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๐’๐Ž ๐‹๐ˆ๐Š๐„ ๐‚๐€๐’๐๐ˆ๐€๐ ๐‡๐€๐ƒ ๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐„๐ƒ, ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐„ ๐‚๐‘๐„๐– ๐’๐‹๐„๐๐“ ๐€๐’๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐„. Adeline laid in between Gale and Lucy in the sand. The girl stared silently up into the dark night sky until she felt her eyelids go heavy.

The brunette turned to her side and after a moment she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of her home, of Susan and Peter and that they talked about the adventure she was just experiencing.

The two were faszinated and she told them every single detail, but at some point Adeline awoke, because the sun shone brightly into her face.

The brunette slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, before she looked around and saw that everybody around her was still asleep.

But as Adeline turned towards Lucy, the young girl was gone. Adeline's eyes immediately widened and she quickly stood up, spotting the large footprints in the sand.

The Pevensie girl let out a scream as she quickly wanted to followed the footprints but Caspian and Edmund stepped into her way.

โ€œWhat? What is it, Adi?โ€, Edmund questioned her curious as he held her back and Adeline looked at him scared, โ€œLucy is gone. Someone took her!โ€

The three exchanged a quick look, before Caspian and Edmund quickly woke the whole crew. They all grabbed their weapons and followed the footprints on the floor until they arrived in some sort of wood.

There were many single little trees and next to one of them laid Lucy's dagger, โ€œThat's Lucy's dagger.โ€

Adeline held the dagger into the air as she looked over to Edmund, who had a worried expression on his face.

Right in that moment a couple of wooden spears landed infront of them, nearly hitting Caspian into his back.

The whole crew quickly drew their swords as they looked at where the spears had come from. But there was no one, it looked like they would just apprear out of nowhere.

โ€œStop right there or peris!โ€, a deep voice spoke up from infront of them. Caspian's sword was yanked out of his hand and the others were all thrown to the ground and disarmed as well.

Caspian laid on the ground as he looked up into the air, โ€œWhat sort of creatures are you?โ€

โ€œBig ones with the head of a tiger and the body of โ€”โ€, one of the voices started. โ€œDifferent tigerโ€, another voice finished the scentence.

โ€œYou don't want to mess with us.โ€ Adeline listened to them as stood up and let her gaze wander around.

โ€œOr what?โ€, Edmund asked them angryly. โ€œOr I will claw you to deathโ€, someone answered him.

Suddenly two little man appeared in front of them. One had the other one on his shoulder as they both looked at their friends that all appeared as well.

โ€œAnd I will ram my tusks right through you.โ€

โ€œAnd I will gnash you with me teeth.โ€

โ€œAnd I bite you with my fangsโ€, another one told them as he showed his teeth.

โ€œYou mean squash us with your fat bellies?โ€, Edmund said as he looked at them amused. They suddenly all looked down at themselves, โ€œFat bellies?โ€

โ€œTickle us with your toes?โ€, he continued as Adeline stepped next to Caspian smiling amused.

One of the man lost balance and fell down from his friend, โ€œWhat have you done with my sister, you little pip-squeak?โ€, Edmund questioned him as he approached the man dangerously.

They pointed their swords at the little man who whimpered, โ€œNow come down."

โ€œWhere is she!?โ€, Adeline repeated Edmund's questioned. โ€œYou better tell him!โ€, one voice shouted from behind them. โ€œIn the mansionโ€, the little man then answered them.

โ€œWhat mansion?โ€ They looked at each other clueless before suddenly a mansion appeared a little bit away from them.

โ€œOhh. That mansionโ€, Edmund gasped as he looked at the building.

Suddenly Eustace made his way through a bush as he patted the dirt of off his shirt disgusted. โ€œI am really getting tired of you all leaving me behiโ€”โ€, the young boy complained before he looked up at them and stopped speaking.

"It's the pig", one of the little men exclaimed. "The pig has come back."

"This place is just getting weirder and weirder", the young boy said as he eyed them all. "Weird?"

"He's calling us wierd?", the men asked eah other but then they suddenly threw themselves onto the ground or jumped up and down. "The Oppressor! The Oppressor! The Oppressor!"

They all turned around and spotted Lucy with an older looking man who both approached them. The man placed a hand onto his heart and bowed, "Your Majesty."

"Caspian, Adeline and Edmund", Lucy explained to him, smiling friendly. "This is Coriakin. It's his island."

They all bowed immediately as the little man spoke up again, "That's what he thinks! You have wronged us, magician!"

They all started complaining loudly as the man approached them, "I have not wronged you! I made you invisible for your own protection." The little man jumped up and down infront of him, "That's oppressive, Oppressor."

"I have not oppressed you."

"But you could have, if you'd wanted to", the little man answered him as he still jumped. "Begone", the Oppressor said as he threw some flowers at them.

They all quickly jumped away screaming, "It's a spell." And with that they were all gone.

"What was that?", Lucy asked him curious and the men just answered, "Lint. Bait don't tell them."

"What where those?", Eustace questioned him with big eyes. "Duffel puds." Eustace shrugged at them, "Right, of course. Silly me."

Adeline let out a amused chuckle before they spun around and followed Coriakin towards the mansion.

"What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good?", Adeline questioned him as she walked besides Caspian.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect themโ€” from the evil."

"You mean the mist?", Edmund questioned him as they walked through a big fancy hallway. "I mean what lies behind the mist", the man answered the young King as he stopped walking.

They all entered the room which was full of books and on the celling blue lights could be watched as they danced around.

The man walked over to a gigantic shelf and grabbed a big card before he rolled it out for them. The card landed on the floor and immediately the blue places changed into water and mountains grew out of it, while clouds built over it.

"That's quiet beautiful", Eustace stated as he eyed the moving card, which made Adeline smile, maybe the boy slowly learned how to love Narnia after all.

Eustace then noticed her look, "I mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world." Adeline nodded her head at him before she looked back at the map.

"There is the source of your troubles", the map moved and showed some island Adeline didn't knew until now. "Dark Island. โ€” A place where evil lurks. It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodnessโ€” to steal the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?", Adeline asked him as she eyed the man curious. "You must break it's spell." He turned towards Edmund, "That sword you carryโ€” there are six others."

"Have you seen them?", Edmund questioned him immediately and Coriakin nodded his head. "Yes."

"The six lords, they passed through here?", Caspian asked the older man who now walked towards them. "Indeed."

"Where were they headed?"

"Where I sent them", Coriakin replied to the King honestly as the map started moving again. "To break the spell you must follow the Blue Star to Randy's Island. There, the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released. But bewareโ€” you are all about to be tested."

Lucy frowned at him irritated, "Tested?"

"Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in it's power to tempt you."

He leaned towards Lucy as he said, "Be strong." The man then turned around and contiued his way towards the others, "Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there you must defeat the darkness inside yourself."

They all exchanged a worried glance as a little blue ball sunk down towards the map again making the card close.

After that they contiued their travel and the night cane quickly. A storm build up, pushing the waves over the ship, while the wind holed loudly.

Adeline sat in the Captian's cabin with Edmund, Caspian and Drinian, watching the storm through the little round window.

โ€œSo, we're stuck hereโ€”at half-rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximumโ€, Drinian stated as he paced up and down infront of the three.

He looked over at Caspian when the ship rocked back and forth again, โ€œThis is your last chance to turn back, your Majesties. There's no guarantee we will spot the Blue star anytime soon. Not in this storm. Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place. We could sail right past it and off the end of the world.โ€

The three exchanged a look before Edmund joked, โ€œOr get eaten by a sea serpent.โ€

A lightning broke through the storm and Caspian shot Edmund a glare.

Drinian continued to walk through the cabin, โ€œI am just saying the men are getting nervous. These are strange seas we're sailing at the likes of which I have never seen before.โ€

Caspian got onto his feet and walked towards him, leaning onto his table, โ€œThen perhaps, Captain, you would like to be the one to explain to Mr. Rhinceโ€” that we're abandoning the search for his family.โ€

Drinian had a look of consideration on his face, โ€œI will get back to it.โ€

The man spun around and went for the door, โ€œJust a word of warning. The sea can play nasty tricks on the crew's mind.โ€ He pulled the hood over his head, โ€œVery nasty.โ€

The captain then stepped out of the cabin and the three majesties decided to go to bed.

When Adeline arrived in her cabin, she laid down beside Lucy, quickly drifting off into a very restless sleep.

The brunette was haunted by a nightmare that didn't seem to let go of her. But at some point, the quiet voice of her sister woke her up in cold sweat.

Adeline sat up in her bed, frowning at Lucy, who spun around to her. โ€œWho were you talking to?โ€

โ€œNo one.โ€

The redhead gave her a pleading look, โ€œAddie, would youย come with me? I want to go and see Edmund.โ€

The brunette rubbed her eyes before she let out a yawn. Pushing the duvet away she slipped into her shoes.

โ€œBut just for a few minutes. He probably won't be asleepโ€, Addie told her sister, before the two made their way over to Caspian and Edmund's room.

Slipping inside the two girls saw the two boys, laying in their hammocks, fast asleep.

Lucy was the first one to approach Edmund. Coming to a stand besides him, the girls watched their brother for a moment.

But suddenly the boy sat up, his face expression frightened while he grabbed his sword and held it up into the air.

Adeline frowned while she gazed up towards the direction he was pointing his sword at, but she couldn't see anything.

His gaze snapped towards them, โ€œLucy?โ€

The young redhead looked at her brother, โ€œI can't sleep.โ€

In the other hammock Caspian sat up as well, his face expression terrified.

Edmund looked at him, his eyebrows raised, โ€œLet me guess. Bad dreams.โ€

His gaze wandered back and forth between them, โ€œSo either we're all going crazy orโ€” or something is playing with our minds.โ€

The boy laid back, his gaze remaining on the celling.

In the early morning the storm had passed on. The sun was on the horizon, shining down on them with her full power.

Adeline sat in a long boat with Caspian, Eustace, Lucy, Edmund and the Captain, waiting to finally reach the shore.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege. There's no sign of anything living", Reepicheep called out to them from another boat.

"Well once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues", Caspian called back to him.

"Hang on, you mean the five of us", Eustace stated in a high pinched tone.

They all turned around to him at the same time, giving the boy a sceptical look. "Oh, come on. Please don't send me back to the rat", Eustace begged them immediately.

"I heard that."

Eustace made a face before he turned away, "Bug ears."

"I heard that too."

The ground errupted in laughter while they continued their way. It didn't took long until the whole group went ashore.

"Look, we're not the first ones on this island", Caspian explained to the three siblings, while he led them through the stone area. Edmund frowned, "The lord's?"

"Could be." Caspian took a stone and threw them down a small hole in the ground.

"What do you think could be down there?", Lucy questioned him curiously. "Let's find out."

The four let down a roap and one after the other climbed down into the hole. Edmund was the first one to go, so he was also the first one to discover what the cave was hiding.

Adeline eyed what was in the water curiously, "What's that?"

"I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue", Edmund stated. He spun around and quickly grabbed a long twig, with which he poked the statue.

He held the twig inti the air and the four could watch how the twig turned quickly into Gold.

It had nearly reached Edmund, but the boy quickly threw it into water.

โ€œHe must have fallen inโ€, Adeline stated as she approached the water slowly. โ€œPoor manโ€, Lucy gave the statue a sad look.

"You mean poor lord", Caspian corrected her immediately. โ€œThe crest of Lord Restimar.โ€

โ€œAnd his swordโ€, Edmund suddenly pojted at something shimmering in the water. โ€œWe need it!โ€

Edmund drew his sword and Adeline gave him a warning glance, "Be careful."

The boy slow pulled the sword out of the water with his own, while Caspian held him by his arm. โ€œYour sword hasn't turned to gold.โ€

โ€œBoth swords are magical." Edmund handed Caspian the sword and the King took it carefully. "He mustn't have known what hit him."

"Maybe. Or maybe he was onto something", Edmund said as he approached the water once again.
Caspian seemed a bit confused, "What are you talking about?"

The three watched how Edmund got onto his knees and grabbed one of the seashells that laid everywhere.

The boy carefully put her underwater and quickly laid her onto the ground infront of him, watching how she turned into pure gold.

The boy held up the seashell and Lucy looked at him, "What are you starring at?"

"Whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world", Edmund told them, his eyes never leaving the gold in his hands.

Adeline exchanged a worried glance with Caspian. โ€œLucy! Addie, we'd be so rich no one could tell us what to door who to live with.โ€

Now Caspian spoke up again, โ€œYou can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund.โ€

The boy didn't even look at him, โ€œSay's who?โ€

โ€œI doโ€, the King answered him, making Edmund look at him for the first time since he held the Gold in his hands.

Edmund got onto his feet and approached the King, his sword in his hands and the Gold in the other.

"I am not your subject."

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me? You doubt my leadership?", Caspian immediately questioned him in anger.

"You doubt yourself", Edmund interrupted him. Taking a step closer towards Caspian.

Caspian stared him down, "You're a child." Edmunds eyes narrowed, "And you're a spineless sap!"

Lucy tried to break them up, "Edmund!" But her brother just pushed her away immediately. "I am tired of playing second fiddle. First Peter ans now it's you. You know I am braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own. I deserve to rule", he spatted at the King in complete rage.

Caspian remained calmly, โ€œYou think you're so brave, prove it.โ€ But then he pushed Edmund back and the two immediately started to fight each other with their swords.

The two girls immediately fliched back before Adeline threw herself into the middle, "Stop it!"

Her gaze went back and forth between them in shock, "Stop it! Both of you! I mean look at yourselves! Are you insane? Can't you see what's happening? This place had tempted you. It's bewitching you!"

"This is exactly what Coriakin was talking about!", Lucy joined in as she stood besides Adeline.

"Let's just get out of here", the girl quickly left and Adeline and Caspian followed after her.

โ—ฆ.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  :. .ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๏พŸ โˆ—ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  ๏พŸ โˆ—

ยฉ voidstxr

To everyone who reads this story, I'm so sorry that I took so long to update. But here it is! Enjoy!

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