference between it's internal structure and that of a regular tesla's.
Seeing that the woman had made herself comfortable. L.B shut the door gently then walked to the other side. Mrs Yuè son on the other hand had already let himself in.
-Guess he didn't want any special treatment.
Screening the multiple operational switches positioned by the side of the door. The boy pushed the one that looked to resemble what he'd wanted. Choosing it merely by guessing. Even so, he was right. The car window did as was instructed and wound up. Shutting out the winds brutal blows, that had fervently been rustling his hair in all directions.
After a slight scuffle between the other two guards. It seemed a deal had been struck.
“You owe me for this. Ya got that?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just do me this favor, n'i'll make it worth your while.”
The man said, crudely rubbing the tip of his fingers together.
Visually unhappy, the second guard nodded in agreement. “Yeah well, you'd better pay up though. We wouldn't want what happened last time to repeat itself.”
Chuckling, and rubbing the back of his bald head. The first guard replied, knowing full well he wouldn't be let off easy if he failed to deliver.
“Yup. I promise. Guards honor! Now run along. You wouldn't want to keep em waiting. ”
The second guard grunts, trying his best not to sprout his middle finger at his partners ugly ass face. It was just so annoying to look at.
-Punchable you mean?
Strolling towards the vehicle, the guard pulled open the door to the drivers seat. Got in, and closed it. By force of his suppressed aggression.
What an inconvenience!
He sighed, placed both hands on the wheel, and glanced at the front view mirror. Since it was a modified car, the mirror followed the motion of his eyes. Adjusting to any direction he looked.
-Less work for his fingers.
Mumbling to himself, the guard strained courtesy. “Hello madam!” He said, hoping he'd done his best to keep the sound of his frustration at bay. “Hmm? Yes. Nice to meet you.” The woman replied, returning attention back unto her tablet. Glaring at her through the mirror. The guard nodded, exhibiting signs of depression, as he prepared to start the engine. Suddenly, Mrs Yuè made an inquiry. Stopping the man from beginning the ride.
“Er.. Sorry young man. But, where exactly are we headed? I don't think I fully understand what L.B was talking about back there. You know? About the city?”
-Bitch I thought this had been your dream school? How come you don't even know about the city?
Were the words he'd wanted to blast at her.
-Ohhh??? Wow. Damn. Lol imagine if he did.
If he'd done that well...Let's just say he'd have to kiss his job goodbye.
“Don't worry madam. You'll understand when we get there.”
...Awn. He's no fun. Hmph!
Mrs Yuè son ignored whatever it was his mum and the guard had been conversing about. His Dad had always told him never to give heed to anything that wasn't of his concern. And right now, all he was concerned about, was achieving his 'goal'. So instead, he fiddled with the pretty buttons by his side. Curious about each of their functions.
Drawing a smile, she decided to just go along with it. Nothing wrong with surprises right?
-Not unless you catch your partner cheating on you. Then whoo! That'd be a terrible surprise.
“Alright then..guess we'll just have to wait and see”. She said, showcasing yet another smile.
-Doesn't her face get stiff from all that smiling?
The guard nodded. Accepting his fate. His stupid ass partner was meant to be the one driving right now. And Sally. One of the other guards, had already taken the girl from before into the city, and wasn't back yet!
Groaning in maximum displeasure. The guard vacuumed heavy whiffs of oxygen into his lungs. "That asshole's prolly just gonna take a fucking nap!” He thought, believing that had to be the case. "If not, then....Ya know what? screw it! what else could that mother fucker possibly have to do except while away?" His brain trashed the pointless thoughts.
Just a little while longer. And, he'd be out of here. It was almost time.
Breathing in and puffing out the air through his mouth. The guard begun pushing buttons and switches.
-Guess it's a bit different from a tesla? It's got plane-like functions. Lol, imagine trying to drive to work and you have to like pull levers and push buttons just to start your car. Like dude, just insert the key, turn, and put the peedle to the Meedle.
Meanwhile, on the other side, L.B gently tapped on the closed window using his nails. Aiming to attract the attention of Mrs Yuè son. Looking to his side, the boy saw L.B wiggling his fingers at him then pointing down at the winding button.
“Open it!” He mouthed.
Unfortunately, whatever nonsense it was L.B had to say. "He wasn't interested". Is what he would have thought, if his attention's flag hadn't already been captured. Reading closely at L.B's lips with unparalleled attention. The boys eyes widened in shock! Whatever L.B had mouthed, must've been bombshell.
-Well? What did he mouth?
....Is...Is he gonna DIE????
The news was shocking! To the point where some inner bodily pigment had finally blushed the boy's white washed face.
-He's just fair skinned. Get it right!
In sudden haste, he pushed down on the winding button. But God dammit! the thing was taking its sweet time sliding back down. Even better, the worse case scenario actually aired. The car was on the fucking move!
"Wow. Just when L.B FINALLY spewed something useful for once in his life!" He thought.
Eventually though, the glass did wind down. So...Popping his head out the window. The wind didn't waste much time slapping his side profile with a pressure force equivalent to that of a wind turbines.
The boy eyed L.B closely. Watching as the guard waved goodbye. Sorta like the creepy mascots in front of those weird convenience stores in his neighborhood.
-Why do I wanna shop there now?
Permitting a fiendish smile some desired spotlight. L.B kept waving, till...the car had been devoured by the horizon. To the boy, L.B had become nothing more than a distant silhouette.
In foresight, L.B mentally materialized the zenith of a skyscraper. Standing erect in all it's glory. However, something about the whole situation just now ticked him off. Clenching his fist and sucking his teeth, L.B rose his head up to the zima blue sky. The sun glorified him, adding extra tinted hues from its golden blaze, unto his bright red hair, frosted with blonde highlights on its ends. The winds once again elevate, as if it'd been waiting on certain intervals. Ruffling both his hair and uniform.
Letting out the withheld breath. L.B raised his eye lids. An aura of pelting miasma, conjured by his 'destructive intent'. Visible, only to the malevolent eye. Clouded around him. “Mark my words. I will, get my revenge!” He raised his chin, and grinned sadistically. “Moonlight enterprises? I'm gonna burn all you son's of bitches to the FUCKING ground!!!!” He yelled in a menacing tone, openly addressing the empty road.
[<<<<IN THE CAR>>>>]
The boy wound up the window. He wasn't much of a talker so it'd surprised him why he'd even bothered attempting to ask. There wasn't a need for that now, since he'd already confirmed his suspicion.
Goddess! Was it the school's ambiance? Or...was it the pumping adrenaline that was affecting him? His whole body shivered in anticipation. He couldn't help it, he couldn't stop it...His heart! It kept ramming battle attacks on his ribcage. Was he...Panicking?
-Nah man, it's just you experiencing the normal phenomenon of starting highschool.
"No! Keep it together." He thought. Tryin to soothe his disturbed mind. Stuffing his hands into his coat pocket, the boy pulled out his phone. Swiped through the icons until he'd found the app he'd been searching for. Then clicked on it. Tapping the screen a few times, he zoomed in on something. -A picture. It was a blurry screenshot of some hard copy photograph. Yes. It may not have been the best quality...But at least it was better than nothing. And hallelujah! the warrior queen of emotions had succeeded in her quest!
-War-warrior queen of emotions? Wha---
....What even is this?
Even though it may have been faint. She had indeed unearthed something from his frosty hearts grave.
-Yeah! Disappointment!
It was a tiny spark, of JOY!
It overwhelmed him, the cheeryplum feeling even caused a tugged smile to throw its covers. Enhancing the beauty of his eyes.
-I bet it did. Okay, okay let's get serious now.
The boy stared at the picture with flamelike intensity. As if it would suddenly disappear if he took his eyes off it for even a fraction of a second. Subconsciously nibbling on his lower lip, he held unto the faint smile.
-No point letting it go now. Am I right?
Noticing her sons diversion to sublime yang energy. The woman fired silent arrows of gazes at him. Smiling suagrly to herself. "He must've finally accepted coming here. I mean.. what else could make him so happy?"
How do you even reason lady?!
....Brava author. You've gon done it this time!
Deciding to cut the thread of curiosity that'd been asphyxiating her for far too long. Mrs Yuè asked;
“What are you looking at son?”
“Hm?...??? Oh! It's nothing. Just checking the time.”
-Ha! My baby boy LIED!!!!!!
Switching off his cell phone the boy plopped it back into his coat pocket. Thankfully his mum's question had just rescued him from yet another lucid day dream. He looked to his side, reflecting on the wide scape green fields. In thruth, he didn't care about the pastures. He'd only done that to avoid more interrogation.
-Look away and she won't question you. Yup great strategy. Your so~ smart, Elon musk ain't got nothing on you!
But, knowing his mum. She'd look for the slightest opportunity to strike fire to a conversation. Ofcourse even she knew that. So..she made no effort to do so. Deciding it was best to let the boy be, since, he was going to be on his own from now on.
Bored of staring at miles and miles of greenery. The boy let himself plummet deep into the sea of thought. If what L.B had told him was true....Then, that would mean...
His crimson pupils coruscated with determination. Reflecting only of the reason he'd agreed to the terms of 'their' ultimatum. Fusing memories together, the boy delved himself back into the not so distant past of only a few months ago.
Finally. Junior high was over. But, he still had no way of contacting that person. If he hadn't been weak..maybe he would have been able to request for their name. "Ugh. Why am I so unlucky? Can't anything go my way for once?!?!"
-Doesn't your mum call you lucky?
The boy screamed aloud in his head. His aggression. Which had now turned 'murderous intent'. Caused him to stab out whatever little essence classifying his asparagus as 'a living thing'.
“So Mùchén. What do you say? You're going right?” Asked a powerful immaculate masculine voice. Glaring spears through the man's skull. Mùchén replied irreverently;
“Wǒ yǒu xuǎnzé ma?
[Do I have a choice?]
(我有选择吗? )”
The man laughed hysterically. His coughing paralleled with the sound of chocking. “Dear! Drink some water, your meal is spicy.” His wife cautioned. The man chortled, picked up his wine glass and then took a slow slurp.
-Wouldn't wanna choke on that too. Except. One might never know, perhaps that's exactly what Mùchén was hoping for.
Having quenched the chest burning fire of his choke. The man smirked, stroking his smooth chin with his strong firm fingers.
-Why did that sound gross?
“Now. Nǐ bié wú xuǎnzé shì shénme ràng nǐ juédé?
[Now. What makes you think you don't have a choice?]
Mùchén scoffed, avoiding eye contact. The plate of food before him seemed to be his biggest enemy at the moment. He just didn't want that asparagus to live.
-He's just playing with the food now isn't he? Cause if he wanted it dead. The mouth can do better than just stab! Also, the fact they're using cutlery is funny to me.
“Well...maybe it's cause you don't want me to go anywhere BUT! this school.” -Pausing. Mùchén mutilated the sautéed vegetable with his fork. “And...because you want me there NO! MATTER! THE! COST!”. -He stopped. Giving the asparagus one final stab through it's charred lanky green body.
-It's dead now I presume.
“Xiànzài qīn'ài de, zhè shì yī suǒ hěn bàng de xuéxiào.
[Now, dear...It's a great school.]
(现在亲爱的, 这是一所很棒的学校)”
Mrs Yuè Intercepted the conversation, trying to soothe the tension with her opinion. And on hearing her words, Mùchén stopped in his attempt to slaughter the already dead slab of lamb on his dish.
-Lol. Author, does this guy hate food?
Granting an eyelong glare to the woman next to him. Mùchén remarked; “Ofcourse you agree. Since that has always been your dream school?” The lady smiled, giving full attention back to her meal.
-This smile of hers has got to be annoying to people right? Cause I know it's pissing me off!
“You're right. Whether or not you want to go there isn't a choice.” Said the man.
-Hmm. He knew it, what more could he expect? Right Mùchén?
“However! you're wrong about the whole situation. You won't necessarily have to go there for me. Or...Your mother. But much rather, for them?” Mùchén nearly chocked on his saliva upon hearing those words. Mrs Yuè on the other hand, eyed her husband in wonder.
"Tāmen shì shéi?
[Who is...Them?]
*Raises hand*...
....Uh I'd like to know too!
-Also, what's with this family and chocking? Y'all should learn to swallow gently OKAY?
Right, so erm...
The man surely had to be bluffing. There was no possible way he could've known! Gripping hard on the end of his silver fork, almost snapping it in two.
-Wouldn't want him to hold my neck. You know, since he likes chocking n'all. Anyyyyhoo!
Mùchén livened the will to do it. The boy looked at his ol'man. Seated five dinner chairs opposite from him. There was no mistaking it. He was his son alright. The flesh of his bone. The carbon copy of the OG himself. His eyes, height, hair colour, freaking JAWLINE! Heck. The only thing he'd used to take after his mum was his vampire skin tone. Everything else, was his Dad. Only few people had ever told him he looked like her.
*Raises hand*....
....Er author? How does any of this information add value to our reading? We don't give a shit as to whether or not he looks like his mum. Am I right peeps? If you all agree with the author. You've all become my enemy.
So, shall we proceed? Whatever, I'm going to whether you want me to or not. I have a job to do ya know! So...
Now, in this moment, even though he still regretted being the lucky sperm cell that just so happened to cum out of the the ol'man's casanovian dick.
-?????? Cas-casa what now?
He knew, that when Mr Yuè Guāng. Founder of Moonlight enterprises, his father. Spoke!? My manz, you'd better believe he meant every FUCKING WORD!
-Yes! And that's how everyone should be.
...I like his dad!
“So, how'bout this?...You go to this school for me, and I'll provide you with information.”
-Business is business even with family. You never want to be on the losing end.
As I've mentioned before, Mùchén, is a very quiet person. Slightly introverted, lacking in social presence. Which was ironic, given the family he was born into. He always minded his own business. But remember. Quiet...Can be DEADLY!
-Yes, as you've already read. The boy stabbed his asparagus to a second death! And If that's not Deadly!? Then I donno what is.
At this point. Dongmei had no idea what was going on. And she'd do well as to keep her mouth shut in situations like these.
Ah, Yuè Dongmei. Mr Yuè's second wife, from his second marriage. Or better still current marriage. Mùchén's biological mother.
-What? You thought I was gonna say step mum? Well what made you reach that conclusion?
....Wait! You probably wouldn't have since I'd already told you earlier before that...Meh, Anyyyhoo!
Mùchén's drowning thoughts floated back to the surface once he'd heard his mum's gentle voice throw in the bouy. They kept swimming and swimming till they reached the shores of reality.
“Lucky! we're here!”
“Uh? Oh! O-okay!”
He said, -pushing his side of the door open. They both alighted and bade the guard driver farewell. "Okay. Drop the boys luggage at his dorm first. Then, find that asshole so he can pay up!" He thought, while driving away post haste.
A flurry of magnificence lingered on every side. Sky Cross academy! A school throned at the pinnacle of success. Nothing could surpass this. Everywhere they turned, People. No! students, roamed on every corner, from left to right. Heck there was even traffic! They were in the center of the city! Dude this was unreal! And you better believe Mrs Yuè was led to tears by the mere sight of it. There was so much excitement in her blood. Was this were fate had destined them?
Thinking back on what L.B had mouthed, Mùchén's heart raced in glee. Banging itself against his chest as if trying to jump out. Like an animal ramming on its cage in order to escape menagerie. At last! he would be able to see them, and keep the promise he'd made. Hopefully they still remembered him.
Were L.B's exact words.
“L.B. You'd better not be fucking with me!”
Aseop: So my dear readers. It's the end. However, it's also time for a little character info! Pages like these will pop up at certain moments in the story. Basically, it's done to reveal useful info about a character. Each existing character whether major or minor will all get a chance at the spotlight, whenever the author deems it useful for the plots advancement. Just so you know 'I' Aseop am also a character in this story. My info will be revealed when the author is ready to fire me! Yup! I can get fired!
So y'all are free to speculate on who I am. That's why I refused to tell y'all my identity. Let's see if y'all can guess my character.
As a reward. The author will put up a 300 word chapter consisting of what ever the winner asks for pertaining to the novel. Don't go being naughty though. And you've only got one try. So I'd suggest reading a bit before deciding. Whenever you're ready to tell your answer. Put #myansweris in the comment section. Hehehehehe.
Anyway y'all should hold unto your tooshies, cause y'all are in for a turbulent ride!!!
So, without further ado.
_-++_THE FOUNDER_++-_
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