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"Ask him!", Peter snapped at her angryl, "Peter!", Adeline warned him in a low voice.

Caspian looked at Peter, hate in his eyes, "Me?", he asked him annoyed. "You could've called it off, there was still time!", the Prince argued with the high kingaup

"There wasn't, thanks to you", Peter contered. "If you kept to the plan, those soliders would might be alive right know", he told Caspian angry, "And if you just stayed here like I suggested they definitely would be!", the Prince shouted at him.

"You called us remember!?", Peter reminded him of his action. "My first mistake", Caspian replied starring at Peter.

"No, your first mistake was to lead this people", Peter still argued with him.

"Hey!", Caspian shouted so loud he could, "I'm not the one who abandoned Narnia!", he continued in a quieter voice looking at Peter with pure hate in his eyes.

"You invaded Narnia", Peter shouted as Caspian pushed him away and walked towards the term.

"You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does!", Peter shouted at him. "You, him, you're father- Narnian's better off without the lot of you!", he continued, Caspian stopped abruptly, Adelien knew that Peter had gone to far.

Caspian let out a loud scream and drew his sword exactly like Peter. "Stop it", Adeline shouted at them angryly, both boy's looked at her surprised and then at their wounded dwarf that laid in the centaurs arms.

Adeline quickly kneeled besides him as Lucy gave him something to drink. Caspian turned around and made his way inside the term, Peter stood there watching them.

The dwarf slowly opened his eyes, "What are you standing around for?", he asked them curious. Lucy laughed and stood up, "Thank you, dear little friend", he told Lucy greatful.

The little girl smirked before she made her way inside with Adeline and Susan on each of her side's.

When they arrived inside the three girls settled down, Susan and Adeline were pretty drained from the fight.

"What happened?", Lucy asked again as she looked directly at her sisters. "Half of our Army is dead", Adeline told her as she opened her hair up.

"How could that happen?", Lucy asked them shocked, "Peter's plan wasn't as perfect as he thought", Susan began to engage in their conversation.

Adeline looked around, there was Peter and Edmund standig on the other side of the room whispering to each other and the other narnias were preoccupied with taking care of their wounds.

A couple of minutes passed by as Adeline sat there and watched the others.

She was deep in thoughts as she thought about Aslan, why wasn't he here and thought with them the girl asked herself over an over again.

"Did you see Caspian?", Edmunds voice suddenly let her snapp out of her daze.

The girls shook their head, "No not since he and Peter wanted to rip each other's heads of", Adeline said as she gave Peter an annoyed look.

The boy just scoffed and looked to the side, "Maybe he is down in the big hall", the blonde boy said to his brother.

"Yeah, that's possible", Edmund aggred before the boys and the dwraf made their way towards the entrance of the room with the sculpture's.

Susan stayed were she was but Lucy and Adeline stood up and quickly followed after the boys.

They hadn't even arrived when they heard Peter scream loudly, "No!"

The girls hurried down the tunnel and as they arrived they saw their brothers and the darf fight some strange creatures.

One of them looked like a wolf and the other one like a very hideous bird. Caspian was standing infront of a massive ice wall and streched out his hand.

Adeline looked at it and immediately recognized who it was he streched his hand out for, the Ice queen.

Lucy immediately went to help the dwarf, Edmund was fine on his own so Adeline helped Peter fight the bird.

Peter didn't had his swords but the bird attacked him so Adeline draw her sword and quickly tried to stab the bird in the upper body, but the creature avoided her sword and attacked Peter.

Her brother had his sword back and quickly threw the bird against a rock. He then turned around and pushed Caspian out of the circle that was drawn onto the ground.

"Get away from him!", Peter exclaimed as he pointed his sword at the Ice queen who let her outstretched hand sink again.

"Peter, dear. I've missed you", the women said as she streched out her hand again. Adeline narrowed her eyes as she held up her sword, "Come, just one drop. You know you can't do this alone", the Ice creature tried to convince him.

Peter let his sword sink slowly and Adeline gave him a warning look, "Peter! Don't!", she warned him.

But right in this moment the ice wall started to destroy it selfe. Edmund had stebt in the ice wall from behind and destroyed it.

They all looked at their brother, "I know. You had it sorted", Edmund said to Peter before he turned and walked away.

Adeline had walked back to Lucy in that time and crossed her arms as she looked at the boys from behind.

Peter and Caspian turned around to her, but she just gave them both a disappointed and angry look.

First they lead their army to death, then they nearly fought each other and now they both had almost freed the Ice Queen.

The girl could just shake her head, Caspian looked at her with an apologizing and ashamed look. But Adeline was to angry, she just turned around and hurried out of the room.

An hour later the girl had sat on the edge of the term roof thinking about how they would going to beat Miraz if they fought each other all the time.

But her thoughts were interrupted by the Telmarine prince who slowly sat down besides her. "I'm sorry", he just said as he looked at the woods infont of them.

The girl turned her head towards him as she looked back and forth between him and the ground, "I't not your fault. She is very convincing."

The girl then looked back forward as she fiddled with her fingers, "I was just so angry. At myself, your brother and of course Miraz. I just wanted him dead, and then -", Adeline held up her hand and stopped him.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Caspian", she said as she looked into his eyes.

"But I want to", the prince answered her as he returned her gaze. The high Queen remained quiet not knowing what to answer to that.

"I failed everyone", Caspian spoke up again, "I'm not a good prince and I'm never going to be a good king", the young boy sighed disappointed.

"That's not true, believe a little bit in yourself", the girl replied to him smiling.

The prince smiled slightly, while the old professor joined them on the roof. "I'm going back inside", Adeline said as she stood up, Caspian still sat there as he watched her get up.

Eventhought he looked wrecked Adeline still felt her self drawn to him. To his smile, his look, and his eyes that watched her every movement. So the girl slowly leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, the boy's eyes immediately widened and he started blushing.

"You're doing better than you think", she whispered to him before she turned around and walked past the smirking professor back into the term.

Later that day Edmund and Adelien were informed that an Army was approching the term with catapults. It was clear that Miraz had gathered his soliders and wanted to declare war.

As they all stood on the roof of the term they could watch the army come closer and closer.

They all quickly went back inside and gathered to discuss what they should do next. "Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan? Sending a little girl into the darkest part of the forest? Alone!", the dwarf asked Peter.

"It's our only chance", the boy answered him simply. "And she won't be alone", Adeline added as she looked at the dwarf.

The little man looked at the girls, "Haven't enough of us died already?", he asked them fear in his eyes.

"Nikabrik was my friend too. But he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't and neither have I", the Badger spoke up from besides them.

The mouse drew her sword, "For Aslan", he said as he held it up. "For Aslan", a bear spoke up.

"Then I'm going with you", the dwarf told the little girl demanding, "No, we need you here", Lucy answered him as she laid a hand in his shoulder.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Adelien get back", Peter explained to them.

"If I may-", the soft voice of Caspian could be heard, they all looked at him as he stood up.

"Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer but as King he is subject toand expectations of his people the traditions. There is one in particular that may buy us some time", the prince told them as he stepped into the middle of the room.

Edmund was sent to bring Miraz a message from Peter with two other Narnias while Peter and Susan discussed the plan one more time.

"Destrier has always served me well. You are in good hands", Caspian said as he closed the mesh of the saddle.

"Or hooves", Lucy chucked as she sat behind Adeline on the horse.

Caspian looked at the little girl smiling lightly and then at Adeline who tried to avoid eye contact.

"Good luck", the prince wished the brunette as he looked up to her with sparkling eyes.

Adelien couldn't stop herself from looking at him, "Thank's", she looked back forward ready to ride away.

"Look", Caspian suddenly said as he grabbed into his pocked, "Maybe it's time you had this back", the boy held up her Horn as he looked at her.

Adelien eyed it for a short moment, "Why don't you hold on to it. You might need to call me again."

The prince eyebrows immediately went up and a smile made it's way on to his face as the two girls rode away from him.

"You might need to call me again?", Lucy asked her sister, "O shut up!", Adelina laughed as they continued to make their way to the woods.

After a little while they finally reached the woods, they rode past a river when the two suddenly heard shouting.

"They've seen us!", Lucy exclaimed as Adelien continued to ride as fast as the horse could.

But then she got an Idea, she stopped the horse and jumped off of it. "Take the reins", she instructed her little sister, "What are you doing?", Lucy asked her scarred.

"I'm sorry Lucy but it looks as if you'll be going alone after all", the older girl answered her before she clapped the horse on the back. It immediately started to run and Adeline drew her bow and grabbed an arrow from her back.

The Pevensie girl could slowly hear the soliders approche her as she aimed the bow at them. When the man finally came into view she immediately shot her Arrows at them.

The girl hit one after the other directly in their chest's which made them fall to the ground. But one of them was to fast for her and she didn't hit him, so he tried to stab her with his sword.

The girl quickly ducked but was pushed to the ground by a horse that rode past her. The man turned his horse around and approprached her with his sword pointed at the young girl.

Adeline already had her hand in her sword but out of nowhere Caspian attacked the man. He stabbed him in the stomach and pushed him of the horse, after that he turned to the girl smirking.

The prince streched out his hand, "Are you sure you don't need that horn?", he asked her jokingly. She scoffed smiling and took his hand while she placed herself behind him on the horse.

Adelien tried to contain the big smile she had on her face as she sat behind Caspian, but she couldn't. It was the best feeling ever.

They soon arrived back at the term were Adeline could see Peter and Miraz standig in a circle.

They just took a pause from their fight, so Peter could talk to her. Adeline jumped from the horse, Caspian right behind her.

"Lucy!?", her brother asked her out of breath as he approached her as fast as he could with his injured leg.

"She got through- with a little help", the girl told her brother as she nodded her head at Caspian next to her.

"Thanks", Peter said truly thankful, "Well, you were busy", the prince answered simply.

"You better get up there to Susan, just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word", Peter told his sister worried as he nodded at Susan who stood on the roof of the term watching them worried.

Adeline nodded and quickly hugged her oldest brother, "Ow", the boy breathed out quietly. "Oh, sorry", she immediately tried to apologize but Peter waved it of, "It's alright."

"Be careful!", the girl told him before Edmund interrupted their moment.

"Keep smiling", he advised his older brother as Adeline made her way quickly inside to Susan.

Peter lifted his sword into the air and the crowd roared and clapped. When Adelien entered the roof she could see Edmund straightening his brother's arm again. Which looked extremely painful.

After that Peter stood up again and stepped back into the circle again.

The crowd cheered again loudly. Peter didn't wait long and quickly attacked Miraz, who blocked his attack.

The older man then swung his sword and tried to slice Peter's stomach. He pushed the boy to the end of the circle and hit Peter a few times with his shield.

The Pevensie boy fell to the ground screaming in pain. Miraz attacked him again put Peter kicked his legs away and the Man fell to the ground as well.

They both quickly stood up and raised their shields to defend them selfes as their swords crossed each other.

Peter accomplished to disarm Miraz and hit him in the face, he then hit a couple of times against Miraz shield until the man disarmed him as well and punched him in the face.

The blonde boy grunted and stumbled back, Miraz tried to push him but Peter harness his shield and turned it, so that Miraz arm was behind his back.

The man was screaming in pain but punched Peter again. He grabbed his sword and attacked the young boy again but the High King avoided his attack.

Peter punched hardly against Telmarine King's knee injury and the man screamed in pain as he stummbled to the ground.

"Respite!", the man repeated a few times, "Now is not the time for chivalry, Peter!", Edmund screamed at his brother.

Peter looked at Miraz as everyone watched them, but despite his brothers advise he turned around and wanted to leave the fight. But Miraz graves his sword and wanted to kill Peter from behind.

"Look out!", Edmund screamed quickly as he saw what Miraz plan was. Peter turned around and disarmed the man before he stabbed him into the stomach.

After a short time the man sat on the ground gasping for air as he held his hand over his wound.

"What's the matter boy? Too cowardly to take a life?", the Telmarine asked him, "It's not mine to take", Peter hissed at him as he let his sword down.

He turned around and held out the sword for Caspian to take. The Prince slowly stepped forward and took the sword from Peter's hands.

He looked at his uncle before he approched him and held up the sword. He looks directly into the man's eyes as he pointed the sword at his heart.

"Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all", his uncle said to him as he looked at the young prince.

Caspian's eyes watered and his uncle looked down to the ground as the boy began to scream.

But he didn't killed his uncle, he just stung the Sword into the ground, "Not one like you."

"Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnian's back their kingdom", the Prince told him before he turned around and walked back to Edmund and Peter.

The crowd was cheering and Miraz Ally helped him up, it looked like he wanted to help him but the man stabbed Miraz in the side with an Arrow.

Everybody looked at him shocked, "Treachery! They shot him!", the man suddenly screamed furious at the soliders.

"They murdered our king!", he continued as he grabbed the sword and held it up.

"Be ready!", Peter screamed at the Narnian's, immediately everybody harness a weapon and prepared themselves to fight.

"Peter!", Caspian screamed and pointed at the man who attackt him and Edmund. Peter quickly killed the man and then the Talamrine soliders attacked.

โ—ฆ :. . ๏พŸ โˆ— ๏พŸ โˆ—


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