B2-16: If Only There Could Be Another Way To Do This
"If only there could be
another way to do this
'Cause it feels like murder
to put your heart through this
I know I always said
that I could never hurt you
Well, this is the very, very last
time I'm ever going to
But I know that I'll be happier
And I know you will too
Said, I know that I'll be happier
And I know you will too
~Tame Impala
3rd Person's POV
"Yes mom I'm on the way to work right now."
Mila rolls her eyes smiling as she walks down the streets of New York.
"Oh don't be sassy with me Missy."
"Blair I'm fine. I've told you a hundred times already."
"Yeah your definition of fine is very different from mine. Seriously talk to me."
"I have been..."
"No you haven't. And I'm sorry I tried to give you time and space and I know you're hurt and upset still but I miss the old you... I really do."
Mila frowns freezing in the middle of the sidewalk of a less crowded street. Sighing, she rubs her temple then shrugs lightly not remembering that Blair couldn't see her.
"What happened in the few days where you turned from happy and content to straight up miserable?"
Mila thinks back to a few days ago when she had been walking from work. She passed by a restaurant and in the glass window she saw Peter and May. They were smiling and just looked so happy... it hit Mila that she had missed them a lot.
It had hit her that she still loved Peter...
... she didn't think she could ever stop.
"I saw him..."
Blair sighs on the other end of the phone.
"I thought I'd be fine the next time I saw him... but I wasn't, I'm not... and I want to be."
Mila quickly wipes a tear that falls down her cheek. Shaking her head, she looks across the empty road and starts to cross to get to the other side.
"Mila I know it's hard. But it won't be like this forever. And eventually you guys are going to see one another and have to say something."
Mila halts cursing in pain as her ankle slightly twists. She looks down to see her heel caught in a tiny grate of a sewage hole cover.
"Ugh I really don't need this shit today."
"What happened?"
While struggling with her heel, balancing on one leg, and holding the phone in her hand, Mila grunts annoyingly.
"I got my freaking heel stuck in a grate."
Blair chuckles shaking her head, "I told you not to wear those skinny stiletto heels and walk over those things. When will you listen?"
"Yeah yeah."
Up a hill nearby, a car swerves as a bicyclist comes jetting out a hidden alleyway. The car scrapes against a large garbage bin, making it slowly roll away. People jump away and let out yells as the bin misses them going down the hill.
Mila angrily bends over trying to pull her leg up out the grate, "Stupid fucking shoe! Ugh these are my favorite!"
"Are they the ones with the laces to tie up the ankle?" Blair asks boringly as she clicks through channels on the tv.
People in a coffee shop up the hill all run out after seeing the garbage bin roll past the shop. Some take their phones out and start recording as they see the bin quickly heading down towards where a girl was standing, in the middle of the road, stuck.
"Uh duh B Davis! Great I think I'm gonna have to break the heel."
Blair chuckles as Mila starts trying to untie the lace around her ankle with one hand.
"Ugh there's never anything good on tv! I'm tired of watching soap operas."
Mila rolls her eyes, "Watch a good show."
"I've already watched everything. Teen Wolf, Outerbanks, The Originals, Buffy, One Tree Hill, Charmed..."
"Wait... Blair did you not start Outerbanks yesterday?"
"So what's your point?"
Mila giggles then slowly frowns hearing yells and screams.
"Hey there's something on the news. Shit it's live right now. There's some girl who's stuck in the middle of the... Mila I think that's you..."
Mila lifts her head up to see a couple people across the street looking back from her to something in the road behind her.
Tingles run down her spine as she turns her head behind her to see a garbage bin a few feet away. The laces fall down her ankle, yet she stands frozen in fear. Just as her eyes close in instinct to getting hit, Mila feels her body yanked from the spot she was stuck in. Her body softly hits the ground as a hand catches her head.
Opening her eyes, Mila feels her heart beat quickly as well as butterflies in her stomach. Spider-Man had been looking over her body for injuries as she started at him in complete awe. She hadn't seen him in days... and before that weeks.
"You okay pretty girl?"
Mila slowly shakes her head as Peter looks at her rapidly blinking eyes in corners, "I think I'm gonna pass out."
"I got you, pretty girl, I promise."
As Mila's eyes flutter shut and her body goes limp, Peter drops his head down sighing in relief.
Blair drops her phone from her hand as her mouth drops in surprise. On her television, she watches Spider-Man pick up her friend then shoot a web flying off.
"What the shit?"
"She's stabilized right now. Her body just went into shock. We've done a few tests on her but other than that she looks healthy. Her ankle is going to be a little bruised but there is no tear or fracture. You all can go see her in a few minutes."
The group watches the doctor walk through the double doors of the corridor. Helen lets out a huff of relief before pulling out her phone.
"I'm going to go call Gwen and tell her stop freaking out."
"I'll go with you. Let's get a cup of tea, on me. To calm the nerves."
Helen walks out of vision with May by her side. Peter looks down at the ring on his finger as he leans back against the wall.
His promise to Mila.
That he broke.
Groaning, he runs his hands down his face and starts to slowly pace back and forth down the hallway.
Blair stands nearby picking apart every single movement and gesture that he makes.
Cora sighs holding Phillips hand as she stands up from her chair, "We're gonna go get some air."
Blair's eyes follow their figures until they turn a corner down the hall. She turns back to Peter and starts to analyze him as he stopes pacing and gazed up at her.
"You okay, Blair?"
Nodding slowly, Blair gulps with a light shrug, "Yeah I j-just... finally figured out why my best friend got her heart broken... why you broke your own... this is like Romeo and Juliet. A forbidden love story."
Peter frowns walking up to Blair. He sticks the back of his hand on her forehead, "Blair did you hit your head?"
Blair shakes her head frantically and smiles softly, "If you're going to have a secret identity, Petey boy, you should know better than to use your endearing lovey dovey nicknames that you say in your normal everyday life."
Peter freezes before his hand slowly drops from her head. He looks around to see no one near, before pulling her towards Mila's room. They stand outside the door watching the doctor talk to a now conscious Mila through the glass.
"How did you know?"
"Pretty girl... she loves that name. Would never let another soul even try to mutter those words."
Peter nods, "This dangerous Blair. Everyone could get seriously hurt."
"I didn't tell anyone. And I don't plan to. I mean even Phillip's been trying for figure it out... but I don't think he even knows where to start. I should've seen the signs..."
Peter frowns glancing over at her, "What signs?"
Blair scoffs, "The signs. You saved her a lot... and I mean a lot. But you always take her with you. Whether she's injured or not. And don't even forget the fact that she is so comfortable in his hold."
Peter knew she meant Spider-Man. The girl was a genius. A scary genius.
"I miss her."
"She misses you too."
The door squeaks open as the doctor leaves the room. Blair smiles lightly before turning and frowning at the doctor.
"She's okay?"
"She's great. Checked for a concussion. Everything looks stable."
Peter smiles then shakes his head, "I should get going."
Blair frowns, "You're not coming in?"
Peter shrugs pushing his hands into his front pockets, "I don't think she wants me here."
"You know that's not true."
Peter smiles, "I'll see you around, Blair."
Blair nods then goes into the room. Peter watches Mila hug Blair tightly. He swiftly yet quickly vanishes just as Mila looks up at the door.
"Where'd Peter go?"
Mila frowns holding up her finger to Blair's lips, "Don't lie for him either."
Blair smiles sadly, "He thought you wouldn't want him here."
Mila sighs and opens her mouth to reply, but is cut off by her mother and brothers walking into the room.
"Welcome Home!!"
Flash grins pulling Mila and Cora into a hug as the open their apartment door. After they separate from the hug, Phillip and him do their handshake leaving Blair to be the only one who hadn't moved yet.
Flash's eyes lay on his girlfriend, "You gonna kiss me like you miss me or what, red?"
Blair rolls her eyes smiling before throwing herself into Flash's arms. Mila holds her chest where her beating heart is and grins.
"So freaking cute."
Cora smiles nodding, "A beautiful masterpiece. We did that."
Mila and Cora high five. Philip rolls his eyes throwing his arms over the two girls, making them leave the two love birds to themselves for a minute.
Mila glances over at Cora and frowns, "I'm really sorry to hear about your dad."
Cora shrugs picking at her nail, "I'm okay. Thank you though. He's not my real dad. I feel bad for Harry..."
Mila nods, "Yeah he's been stressed lately. Kind of easily angered."
"Well let me know if he becomes unbearable."
"Oh definitely-"
"Ugh I missed that hot head of mine."
Smiling at her best friend who walked in with google eyes and a beaming smile, Mila teases her.
"And to think, you said it wouldn't work."
"Sound familiar?" Blair smirks as she sits down at the island with them.
Mila takes a deep breath before quickly spitting out, "Guys I have something to confess... I need some help figuring out the next stop."
Cora smiles, "You can tell us Mila. We're your friends."
Mila runs to her room and grabs something before running back to the kitchen with Cora and Blair.
She takes a deep breath then holds up an object in her hand as her eyes start to tear up. Cora and Blair both gather to stand on either side of her. Their hands both cover their mouths in shock.
"You have to tell him." Cora says biting her lip.
"Yeah dude this is major."
Mila looks up at Cora and Blair with tears in her eyes, "I can't tell him."
Blair bites her lip sighing, "You have to... before it's too late."
Mila feels her body freeze as she hears a familiar voice.Β She gives a look to Blair of confusion then sighs realizing why the boy was here.
Walking towards the kitchen door, Mila quickly pushes through them with Blair and Cora on her heels.
Peter and Mila make eye contact as soon as Mila enters the living room. Peter truly and honestly couldn't tell you a single thing about what was going on around them. It was like him and Mila were the only two people left on earth.
Cora blushes biting her lip as she watches the tension between the two exes, "I'm so sorry I totally forgot. I just wanted everyone here since we're all friends with Flash-"
Mila smiles uncomfortably, "It's fine, seriously not a big deal. I'll be right back."
She leaves the room making everyone sigh and then look towards Peter who was frowning at the empty space where she once stood.
Flash frowns asking the one question that everyone wanted the answer to. Yet only three people in the apartment knew why.
"Peter dude, what happened to you guys?"
Cora frowns, "That's what I'd love to know. You don't love each other one day then break up the next for absolutely no reason. What's going on Peter?"
Peter frowns shrugging, "Uh nothing we just had a falling out."
Phillip raises an eyebrow, "About?"
Peter clears his throat thinking quickly before spewing out, "Life. Wanting to move and travel. Wanting to stay here. I didn't want to hold her back. And she didn't want to make me leave."
Blair shakes her head trying not to smirk. It felt so good to finally be in the loop. Well half in the loop. Mila still had no idea that Blair had figured out Peter's other life.
Cora throws up her hands incredulously, "Seriously you guys?! This could be easily worked out. It just takes compromise."
Nodding Peter chuckles inwardly, "Yeah it was a stupid fight, but I don't know how to get back in her good graces."
Cora smiles placing her hand on his shoulder, "Little secret for you petey boy... you never left."
Blair nods, "And you can start by talking to her."
Mila sits on her balcony staring at the city lights as the sun sets. She hears a knock on her door but doesn't answer. A second later the door squeaks open, and the sound of footsteps make their way closer to her.
"You know when someone says I'll be right back. That usually means that they are in fact coming back and just need a minute to themself."
Peter sits in the empty chair beside Mila looking off into the city as well.
"Yeah I know."
"I just wanted to see how you're doing."
Mila nods, "I'm great."
Peter flinches slightly making Mila glance over at him before looking down at her hand, messing with her fingers.
"That's good. It's good to be great. It's good to move on."
Mila chuckles shaking her head, "I didn't say I moved on Parker."
Peter freezes as his gaze stops on the promise ring that he had given Mila. There it rested perfectly on her finger. She had never taken it off.
His heart skips a beat as he thinks about the girl that he loved tremendously.
As he opens his mouth to speak, he watches Mila run back inside her room. He looks in confusion as she runs into her bathroom. Quickly following her, Peter sees her kneeling on the ground throwing up into the toilet. Sighing, he rubs her back and holds her hair as she continues to throw up.
"You alright?"
Mila nods slowly standing up as Peter grabbed the cup off her sink and filled it with water. He hands it to her and backs away a little, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
"Yeah I'm fine. The doctor said the shock should cause nausea. I'll take some of my medicine in a second."
"Okay good."
Mila frowns shaking her head, "Actually I'm not fine. There's something you should know... well that I want you know... and feel like you have to know."
"What is it?"
Mila looks into Peter's brown eyes and smiles briefly before taking a deep breath.
Peter frowns reaching for his phone, "Sorry let me turn this off-"
Mila shakes her head slapping his hands off the red button on his screen, "No no it's okay. It's fine. We can talk another time."
"Are you sure?"
"Mhmm... what about tomorrow night? You know where all the shops and markets are around the corner of the street?"
Peter nods.
"Meet me there. We need to have this talk anyways. It's long past overdue."
Peter nods once more before leaning forward and kissing her forehead.
"Alright tomorrow."
Mila nods with a small smile. She watches him take his phone call as he walks out her bathroom. Turning around, Mila looks at herself in the mirror. She bites her lip staring at her reflection for a moment.
"I'm so screwed."
IT HAS BEEN A HOT MINUTE YALL!!! Ugh I'm so freaking excited to get back into writing my stories. My classes are over. Ended the semester with all A's and I don't believe I'm doing any summer courses... so that means MORE UPDATES FOR YALL!!
I will try my best to make an ACTUAL schedule because this maybe update this weekend and no not this one is not the move. So schedule is coming up which will show all my stories mins a small few that are either new and will not be written for a while or old and not captured my interest at the moment.
I will also reveal new ideas for stories I have!! Yes I'm insane and have more story ideas!! π₯²ππ€¦ββοΈπ© I need serious help and by help I mean therapy lol
But anyways back to the story!! This chapter wasn't that long but it was kind of a cute filler chapter.
What do you think about Mila and Peter finally having a conversation?
What do you think Mila has to tell Peter?
Blair is the best future FBI agent, don't you think?
Favorite part of Book 2 so far?
Fav character?
Future predictions?
Any special requests...
Look out for this new gallery which will include all my stories, their synopsis', sneak peeks, and trailers!! This gallery will also include a schedule of updates for each story!! I'm working on it today and should have it up tomorrow morning!!!
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: AzTruyen.Top