B2-5: Be My All Time, Be The Right One

"I need more than love
I need more than trust
Lately they keep falling short
What's it for?
I need someone who can reach me
Someone who don't need me
Cause when you got it you know, you know"
~Alina Baraz

3rd Person's POV

"Have you put some magical spell on my nephew?"

Mila and Aunt May both sit on the couch in the living room while looking over at Peter who was setting the table. Apparently neither of them were allowed to touch anything.

"Not that I'm not absolutely loving this. But now he's starting to creep me out."

Mila snorts, "First, he brings the eggs home like he says... now he's making dinner..." Mila realizes what she says and frowns playfully, "You're right... I'm scared."

"You two do know I can hear you... right?"

May and Mila glance over at Peter who was standing with an eyebrow raised. The two look at one another and burst out laughing making Peter groan.

"Fine I'm never being nice again."

Mila rolls her eyes, "Who's the dramatic one now?"

Aunt May smiles as she stands up and walks over to Peter. She squeezes his cheek lightly, "Peter sweetie I'm just screwing around. That's what the kids say isn't it?"

Peter frowns with a disturbed stare, "No. Please never say screwing again. Ever."

Chuckling Mila gets up from the couch and skips over to the table, "So Petey boy, what do you have for us today?"

Peter smiles and pulls out the chair for Aunt May before pushing her in after she sits down, then does the same to Mila.

"Well ladies nothing too extravagant seeing as I can't cook. So on tonight's menu is store bought lasagne with frozen garlic bread. And for dessert some lovely cinnamon rolls that I have forgotten in the oven."

Quickly running back into the kitchen, Peter hurries and pulls the try of cinnamon rolls out the oven. Sighing in relief, he sees they were fine, slightly darker than the ones May made but not charred like the last time he tried to make them himself.

He wanted to impress his Aunt and girlfriend the best he could. He wants a chef but he could read instructions. He wanted to show them that he appreciated everything they had both done for him. Both of them being there for him. So for once he wanted to take care of them.

"How have you two been sweetheart?"

Mila's head snaps away from the kitchen door to Aunt May as she grins, "We've been good! He's his usual sweet, sarcastic, big headed self."

"No surprise. I'm glad he finally came to his senses. Not that I didn't like Gwen. She's a sweet girl. You two just... there's something about you and Peter. Reminds me of me and Ben when we were younger."

"Aw really?"

May nods then sighs seeing Mila frown, "What's wrong?"

Mila shakes her head smiling once more. But this time a fake one.

"Nothing. I just was thinking about the future. I know it's way too soon for that bite I just hope I'm still in his life."

May grins patting Mila's hand reassuringly, "You will be. I'm sure of it."

"Alright! Bon appetit!"

Mila and May help Peter place food on the plates then they all dig in. It was a nice feeling... to finally feel peace... and happiness... joy.

But we all know that doesn't last forever.


"Mila seriously I can't have one?"

Mila slaps Flash's hand making him pull it back quickly while looking at her wide eyes.


Flash glares unamused, "You're making like a hundred."

Mila shrugs, "So. They're for the shelter... and Peter."

Flash chuckles as Mila blushes, "Oh so Petey boy can have a brownie and I can't?"

"Yes." Mila giggles watching Flash stare at her bemused.

"You're evil... you know Gwen would never treat a guest like thi-"

Mila stuffs a brownie in his mouth making him smile then happily chew on the chocolate goody.

"Well Gwen's not here. Speaking of, neither is Phil... where is everyone?"

Flash shrugs, "I don't know something about twin time." Flash shudders shaking his head, "They freak me out sometimes."

"Twin time?" Mila snorts, "What the hell is that?"

"Hell if I know."

"It's just them hiding from you both."

Mila snaps her head to the right to see her youngest brother Simon sitting at the counter eating one of her brownies.

"Hey! Simon!"

Simon shrugs, "What? I'm your family. You want me to starve?"

"Mom's making dinner in an hour."

Simon stares at her with a straight face, "She's making tuna salad... I'm a kid. I need sweets and unhealthy food."

Flash chuckles, "I'll give you a bag of Cheetos if you tell me where Phil and Gwen are."

"Deal. They said something about your birthday."

Mila looks at Simon point at her and Flash then she lightly slaps her forehead, "I forgot we were birthday buddies."

Flash frowns, "Well that kinda hurt."

Mila chuckles to herself then reaches across the island handing him a brownie.

"And you're forgiven. Wait, why are they out looking for something now? Our birthday isn't for another two weeks."

Simon shrugs, "They also said something about decorating the beach house."

"You traitor!"

Mila, Flash, and Simon all turn to see Gwen and Flash standing at the front door holding bags of colorful party decorations.

"What? They pulled the answer out of me!"

"We asked you once kid." Flash rolls his eyes.

Gwen puts her hand in her hip.

Mila and Simon groan, "Not the mom pose!"

After leaving her house and taking a plate of brownies to the shelter that she volunteered at, Mila decides to take the remaining brownies that she didn't give to her brothers, to Peter.

Climbing up the stairs of the fire escape, Mila quickly comes to Peter's window and pushes up the panel. She clumsily falls inside the room with a giggle then stands up and freezes.


Mila smiles awkwardly, "Uh hi."

Mj sits at Peter's desk tapping her pencil on the notebook in front of her, "Um Peter will be back in a second. He just went to buy a sharpener. Seeing as his broke and I left mine at school."

"Ah I see." Mila fixes her skirt then places the plate of brownies on the nightstand.

Mj stands and messes with her hands while clearing her throat, "You look great today. Well not that you don't everyday."

Mila smiles lightly looking the girl up and down. Damn her for being gorgeous.

"Thank you."

Mj nods, "Peter was telling me about you and Flash's birth-"

Mila chuckles humorlessly, "Ah here we go... Okay. I'm sorry, listen... um I really don't want to be a bitch. And I know you're new and all-"

Mj raises an eyebrow, "I'm not new... I've gone to school with you for the past six years."

Mila stares at her with wide eyes then smiles sheepishly, "Oh whoops. Well I-I sorry. Um anyways I-I just... look Mj, Peter is taken. And I really don't want to sound like one of those bitchy girlfriends that are insecure about their relationship with their boyfriend. Because I'm not insecure. Not at all, and I trust Peter. I just don't know you and no offense but I don't trust you."

Mj nods with a small smile and jokingly replies, "Coming up to me like a woman... I like that. But seriously Mila you have no worries."

Mila frowns.

Was she crazy?

"And why is that, Mj? I've already seen you in his room two times. And this second time he isn't even here himself."

Mj clears her throat once more and shrugs, "Mila, I'm a lesbian. I actually am really crushing on your sister, so..."

Mila curses and then slaps her forehead, "Shit. And now I'm embarrassed... I'm sorry. I just... well I guess I am that bitchy girlfriend. Ignore me. Have a brownie."

Mj smiles and grabs a brownie as Mila goes on and on about how sorry she was. And if Mj was being completely honest... she should be the one apologizing. Because she wasn't telling the full truth.

Was she a lesbian? Kind of.

She liked girls for sure. But she also was intrigued and curious by the nerdy Peter Parker. She always had been even before Gwen went out with him.

Mj had become friends with Gwen in middle school and grew to really like the girl. But Gwen wasn't into girls. So Mj chose to keep her feelings to herself.

Then came Peter Parker. He was always around but when he came out of his shell more and more. Probably due to his popular best friend now girl friend.

Mj wasn't sure where her brain was at the moment. But she would figure it out this summer. And truthfully she didn't care who it affected.

So if anyone was the bitch in the room... it definitely wasn't Mila Stacey.


Mila, Cora, and Blair go to the mall and of course drag the guys along. As the girls are looking through bathing suits, Blair and Cora whisper amongst one another.

Mila raises an eyebrow as the two look at her with mischievous smirks, "Alright what the hell are you two smiling about?"

Blair shrugs, "Oh just- no never mind you won't do it so I'll just leave it alone."

Mila glares at Blair who she knew did this on purpose, "You bitch say it! You know I wanna know now."

Blair chuckles shrugging, "We just thought of something that would help speed up the process a bit."

"What process?"

"You getting laid!" Cora yells making an older lady look at the three with a disturbed stare.

Mila smiles embarrassed while waving her hands, "She means when we go to Hawaii! We get those cute flower necklaces... laid... get it? Uh never mind."

Cora laughs into her hand shaking her head as the lady hurries away from them, "Oops sorry. Anyways as much as you two like each other and with Peters newfound confidence... we figured it would take you guys way too long to finally do the deed."

"What if I wanted to wait... like until marriage or something?" Mila shrugs.

The girls all look at each other than burst out laughing.

Mila wipes away a tear in her eye as she grins, "Sorry I know how that sounded. Kudos to the people who can wait. They got a lot of patience and determination. But I don't. So what'd you guys plan?"

Blair steps forward with her arms crossed over her chest, "We dare you to take him with you into the dressing room while you try on something then buy it. That way he knows you have it and he'll be thinking about it and you in it."

Mila rolls her eyes, "Easy enough. Let me go get him."

"Oh no you thought we meant this store? Oh honey..."

As the girls walk out the store, the boys all walk up to them with Phil whining.

"Ugh finally I'm starving! Can we go now?"

Cora smiles patting his cheek, "No can do sweet cheeks. We got one more stop. I think you'll like it."

"I better..." he mutters as she pulls him along.

Blair glares at Flash who sticks his tongue out at her.

"Don't even think about it."

"Definitely wasn't going to. You think I want to see that." Flash points to her body making her gasp.

"I have a great body. You're just mad because you'll never ever see it. Ever."

Blair stomps off following the cute couple as Flash chuckles shaking his head. His eyes glance down for a second before he follows after her. Mila who was watching the two stands with her mouth open from shock.

What the heck was that?

Peter comes ip behind Mila and grabs her hand, "I'm bored... why did you drag me along with you and your friends?"

Coming out of her shocked state, Mila shrugs with a smile as they walk along, "Because I'm going to get you a present."

Peter raises an eyebrow looking down at the girl, "It's not my birthday."

Mila scoffs while rolls her eyes, "I can't be nice."

Peter chuckles kissing her forehead, "I'm sorry, yes you can."

"Ugh you two make me wanna vomit."

"Love you too Blair." Peter smiles.

Cora and Blair walk into a store across from where everyone had been standing. Peter stares up in shock.

"We're going in there?"

Mila smiles with a light shrug, "What? Something wrong?"

Peter gulps lightly, "Nope nothing wrong at all... you want me to stay here?"

"Oh no you're coming in. Help me with something why don't cha?"

Peter chuckles nervously, "Okay..."

Mila walks around the store pulling Peter along. She gasps finding something and then smiles.

"Close your eyes."

Peter does and Mila grabs the item then his hand and pulls him to the back of the store.

"Where are we going?"

"I wanna try this on."

"With me in the room?"

"You'll see it eventually why not have a preview."

Peter wanted nothing more than a preview. He just wished they were in private and not in the middle of the mall with hundreds of other people.

Mila sits Peter down in the room then locks the store and starts to undress.

"Don't open your eyes until I tell you."

"Understood..." Peter hears Mila's clothes rustling as she starts to take them off. His pants tighten as he thinks about her in his bed the other morning.

Groaning Peter gets up and walks over to the corner of the dressing room then lays his head on the cool wall with his eyes still closed.

"You okay Petey boy?"

"Yup just fine." His voice strains making Mila smirk.

Mila giggles looking down at what she was wearing then replies, "Okay turn around."

Peter turns around and his mouth drops.

"You like?"

Peter nods, "Mhmm..."

"I should get this one?"


"Glad you came."


Mila smirks taking a step closer to him, "Mhmm?"

Peter puts his hands in pockets trying to stop himself from doing anything crazy in public, "Mhmm."

Staring at his girlfriend in her orange lingerie set, Peter can't help but want to each out and grab her and kiss her. But he knew if he did then they might not come out of the dressing room for a while.

Mila steps up to Peter and pecks his lips then looks down at her body biting her lip, "You really like it? I don't look ridiculous?"

Peter frowns then pulls his hands o it his pockets and lays them on her waist, "Mila you look beautiful. All the time. Right now you look like a goddess. You don't look ridiculous."

Mila smiles nodding then goes to move but is quickly against the wall staring into Peter's darkened eyes.


"Mila I'm trying everything in my power to not do anything right now."

Mila smirks then places her finger on his chest teasingly, "Like what?"

"Like taking you right here on this wall," Peter grips Mila's waist making her gasp, "but I'm going to be a gentleman and not do that. No matter how much I really want to."

Peter's lips kiss down Mila's neck as he whispers, "You're going to buy this one okay pretty girl?"

Mila moans as Peter sucks on a spot on her neck while teasingly bringing his hand down the back of her thigh then up to her butt.

"Mhmm..." Mila nods.


Mila gasps feeling her butt on fire.

"Words would be nice pretty girl."

"Did you just?"

"I did now back to my question..."

Peter kisses her jaw making her head tilt back, "Yes I'm getting this one."

Mila frowns as she feels nothing but air and emptiness. She looks at Peter who's was smirking while standing far on the other end of the dressing room.

"Good. I'm gonna leave before we do something we regret."

"I won't-"

"I know you won't. I just also don't think you want your first time to be in the mall dressing room."

Peter chuckles looking over her once more before hurrying out the dressing room. Mila let's out a breath finally being able to breath normally, before turning around gasping looking at herself in the mirror.


She zooms in on her neck and sees a huge dark hickey.



Mila and Peter?


What'd you like about the chapter?

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Mila's lingerie set

Peter's Insta Post

Peteyparker : You stole my heart, but I'll let you keep it

Tagged; @rordabaddest

611 likes, 54 comments

Rordabaddest : I don't deserve you πŸ’›

^^ Peteyparker : I think you mixed
that up. I don't
deserve you pretty girl

^^ username98735 : the fact that he picked a super cute picture too πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜©
crying and sobbing rn

KingEugene : Alright this is kind of cute. I guess I'll allow this kind of content

^^ Peteyparker : thanks man that
means a lot πŸ₯Ί

Phillyboy : @rordabaddest so this is what you're doing... cuddling with my friend

^^ rordabaddest : Peter was
definitely my friend first

^^ Phillyboy : Well he's apart
of the boys now...

^^ rordabaddest : Phil... in the
nicest way possible,
delete my number

^^ KingEugene : damn
@rordabaddest that was

^^ Phillyboy : @Peteyparker get
your gf she's mean

CutiepieCora : Aw peter this is so sweet!!! Glad you're treating my friend right

Prettygyrlblair_ : Such a queen @rordabaddest also peter you get a yes from me

Gweniee : πŸ₯Ί no words

MadameMJ : adorable

Santanasoreal : Peter!!! I can't with you two!

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