Episode 9 Part 1
FALLEN walks into the kitchen and throws her purse on the counter. Walking over to the fridge, she pulls out a carton of juice and turns around to see a glass in the middle of the island.
Glancing up, she sees a shadow standing on the other side of the room, "How the hell did you get in my house?"
"We used to be friends Fallen. I think I would remember where you always would put your spare key."
"I'm retired Kate... I can't help you."
Kate steps out of the shadows and walks towards Fallen, "I think you can. Or if not you then your niece."
Fallen frowns turning to Kate as she slyly pulls a dagger out her back pocket, "You stay away from her. She doesn't know anything."
"Yeah I doubt that... Is that what she told you or are you helping too?"
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"Stop lying to me! I know you and Emerson are hiding something and when I find out-"
Fallen slams her free hand in the counter, "You'll do what?! I'm not scared of you Kate. I helped teach you... don't get things twisted."
Kate chuckles crossing her arms, "I'm just warning you, Fallen. Your niece seems to wrapped up in some very tricky situation at the moment and I know you want her no where near Derek... because if she is then you know she'll be caught in the crossfire."
Fallen glares at Kate pours the orange juice into the glass then takes a sip. Kate smiles then walks around the island still holding the glass. Just as Kate turns around to speak the glass in her hand shatters. She glances at the wall where a dagger now was embedded, then smirks looking at her old hunting friend.
"You stay the hell away from Luna."
Kate doesn't say anything as she smiles once more then leaves the house without a word.
Fallen waits until she hears the door close then slumps her tensed shoulders.
'What the hell did you get into, Luna?'
"Hands up! This is the Sheriff's Department. Do not move!"
Derek pushes Harris off him and moves. Fast. Feet landing on pavement, Derek runs for it. He charges down one dimly lit alleyway, tearing around the corner as two deputy sheriff cars blast out of the darkness into the street. Sirens blare as their tires rip up the pavement.
Stilinski expertly spins the wheel with one hand, while putting his CB radio to his lips with the other.
"Repeat, suspect is on foot. We're in pursuit headed northwest..."
Derek runs as fast as he can, pausing only to notice headlights bursting out from around a corner. But this time it's not a Deputy Sheriff's car... it's Chris Argent's as he drives, cell phone to his ear.
"He's on foot. Just ran into the iron works-"
"Wait, wait. Did you say on foot?"
"Yeah, into the iron works-"
"Yes, running. He's on foot."
Kate drives with Ulrich in the passenger seat.
"If he's on foot-"
Kate frowns finishing Ulrich's statement, "Who the hell's driving his car?"
She and Ulrich look through the windshield where two red tale lights shine just ahead. It's Derek's Camaro. And inside Scott grips the wheel. Next to him, Stiles looks out the rear windshield and Luna who sits in the backseat.
Stiles turns back to Scott nodding hastily, "Much faster."
"You're literally driving like my grandmother... well if I had one I'd imagine this is how she would be driving."
Scott glances at Luna through the rear view mirror and rolls his eyes making her chuckle.
Back at the Industrial alley, a pair of Deputies unleash their search dogs sending them darting into shadowy alleyways.
Racing around the corner, the dogs charge toward a retreating Derek. Until he stops and spins back, snarling with a mouth full of fangs.
The Deputies pause in their pursuit when the search dogs come running back in terror, scurrying right past them as Derek's Camaro bullets down the road with Kate still in pursuit.
Stiles throws nervous glances back as Scott grips the steering wheel at ten and two, driving like a grandmother as Luna had mentioned earlier.
"I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase."
Scott frowns, "If I go faster I'll kill us."
"If you don't go faster- a lot faster- they're going to kill us!"
So Scott floors it sending them careening toward a turn. But Luna turns around to look through the rear windshield, then turns back to the front confused.
"Uh guys... They're gone."
Stiles glances to the police scanner in his lap and raises the volume as his father's voice comes on, "All units, suspect is on foot headed north, last seen on Hancock."
Having seemingly lost the cops, Derek backs his way into another darkened alley. But when he turns a bolt fires through the air.
Derek raises his hand at the explosive flash.
Too late.
He blinks rapidly, vision blurring. The flare blinds him, sending him stumbling back, eyes blinking in pain.
He peers up, seeing a blurred image of Argent, rapidly and expertly reloading a crossbow with a new bolt.
He fires again.
Derek dives out of the way, shutting his eyes to blackness as he hears the second bolt explode. He reaches out, clawing the air, looking for something to grasp. But he crashes into a wall, moving about blindly as a brilliant white light blazes toward him, the sound of screeching tires behind it. The white light bisects into two headlights. His own Camaro spinning toward him.
The passenger door swings open, Scott and Stiles looking out, "Get in!"
Derek pushes off the ground and hurtles forward. Stiles jumps in the back beside Luna as Derek leaps into the car. Tires spin across the pavement, kicking up dust as Argent rushes forward, crossbow at his side. Hearing sirens and barking police dogs, he retreats into the shadows.
As they continue to drive far away from the industrial site, Scott whirls back to Derek with a look of frustration, "What part of laying low don't you
Derek slams his fist in the dashboard angrily, "I had him."
Luna frowns reaching forward rubbing his shoulder, "Who? The Alpha?"
"He was right in front of me. And then the idiot police show up."
Stiles holds up his hands, "Hey, hey, hey, they're just doing their jobs."
"Thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the state."
Derek and Luna both glare at Scott making him glance at them sheepishly before looking at the road once more.
"Can we seriously get past that? Yes, I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."
"Very dumb..." Luna rolls her eyes with a joking grin.
Stiles holds up a finger leaning forward, "Question... How'd you find him?"
Derek falls silent.
Scott frowns, "Can you try to trust us for half a
Stiles nods, "Both of us."
Derek levels a homicidal glare at Stiles.
"Or just him."
Luna giggles shaking her head while shoving Stiles' shoulder.
"The last I time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."
"Our Chemistry teacher?" Stiles and Luna both day together staring at one another in shock.
"Why him?" Scott questions.
Derek shrugs, "I don't know."
"What's the second?" Luna leans forward between the seats.
"Some kind of symbol." Derek pulls out a folded up piece of paper and opens it to show him a simple photocopy.
Scott takes one look and lets out a hopeless sigh.
"What? You know what this is?"
Scott nods slowly, "I've seen it. On a necklace."
Slowing the Camaro, Scott gazes at a drawing of the symbol for the Beast of Gévaudan.
"Allison's necklace."
"I don't know about this..."
"Oh come on you scaredy cat. And keep your voice down."
Luna climbs the tree to her room as Derek sighs watching from the grass. Once he sees her safely inside he quickly repeats her action. As soon as he steps foot inside her room, Luna pulls him into a kiss.
Derek chuckles before wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Luna wraps her arms around Derek's neck, her fingers lightly tugging on his hair.
Groaning his fingers dig into her side making her hiss, "Ow..."
"You like it."
"Well I don't."
The two jump apart immediately as Luna's bedroom likes flip on. Luna stands in shock staring at her Aunt who leans on the doorway with a blank stare.
"What the hell Fallen? You scared the heck out of me."
"So I see we're harboring a fugitive now?"
Luna glances at Derek who grimaces scratching his head. She had never seen him so flustered.
Derek felt like he was a teen boy again being reprimanded by his parents. Like he was meeting his crush's parents for the first time again.
"No he just came over to see me."
"So we're talking to fugitives? How exhilarating."
Luna rolls her eyes, "Really Fallen"
Derek frowns backing away, "I'm sorry. I can just go-"
"No stay."
Both Luna and Derek say, 'Huh' while looking at Fallen in surprise.
"Stay for dinner Derek. Let's talk."
Luna frowns in confusion, "I'm sorry who the hell are you and what have you done with my cock block no fun having middle aged aunt?"
Fallen slaps the back of Luna's head making her laugh, "What have I told you about calling me middle aged? Now be downstairs in five... or I'm coming back up here."
Luna rolls her eyes as her aunt walks out the room. Derek looks at her with an amused face.
"She's all talk."
"I can hear you!"
Luna mumbles a spell making the room glow for a second before turning to Derek with a smirk, "Now she can't."
"I think she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you, she just invited you to dinner."
Derek raises an eyebrow, "I'm a fugitive, this relationship is actually illegal to non supernatural humans, and I'm a werewolf... a thing she used to hunt."
"So?! You literally..." Derek slaps his face and turns his back to Luna making her look at him crazy as he takes deep breaths, "N-no Derek do not get angry... she doesn't understand..."
"I'm literally standing right here. Can you turn around and talk to me?"
Derek spins around quickly and holds onto Luna's arms lightly, "I put you in danger already once before. That night at the school... you remember that?"
Luna watches Derek glance at the faded yet still visible claw mark on her forehead before biting her lip.
"Yeah of course I remember. I thought you died... I thought you died while I was trapped inside the school running away and hiding. Do you know how that feels? To feel weak? To feel like you can't help your loved ones? To just sit back and suffer?"
"You know I do..."
Luna frowns looking down at the floor, "Shit I'm sorry. I-"
"I get it," Derek caresses her cheeks with both hands gazing into her green eyes, "I don't want that to happen again. I don't like feeling like I can't save you. And yes I know you're going to say 'I can save myself. I'm not a child Derek.' But I just want to protect you... let me do that. Please."
Luna pouts, "Fine... and I don't even sound like that."
Minutes later the two finally make it to the dinner table. Fallen sits on one side of the table with Emerson beside her as Derek and Luna sit together on the other side. The room is tense as the only sound is clanking of silverware to the plates.
"Well I'm gonna say it since no one else will... this is awkward as hell."
Emerson chuckles as Fallen glares at Luna.
"Fine let's just get to the point of this whole thing. We want you to stay out of sight of the Argents."
"Wait what?" Luna does a double take as she thinks over the words that just came out her aunts mouth, "Don't you mean to say Derek?"
Derek slaps her thigh under the table making her bite her lip apologizing.
"I mean great, that's fine with me!"
"What about Allison?"
Luna internally curses off Derek as she glares at him out the corner of her eye. Fallen and Emerson both nods agreeing with Derek.
"Yeah what about her?"
Luna shrugs with a nonchalant face, "I could care less about her. She's pissed me off for the last time."
"Oh well that's easier than I thought it would be." Fallen chuckles to herself drinking her glass of wine.
Emerson nods, "Yes that's good Luna. You need to keep an eye out for her. She's becoming curious. And it seems as if she's been telling her aunt some things about you and him."
Luna's mouth drops open, "She hasn't even seen us together!"
"Doesn't matter as soon as you defended me that night we should've known she would put two and two together." Derek says as he clenched his fist together.
He truly and honestly had real feeling for Luna. This was the first since Paige, whatever the fling he had with Kate didn't count. When it came to protecting Luna he would do anything.
"I invited Derek to make sure he understood what would happen if he got you caught along with him."
In a second, Fallen pulls out her knife and stabs Derek in the hand. Derek roars in pain as Luna stands up staring at her aunt in disbelief.
"What the hell was that?!"
Emerson stands up revealing a gun as he points it to Derek's head.
"Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is in your water?! Why are you going all James Bond on him?!"
Emerson ignores Luna as he cocks his gun finger steady on the trigger, "We just need to come to an understanding here, Derek. We're hunters and you're a werewolf, however Luna here can't seem to stay away from you and out of trouble... you hurt her we hurt you. Understood?"
Derek grunts out in pain as Fallen yanks the knife out his hand, "Yep I deserved that. Understood. I would do anything to keep her out of trouble. She's just really stubborn."
"Um hello I'm right here. Wow you guys are just rude."
Again Emerson ignores Luna, "Yes she is. Too much for her own good. If you're going to continue to be around her then you need to swear to keep her safe. She's your priority to make sure is the first out of crossfire."
Derek nods.
"I can protect my-"
"Yourself we know..."
Luna gasps looking around at everyone in awe, "Wait are you all teaming up against me right now? How freaking rude. I'm going to Stiles' house."
Fallen shakes her head at her dramatic niece as she hears the door slam. She glances down at Derek's slowly healing hand.
"Sorry about that sweet cheeks. I'm just very protective. If the wrong person finds out about Luna... I don't know what I'd do."
"It's okay I get it. Believe me, I'm trying to make sure she stays out of trouble myself."
"Seriously that was one of the most embarrassing awkward dinners I've ever been a part of. Not that I bring guys home all the time, but it was honestly one for the books."
Stiles chuckles as he listens to Luna moan and groan about her bad family dinner, "Tell me the part about your awesome aunt stabbing Derek in the hand."
Luna gives him a blank stare.
Stiles smiles, "What? It's my favorite part..."
Luna shakes her head with a small grin, "Of course it is. You don't like Derek so that makes sense."
"I don't not like him...I would just rather him disappear."
Luna slaps the back of Stiles head, "You goof."
Stiles parks his jeep then the two hop out the car and walk towards the school. Scott meets up with them at the front of the building. He follows Stiles and Luna through the double doors as he begins to dread his mission of the day.
"This is going to be impossible, you know?"
Luna shrugs pulling out her phone to text Derek, "Just ask her if you can borrow it."
"How?" Scott frowns.
Stiles pats Scott's shoulder, "Simple. You ask. Hey Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's something on it or in it that will lead me to an Alpha werewolf I need to kill in order to get back together with you?"
Luna nods pointing at Stiles, "He's got a great point."
Scott frowns throwing his head back, "You're not helping."
"Just talk to her." Luna groans.
"She won't talk to me. And what if she only takes it off when she's like in the shower?"
Stiles shrugs, "That's why you ease your way into
it. Get back on her good side. Remind her of the good times. Then you ask for the necklace."
Stiles looks at Scott. Scott looks at Stiles.
"You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?"
Luna rolls her eyes slapping Scott's arm slightly, "Of course he is, Stilinski."
Scott apologizes as Stiles shakes his head, "Stay focused. Get the necklace, get the Alpha, get cured, get Allison back. In that order, got it?"
Into the crowded high school corridor. Walking with renewed purpose and confidence, Jackson heads right for Scott who is busy dialing in the combo on his locker.
"I know what you are, McCall." He says it so casually that it causes Scott's voice to catch in his throat.
Scott looks at him bemused, "Wh--what?"
"I know what you are."
Jackson steps forward, crossing the corridor to corner Scott at his locker. Not a hint of uncertainty on his face.
"Uh, sorry... but I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Yeah, you do. And here's the thing. However you came to be what you are? You're going to get it for me too."
Scott shakes his head frowning confused, "Get what for you?"
"Whatever it is. A bite? Scratch? Sniffing magic fairy dust under the moonlight? I don't care. You're going to get it for me..." Jackson leans out and points down the hall to where Allison spins the combo on her locker, "Or she's going to find out too."
Stiles and Scott burst through the double doors out of one corridor and into the next. Their talk is frantic and fast.
"How the hell did he find out?"
"I have no idea." Scott shrugs shaking his head frantically.
"Did he say it out loud? The word."
Scott frowns confused, "What word?"
Stiles looks around trying to whisper, "Werewolf. Did he say, I know you're a werewolf."
"No. But he implied it pretty freaking clearly. He said something about magic and fairy dust but I don't know what the heck he's talking about."
Stiles freezes in the middle of the hallway. His fists clench as he thinks of Jackson knowing about Luna and putting her in danger.
"Stiles... you okay?"
Stiles shakes his head focusing once again on walking down the hall, "Yeah I'm good. Um okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. He has no proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone who's going to believe him anyway?"
"How about Allison's father?"
Stiles frowns pursing his lips, "Okay, it's bad. Very bad. Four alarm fire bad. Def Con 1 bad-"
"I need a cure. Right now." Scott groans running his hands through his hair.
"He doesn't know about Allison's father, does he?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Where's Derek?"
Scott shrugs, "Hiding. Like we told him. Why?"
"I have another idea. It might take a little time and finesse, though."
"Remember we have the game tonight. Quarterfinals. And your first game."
"I know, I know. You have a plan for Allison?"
"She's in my next class."
"Get the necklace."
Scott nods, "Get the necklace."
Stiles watches Scott disappear down the hall then looks around with wide eyes searching for Luna. He curses speed walking down to Luna's math class.
Luna hears someone cawing at the door of her math class as she sits waiting for class to start. Frowning she glances over to see Stiles waving his arms around frantically.
"Your friend is very weird." Lydia tilts her head sideways watching Stiles.
"Very." Luna nods before sighing and standing up.
Quickly, she makes her way out the room and pulls Stiles arm over to the staircase.
"What's up Stilinski?"
Stiles bites his lip looking at her in worry, "We may have a slight problem..."
"What?" Luna frowns crossing her arms over her chest.
"Jackson knows about Scott."
"Are you serious? What the hell? How did that happen?"
"Not only that but... he might know about you too."
Luna freezes staring blankly at the wall. Stiles grimaces before waving his hand in front of her face.
"Luna... hello... are you still there... you okay?"
Stiles huffs before gripping her arms shaking her lightly.
Nothing happens.
He starts freaking out as he paces back and forth watching her stand still. Biting the inside of his cheek, he takes a step towards her and holds her face between his hands.
"Luna listen to me... we won't let anything happen to you... I won't... no one is going to hurt you... okay?"
Luna nods slowly before Stiles pulls her into a hug. He holds the back of her head pulling her towards his chest as she grips the back of his shirt tightly. As she feels tears of fear start to fill her eyes she closes them. The two stand holding one another in silence until the bell rings.
Stiles drops his tray on a table to join Scott for lunch.
"Did you get her to give you the necklace?"
Scott grimaces, "Not exactly."
"What happened?" Luna asks as she sits across from the two.
"She told me not to talk to her. At all."
"So she's not giving you-"
Scott frowns impatiently glaring at Stiles, "No, she's not giving me the necklace."
"Did you find out anything else?"
"Just that I know nothing about girls and they're totally psychotic."
Luna smiles biting into her quesadilla, "That's very true. Don't piss us off."
Stiles shrugs with a sheepish grin, "Okay. I came up with a Plan B in case something like this happened."
"What's Plan B?"
"Just steal the stupid thing."
Luna points at Stiles while staring at Scott with a knowing face, "Smart."
Scott rolls his eyes playfully, "Couldn't we try getting to Harris?"
"My Dad gave him a 24-hour protective detail. All we've got is the necklace. Steal it."
"Stiles... He's watching us."
Scott follows Stiles's gaze to find Jackson through the crowd. Eating with Allison and Lydia at a table across the way. Watching their panic with obvious amusement.
"Act normal."
Stiles nods, trying to act normal- an impossibility-while Scott glances to Jackson whose stare never seems to waver. Luna rolls her eyes at the two idiots before turning around drowning at Jackson.
Jackson takes a bite of an apple. The crunch of teeth into pulp soars toward across the room, the sound slamming at Scott, causing him to wince. When he looks up again, Jackson has set down the apple now gazing at Scott with interest. Luna turns back to Scott harshly glaring at him.
"Seriously if you're going to flinch at everything he does then it's no question about how he knows."
Jackson's voice whispers toward Scott. Softly winding past other students, intensifying when it reaches Scott's ear.
'Can you hear me?'
He tries not to glance over again. Jackson pulls away from the table to whisper without Lydia, Allison and the other girls hearing him.
'You can, can't you?'
Luna grits her teeth annoyed at Jackson as he taunts Scott.
Stiles noticing Scott's look and Luna's glare questions, "What's wrong?"
"Jackson's talking to me. He knows I can hear him. Look at me."
Luna glances at Jackson once more before turning her gaze to Stiles and Scott.
"Talk to me. Pretend like nothing's happening."
Scott stares down at his tray, trying to remain calm.
'You trying to pretend not to hear me?'
Scott throws Stiles a fake smile, nodding at him.
"Say something. Talk to me." Scott mutters through his teeth.
Stiles shakes his head, "I--I don't know what to say. My mind's a blank."
Scott stares at him incredulously as Luna chuckles amused, "Seriously your mind's a blank? You can't think of something to say? Anything?"
"Not under this kind of pressure! And FYI, he's not sitting with them anymore."
Scott eases his gaze toward Lydia and Allison, noticing the seat where Jackson was is now empty.
"Where the hell is he?"
'Looking for me, McCall? I'm right here.'
Scott resists the temptation to look around, keeping his eyes on Stiles and Luna.
'What else can you do? Can you see better? Are you stronger? More powerful? I knew there was no way you suddenly got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're actually a cheater, aren't you?'
Stiles watches Scott, no idea what his friend is hearing but seeing the effect on his face, nevertheless.
'Can you even play lacrosse?'
"Yes." Scott doesn't even seem to realize he's responded.
Stiles looks at him confused then glances at Luna who winks at him.
'He's taunting Scott. Asking him if he's a cheater and can actually play lacrosse. He's a stupid asshole.'
Stiles nods firmly at Luna with a grateful look.
'I'll bet my new Co-Captain is going to score a bunch of shots tonight, aren't you? And while you're pretending you're not a lying cheat, I'm going to ruin your life if you don't give me what I want.'
Stiles watches Scott trying not to react while digging his fork into his food.
'You know what I'm going to start with? Her. I'm going to destroy any chance you have left with her.'
Scott picks up his drink, takes a sip. Stiles notices his hand shaking. Luna turns around now fully glaring at Jackson as he continues on.
'And when I'm done with that...'
Glancing over past the other students, Scott's eyes fall on Allison. She smiles at something Lydia and the other girls are talking about. Then catches Scott's stare.
'I'm going to get her alone and I'm going to get my hands all over that tight little body...'
Luna taps into Stiles mind once more, 'Now he's talking about Allison and how he's gonna you know. Such a prick.'
Stiles frowns, "Scott, don't listen. Don't give him
that kind of power over you."
The entire cafeteria drowns out around Scott as his hands move to the plastic tray, gripping it.
'I'm going to do everything you never got a chance to do. And she's going to beg for more.'
Body tensing, Scott grips the tray in front of him, anger simmering inexorably to the surface.
'I bet she likes to get loud. Maybe she's even a screamer. How are you going to feel, Scott... when she's screaming my name?'
With a sudden crack, Scott's tray snaps in half, plate and drink tumbling over the table and to the floor around him. Everyone in the cafeteria stops to look. Including Allison.
And now Scott finds Jackson standing alone by one of the vending machines. He stares at Scott with a mixture of hatred and desire for power, a sinister curving at his lips that's far too evil to be called an actual smile.
Luna smirks as she watches a girl walk by Jackson with a bowl of soup. Tapping a finger in her leg she watches as the girl trips the bowl flies into the air landing all over Jackson. Everyone in the cafeteria bursts out in laughter as Jackson stares at the girl in shock. He glances up at a surprised Scott then sees a smirking Luna. She waves at him then throws up her middle finger.
Lydia stands fixing her lipstick as Luna looks at herself in the mirror. Luna frowns as she watches Lydia glance at her every now and then. Finally she lets out a loud sigh and stares at Lydia with a raised eyebrow.
"What's up Lyds?"
Lydia shrugs pursing her lips, "I don't know... you tell me."
Luna looks at her in confusion, "I'm so lost..."
"I just thought we were best friends. You didn't even tell me you were dating someone. And don't tell me you're not. I'm not dumb. You've worn a boys leather jacket at least three times now. Don't say it's yours because I've seen your jackets plus it smells like a guy..." Lydia rolls her eyes before doing her mascara, "Also you're horrible at doing your own makeup."
Luna frowns looking in the mirror. The mark Derek had left on her neck was faded but still very much so visible. Groaning Luna realizes she definitely shouldn't have bought gas station makeup, and not done her makeup in the dark gas station bathroom.
"Well then..."
Lydia raises an eyebrow, "That's it. No 'oh Lyds I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. Let's have a girls night and I'll spill everything.'"
Luna bites her lip, "I-I can't tell right now. We're trying not to tell too many people. I promise I'll tell you soon. But we can still have a girls night. We haven't had one in a while."
Lydia nods with a light smile, "Fine. Now come here and let me fix it you goof. That looks awful."
Luna rolls her eyes with a grin before stepping closer to Lydia who pulls out her bag of makeup. Lydia fixes Luna's horrible makeup job before pulling out her phone.
Luna watches as Lydia's smile turns into a frown. She stares in concern as the strawberry blonde's eyes quickly water then fill with fire.
"You okay Lyds."
Without another work, Lydia speeds out the bathroom with Luna on her heels. Lydia pushes past other students in the crowded hall as everyone hits their lockers for the end of day rush. Jackson looks up to see her waving her phone at him.
"This little text? Not funny."
Jackson shrugs, "I wasn't trying to be funny. I
would have put a haha at the end of it."
Luna frowns, "Wait what text?"
Lydia holds up her phone to Luna as Jackson stands pointing to the text, "See? No haha. Just a period."
Lydia scoffs before flipping her hair behind her reading the text out loud, "Lydia, please give back my spare house key at your earliest convenience as we are no longer dating."
"You didn't lose it, did you?"
"What the hell is this?"
"In preparation of some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. And you're just about the deadest."
Both Lydia and Luna stare at him mouths dropped, eyes wide.
"A-are you breaking up with me?"
Luna glares, "Through text at that."
"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you." He shuts the locker and slings his bag over his shoulder.
Lydia chuckles humorlessly, "Dumped by the Co-Captain of the Lacrosse team."
Jackson pauses, the emphasis on Co cracking his confidence ever-so-slightly.
Luna smirks seeing his reaction, "Yeah you're not losing much if you ask me Lyds. Nasty attitude, average looks, and a deteriorating skill in lacrosse. So sad."
Jackson's lip twitches slightly as he tries to hold a blank stare.
Lydia smiles nodding at Luna, "I wonder how many minutes it will take to get over that."
Jackson starts waking off, ignoring her.
"Oh wait... Seconds." Lydia yells hoping it would affect him.
But Jackson just smiles that perfect smile and continues walking into the darkening corridor.
"Stupid bitch."
"So you picked me up from school for what reason?"
"I need answers found and there's only one person who knows how to get them."
Luna looks over at Derek frowning confused, "It's not me is it? Because I'm totally and utterly clueless."
Derek smiles shaking his head as Luna continues on.
"Always have been. I don't know a thing-"
"No it's not you, Luna."
Luna grins patting her legs, "Oh goody. Okay then. Well who is it?"
"Your friend."
"Which one? Twiddledee or twiddledum?"
Derek glances over at Luna and raises an eyebrow, "I honestly don't know which is which."
Luna stares blankly, "It's obvious Scott is dum. No offense to him. So I assume we are seeing Stiles?"
Derek glares ahead muttering to himself.
"Also if you hate me being around Stiles so much, then why did you drag me along?"
"Because I hate being around him alone even worse."
Luna laughs then looks out the window. She just stares ahead feeling her smile slowly fade away. She wondered when they would spend time together. Seeing as they were in an actual relationship.
As if reading her mind, Derek glances over at her seeing her sad expression. He reaches his hand over and softly lays it on her thigh making her peek over at him in wonder.
"I know we haven't been doing anything together lately other than trying to find the alpha. But I promise as soon as all this is over, I'll take you out."
Luna's eyes gleam in happiness as she smiles widely making Derek's heart beat faster. But he would never tell anyone that. They would think he's whipped... which he was.
But as he stared at his girlfriend. His eyes ran over her beautiful smile, the small dimple that appeared in one cheek which he doubted she ever noticed, her sparkling eyes which showed so much emotions, he loved looking at her. She was painting worthy.
In that moment, Derek realized that he had deep feeling for this girl. She was slowly surpassing Paige, and that had never happened before. He had fought so hard to keep any relationships away and all lovey dovey emotions at bay. But with Luna Tate... it was impossible.
In that moment, he knew he would be teased for being whipped. But also he didn't care.
He was falling in love with Luna Tate.
Awwww Derek and Luna are so cute
Lydia and Luna's friendship is so fun to write. They are equally a mess.
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