Rocket Launchers and Smurf Parts

3rd Person's POV

Drusilla walks around the warehouse holding Miss Edith as Angelus hops up on a conveyor platform and sits.

"You should've seen her face. It was priceless. I'll never forget it."

Spike raises an eyebrow, "So you didn't kill her then."

Angelus scoffs, "Of course not."

Spike exhales frustrated, "Now, I know you haven't been in the game for a while, mate, but we still do kill people. Sort of our raison d'etre, you know."

Drusilla pokes Miss Edith's eyes as she frowns at Angelus, "You don't want to k*ll her, do you?" She then smiles creepily, "You want to hurt her. Just like you hurt me."

Angelus chuckles with a light shrug, "Nobody knows me like you do, Dru."

"She'd better not get in our way." Spike pouts.

"Don't worry about it."

"I do."

"Spike my boy," Angelus slams his hand on a crate then pushes it along the rollers as he stands up chuckling, "you really don't get it! Do you? You tried to k*ll her, but you couldn't. Look at you. You're a wreck!"

Spike rolls his eyes as Angelus approaches him.

"She's stronger than any Slayer you've ever faced. Force won't get it done. You gotta work from the inside. To kill this girl... you have to love her..."

"And what about her annoying little helpers?"

Angelus smirks, "We get rid of them. One by one."


Buffy marches angrily straight to Ms. Calendar's classroom with Laney on her heels trying to stop her.

"Buffy... don't!"

There are students sitting at all the computers, but she doesn't care. Jenny and Giles see her come in and smile in greeting.

"Oh, Buffy."

Buffy goes right past Giles straight to Jenny, puts her hand around her throat and shoves her back onto her desk.

"Buffy!" Giles yells as he tries to pull her off.

"What do you know?!"

Laney grabs Buffy's arm and pries it off of Jenny before throwing it away.

"Buffy! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Buffy glares at Laney as she stands in front of Jenny protectively.

A student gets up slowly and backs away to the door concerned, "Should I get the principal?"

Giles turns to the class and shakes his head, "No, I-I-I'll deal with this. Y-y-you're, you're all dismissed!"

As they all leave, Buffy shakes her bead and rubs her arm where Laney had gripped her.

"Did you do it? Did you change him?"

Giles frowns, "For God's sake, calm down!"

"Did you know this was gonna happen?" Buffy ignores him as she takes another step towards Jenny.

Laney lightly pushes her shoulders making her move back as she stands in front of Jenny, "Fucking relax..."

Giles shakes his head confused, "You can't go around accusing everybody..."

Laney turns to Giles and grimaces patting his shoulder, "Giles hush..."

Jenny interrupts whispering, "I didn't know... exactly. I was told..." She sighs rubbing her temple, "Oh, God. I was sent here to watch you. They told me to keep you and Angel apart. They never told me what would happen."

Giles stares at her surprised and confused, "Jenny!"

"I'm sorry, Rupert. Angel was supposed to pay for what he did to my people."

Buffy frowns, "And me? What was I supposed to be paying for?"

"Buffy this has nothing to do with you! Are you really that self absorbed?!" Laney yells with her arms crossed over her chest, "Angel was cursed centuries ago. You weren't even an idea thought up yet."

Buffy huffs taking a step forward, "Angel is my boyfriend. He's changed and he has to continue to suffer for what? He's a good man-"

Laney groans annoyed, "He wasn't then! This has nothing to do with how he is now! Angelus was a monster. So he got repercussions. You just so happened to squeeze your way in between this problem but it has nothing to do with you specifically. No one was targeting you."

Buffy glares at Jenny, "But you knew about the whole thing."

Jenny shakes her head, "I didn't know what would happen until after. I swear I would've told you."

"So it was me. I did it."

Jenny looks at Buffy then her hands, "I um... I'm sorry Buffy, I don't think so."

Buffy frowns, "What do you mean you don't think so? I-I... how could it have not been me. We love each other."

Laney rolls her eyes but keeps quiet as Jenny peeks over at her but also keeps quiet.

Giles stands confused but wanting to demand an answer, "I don't understand."

Jenny huffs, "The curse. If Angel achieved true happiness, even just a moment of... He would lose his soul."

"W-w-w-h-h-how do you know you were responsible f-for..."

Buffy gives him a look. He takes off his glasses.


They all look down.

Buffy shrugs, "How else would he have-"

Buffy begins to ask but pauses in her sentence and looks over at Laney who just stands staring ahead.

"Y-you? Don't tell me-"

"W-what?! No! Of course not."

"Then why does she keep looking at you? Did something happen between you and Angel?"

"No! God Buffy we're just friends!!"

Jenny interrupts the two and frowns, "If there is anything that..."

"Curse him again."

Jenny and Laney's heads snap to Buffy in shock.

"No, I-I can't. I mean, those magicks are long lost even to my people."

"You did it once. It might not be too late to save him."

"It can't be done. I can't help you."

Buffy shrugs, "Then take me to someone who can."

Jenny drives the Laney, Buffy and Giles to the hotel that she had last seen her uncle in. If anyone could help or do something it would be him. Jenny stands at the door and knocks. Hearing nothing she frowns and knocks once more.

"Maybe he went to go get a snack?" Laney suggests as Jenny looks at the door in worry.

Jenny pulls out a key and opens the door. The others follow her in and freeze as they look at the scene in shock.

"Or maybe he was the snack..." Laney whispers to herself feeling bad for Jenny.

"Oh, my God." Jenny rushes in to her uncle.

He's laid out on the bed, dead and covered with blood. Buffy looks up at the wall behind him. A message is written there in blood: WAS IT GOOD FOR YOU TOO.

Giles sighs, "He's doing this deliberately, Buffy. He's trying to make it harder for you."

Buffy shakes her head and looks to the open door, "He's only making it easier. I know what I have to do."


"Kill him."

Laney scoffs and stands by the door with her arms crossed over her chest, "Easier said than done."

Laney knew Buffy was just speaking hard but on the inside she was dying. Laney couldn't imagine if she had to be the one to put down Colby. She really liked him... maybe even loved him. But after seeing what love did to those around her, she couldn't help but be scared of it. In that moment, Laney missed Colby but she also wanted him to stay away... to stay safe.

Because if she learned anything about living on Hellmouth... it was that eventually she would lose him too just as Buffy was losing Angel.


In Spike's warehouse, Angelus comes down the metal spiral staircase. The Judge slowly comes over to Spike.

"I am ready."

Spike scoffs, "About time."

Drusilla sits on his lap and kisses him. The Judge walks off in disgust.

"Have fun." Spike chuckles.

Angelus bends down to Spike's ear, "Too bad you can't come with, huh? I'll be thinkin' of you."

Spike glares, "I won't be in this chair forever."

Angelus takes Drusilla's hand and they start out after the Judge.

"What happens if your girlfriend shows up?"

"I'm gonna give her a kiss." Angelus smirks then turns to the Judge, "Don't you look spiffy!"

Judge frowns confused, "Spiffy?"

Drusilla smiles up at him. Spike is left behind all by himself.


In Giles' office, Xander and Oz lift a long crate onto his desk.

"Happy Birthday, Buffy. I hope you like the color."

Xander steps back as she looks down at the box. Giles positions a crowbar on the lock.

"Giles, we go to the factory first, but they might not be there."

Laney rolls her eyes leaning on the wall nearby, "They're definitely not there. They're not that dumb."

"They're on the offensive. We need to figure out where they'd go."

Giles lifts on the crowbar and breaks the clasp opening the box, "Agreed."

Buffy looks into the box and nods, "This is good."

Jenny stands in the doorway and looks down at her hands, "Do you, uh... Is there something I can do?"

Buffy doesn't even glance up and give her the time of day, "Get out."

Jenny frowns and peeks at Giles who looks away, "I-I just want to help."

Giles shakes his head, "She just said get out..."

Buffy looks up at Giles. He looks sadly into the crate. Jenny turns around and leaves.

Laney groans and punches Giles' arm, "Don't be such a sod, old man. And Buffy seriously? It's her ancestors not her doing... take a chill pill for once in your life."

Buffy rolls her eyes watching Laney leave out the office after Jenny.

Xander steps up and clears his throat, "Do you want me to show you how to use it?"

"Yes, I do."

Laney quickly runs after Jenny as the older lady hurries through the hall.

"Ms. Calendar can you please slow down?"

Jenny shakes her head trying not to reveal her red eyes, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Laney frowns and sighs, "I know..."

"And now Giles he... he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. He's just upset with you for not telling him about your true self and intentions. Sadly he'll be over it when Buffy is. Which may be a hot minute."

Jenny nods with a light smile as Laney grimaces, "Thank you for trying to show them that I'm not like my uncle."

"I'm sorry about your loss... We're gonna stop him. Angelus I mean... we will."

Jenny shakes her head and rubs her temple, "That's what I'm afraid of."

"What do you mean?"

"You. You said we... Angelus wants to hurt Buffy. He wants to kill her. You... you made him feel human and whole. I don't even know what he is thinking when it comes to you right now. He's going to try everything to break you. It's a game he has always played with his victims in the past. Just look at Drusilla..."

Laney takes in a deep breath before biting her lip, "You know she can't handle this alone... it'll kill her."

"And he'll kill you..."


Spike's warehouse is deserted as Buffy and the others walk up to the table.

"I knew it."

"Then why did we even waste time coming here?" Laney sighs as she walks around slowly.

"Don't start..." Giles looks up and around, "We haven't a bead on where they would go?"

Buffy exhales, "I don't know, uh... somewhere crowded, I guess. I mean, the Judge needs bodies, right?"

"The Bronze?" Willow suggests.

Xander shakes his head, "It's closed tonight."

Cordelia shrugs, "There's not a lot of choices in Sunnydale. It's not like people are gonna line up to get massacred."

Oz raises his hand gaining the attention of the others, "Uh, guys? If I were gonna line up, I know where I'd go."


Sunnydale Mall.

A line of people stand at the refreshment stand in the middle of the mall. Customers are going up and down between the floors. The front double doors open, revealing the Judge, Angelus and Drusilla. The three walk in flanked by their troops. They close the doors behind them as a man is coming up the stairs.

The Judge reaches out with his hand, and an arc of energy emanates from it to the man. The man freezes, a look of surprise on his face, and he quickly begins to combust. He disappears in a puff of flame and smoke.

Angelus smirks, "Lock the exits, boys."

The vampires hurry down the stairs to do Angelus' bidding.

Angelus looks to the Judge, "It's all yours."

The Judge smiles.

Down in the basement, an elevator door opens as Buffy strides out. Giles and Xander follow carrying the crate on their shoulders. The others bring up the rear.

"Everybody keep back. Damage control only. Take out any lesser vamps if you can. Laney and I will handle the Smurf."

Up above the Judge takes a couple of steps down. A customer squeezes by Angelus and heads down the stairs branching to the left. A young couple comes up on the right. The Judge extends his arms, and his energy arcs out to and through them. The Judge's energy arcs through everyone in the area.
All the people standing by the refreshment freeze where they stand.

The Judge smiles widely as Angelus and Drusilla enjoy the show.

Drusilla stands bouncing with glee, "Oh, goody!"

Suddenly a crossbow bolt hits the Judge in the chest and breaks his concentration. The arcs of energy disappear, and the people are all dazed. The Judge grabs at the bolt and pulls it from his chest.

"Who dares?"

"Uh I do."

Angelus and Drusilla look over at the refreshment stand past Willow, Oz, Giles and Cordelia. Xander stands opening the crate as Buffy gets up onto the counter beside Laney who is holding the crossbow now at her hip.

Laney pops a hip as she stands waving at the Judge, Angelus and Drusilla, "Think I got his attention."

"You're a fool. No weapon forged can stop me."

"That was then."

Xander hands Buffy the weapon from the box, and she raises the anti-tank rocket launcher to her shoulder.

Buffy smiles, "This is now."

She powers it on making Angelus and Drusilla exchange a look. Buffy sets her sights and opens the trigger guard. The rest of the team takes cover behind the snack counter. Angelus and Drusilla begin to run as Buffy takes aim. The Judge just looks at her. Angel and Drusilla leap over the stair railing.

"What's that do?"

Buffy pulls the trigger and the rocket flies straight into the Judge's chest as Angelus and Drusilla fly over the railing. The Judge disappears in an explosion of flame and smoke. The people in the mall scream and start to panic and run. Angelus and Drusilla hit the floor below. Bits of charred Judge fall all around them. Buffy looks up from the rocket launcher's sights and looks over at them in satisfaction. Angelus gets up and runs off. Drusilla freaks out and runs the other way. The team looks over the counter at what's left of the Judge. The smoke cloud from the explosion billows its way up to the ceiling.

"Well that was fun." Laney chuckles as she looks at the Judge's head that had blown off and landed by her.

"Best present ever." Buffy hands the weapon down to Xander.

"Knew you'd like it."

Willow frowns looking around, "Do you think he's dead?"

Buffy sighs, "We can't be sure. Pick up the pieces and keep them separate."

They all start over to collect what's left of the Judge.

Cordelia groans, "Pieces? We get the pieces. Our job sucks!"


At the side area of the mall, Angelus comes in and looks up at Buffy. Frightened customers are running every which way. Buffy sees him, jumps down from the refreshment stand and starts to give chase. Angelus struggles past some people and runs.

Parts of the Judge lie everywhere and are still burning. The smoke reaches the sprinklers and they turn on everywhere.

Buffy runs to the side hallway where she had last saw Angelus. The sprinklers rain down on her as she's getting soaked. She can't see Angelus anywhere.

Suddenly he comes at her and hits her from behind. She falls over backward and looks up at him.

"You know what the worst part was, huh? Pretending that I loved you. If I'd known how easily you'd give it up, I wouldn't have even bothered."

Buffy gets up angrily, "That doesn't work anymore. You're not Angel."

Angelus smiles evilly, "You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? It doesn't matter. The important thing is you and your little friend made me the man I am today!"

Buffy kicks him in the face. He blocks her next swing and punches her in the face and in the gut. He grabs her and swings her around to throw her, but her footing is good and she regains her balance. He kicks her in the face and this time she falls to the floor.

Angelus grabs Buffy as she tries to get up and heaves her over onto her back again. She rolls around to her feet and comes at him. She swings, but he blocks and hits her instead. He follows up with a backhand punch and she hits the floor again.

"Not quittin' on me already, are ya? Come on, Buffy. You know you want it, huh?"

She leaps up and kicks him in the face. He arches backward and then snaps forward. Buffy knees him in the chin and then delivers a series of punches to his gut. She ends with a punch to his face. He isn't fazed, and lunges at her. She grabs his arm and diverts him into a display case. He crashes through the glass, but immediately straightens back up, breaking the top pane and the frame of the case as well. She kicks him in the face and again in the chest, and he staggers backward into a potted tree. She pulls out a stake and stands ready to finish the job.

Angelus straightens up and faces her. Buffy doesn't move, but instead lowers the stake and just stares at him.

"You can't do it. You can't kill me."

Her anger takes over and she kicks him extremely hard in the crotch.

Angelus grabs his groin and moans in extreme pain. He collapses to his knees. Buffy turns her back on him and walks away.

"Give me time."

Angelus is on all fours now and can't move to follow her. As he watches her disappear, he feels a tap on his shoulder.

Looking to his left, he sees Laney smirking as she gives a small wave, "Oh hey..."

Before he knows it, his head snaps to the right harshly as he feels his nose crack. Laney throws down the fire extinguisher she had in her hands and backs away with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Told you I'd break your nose if you hurt her."

She glares down at Angelus and then walks away. What she doesn't see is Angelus chuckling with blood dripping down his face as he looks at her walk away.

"This is gonna be fun."

Hey y'all!! What did we think of this chapter?!? Did we enjoy it?

What's your favorite part so far?

How do we feel about Angelus?

Was I the only one kinda upset that Buffy was so rude to Jenny. Like dang girl she wasn't the one that put a curse on Angel and he was a bad guy... just because he's good now means nothing. He has done a lot of bad things. And it has nothing to do with you and your relationship with him now.

Future predictions?

Any special requests...

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