[π‘˜π‘™π‘Žπ‘’π‘ ] (17) βœ“

Γ— klaus Γ—


IT HAD BEEN AN EVENTFUL NIGHT WITH THE MARTIN WARLOCK TRYING TO KILL ELENA BUT LUCKILY THEY HAD STOPPED HIM. Well, they isn't the word to exactly describe what happened. Katherine disguised as Elena and bit the man, Cassandra layed in Damon's bed the whole time because she couldn't take the slightest risk that Luka's father had called Klaus. By now though, it was kind of inevitable for him to find her but right now, she was going to try and at least keep her distance.

She walks into the Mystic Grill, a sigh leaving her lips as she searches for someone she knows. The only one she saw was Alaric Saltzman who was drinking alone.

"Alaric?" She calls out as she walks over to him, making the man turn to look at her. His eyes widen for a split second but then he is putting on his best impression.

"Cassandra, hey." Klaus says, wishing he didn't have to be wearing someone else's face to be able to talk to her.

"Did Jenna open up to you?" She asks as she sits down in the seat next to him.

"What?" Klaus asks as his eyes search hers for an answer. He internally groans as he realizes that she meant the whole Jenna and Alaric being on the outs thing.

"About finding out that Isobel is actually alive." She elaborated, confusion filling her for a second before a look of realization fills his face. Cassandra just thought it was because they didn't talk much that he forgot about what had happened.

"Oh, no. Not yet. Why are you not with Elena?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows a little bit. Cassandra only groans, rolling her eyes a little as she grabs his drink to finish off the remainder. Klaus watches her, a small smile creeping out.

"I needed a day. After what happened with Elijah, I couldn't deal with the Isobel drama." She admits as she fiddles with the glass In her hands. Klaus nods a little bit, smirking before covering it up with a curious expression. He had learned of his dear brothers demise when he was talking with the 'Mystic Falls gang' earlier. Klaus was glad that Elijah was out of the way though.

"I don't get what you saw in him." Klaus says jokingly but he really needed to know why she would jump to his brother, especially after being with him for two hundred years.

"I thought our relationship was built on trust.. loyalty." She tells the man, her eyes darkening for a second as she is reminded of all the things Elijah had kept from her. "I guess it wasn't." Cassandra adds with a slight frown as she doesn't let the tears show in her eyes. Klaus wanted to tear his brothers head off for even causing her the slightest of pain. Not that he had the best track record.

"But Elijah is dead now, it's not a problem anymore." Klaus deadpans as he discreetly rolls his eyes. Of course his brother was dumb enough to get daggered by someone else. Was he that incapable of knowing when people were lying to him?

"Yeah, I guess." She says, her voice soft as she glances down at the bar. Cassandra couldn't help the pain that reached her heart when she heard alarics words. "But Katherine is right. I couldn't kill Elijah. Well, even if I wanted to I could since it would've killed me." She states the obvious since she would die if she were to even try to kill Elijah. "But I don't .. I won't be able to kill..him." Cassandra says truthfully as she fiddles with her fingers. Klaus raises an eyebrow a little bit, curiousity filling his veins.

"Why not? Didn't you say you hated him?" Klaus asks intrigued as he moves a little bit closer to the girl, signalling the bartender to pour her another drink. Cassandra gives a thankful look before taking a big gulp of it.

"I do hate him. I mean i-- I don't know." Cassandra corrects herself as she bites her bottom lip, not even knowing what she truly felt anymore about either of the brothers. Klaus's eyes light up at this, maybe he did have a chance after all. "After what I saw, what Elijah kept from me... I don't know how I feel anymore." She tells him honestly with a sigh as she rests her head in the palm of her hands. Her eyes widen lightly at the fact that she was practically spewing her personal life at him. "I'm sorry. It's weird me talking about this isn't it." Cassandra immediately says after seeing Alaric's face, he didn't look to thrilled hearing about her relationships. She grimaced at the fact that was she was even confiding in him.

"My love life isn't any better, so I understand." Klaus jokes with a smirk, her thinking it was because of Jenna when really he was thinking of their breakup. He needed to know why she left him so suddenly, we she broke the promise of never leaving him like his family had done so many times.

"Even after everything both of them have done.. I can't shake my feelings." Cassandra tells him as a small frown forms on her face. She would always have love for the two brothers and that's what scared her. They were able to slither their way into her heart and she was trying so desperately to get them out but she couldn't. A part of her would always love them.

"Do you want Klaus dead?" He asks, squinting his eyes a little bit. Klaus felt pain in his heart at hearing the girl admitting she has feelings for Elijah but he couldn't say anything that would break his cover.

"Its just so complicated. With Elijah.. he isn't really dead. We can wake him." Cassandra points out, not knowing when or even if she would bring Elijah back but at least it was always an option. Klaus gives a little nod, wanting to reach over for her hand but Alaric wouldn't do that since they weren't that close. "But if we kill Klaus.. we can't bring him back." She adds, sadness clear in her face as she tried not to picture the man she had history with, dead on the ground.

"I won't tell the others, it would just stay between you and me." Klaus promises as he watches the hesitancy in Cassandra's eyes. She sighs a little bit as she glances at him, debating it in her head.

"No. I don't want him dead." She states as she stares blankly straight ahead. Cassandra knew this whole time that she didn't really want Klaus dead. No matter what he's done, having the slightest chance, even just a slimmer, that he would come to her, tell her that he is sorry and just hold her... It was a chance she wanted to at least have. "I don't know if I still see a future for us but that possibility.. that he still loves me.. that maybe all of this was just a misunderstanding." Tears brew In her eyes and she tries to keep them away but one slips through, gliding down her cheek. Klaus notices this, his heart stopping for a moment at her words. Maybe there was truly a chance for them. "He's still an awful person but I'm not the same person either." She tells him, taking a deep breath as she wonders how much she's actually changed over the years. It was definitely drastic from her time with Klaus. With him, she was sweet, was scared to harm humans, was glued to a man's side and always did as she was told. Now she was fierce, manipulative and didn't let anyone boss her around.

"So you're in a love triangle." Klaus snaps her out of her thoughts, making her gasp as she punched his arm. He acted like it hurt because she was still a vampire and in her eyes, he was human.

"No, I'm not!" She scolds as she gives him a playful glare. Klaus almost scowled having to say it but in the end, he would get the girl, he always did it. Cassandra would come back to him, he felt it deep down. "Elijah is dead, Klaus.. will be dead. It will just be--me." Breaking a little bit in her sentence as she finally realizes what this meant in her life. If they were both gone, she would simply just be by herself.

"What?" Klaus asks when he notices the sudden silence from the girl.

"I don't know. All my life I've been running from something or I've been with Klaus. When he's dead.. I'll be free but I don't know what I would even do." She admits as she bites her bottom lip, wondering what true freedom even felt like. In that moment, Klaus knew the hurt that he caused the girl. She had spent the last five hundred years terrified of him. She thought he wanted to kill her. Maybe if he hadn't been chasing after her, she could've lived her life to the fullest. But he prevented that from happening.

"I'm sure you'd figure it out." Klaus assures her as he nudges her arm a little bit. She gives him a light smile before downing the rest of her drink.

"Thanks for the talk, but I'm going to go see what 60's clothes I have. Damon invited me to the dance." Cassandra snorts, getting up from her seat. She didn't know why she felt like she could spill her guts to Alaric but she couldn't take anything back now. Klaus nods, staring at her as she grabbed her stuff.

"I'll see you there, I guess." Klaus tells her with a slight smirk on his face. Cassandra gives a small smile back before heading out the grill. Klaus's eyes follow her every move, gazing after the woman he still loved after five hundred years of not having her. But that was about to change. She would be his again. Even if he had to take out everyone else to get her.


WALKING INTO THE SCHOOL GYM, Cassandra could easily pick out the people who never listen in history class. What they were wearing was not a highlight of the 60's at all. It was just sad. They had to live in the modern world, never getting experience the actual good decades and now they don't even have accurate representation of the previous years.

She remembered the 60's like it was yesterday. It was the years where the world really was at a conflict. Not only was there the vietnam war but also the civil rights protests. It was a time where you were either on the right side of history or the wrong side. But that didn't stop the beach movie phase that everyone seemed to go through. Although, she did find it a use of her time because she could always drag Elijah to a beach where he would be forced to take off his suit.

Cassandra wore a pastel color dress with a white collar, the waist of the dress having a slight drop as back then, they didn't accentuate their figure too much, not that Cassandra followed along with that. She sighs as she looks around the room, her hair wafting over her face a little bit as it was curled and kind of held up.

Her eyes meet Damon's who was standing next to Alaric, both of them staring at her. She sighs as she walks over to them, giving Damon a slight glare for even making her come to the stupid dance in the first place. Klaus had his eyes placed on her, trying not to give himself away as he was currently residing in Alaric Saltzman's body. He clears his throat as he notices he had been staring at her for far too long. "You look smoking hot." Damon tells her , a smirk on his lips as his eyes run down her outfit. Cassandra gives him a little twirl, earning a laugh from the man.

"Why thank you." She says as she gives him a once over. Too bad he had to be in love with Elena, he could do way better than her. Admittedly, even Rose was better for him. She just wanted him to find someone that wouldn't just use him for their own gain or play a jumping game between him and his own brother.

"I'm surprised you're here." He tells her as he takes a step closer to her.

"You invited me." Cassandra answers him bluntly, giving him a slightly confused expression. Damon didn't actually think she would show up when he asked her. No one did. Hell, even Klaus was shocked she showed her face.

"The chance Klaus could be here.. would've thought you'd be a thousand miles away." Damon admits as he glances around the room quickly for any sign of the man, not that it would help at all. Cassandra sighs as she fixes the hem of her dress.

"I know what Klaus looks like. Do you?" Cassandra asks as she raises an eyebrow at him. Damon hesitates as he looks to Alaric who only shrugs his shoulders, not knowing how to answer Damon's glance. "Exactly, plus I don't have to be faster than him, I just have to be faster than you." She tells him with a smirk as she places her hands on her hips. Damon scoffs as he gives her a playful glare, the girl sticking her tongue out at him. Klaus was trying to contain his smirk, Cassandra had certainly gotten bolder with men over the centuries.

"How cute." Damon says sarcastically as he gives an eye roll. He glances at Alaric for a moment who was watching the exchange quite intently. He sighs before his eyes land on something that Cassandra had on. "You are still wearing it?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows as his eyes land on the necklace clasped around her neck. Cassandra had totally forgotten she still had it on. It just seemed so natural to her.

"Oh, I didn't even notice. I guess it kind of comforts me." She says nonchalantly as she plays with it for a moment. Klaus squints his eyes, trying to get a better look at it but she had been covering it with her hand.

"What is it?" He asks, wanting to know if it was what he thought it was. Klaus would be surprised that he didn't notice it earlier, even though he was too busy staring at her deeply to realize.

"A necklace Klaus gave to her." Damon answers quickly before moving in front of Cassandra who looks at him curiously. "Come, dance with me my queen." He says in a posh voice, holding his hand out to her.

"I do not dance in high school gyms." She states, a little bit of a disgusted expression on her face as she glances around the room full of horny, sweaty teenagers. Klaus smiles lightly at her but was trying to keep himself from tearing Damon's head off for even asking his girl to dance.

"I am your best friend and I am telling you to get out there and shake that ass of yours." He teases her as he tries to grab her waist in order to pull her towards him but she only gives him a sharp glare, practically taunting him. Damon only gives her a little smirk.

"I will break your hand." She threatens in a half joking voice. Damon only starts dancing next to her, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl. She stares at him for a moment, a smile making its way onto her lips. Cassandra groans causing Damon to through his hands up in victory before pulling her onto the dance floor.

Her back presses up against him, their hips moving together to the music. His hands were gripping her waist, moving them to the beat before she could feel them slipping lower. They were doing more than inappropriate actions for a school dance but they could care less, even with the possibility of Klaus watching them. Luckily he had walked away, not wanting to see Cassandra dancing with anyone. Damon hums as she grinds against him, giggling to herself as she never got to have this much fun. If she did this in public with Klaus, he would kill everyone who watched plus she would be shamed since it was seven hundred years ago.

Damon squeezes her ass before he twirls her around, Cassandra smiles at him as she hovers her lips over his. Stefan and Elena were only staring at the two in shock, the brunette couldn't help but laugh a little at the inappropriate dance moves. "It looks like they are going to have sex in the middle of the room." Bonnie points out as she appears next to the couple. Stefan and Elena laugh at the comment as they turn back to Damon and Cassandra who were indeed making out now in the crowd. Their lips heatedly meet together as she could feel Damon's hand move under her dress. She didn't know how Klaus would react if he was watching but she did not care at the moment, all she cared about was Damon's hands on her body.

Cassandra moans lowly as he turns her around, his lips leaving hot kisses on her neck and shoulder. She couldn't handle not being able to do more do she grabs his hand before quickly starting to walk towards the hall. Damon was smirking behind her, his eyes meeting the trio who were watching them in shock. "We'll be right back." She tells them not even waiting for an answer before vamp speeding them to an empty classroom. The trio only watch after where they were a second ago, not one of them believing that they were going to have sex, in a high school of all places. Especially with this many people around. But it was Cassandra and Damon, they had just had sex in the middle of a club. A school was nothing to them if all they could think about was each other. And that's what they did for the next twenty minutes.


CASSANDRA STUMBLES DOWN THE HALL, trying to fix her mess of an outfit as she hadn't done the best job of it in the classroom. She groans as she continues walking, only to run into someone who let's out a yelp. Cassandra glances up, luckily just seeing Elena and Bonnie who were both eyeing her outfit curiously. Her hair was tangled up, her outfit riding up her thigh as the top half wasn't even on properly, her red lace bra slipping through. She had lipstick smudged and she was sure that if anyone saw Damon, they would know exactly what they doing since he looked even worse.

"So, you two weren't right back." Bonnie teases her with a small smirk. She may hate Damon but she had grown to like Cassandra, mainly because she was fun and didnt give a fuck what anyone thought. Bonnie really wanted to get closer to her but it was hard with Elena practically on her tail every day. The witch tries to help fix the girl up, running her hands through Cassandra's hair.

"Well, we had sex but then got distracted doing other things." She hints with a sly smirk on her lips as she watches the jealousy light up in Elena's eyes but seriously, what did she expect after watching her and Damon feel each other up. Bonnie only snorts as she pulls the girls dress down, blushing slightly when she moves to smooth the top of it out, her fingers brushing softly against the girls exposed skin. A voice makes her hand flinch away, Cassandra glad her appearance was at least mainly back to normal.

"Elena. He has Jeremy." Alaric shouts as he rushed towards the girls, making them all turn to face him in a hurry. They were all shocked by the news because why would he take Elena's brother? Leverage maybe?

"What?" She gasps as her eyes widen at the though of her brother being taken by a psychopath.

"Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on." He tells them frantically making them all rush down after him. After a minute, Cassandra looks back down the hall they just came from, her eyebrows furrowing a little bit.

"Okay, where are you taking us?" Bonnie asks curiously as she aimlessly follows after him with the others. Cassandra was in front because she was the strongest amongst them.

"Just a little further." Klaus tells them as he glances down another hall before leading them down. Bonnie and Elena were getting slightly suspicious now but Cassandra was already looking at Alaric with confused eyes.

"Wait, something's not right." Cassandra mumbles as she watches after Alaric's retreating figure. She couldn't help the pit that formed in her stomach, something was definitely off about the whole situation.

"Where's Jeremy?" Elena eventually asks, the three girls stopping in their place as they didn't want to follow Alaric anymore. Something was going to happen, they just didn't realize what

"I just had to get away from that dance. The 60's ugh, not my decade. I much prefer the 20's, the outfits, the music, the jazz." Klaus groans as he turns to face the girls with a light smirk placed on his lips.

"Alaric, are you on vervain?" Elena asks with furrowed eyebrows as he was acting weird and that was more than usual.

"Now why would you ask me that questions Elena?" Klaus asks with an amused expression on his face. Elena only stares back at him, not knowing what was going on.

"He's been compelled." She tries again but he only rolls his eyes, letting out a tiny sigh as he paces back and forth across the hall.

"Nope, try again." He tells them as his eyes meet with Cassandra's for a split second. Klaus didn't want her to be with them because then she would see what he had to really do to break his curse but there was no turning back now. He couldnt let them stop him.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asks confused as she was kind of getting fed up with the little guessing game he had going on. Cassandra was trying to deny the theory she came up with in her head but it was the only logical explanation. Alaric wouldn't turn on them like this. Unless It wasnt really Alaric.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric." Klaus states, a smirk forming as he squints his eyes a little bit. Elena eyes widen in surprise, a expression of pure anger filling her features.

"Klaus." She states.

"Surprise." Klaus says with laugh as he watched the girls faces turn to fear and shock. They definitely weren't expecting this, for Alaric to be Klaus.

"No, no, it's not possible." Elena says as she shakes her head, refusing to believe that Alaric was actually Klaus. It was too good, they had talked to the man, he had acted the same way he always had.

"Just relax Elena, I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list... Tonight." Klaus says with a smirk playing on his lips, his eyes flickering over to Cassandra for a moment who was staring at him in fear. "But you are." He says as he looks at Bonnie who only glares at him, ready to take him down if need be. Klaus runs at her but she only throws him back, his arm making a loud crunch in the process. He only laughs a little though, looking up at Bonnie who had taken a short step back in fear. "Now did I mention, that I know a witch, you're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that." Klaus tells her as he charges at her again only for him to be thrown back into the glass case.

"Cassandra do some--" Elena starts to say as she turns to look at the raven haired vampire but when she did, the girl was no where to be found. Her eyes widen as she had realized the girl ditched them. "Cassandra?" She calls out but there was no response. Turning slowly back to Klaus, he only wickedly smirks at her.

"Seems like she couldn't hurt me afterall." He tells them before beginning to attack Bonnie again. Elena runs like the girl told her, making her way down the hall only to run into Damon on the way back to the gym. She was frantic, her pulse racing as she couldn't believe they had been fooled by the man. Damon looks at her curiously, wondering what the hell happened.

"What happened?" Damon asks before his eyes land on Cassandra who was sitting against lockers, her knees pressed to her chest. Elena hadn't even noticed her when she was running, she was too busy trying to get to Stefan.

"K-klaus is in Alaric's body." Elena says quickly, stuttering a little bit as she glances at Cassandra who stares, eyes wide at nothing. A soft tear rolling down her cheek.

"What?" Damon asks as his eyebrows furrowed, not expecting that answer at all. How did he even do that? Well, he shouldn't really be asking that because it was entirely possible with a witch at your disposal.

"He's possessing him or something." The doppleganger elaborates, her body still shaking from the whole situation.

"Go find Stefan. Take Cassandra with you." Damon tells Elena, taking a glance at Cassandra who was still shaking on the floor. The doppleganger frowns before reaching down in order to pull the girl up. She hesitantly wraps an arm around the girl as they make their way down the wall, away from Klaus, leaving Bonnie to deal with him. Oh what the dire consequences that would bring.


ONCE ELENA HAD FOUND STEFAN, Cassandra had decided it was best if she was to leave. She was the main reason Klaus even found Mystic Falls in the first place because he was tracking her. She put everyone in danger because she didn't take Elijah's advice to leave earlier. Cassandra didn't even want to go back to the Salvatore house, not knowing what had happened between them with Klaus. What If someone was dead because of her? But why didn't Klaus go after her too? Maybe it was because he was in Alaric's body so he didn't have his usual strength to go after two people at once.

She takes a deep breath before walking into the house, hearing a distant conversation happening in the parlor. Making her way over, Cassandra pokes her head in not wanting to interrupt but Damon's eyes flicker to her, a flash of relief in his eyes since he thought Klaus had taken her since she wasn't answering his messages.

"You can come in." Damon tells her after noticing the hesitance to even step into the room. The three of them turn to look at the raven haired vampire. Cassandra clears her throat, feeling nervous under the stares.

"I-im sorry." Cassandra tells them with a small frown on her face. "I panicked-- we found out that it was him and I.." she trails off for a moment, her eyes filling with tears as she imagined all the things Klaus would do to her. "I didn't want to be tortured." Her voice cracks a little bit and that itself made the group not be mad at her anymore. She was just trying to stay alive, they all knew the risk of having her along. Cassandra even admitted to them that she probably couldn't kill Klaus.

"Hey, it's okay." Elena says as she shakes her head, not wanting the girl to feel bad. "We understand why you ran." She says sincerely, offering a small smile, one which Cassandra actually returns. Her eyes flicker over the trio, trying to break the silence that had occurred between them. Her mind moves somewhere else though, it making the sudden connection that she didn't seem to notice before. When they first learned that Klaus was in Alaric's body.

"That's why he didn't know what I was talking about." She mutters, her eyes moving towards the group. They all barely heard her but they still didn't understand what she was even going on about.

"What?" Damon asks curiously as he looks towards the girl who's eyes were widening in realization. She couldn't believe she had practically told everything to Klaus. The Klaus who wanted her dead.

"Earlier, I was talking to Alaric--Klaus and I asked about Jenna and he was confused." She explains to them and they were all shocked at the new found information that Cassandra had seen Klaus today. Before he even came to the dance.

"You talked to Klaus? Today?" Stefan asks as he moves closer to the girl, sharing a look with his brother who was clearly thinking the same thing as him.

"What did he say, was it something important--" Damon starts, wanting to know everything that was said between the two. Klaus could've left a secret message or something, he was cryptic and old like that. Cassandra believed she would have noticed something like that though.

"Damon, just give her a minute." Elena snaps at him, defending the girl who looked like she was in pure shock. But who wouldn't after seeing their original ex boyfriend show up out of thin air. "You can talk about it tomorrow, okay?" She tells the girl, trying to calm her down as she rubs her arm. Cassandra was actually thankful for Elena I'm that moment because she didn't want to explain the whole encounter right now. Not after realizing she was talking to Klaus the whole time.

"I can't even imagine what Katherine is experiencing." Cassandra mumbles, mostly to herself as they were pretty sure that Klaus had captured the Petrova girl. That made Cassandra terrified for her but she knew the vampire wasn't dead, Klaus wouldn't let her off that easily.

"You guys can go upstairs, I'll make sure she is okay." Elena tells the two Salvatore brothers who look at her hesitantly. She only continues to stare at them before they reluctantly walk up the stairs to give the girl some space. Once Elena knows they're gone she turns back to Cassandra quickly, grabbing a hold of her hand. "I need your help with something cause I don't think he will talk to me." She whispers lightly to Cassandra who if she didn't have vampire hearing, she surely wouldn't have heard her. The girl only furrows her eyebrows as she tilts her head a little.

"Who?" She asks but Elena only takes her down to the cellar. The cellar. Cassandra's eyes widen as she realized who exactly was down here. The only person who they had captured. Elijah. When she sees the man's body, she was confused on why Elena wanted to come see him but that was answered when Elena bent down next to the man, her hands hovering over the dagger. "Elena. What are you doing?" Cassandra snaps harshly at her but in a quiet tone to make sure Damon or Stefan didn't hear the conversation.

"It's the only way." Elena tells the girl as she turns her head to watch the raven haired vampire. Cassandra only stares back at her, unsure of how to answer her.Β  "Am I wrong?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow at the raven haired girl. Cassandra saw the obvious hesitance in Elena's eyes too but they both knew that Elijah was really their only chance at defeating Klaus. He knew him better than anyone else. Especially better than Cassandra. No matter what her issues with Elijah were, they needed him. So she only glances at Elena who's hands were hovering over the dagger, giving her a slight nod. She starts to lift the dagger out as Cassandra leans against the wall, a light breath leaving her lips.


wow I updated again?? what a SURPRISE. btw let me get this point across, Damon and her are soulmates. soulmates aren't always in love with each other. they connect with each other on a different level, both experiencing similar things in their life. Katherine is her sister, their relationship is rocky because they've just been trying to survive for so long but in the end they would die for each other. (but their is some sexual tension between them but who can blame them, they're both hottt). Elijah or Klaus is the love of her life, she just doesn't realize which one quite yet. anyways, comment what you thought on this chapter! cassandra and elijah reunite next chapter but it isn't exactly unicorns and rainbows. klaus and cassandra finally saw each other again, even if it was in alarics body and Klaus got a chance to have a genuine conversation with her because of that. maybe there is some hope for them after all ... fave/follow/check out my other stories if you want to!!

next update might be soon again idk!

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