This and the upcoming chapters will be extra chapters, they won't have any meaning to the series, but may have some key points which will be important for later on. But the good chunk of this chapter will be the ending scene in the Furious 7.
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Everyone is hanging out on the beach, as they are spending time together. Britney and Desiree have talked a little bit, but not much outside of 'hi' and 'how are you', type of thing. Britney has slowly gotten her memories back with the help of the team, Mia was ecstatic of seeing Britney again, but what also shocked her was seeing Desi again. The last time that she had seen her niece was before her supposed 'death'. But that was years ago, and she had almost not recognized her own niece. But she recognized her smile.
Brian and Mia have agreed that in the next couple months have Jack meet his older sister, which he never knew because they didn't want to talk about her and Jack being confused. But now, that Britney is back, they are going to do it slowly, but only on Britney's terms, and when she wants to. For now they're going to have her adjust to her new life, and trying to remember everything but knowing it will take a shit ton of time, they're going to go slowly.
The girls are sitting in chairs as Britney is leaning against a rock with her car keys in her hands as she's playing with them. Smiling occasionally when something funny is mentioned but other than that, she's in her own thoughts. Then she heard Mia say something she didn't know if it was for her or Brian.
"Daddy, come play." Mia says to Brian as she's by the water as Brian is next to her.
"Yeah, I'm coming." Brian says getting up as Jack starts walking towards him.
"Look at him, look at him." Mia says guiding Jack to where Brian is as Britney moved her feet so that her brother won't trip over them as he was trying to run to their father, as Marcus is by Letty as she's bouncing him on her knee.
"Duty calls, Dad." Britney says as Brian kissed his daughters cheek as joy fills his heart when she calls him 'Dad'. That's how she knows that she remembers some things.
"It does." Brian says having Jack at his hip like he would with Britney when she was little, and his age. "Come on...let's get momma.." Brian says as he's holding Jack's hands.
"Y'know we gotta tan because the sun is out, you know...medium rare, but I can get like...well done, like really dark." Roman rants on of what feels like the millionth time since Britney's came back to the group. Then he felt Tej nudging him, and he looks at his friend. "What you nudging me for?" He asked.
"Close your mouth for two seconds. Just open your eyes, man." Tej says as Brian picked up Jack as Mia smiles finally having her family back together with no mission just enjoying each other's company.
"Beautiful." Roman says when he finally shuts his mouth for once. Which pleases Marilyn and Tyler who are talking about something, but Britney couldn't tell, and she won't get into their business. As she looks ahead and locks eyes with her Skyline, that's she's had for a while. She is longing just to be on the open road and It helps her think and get her mind straight.
"That's where he belongs." Letty says smiling as she sits beside Dom, as Marcus waddled over to Dom and the father held his son.
"Home." Dom says as Desiree looks at her Uncle as she leans her head onto his shoulder as he wraps his right arm around her back, bringing her closer to him. "Where he's always belonged."
"Things are gonna be different now." Roma says then laughing to himself which Tej glanced at him and then at Brian.
Brian picked up Jack and held him close as he brings Mia in closer before Britney got up and walked towards her car without anyone noticing, but what she didn't know was that her father noticed her getting up and heading to her car.
"You aren't going to say goodbye?" Ramsey asked Britney as she stopped before turning around and looking at her friend.
"It's never goodbye." Britney says before turning back and heading to her car, and pausing for a moment to look at her father being happy with Mia. Britney got into her car, and starting it and revving the engine, and backing up and starting her drive to clear her thoughts.
Britney is driving near the mountains which is about five miles from the beach and where everyone else is. She is slowly starting to feel her brain clearing out as she sometimes will do this while she was 'missing' for three years. It was a mechanism of some sort of her to clear all the stress from her life. She has her left hand on the steering wheel and her right hand on the shift. She slowly comes to a stop as she's heading to a stop sign, and she just stood there as there's no one even coming anyway. A black car drives straight in their direction of where ever they're going.
Britney takes her hand off of the steering wheel and plays with the rings on her hands as she just feels like just staying here for a couple minutes or until someone honks at her to get her to move. She hears a car next to her come to a stop but she didn't look up at the person, not wanting to be in the mood to talk.
"Hey, thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Was the voice that she heard as she turned her head to the left and saw her Dad right there. She knew that he would be looking for her, she didn't know what to say.
So she flashed her Dad one of her smiles, and he returned it to her, knowing what she wants to do. She just wants to stop what she's doing right now and just get into his car and be into his arms and him telling her that everything will be okay. Even if he knows that its not. She just wants to hear that.
"Wanna go for a drive?" Britney asked her father and just like that they both stepped on the gas peddle, and they went off. Driving past each other as they turned left and right, they both knew that they were turning it into a race. But that's just the way that they have been.
Whenever they say there going for a drive, it truly means, they're going to race each other, and the loser has to pay dinner.
Sometimes the two of them would look at each other and smile, as this is their version of enjoying each other's company. Britney never been a barbie girl, and or a pink color fanatic, but she's always been a racer, and a damn good one too. She knows that her life will never be the same as it was three years ago, but she knows one thing.
It will always feel normal, with Brian; her father, and Mia. With those people in her life, she knows that her 'life' will be half-ass normal.
If she can't have a normal life (because what is the definition of normal), she does know that her life will be half-ass normal, and that's alright with her as long as he has her father, Mia and of course: Skylines.
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This might be the last chapter, of Furious 7 but, it will not be the last chapter of Britney Olivia O'Conner's book.
This, is just the beginning, and you are all in it.
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: AzTruyen.Top