Horny Slaying and Zesty Slayers
The Bronze.
A waitress holding a tray of six muffins walks past the pastry counter and into an alcove where Buffy has joined the gang.
Faith is relating one of her stories to the group as she sits on a love seat. Cordelia sits on the arm of the loveseat beside Faith's as Colby sits in the chair and Laney sits on his lap. Xander, Willow, and Oz sit in a large couch across from them. Buffy stands behind the couch and listens.
"The whole summer it was, like, the worst heat wave. So it's about a hundred and eighteen degrees and I'm sleeping without a stitch on."
The waitress sets the tray on a table and leaves. Laney reaches forward and grabs a muffin as Colby pinches her side playfully. She giggles and slaps his hand away.
"Don't you dare..."
He holds his hands up in surrender as she winks at him and holds up the muffin to him. He leans forward taking a bite then sits back in the chair once more pulling her back with him. Cordelia looks over at the two and rolls her eyes playfully.
"Get a room."
Laney chuckles and pokes Cordelia's hip, "You shush."
"And all of a sudden, I hear this screaming from outside. So I go tearing out, stark nude," Xander looks down at Faith's body, licking his lips, "and this church bus has broke down, and there's these three vamps feasting," Buffy listens calmly, "on half the Baptists in South Boston."
Willow listens intently with wide eyes.
"So I waste the vamps, and the preacher comes up, and he's hugging me like there's no tomorrow, when all of a sudden, the cops pull up and they arrested us both."
Faith reaches for a muffin. Xander stares blankly ahead of himself, trying to picture the scene.
"Wow. They should film that story and show it every Christmas."
Cordelia tilts her head to him and gives him a look while crossing her arms over her chest.
Faith tears into the muffin with a moan, "God, I could eat a horse. Isn't it crazy how slayin' just always makes you hungry and horny?"
Laney peeks back at Colby and sees him looking right back at her. They stare at one another for a moment then quickly look away blushing. Faith laughs as Buffy roll her eyes at the two.
"You two are adorable. They get it. What about you, B?"
The others all turn their heads to look at Buffy. She stares back wide-eyed and suddenly uncomfortable.
"Well... Sometimes I-I crave a nonfat yogurt afterwards."
A look of sudden revelation washes across Cordelia's face, and she smiles.
"I get it."
Faith gives her a confused look.
Cordelia laughs, "Not the horny thing. Yuck! But the two Slayer thing. There was one, and then Buffy died for, like, two minutes, so then Kendra was called, and then when she died, Faith was called."
Faith gives her a nod.
Willow frowns, "But why were you called here?"
Faith shrugs, "Well, I wasn't. My Watcher went off to some retreat thing in England, and so I skipped out. I figured this was my chance to meet the infamous Buff and compare notes."
Buffy gives her a little smile.
"So, B, did you really use a rocket launcher one time?"
"Uh, yeah," Buffy leans forward finally happy to be involved in the conversation, "actually, it's a funny story. There was..."
Xander interrupts, "So what was the, uh, story about that alligator? You, uh, said something... before."
Laney nods, "Oh shit yeah! Did you make boots out of it? I would..."
"You would look amazing in them." Colby lightly pecks her shoulder making her smile and lean back into his chest while holding his arms that wrapped around her waist.
Faith nods beginning to tell her next story with lots of gesturing, "Oh, there's this Big Daddy Vampire out of Missouri who used to keep them as pets. So he's got me rasslin' one of 'em, okay? The thing must have been twelve feet long and I'm..."
Xander interrupts once more, "So was this, um, ahem, also naked?"
Faith smiles teases, "Well, the alligator was."
The two similar brunette slayers laugh. Laney clears her throat awkwardly as Cordelia gives her a look.
"I thought of something funny from earlier." Laney grimaces.
Xander smiles at Faith intrigued as Cordelia glares, "Xander?... Find a new theme."
Faith shakes her head, "I tell ya, I never had more trouble than that damn vamp." She turns to Buffy and shrugs, "So what about you? What was your toughest kill?"
Buffy lowers her eyes and has another flashback to stabbing Angel in the chest with the sword, and his look of surprise and pain. She comes back and shakes herself out of her reverie.
Buffy smiles weakly, "Um, well, you know, they're all difficult, I guess."
Faith waits for a story and takes a drink. She peeks over a glance at Laney who had suddenly gone still and was no longer smiling. Faith could tell the girl was uncomfortable and that made her feel bad. She watches Colby whisper something in her ear and rub her hand as she seems to come back to. Cordelia glances over at Laney as well making sure she was alright, none of the three noticing Faith totally scoping them out.
Buffy suddenly remembers, "Uh... Oh! Oh, do you guys remember the Three?"
They all look back inquisitively.
Buffy frowns, "That's right, you never met the Three. Well, there was three..."
Cordelia nods, "So you've said..."
Oz interrupts, "Something occurring. Uh, now, you both kill vamps, and who could blame you, but, I'm, I'm wondering about your position on werewolves."
Willow puts her hand on his shoulder, "Oz is a werewolf."
Buffy grins, "It's a long story."
Oz shrugs nonchalantly, "I got bit."
"Apparently not that long."
Faith considers briefly, "Hey, as long as you don't go scratchin' at me or humpin' my leg, we're five-by-five, you know?"
"Fair enough."
"The vamps, though, they better get their asses to DEFCON ONE," Faith points to Buffy then looks at Laney, "'cause you and IΒ and Lane...are gonna have fun, you know, Watcherless and fancy-free." She smiles.
Buffy looks confused, "Watcherless?"
Faith looks around at everyone, "Didn't yours go to England, too?"
Giles stands at the end of the table with his hands in his pockets, reminiscing about the gatherings.
"There's a Watchers' retreat every year in the Cotswolds. It's a lovely spot. It's very s-serene. There's horse riding and hiking and punting," He smiles, "and lectures and discussions. It-i-it's... it's a great honor to be invited." He turns a tad bitter, "Or so I'm told."
"Geez doc... no invite?" Laney frowns wishing the older man had a chance to go to the retreat. He definitely needed it. He rarely took a break.
Faith waves a hand, "Oh, it's boring. Way too stuffy for a guy like you."
Buffy frowns, "Um, maybe I should introduce you again. Faith, this is Giles."
Willow smirks as Laney laughs and looks at Giles who begins to blush.
Faith nods, "I see him. If I'd've known they came that young and cute, I would've requested a transfer."
Giles takes off his glasses.
Buffy stands grossed out, "Raise your hand if 'ew'." She raises her hand.
Xander raises his, but hides it by scratching his cheek.
Laney rolls her eyes at the two, "Oh come on Giles is totally banging. If I didn't see him as a parental figure, but you gotta admit for how old he is, he is nice looking."
Giles chuckles, "Thank you. I think? Well, um, uh, leaving aside for a moment my, uh, youth and beauty. I'd-I'd say it was, um," He goes to the copier and grabs the newspaper, "fortuitous that Faith arrived when she did."
Willow shoots up her finger in the air loudly, "Aha!"
They all look at her.
"Sorry. I just meant... aha! There's big evil brewin'. You'll never be bored here, Faith." Faith grins at her, "Cause this is Sunnydale, home of the big brewin' evil."
Giles nods, "Yes, well, I don't know how big an evil it is, but, uh, two people have disappeared from the Sunset Ridge District."
He hands Buffy the newspaper. She and Faith quickly scan the article.
"Well, I'm good for patrolling. Late-ish, though. I promised Mom I'd be home for dinner."
She hands Xander the paper. Willow nods toward Faith while looking at Buffy with big eyes. Buffy turns her eyes to Faith, and gets the hint.
"Um, to which you're also invited, of course, dinner with us."
Faith shrugs, "Dyin' to meet the fam. I'm in." Faith turns to Laney and frowns, "Lane are you going?"
Laney grimaces and peeks over at Buffy who stammers, "Ugh we're not really... she reallly doesn't... we um-"
Giles smiles throwing an arm around Laney's shoulder, "She would love to."
Laney frowns head snapped towards Giles, "No she wouldn't."
Giles pats Laney's shoulder while giving her a firm stare before smiling at Faith once more, "She's just jesting. She will be there. Right Buffy?"
Buffy laughs uneasily as Laney glares at Giles, "Yeahhh... right."
Faith grins, "Great!"
Buffy seeming even less than thrilled grimaces, "Great! Great, then we can patrol, also together."
Willow interrupts, "Hey, don't you have that health science makeup?"
"Oh, yeah. Actually, I could use a little coaching."
Willow hops off of the table, smiling. Xander grabs his things behind him.
Willow turns to Faith, "You know, you can hang out with us while she's testing. You wanna?"
Buffy mumbles to herself, realizing she's just become invisible to them.
"Say yes and, uh, bring your stories." Xander smiles as he walks out past Faith.
Buffy goes to the table and sits, "You guys go. It's fine. Fine! I'll just... sit."
Faith looks to Buffy, "Okay. Hey, later." She then points to Giles, "We will talk weapons."
Laney rolls her eyes playfully at Faith who walks over to her and fist bumps her before completing their secret handshake with a pinky promise and kiss to their thumbs.
"Later girlfriend."
Laney smiles, "Bye Faye."
Faith follows Xander and Willow out of the library.
Giles watches her go as he points, "This, um, this new girl seems to have a lot of zest." He smiles as he leans against the table.
Buffy glares up at him.
"Isn't she great? Literally the best. What a breath of fresh air."
Buffy stares at her blankly.
Laney smirks, "Zesty fresh air."
Giles sensing the new tension as once before between the two quickly changes the subject.
"I-I-I've been having a little problem with the, uh, binding spell for Acathla. I-I-I'm lacking the, the requisite details to perform it correctly. Now, physical location. Acathla was facing south?"
"Mm-hm." Buffy points to three positions on the table, "Acathla, Angel, me." She makes a jabbing gesture through the three positions as she looks up at him, "Sword."
Giles clears his throat, "Now, see, that's what I thought, but I..."
Buffy interrupts and stands up pulling her backpack on, "Giles, look, I've got makeup tests to pass, missing people in Sunset Ridge, and a zesty new Slayer to feed. Next time I kill Angel, I'll video it."
Turning to Laney she sighs, "6 o'clock. Bring Faith would ya?"
She walks out of the library to go take her test. Giles seems confused as he watches her leave. Laney bites the inside of her cheek while staring ahead blankly.
"You alright Laney?"
Laney shakes her head slowly, "No... but it's fine. I'll be eventually..."
"Would you like to talk about it?" Giles sighs rubbing his temple as he sits in a chair beside hers.
"I can't even talk to Colby... and he's my boyfriend. You really think I can talk to you?"
"Doc you're like a dad to me... I couldn't even tell my real father about the abuse until it was too late... I really don't think I'll be spilling my guts about that night anytime soon."
"I'm not asking you to, Laney. I am asking you to let out your pain and hurt. To let go of the fear. I can see it. A sliver of it shows every time someone mentions his name. You flinch every once in a while when the door slams closed. If someone were to raise a hand towards you without warning-" Giles lifts his hand toward Laney as he says and she quickly grabs it and twists his arm behind his back.
Snapping out of her fight or flight senses when she hears Giles yelp in pain, Laney quickly lets him go and packs away.
"S-sorry... Giles I can't... what happened... t-that's not something I thought he would ever do. If the only way I could take it back was to become one of the things we kill... I would still choose that. I don't wish that on anyone. It's not fair..." Laney shrugs as her eyes begin to water, "Why me? What did I do?"
"Now Laney-"
"Is it because I cared? Because I listened to him. Was there for him? Trusted him? That was my mistake. Won't happen again..." Laney laughs painfully, "Actually it can't... he's dead. She killed him... I didn't even get to say goodby- Fuck I mean... no I didn't mean... Sorry I-I'm so confused. I hate him. With everything in my being I swear I do. But I miss my friend."
Giles nods and pulls Laney into a hug as she begins to sob.
"I'm sorry he hurt you. Lost your trust. I'm sorry you lost your friend. But you have to let him go. And let that night go."
"Talk to Colby."
"I can't."
"If you keep pushing him away you will lose him. Communication is all you two have. Don't let this break your relationship."
Later in the day, Willow, Faith and Xander come in through the door at the end of the hall giving Faith a tour.
Willow points at a door, "And over here, we have the cafeteria, where we were mauled by snakes."
Xander points down, "And this is the spot where Angel tried to kill Willow."
Willow frowns. Xander hisses in pain as he feels a slap to the back of his head.
He turns to see Cordelia and Laney glaring at him.
"And it's also going to be the spot where Cordelia and Laney kill Xander." Cordy grins.
Laney smiles, "Oh, and over there in the lounge is where Spike and his gang nearly massacred us all on Parent-Teacher night. Oh what fun!"
Faith is finding it all pretty incredible, and smiles, "Nice. Who's Spike? Sounds kinda hot."
"He totally is not." Laney gags.
Faith smiles nudging her new friend who she could read like a book, "Oh sure. I haven't even seen the guy and I know you so totally would shag him if he wasn't a bad guy."
"And if she wasn't with Colby!"
"Cordelia!" Laney slaps the girls arm making the taller brunette grimace and whisper sorry.
"You would though..." Faith agrees.
"You hush!"
They reach the stairs, and Willow points up to the landing.
"Oh, a-and up those stairs, I was sucked into a muddy grave."
They stop walking.
Xander smiles, "And they say young people don't learn anything in high school nowadays, but, um, I've learned to be afraid."
Willow nods in agreement.
Faith grins and laughs, "You guys are a hoot and a half. If I'd had friends like you in high school, I... probably still would've dropped out. But I might've been sad about it, you know?"
Willow and Xander give her understanding nods and exchange a smile.
Faith crosses her arms thinking to herself, "Hey, so what's up with B? I mean, she seems wound kinda tight. Needs to find the fun a little? Like you two. I mean even Lane isn't that bad and the girl has been through the wringer so I've heard."
Laney flinches slightly making Faith grimace.
Laney shrugs as Cordelia stands by rubbing her arm.
Willow bites her lip awkwardly, "Well, um, she..."
Faith spies the drinking fountain and points, "Oh. Water."
Willow and Xander turn to watch her go to the fountain.
"She's got something, doesn't she?" Xander says watching her intently.
Cordelia rolls her eyes, "What is it with you and Slayers? Maybe I should dress up as one and put a stake to your throat."
"Please, God, don't let that be sarcasm." Xander takes her arm and smiles.
Laney gags, "Ew now we know what Cordy's gonna be for Halloween."
Cordelia pushes Laney away playfully.
As Faith stands back from the water fountain, Scott comes out of the cafeteria and almost bumps into her. She jumps back surprised.
Scott smiles, "Oh. Excuse me."
Faith nods before looking at him curiously, "Sorry. I know you from somewhere."
Scott recognizes her also, "The Bronze. You're friends with Buffy, right?"
"Yeah. I'm Faith." She holds out her hand.
He accepts it, "I'm Scott. Nice to meet you."
Faith nods, "Nice to meet you!"
They let go of their handshake just as Buffy comes hopping down the stairs and joins the four.
"Well, I'm two for two with makeup tests. Proud, yes, but also humble in this time of..." She pauses as she notices them all staring, "We're looking at what?"
"Faye and Scotty boy." Laney chuckles already sensing the jealousy off Buffy's being.
Buffy glares lightly at Laney's smirk then looks also and sees Scott talking and laughing with Faith.
Cordelia looks at the girl admiringly, "Does anyone believe that is her actual hair color?"
She then realizes she was being nice and rolls her eyes in disbelief, walking away.
"Later losers, bye bestie."
"Bye Cordy. I'll call you later."
Willow smiles, "I haven't seen him laugh like that. Hey, maybe Faith and Scott could hit it off." Buffy looks at her, "I mean, if you're done with him."
Laney snorts out laughter as she begins to walk away to her next class. She forgot that she was still around the group and remembered that she still disliked them all. Well minus Cordy and Oz of course. She would only be around if those two and Faith were near. Other than that she had nothing to say to Buffy, Xander, nor Willow. Not anytime soon anyways.
Willow frowns realizes she's doing it again, "Not that you used him."
She furrows her brow, sighs and shuts up while she still can. Buffy looks back at the two of them talking.
"Well, I... hadn't definitely one hundred percent said no for all time. It's just, you know... You don't enter into these things lightly, you know. There's, there's repercussions to consider and..."
She sees Willow and Xander exchange a look.
"Why am I seeing a look?"
Willow looks at her, "You really do need to find the fun, B."
Buffy looks at Willow in surprise.
"Uffy... Buffy." Willow smiles awkwardly.
Buffy sighs and decides to head over to Faith and Scott.
Buffy smiles softly at the two, "Hey!"
Scott smiles with a nod, "Hey, Buffy! Uh, Faith has been telling me tall tales."
Buffy smiles big and takes her arm, "She's funny... And she's leaving. We have to go."
Scott frowns disappointed, "Oh..."
Faith shrugs lightly, "Bye."
Buffy pulls her away and down the hall.
Faith gestures back, "He's a cutie. Is he seeing anybody?"
Buffy just ignores her and continues down the hall.
Laney and Faith walk side by side as Laney slides past a message from Colby with a sigh.
"What's got you down, girlfriend? The boyfriend?"
Laney smiles sadly, "Funny... no."
Faith purses her lips, "Are you sure? I've seen his name pop up on your home screen about five times already. You guys seemed fine and loved up yesterday."
"Nothings wrong... just busy."
Faith stops in her steps and stares at the girl with a raised brow, "Doing what? Giving me a tour of demon city? Seriously, Laney what gives?"
Laney shrugs, "I-I just... have some things going on in my head. I'm trying to work them out. And figure out how to tell him..."
"Hmm so it's something you've been keeping a secret from him. You're not pregnant are you?"
Laney stares at Faith gobsmacked, "No! We haven't even... we haven't gotten that far yet."
"What? Why not? He's hot-" Faith chuckles with a stammer as she watches Laney's face turn serious, "for you. He's got the hots for you. And he's totally one thousand percent into you and only you. Are you scared that his head will turn after you guys pass that base?"
Laney shakes her head, "No... I'm scared to get to that base. I haven't really had good experiences when it comes to my choice of that base... if you get my drift."
Faith thinks for a moment and then puts two and two together, "I catch your drift, sadly... wait a minute-"
"Okay times up. No more digging."
Faith nods and zips her lips as she continues to think to herself. The past few times the name Angel was mentioned, Laney's body language always gave uncomfortable vibes. She would tense up. And if Cordelia or Colby was near, they would reassure her physically. If Giles was near his eyes would watch her. If Buffy was around she looked towards Laney with animosity. Even the tension between Laney and Buffy was very harsh, intense, and kind of a laugh.
"One last question."
Laney groans.
"Pleaseeee." Faith pouts.
Laney smiles rolling her eyes, "Fine. What?"
"What's up with you and Buffy?"
Laney pauses, "She's just very hard to be around. She doesn't realize that her insecurities hurts others too. She doesn't know what she has in front of her. She doesn't understand that other people can have similar skills and personalities. She's Buffy."
"And you're Laney."
Moments later, Faith and Laney walk into Buffy's house and sit at the table for dinner. Joyce is ecstatic to finally be serving dinner to someone other than Buffy.
Joyce smiles as she sets down a bowl, "So you're a Slayer, too. Isn't that interesting! Do you like it?"
Laney smiles at her new friend as Faith nods excitingly, "God, I love it!"
Buffy frowns wanting the bowl, "Uh, Mom?"
Joyce waves her off, scooping broccoli onto Faith then Laney's plate, "Uh, just a second, honey. You know, Buffy never talks that way. Laney has said it makes her feel strong and confident. I loved that answer by the way."
Laney grins, "Thanks Joyce."
"Mhmm. So Faith, why do you love it?"
Buffy gives up and grabs a pair of tongs to take some fries for herself.
"Well, when I'm fighting, it's like the whole world goes away and I only know one thing: that I'm gonna win and they're gonna lose. I like that feelin'." She digs into her food.
Joyce smiles at that and takes her seat.
"Period. We love a confident Queen."
Buffy laughs lightly and unhumored by the two girls, "Well, sure. Beats that dead feeling you get when they win and you lose."
Laney frowns, "Well that's lame..."
Faith nods, "Yeah I don't let that kind of negative thinking in."
Laney shrugs, "Don't be a negative Nancy."
Joyce points at the two girls shaking her finger, "Right. They're right. That could get you hurt. Buffy can be awfully negative sometimes." She turns to Buffy and smiles, "See, honey, you gotta fight that."
Buffy smiles back weakly, "I'm working on it." She keeps taking fries angrily as Joyce notices Faith's empty glass.
"Oh, Faith, honey, can I get you another soft drink?"
Faith hands over the glass, "Oh, you bet."
"Right." She goes into the kitchen then sticks her head back out and points to Laney, "And I got your tea too, sweetheart."
"Thanks momma J."
Joyce nods and disappears once more.
"She's really cool, huh?" Faith grins.
"Best mom ever." Buffy looks back into the kitchen, "Excuse me."
She gets up and goes as Faith grabs a bottle of hot sauce, gives it a sniff and grimaces. Laney giggles and shakes her head.
"What are you using that for? The broccoli?"
"Why not?" Faith shrugs.
"Because you'll be shitting all night."
"Leave me and my shit be."
The two girls laugh making Buffy roll her eyes as she enters the kitchen. Joyce gets out a bottle of cola, brings it to the island and opens it.
"I like this girl, Buffy." She pours the soda as she sits in a stool, "She's very personable. And she's brought Laney out of her shell again. I know the sweet girl has had a hard few months."
Buffy chuckles humorlessly, "She gets along with my friends, my Watcher, my mom." Buffy leans back and looks into the dining room, "Look, now she's getting along with my fries."
Joyce closes the soda bottle, "Now, Buffy..."
"Plus, at school today, she was making eyes at my not-boyfriend... This is creepy."
Joyce crosses her arms, "Does anybody else think Faith is creepy?"
Buffy pouts, "No, but I'm the one getting single-white-femaled here."
"It's probably good you were an only child." Joyce nods standing up once more going back to the fridge to grab some sweet tea for Laney.
"Mom, I'm just getting my life back. I'm not looking to go halfsies on it."
"Well, there are some things I'd be happy to see you share. Like the slaying. I mean, two of you fighting is safer than one, right? I don't think Laney should be fighting in her condition so it's good that Faith is here to take her place."
Buffy rolls her eyes once more not sure why Laney needed a break and not her, "I guess."
"Unless, I mean, you heard her. She loves the slaying. Couldn't she take over for you?"
"Mom, no one can take over for me."
"But you're going to college next year. I think it would be..."
"Mom, the only way you get a new Slayer is when the old Slayer dies."
This quickly registers in Joyce's mind, and she straightens back up. Buffy realizes she's just said way too much.
"Then that means you..." Joyce frowns upset, "When did you die? You never told me you died!"
Buffy grimaces, "No, i-it was just for a few minutes."
Joyce starts to pace nervously, "Oh, I hate this. I hate your life."
"Mom, I..."
Joyce faces her daughter, "Look, I-I know you didn't choose this, I know it chose you." She takes a breath suddenly seeming very solemn, "I have tried to march in the 'Slayer Pride' parade, but... I don't want you to die."
Buffy lowers her eyes, shakes her head and gives her mother a warm hug.
"I'm not gonna die. I know how to do my job." Buffy releases the hug, "Besides, like you said, I've got help now."
She looks into the living room to see Faith picking at everything in sight and stuffing it into her mouth as Laney smirks at her stealing fries off Buffy's plate.
Buffy raises her eyebrows, "I've got all the help I can stand."
Buffy and Faith walk strolling along the street, looking around for any vampires as Faith finishes her conversation with Laney on the phone.
'Sorry I couldn't come with. I have to finish this paper or else Giles won't write me a pass to skip history class.'
Faith laughs, "How did you get him to agree to that?"
'I told him I would help him organize his weapons cage. But really me and Cordy will be at the mall.'
"Nice. Well I better go. B is glaring holes into my head right now."
Laney laughs, 'Been there. Well I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know how much fun you have!'
"Oh totally. Later."
Faith hangs up and frowns as she looks around the empty road, "Didn't we, um, do this street already?"
Buffy raises an eyebrow surprised the girl even noticed seeing as she was talking to Laney on the phone half the patrol, "Funny thing about vamps. They'll hit a street even after you've been there. It's like they have no manners."
Faith shrugs, "Mm. You've been doing this the longest."
Buffy nods, "I have." She says sternly.
Faith shrugs, "Yeah. Maybe a little too long."
Buffy looks at Faith frowning, "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?"
"You got a problem?"
Faith spreads her arms out by her side smiling, "I'm five-by-five, B, living entirely large, actually wondering about your problem." She points at Buffy.
"Well, I may not sleep in the nude and rassle alligators..."
"Maybe it's time you started, 'cause obviously something in your bottle needs uncorking. What is it," Faith gestures wildly, "the, the Angel thing?"
Buffy stops in her tracks, "What do you know about Angel?"
Faith faces her, copping an attitude, "Just what your friends tell me: big love, big loss. You oughta deal and move on, but you're not."
She didn't bring up Laney. She wanted to see if Buffy brought her up first. She wanted to figure out what Laney had to do with Angel if Buffy was the one all loved up with him.
Buffy steps closer, "I got an idea: how about from now on, we don't hear from you on Angel or anything else in my life. Which, by the way, is my life."
"What are you getting so strung out for, B?"
"Why are your lips still moving, F?"
Faith smirks, "Did I just hear a threat?"
Buffy glares, "Would you like to?"
"Wow. Think you can take me?"
"Yeah." She groans as she looks over Faith's shoulder, "I just hope they can't."
She shoves Faith aside as a vampire attacks, making her fall to the ground. Buffy punches the vamp in the gut, and he goes flying onto his back. A second one comes in and takes a swing at Buffy, but she ducks him. She middle blocks his wide punch and low blocks his next punch. She then punches him in the face and the gut. She takes his head in both hands and twists. His body follows the motion, and he log rolls down to the ground. Faith gets back up and grabs a nearby trashcan. A third vampire runs in and punches Buffy in the face. He goes around behind her and trips her with his outstretched leg, making her fall to the ground.
Behind him Faith crams the trashcan down over his head, blinding him.
She takes hold of the can and pushes him into a sheet of drywall. The board breaks and falls on top of him as he falls over. One of the others dives for Buffy, but she rolls out of the way and onto her feet.
Immediately she crouches down and stakes him in the chest. He bursts into ashes. The other one grabs her from behind and pulls her away.
Faith's opponent is back up, and she spins around once and does a side kick, getting him in the stomach. The kick forces him back, and he knocks his head hard into a low pipe behind him. Buffy's attacker throws her onto a stack of plywood. She hits the wall behind it, but quickly gets to her feet. The vampire jumps onto the stack just in time to be side kicked in the stomach. He flies back and lands on a dumpster hard on his back, rolls off and falls to the ground. Faith's assailant punches her in the face, but she isn't fazed in the least. She blocks two punches with her forearms and then backhand punches him in the face.
"My dead mother hits harder than that!"
She grabs him by the sweater and throws him onto a couple of sheets of drywall laid across two sawhorses. They break instantly under his weight. She runs up to him, grabs his sweater and punches him in the face. Buffy flips her opponent in an awkward open front layout, and he lands hard on a large duct pipe, which crushes under him. She looks over at Faith, who is whaling away on her vampire with continuous punches to the face. At least when Laney was patrolling with her, she helped kill the vampires no matter how much they disliked one another at the time.
"Faith! Stake him already and give me a hand!"
Still another vampire grabs her by her jacket and throws her to the ground. Buffy lands on her stomach near a piece of wood lying there. The vampire and her original attacker both make a grab for her. Meanwhile Faith keeps whaling on her victim.
"This is me, you undead bastard!"
Buffy reaches desperately for the piece of two-by-four in front of her.
Vampire, "For Kakistos we live! For Kakistos you'll die!"
Buffy glances up at him for an instant, then continues desperately clawing for the hunk of wood.
Buffy screams, "FAITH!"
Faith pays her no attention and just keeps punching her vampire to a pulp.
Buffy keeps reaching for the two-by-four. Faith continues her pounding. Buffy finally manages to grab the board, and she swings it up and beans one of the vampires in the face with it, and turning to the other, push kicks him off of her. She quickly gets to her feet and looks over at Faith.
The one she kicked off makes a grab at her from behind, and she instinctively turns and jams the makeshift stake home. The vampire crumbles to ashes. She drops the hunk of wood, reaches into her jacket for a proper stake and heads over to Faith. Faith is still whaling on the vampire, long after he's too dazed to fight back.
"You can't touch me!"
She shakes the vampire a bit before going back to punching him. Buffy comes up behind her, grabs her by the waist and pulls her off of him.
She them thrusts down with her stake and dusts him. Without skipping a beat she confronts Faith with her behavior.
"What is wrong with you?"
Faith shrugs, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you 'living large' on that vampire!"
"Gee, if doing violence to vampires upsets you, I think you're in the wrong line of work!"
"Yeah, or maybe you like it a little too much."
Faith rolls her eyes, "I was getting the job done."
"The job is to slay demons! Not beat them to a bloody pulp while their friends corner me!"
Faith chuckles annoyed, "I thought you could handle yourself."
She doesn't say anything more as she walks away leaving Buffy to think to herself what a mess it had been since Faith showed up into town.
I can't believe this update is so long! Yall I did it!! Finally put out a new chapter! I loved writing this chapter and can't wait to read your comments!! I'm going to enjoy writing Faith and Laneys growth, connection, and downfall.
I can't wait until Angel shows back up... yall are in for a story!!!!
And then spike!!
But I do love my Colby. Can't replace him. He will be more in the next chapter. π¬ππ
How do we feel about Faith and Laney?
Buffy and Faith?
Buffy and Laney?
Cordy and Laney?
Giles and Laney?
Giles and Faith? π³
Future predictions...
Any special requests?
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